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South Africa part 4: The Soviet war against South Africa

South Africa part 4: The Soviet war against South Africa
Well I'm getting a good impression of why I waited 2 years to write this series. But we have arrived at the climax. Each part of the South Africa series explains crucial concepts as well as leads to the next part
We ended part 3 in 1910 with the initiation of the Union of South Africa. Afrikaner nationalism had been crushed and a British style government created. We'll cover what happens in the next part but the next 50 years are pretty good for South Africa as well and it gets stronger not weaker. The 30 after that are devastating and bring it down. You might ask how was this done? The South Africa of 1910 and 1960 is a country with a healthy economy with vibrant mining at its core. It has British naval protection for its southern shores and is surrounded by friendly countries for 1000 miles to the north. The South Africa of 1990 is a militarily exhausted country with hostiles on every border feeding arms to internal 5th columnists who eventually take power. What happened in the late 1980s doesn't make sense without understanding how South Africa became militarily exhausted, surrounded by enemies and lost control of its borders. This part will discuss how it happened. But I'll start with a warning that all the action we will discuss will take place outside South Africa.

Map of Africa
I want you for a moment to imagine yourself as a Soviet strategist in 1960 during the Cold War trying to think about how to take Southern Africa for the Soviet block and remove it from the Western alliance. Because of their extensive mineral wealth the two main targets for are the Belgian Congo (Zaire) and British South Africa. Everything else is a means to an end, those two are the ends.
The vast majority of the population in Southern Africa is oppressed by the colonial and post-colonial structures. In most countries the colonial forces are weak, the metropoles have mostly lost the will to fight hard. The indigenous populations permanently loyal to the metropoles are small. A huge majority population opposes their rule or can be easily radicalized by the promises of achieving the same successful decolonizations (remember this is 1960) that have happened all over the planet. There are obviously some exceptions like Botswana where they colonial regime is popular. South Africa is sort of median where the importation of the Afrikaner population in the 17th century by the Dutch and their growth (even including the genocide of the 1890s) means the West/British do have a loyal population that is substantial but not remotely a majority and the post-colonial government is extremely unpopular with the black population.
These former (and sometimes current) Western colonies all interconnect so they currently support one another. Which means they have to be attacked as a group. To make this doable at reasonable cost you are going to have to focus on the weak points, flip those and then use those holes to go after the harder targets. Belgium's Congo (Zaire) colony is completely isolated, the government incompetent and short sighted and absolutely detested by the population. This is one of the two targets, flipping the Congo is not going to be hard so this goes first. South Africa conversely is likely the hardest target with its excellent defensive position and good internals. South Africa is also the most militarily powerful. South Africa is the keystone of the Western position, victory here is victory over Southern Africa. Lose here and the West likely can regain ground. So there is no avoiding South Africa. Southern Africa is far from Russia and the USA is going to be able to block a major invasion force. So direct interference is out you are going to be using typical Marxist / Soviet strategy of internal subversion mostly with military aide and advisors rather than straight up external conquest to flip these countries. This sort of strategy also has the benefit of being considerably cheaper than directly invading. South Africa can hold any one of these colonies by itself but likely can't hold all of them at the same time while having to repress their population. So obviously make Sough Africa constantly fight on multiple fronts simultaneously.
There are some tribes which are happy about the current colonial or post-colonial structures: Botswana and Swaziland for example. Botswana is a terrific border for South Africa but the population views themselves as having benefited enormously from colonialism and the tribes there adore British rule. Those are going to be much hard targets to hold much like Eastern European locations like Poland or Hungary are today. Our goal is to exhaust South Africa so we want them fighting on hostile terrain always. These happy colonies don't interconnect so they can't form a wall which means they can safely be pushed off. Swaziland is out. Botswana despite its excellent map location is out as well. They can safely go after South Africa.
So after the Belgian Congo what's the next tempting target? Portuguese Angola and Mozambique are both terrific. A hated and incompetent administration. Mozambique directly borders South Africa and Angola directly borders Namibia a South African colony. So South African logistics will be easy and the terrain hostile. Terrific way to make them spend a fortune. Those are obviously going to be the best first targets because internal subversion will work so well. That will take time but once you are successful that gets you an equal footing with the British for cross support into slightly harder targets. After you subvert the countries where the colonial administration is weak and destructive you spread out to places where the colonial administration is either weak or destructive but not both. Looking at the map the two Rhodesias and South Africa's colony in Namibia come immediately to mind. These being friendly are for South Africa vital national interests. South Africa is going to be forced to be directly fighting you there. South Africa will militarily exhaust itself having to fight Soviet expansion on unfriendly ground where you not they will have support of the locals on multiple front simultaneously.
Which bring us to South Africa itself. After you are successful flipping the "or" states you would have South Africa completely surrounded by enemies. You will be able to feed weapons and money to elements in South Africa friendly to the Soviets (i.e. the Xhosa and some other tribes) and perform internal subversion there even against the now militarily exhausted Afrikaners. Make the Afrikaners fight you to exhaustion on unfriendly ground before challenging them more seriously on their home country's more friendly ground so they are weaker when they have to challenge the Xhosa. Were the Afrikaners better strategists they would see their way out of this trap but instead they have that German strategic tendency to not separate hazards but rather constantly get themselves into two front battles. Oh look at this they just added another front. The Afrikaners are creating tension with the British just when they will need each other to contain the Soviet threat (discussed in part 6)!
The obvious strategy to anyone who reads the map is precisely what the Soviets did. That's how South Africa was defeated. College students pushing divestment campaigns, not letting South Africans play international soccer and rugby, and boycotts by rock musicians did nothing. Millions died in Mozambique because they got South African border first and thus bore the full brunt of South Africa's counter attack. Incidentally they were knocked out of the war, and Mozambique 3 decades later still hasn't recovered from the damage they took. Hundreds of thousands died in Angola and in Zimbabwe. And that's not counting the economic devastation of decades of war. Regime change in South Africa took the lives of millions of Africans fighting and dying in these Southern African wars so as to tighten the noose around the Afrikaner government. Claiming it was western college students if to my mind spitting on their graves. It is both insulting and ridiculous.
Here is a table outlining how the Soviets beat South Africa':
Colony Name Current state name Name of war(s) Years of war Years of South Africa involvement
Mozambique Mozambique Mozambican War of Independence, Mozambican Civil War 1965-92 1974-84
Angola Angola Angolan War of Independence, Angolan Bush War 1961-90 (approximately 1968) - 1988 (heavy 1975-88)
South Rhodesia Zimbabwe Bush War 1964-1979 1964-79 (heavy 1972-79)
South West Africa Namibia South African Border War 1950-1990 1950-90 (heavy 1975-88)

It is not hard to see from this table why South Africa entered the late 1980s, exhausted and far weaker from 4 wars on hostile terrain. It is not hard to see why the South Africa of the late 1980s was far easier to flip than it was in 1960. We haven't got to the actually flipping of South Africa but we have gotten to the fatal wounding.
If you want to stop reading this article everything below the line is just a few more details of these battles and is not fundamental to the narrative.
Mozambique -- This is the country with the worst of the fighting from South Africa. Portugal was having to fight simultaneous colonial rebellions in Cape Verde, Guinea, Angola and Mozambique. In Mozambique the opponent was FRELIMO (Frente de Libertação de Moçambique). In the first wave of the war Portugal sent in a large army with the Soviets and the Chinese arming FRELIMO. Quickly the local population started supporting FRELIMO and Tanzania offered strategic depth to FRELIMO. By 1967 FRELIMO has holding territory 1/5th of the country and 1/7th of the population. In 1969 Portugal realized they were losing and began conducting a large scale development operation to get the population back on their side. They also began recruiting a native army to fight FRELIMO called "Flechas units". FRELIMO responded with lots of urban terrorism against towns providing Flechas and the war started to take on characteristic of a civil war with outsiders providing arms and troops to both sides. In 1974 the Portuguese army tired of the colonial wars staged a coup ending Portuguese involvement. They evacuated the Portuguese civilians (approximately 300k) and handed Mozambique over to FRELIMO. Mozambique was directly on South Africa's border and FRELIMO was a Soviet proxy. The ANC was immediately able to move their base from Tanzania to Mozambique. South Africa had not choice but to take up the fight.
The Portuguese who had been forced out were the bulk of Mozambique's middle class without them FRELIMO couldn't operate the economy. Industrial and social recession, corruption, poverty, inequality and failed central planning made the economic problems worse. South Africa and South Rhodesia (north Rhodesia was already felled) became the state sponsor for RENAMO (Resistência Nacional Moçambicana) guerillas in 1975. By 1977 they were in fighting shape and took an economic situation in Mozambique that was already dreadful and made it much worse. In addition to extensive military casualties over 1m Mozambicans died from famine as a result of the dreadful economy. In 1984 Mozambique surrendered signing the Nkomati Accord taking Mozambique out of the fight against South Africa. The civil war took another 8 years to wind down and Mozambique has still not recovered from the damage.
Zimbabwe -- This country changed names a lot during the few decades. South Rhodesia (1923-65), Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland (1953-63), Rhodesia (1965-70), Republic of Rhodesia (1970-9), Zimbabwe Rhodesia (1979), Zimbabwe (1980-) all refer to essentially the same place. Zambia (North Rhodesia) was given independence early to make South Rhodesia easier to defend. There wasn't a war for the North. In the South on the Soviet side we had Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army, the military wing of Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU); and the Zimbabwe People's Revolutionary Army of Joshua Nkomo's Zimbabwe African People's Union (ZAPU). Yugoslavia (Soviet client state) was throwing money are arms at everyone anti-South Africa. ZANU got additional help from China, Libya, Tanzania and Ethiopia. ZAPU was getting direct Soviet assistance, Zambia, Bulgaria, East Germany and Cuba. On the side of the Afrikaners we had the white Rhodesians themselves and South Africa getting some light assistance from Israel and Portugal. Additional South African intelligence resources likely helped divert Polish munition intended for Uganda (Idi Amin) to Rhodesia.
The South Africans held on a long time but this was another exhausting war. First Phase (1964–1972), Second Phase (1972–1979). During the Second phase South Africa upped their financial aide and directly contributing about 5,000 of their own troops. Total size being subsidized throughout was 8,000-11,000 additional police at all times, 19,000-35,000 additional police reserves to handle uprisings
The white civilians themselves were also acting as militias. Even woman frequently carried submachine guns when out in public. Civilian transport used convoy techniques. As the militias began to be able to inflict losses on local guerilla groups (particularly ZANU) ZANU turned to mass mining of roads and the South Africans responded by developing mine resident vehicles and helping subsidize their purchase for civilian use.
By 1975 the Rhodesians made a last attempt to win the war and used chemical weapons against guerilla water supplies as well as good depots. This proved effective though of course civilian casualties among the black population were high. When this didn't break the back of the guerillas the local Rhodesians and the guerilla forces agreed they were at a military stalemate and entered into negotiations for majority rule and while the war would continue until 1979 the violence peaked in 1975-6. Ignoring details Robert Mugabe emerged as dictator of the new Zimbabwe and created a regime based on: economic mismanagement, widespread corruption, anti-white racism, human rights abuses, and crimes against humanity until 2017 when he was ousted in a coup. One can count frequent massacres of tens of thousands under Mugabe among civilians as a consequence and cost of the war.
Angola The second prong of the Soviet attack against would be Namibia giving the Soviets direct access on both the North East and North West of South Africa. To get to Namibia the Soviets had to cut through Angola which like Mozambique was a Portuguese colony. During the late 1960s South Africa began directly helping Portugal in the Angolan War of Independence with aircraft and helicopters. The colonial Portuguese airforce and the South African airforce were united. Starting in 1974 Portugal was brokering a peace which mainly involved their withdraw the hope of avoiding Portuguese whites from being driven out. By 1975 Cuba was backing Communist factions of black fighters with South Africa backing opposition black factions. The Soviet Union intervened directly to keep Cuba focused on South African containment and not the political policy in Angola. Cubans doubled then quadrupled their forces by 1976, with Sweden acting as a political mouthpiece for Cuban / Soviet policy. Israel in 1976 became an arms dealer to South African backed groups with mixed American backing (i.e. American governmental factions were divided) with the CIA on Israel/South Africa's side. With the USA involved the Soviets were more free to up their involvement. The Americans escalated again and in 1979 were able to broker another peace agreement preventing this war from becoming a direct conflict between the 1st and 2nd world. With Angolan factions receiving tactical training and arms from many side battles went from dozens to thousands dying at approximately World War 2 levels of sophistication. This proxy war and direct fighting continued straight through to 1988 when South Africa had to withdraw from both Angola and Namibia.
Namibia Namibia was the second half of the Soviet border attack. Namibia had been German and thus had been made a protectorate (colony) of South Africa's after World War 1. In the late 1940s South Africa began trying to establish apartheid in Namibia turning the vast majority of the population against their rule. Several of the ethnic homelands bordered Angola directly. By the 1950s the natives had two major organizations: South West African National Union (SWANU) and South West African People's Organisation (SWAPO). SWAPO would fight until independence becoming the People's Liberation Army of Namibia (PLAN). By 1975 SWAPO/PLAN was getting direct arms from the Soviets, Cuba, and Angola. This involvement kept South Africa fighting in Angola as well as Namibia tying up thousands to troops for decades. By 1988 South Africa signed the Triparte Agreement with Cuba and Angola ending the colonial war and handing Namibia over to SWAPO. Namibia would have been a terrific base for Soviet action but by then both South Africa and the Soviets were on their last legs. As a result and much to SWAPO's credit SWAPO did keep their promise and Namibia had multiparty democracy under an agreed upon constitutional system.
Botswana -- I wanted to cover because its an obvious border country. It was peaceful here is why. King Kharma III (1872–1873, 1875–1923) was chief of the Bangwato tribe. In his early 20s (1850s) he allied himself and his regime with British missionaries converting to Christianity and encouraging other Botswanans to. This alliance allowed him to carry out a missionary led technological transformation of Botswana. The economy exploded as he opened primary schools (some secondary and even a college), grain silos, water reticulation systems.... The British helped him encouraged free and a trade economy. Moreover Kharma was able to use his influence with the missionaries to prevent Afrikaner settlement and thus there were no white settlers. Because of the alliance the Bangwato had British help in oppressing the San tribe that didn't agree to this pro western approach to this day. Remained friendly throughout South African history. When Zimbabwe People's Revolutionary Army and Umkhonto we Sizwe bases appeared drawing it into the fighting it formed its own military to chase them off. Current military is weak but is mostly USA trained and aligned with USA goals militarily.
submitted by JeffB1517 to IsraelPalestine [link] [comments]

"You've hit another cargo ship? The Problems with the US Navy: Not all of them begin with "Seven" and end with "th Fleet".

Rule Brittania America! America rules the waves!
Americans will never be slaves!

Welcome to yet another in my series of effortposts detailing the complex situation developing in the East Asia-Pacific Region, with today covering a portion of one of the biggest players--the United States, and, specifically, the United States Navy, which has decided that the best response to a massive naval arms race is to just go right out and decommission a large chunk of the fleet with no plans for replacements--not that they have much choice in the matter, as it was made for them in the late 1990s and early 2010s. I thought the condition of the US Navy was bad when I started this--but I didn't quite get just how dismal the outlook actually is, even with limited efforts being undertaken to fix some of these problems.
  1. What you [might] need to know about South Korea's ludicrous arms buildup
  2. We shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches.... uh, what do we do after that again?: The Perilous Defensive Position of Taiwan
  3. "You've hit another cargo ship? The Problems with the US Navy: Not all of them begin with "Seven" and end with "th Fleet"."
  4. [preliminary, some variant on the pun thereof] China has a PLAN

7th Fleet = the largest fleet in the US Navy and the one responsible for East Asia
AEGIS = Aegis combat system, the awesomest and most sophisticated combat system afloat by a mile, with only the latest Chinese destroyers beginning to come anywhere close, mostly used by the US Navy but also by Australia [full version] and Japan and South Korea [downgraded versions]
SSN = Nuclear attack submarine, or just attack submarine [US only] or fast attack
SSBN = Ballistic missile submarine, nuclear-powered, shoots nukes, part of strategic deterrent, also called boomer
SSGN = Cruise missile submarine, nuclear powered, primary armament is cruise missiles--sort of overlaps with newer SSNs, which incorporate VLS [vertical launch system] tubes for launching missiles
SSK = Diesel-electric attack submarine
Guided-missile cruiser = Cruiser that mostly shoots missiles, usually larger than destroyers
Guided-missile destroyer = Destroyer that mostly shoots missiles
Frigate = Whatever's smaller than a destroyer but still used in the open ocean, multipurpose generally
Littoral Combat Ship = Like a frigate except more expensive and more terrible in every single way
Navy SEALs= Named for Sea Air Land, the SEALs are the Navy's "contribution" to American Special Forces, and operate in all domains, not just in a marine role
Operational Tempo = Opstempo = basically the amount of stuff that the military is doing. Doing more with less means a higher opstempo.

1. Maritime vs Continental

This dives a little into IR theory, somewhat derived from one of the classics, Raymond Aron, a French thinker who is all too little known outside of France and the continent. I haven't read his stuff on this topic for a bit, so I may have forgotten some parts of this. In essence, Aron divides great powers into two types--the maritime and the continental. Maritime states are based around trade, openness, liberty, and other good things, and develop strong navies to protect their interests, particularly in trade. The Dutch and British were both maritime states, so was Athens, and, today, the United States, which has lacked a continental rival since the end of the Civil War. Continental powers, on the other hand, are more insular and autocratic, more focused on their army and their neighbors. Prussia, and later Germany, was one, as was the Soviet Union, and now China. While all of them certainly had navies, they were not top priorities--not key to their success. For the US, though, its navy is essentially the most important part of its armed forces, as only with the Navy can the US enforce its standards of trade, mount small expeditionary wars, and fight against foreign powers. The maritime domain is also the primary one through which power is projected. So as a result, the US Navy is really pretty important, all things considered--not just to the US, even, but to the entire world.

2. The Mighty American Navy

From the very beginning, America had a particular interest in naval affairs, due to a combination of its British heritage and a rapidly growing industry in fishing and commerce, centered around New England. The very first foreign wars fought by the US were conducted by the Navy against the Barbary pirates of the Mediterranean, and this naval tradition continued through the rest of the century, with the US Navy fighting pirates and opening new areas to American trade, from which the US has derived its wealth and power--most famously in its expeditions to East Asia, in which the US forced several nations--Japan most notably--to open themselves to trade at gunpoint. The US Navy only really came into its own, though, around the turn of the 20th century, as the US began to assert itself as a dominant power. The US already dominated merchant shipping and shipbuilding, and, beginning in the late 1880s, began building an absolutely massive fleet of pre-dreadnought battleships [sound familiar to anyone? This will probably be covered in the next post on China's navy].

The US Navy, in its modern incarnation, first tasted blood against the Spanish, in a series of lopsided victories against the declining power. It then went on to fight in the First World War, though never in a large set battle the likes of Jutland, and rather mostly as a counter-U-boat force. By the conclusion of the First World War, the US was one of the world's three great naval powers--the UK being the first and Japan the third. Shipbuilding was suppressed for a time by the Washington Naval Treaty, but by the late 1930s and early 1940s the Navy was the focus of American efforts to prepare for war, as shipbuilding takes substantially longer than most other tasks required in a military buildup. Then, of course, came Pearl Harbor--a dramatic blow that failed to cripple the US Navy and set it against Japan and, to a lesser extent, Germany. After a series of setbacks, the USN won a stunning victory at Midway [whether due to luck or skill, it is disputed] and from then on the US went pretty much undefeated to the end of the war, and, indeed, until the present. Lessons from the Second World War heavily influence American naval thinking even to this day, and some of them are the following:

Since WWII, the US Navy has only come to blows a few times, and it has generally distinguished itself in each case. The USS Liberty survived repeated Israeli attacks, sustaining casualties yet remaining afloat. The USS Stark survived a hit from an Exocet missile, again demonstrating a very effective and strong damage control tradition [which seems to be a particular talent of the USN--see the fate of the Yorktown after being thought destroyed multiple times during the Second World War]. US warships have survived collisions with freighters and suicide bombings by small boats. They're tough, really tough--it's telling that even the highly capable Royal Navy lost four ships in the Falklands to missiles that failed to take out even a small American warship. The US has also done quite well in the offense, too, destroying Libyan and Iranian warships with relative ease [built by the Soviets and British respectively]. The US Navy has also generally been on the leading edge of naval technology--its AEGIS combat system and AN-SPY1 radar are unparalleled in capability, its ballistic missile submarines carry more missiles and are quieter than their peers, and, well, you get the idea. However, the US Navy has some serious problems.

3. Corruption

I'm using corruption in a fairly broad sense here.
Our first, largest, and most pressing issue goes by the alias of "Fat Leonard", and, yes, this scandal is almost comical in its scope. In short, in exchange for steering contracts for naval services--everything from sewage disposal to sending in divers to search harbors for explosives--towards Leonard Glenn Francis, a Malaysian national whose 350lb [160kg] plus bulk earned him the nomiker of "Fat Leonard", officers in the Seventh Fleet [you're going to hear more about these guys] were provided with everything from cash to luxury vacations to visits from Fat Leonard's "Thai Navy SEAL Team" of prostitutes. 33 people were directly embroiled in the scandal, but what matters is who these people were--the top officers in the Seventh Fleet, and mostly flag officers at that. It also crippled the careers of hundreds of innocent officers who were merely in proximity to the guilty, who had to be investigated and were often not freed from suspicion for years afterwards. One admiral said the following: "China could never have dreamt up a way to do this much damage to the U.S. Navy's Pacific leadership."

Then, we have the destroyer collisions. Yes, collisions plural. The USS Fitzgerald and USS John McCain, both Arleigh Burke-class destroyers from the Seventh Fleet, hit different cargo vessels in Southeast Asia in separate incidents three months apart. In both cases the problems were similar--a lack of sleep, poor leadership, and poor situational awareness. This showcased what many sailors had known for years--that the Navy had a culture issue, that lack of sleep was a serious problem aboard ships, that training was insufficient and leadership erratic, especially in the Seventh Fleet, which, anecdotally, most sailors seem to avoid at all costs. It also highlighted a problem which has been afflicting almost the entire US military--aging equipment and an excessive operational tempo. This humiliating chain of events showcased these problems to the entire world.

After that, we have an array of problems. The Navy SEALs are by far the most guilty, and are, these days, despised in the military. In between everything from SEALs falsifying records and thus both covering up their cowardice and preventing an Air Force combat controller from receiving a Medal of Honor--this coverup was enabled by top brass, too, not just the SEALs--a group of SEALs raping a corpsman and thus getting the SEALs sent home from Iraq, and numerous other incidents, along with their tendency to hog attention, publicity, books and movies, the SEALs are so hated by other military members, even sometimes inside the Navy, that some might think about murdering a SEAL if they could get away with it--oh wait, no, that was the SEALs that murdered a Green Beret. But it's not just the SEALs. It's dog teams that hazed members and had at least two members commit suicide. It's submariners that placed cameras in the female showers. Now, it's not as if the other service branches don't have their problems and scandals every so often--but the Navy seems to be particularly guilty.

Thus, we have our first problem. A rotten culture. But this is really only the tip of the iceberg of the problems the US Navy has right now.

4. An Aging Fleet

The US Navy, like most of the US Armed Forces, has been hurt pretty bad by the "Peace Dividend" of the 1990s, and also from spending in the early 2000s when naval matters were simply not a top priority. Since the Navy operates on a greater lag than any other service branch--it takes quite some time to build ships--this is especially important. Below are several platforms which just... aren't there, or are going to see major gaps. In particular, the US Navy is going to have a rough time in the late 2020s as several platforms age out.

Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser
These ships are probably still the most potent in the US Navy, aside from the newest Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, which are expected to replace them. However, they are proving expensive to maintain, and are beginning to hit their 35-year end of life--the Navy actually has some plans to decommission some of them early [which I actually support for reasons addressed later], but as things presently stand they are expected to all be out of service by 2030. In the meantime, only 11 Flight III Arleigh Burke-class destroyers are scheduled to take the place of this 22-strong class, which was originally to be replaced by a cruiser variant of the Zumwalt.

Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer
As if replacing the "Ticos" wasn't enough trouble already, the Arleigh Burke class also is reaching end of service life for the earliest production units, starting in 2026, and 13 are expected to be out of service by 2030 unless expensive service-life extensions are funded. This class was supposed to be replaced by the Zumwalt, but, instead, has been kept in production, albeit in modernized versions. It's also now the Navy's do-everything tool because it has no frigates or smaller combat vessels, except for the LCS, which generally doesn't work.

Littoral Combat Ship/complete and total lack of frigates
The Littoral Combat Ship program has been a fiasco, and the ships produced are pretty much useless--so terrible that the Navy has made up excuses to decommission four vessels barely a decade old, that the Navy doesn't want any more LCSes, and that there have been serious proposals to replace the Littoral Combat Ship with forty-year-old Oliver Hazard Perry class frigates. The fact that the only frigate currently in service with the US Navy is the USS Constitution has also been irksome to many. This problem, at least, looks to be finally solved. The US Navy has begun building a very capable frigate based on the popular European FREMM design, and is planning on building two ships a year throughout the 2020s [and rumors say that the Navy likes the design so much we may see as many as 60 of these new, cheap, small ships].

Los Angeles class nuclear attack submarine
These boats are reaching the end of their service lives, and, despite Navy efforts to extend their service lives by up to ten years, they're wearing out and not much can be done about it. As a result of the fact that their successor, the Seawolf class, was cancelled after three vessels were constructed, and that the Virginia class until recently was not a high priority in spending, the attack submarine fleet is projected to drop to 41 in 2029, despite the US Navy saying that it needs 66 at the very least--and in my view that's a conservative estimate.

Ohio class nuclear cruise missile submarine/ballistic missile submarine
These boats are all projected to, very consistently, hit their 42-year service lives [already extended from design expectations] and will have to be retired starting in 2023 [2026 for the ballistic missile subs] and will finally all be out of service in 2039. In the meantime, though, in the mid-2020s the US Navy will lose one of its most potent assets--the Ohio-class SSGNs--only partially replaced by new Virginia-class submarines with the Virginia Payload Module, and will then have to spend on extremely expensive and resource-hogging Columbia class SSBNs to replace their current fleet. It is expected that the costs of this procurement program will amount to $100 billion, spent over the next two decades, and this is expected to have a serious impact on the entire naval procurement budget.

5. Budget Troubles

These mostly begin with the infamous budget sequester, but to a degree precede it. Budgetary concerns resulted in the cancellation of the Seawolf and Zumwalt class, along with a cruiser replacement for the Ticos, and thus interrupted spending for years. The budget sequester was the final nail in the coffin, making a dramatic cut to military spending, and as a result readiness across the entire force has been on the decline. In addition, the US Navy is approaching a perfect storm of poor budgetary conditions--it must pay more and more to maintain an increasingly elderly fleet, while also spending billions on modernizations, service-life extensions, and replacements. There is, as of yet, relatively little sign that it'll get adequate funding. The Navy has repeatedly tried to cancel refuelings and decommission ships early, and to stop LCS purchases, all to no avail. Without a major increase in funding, the Navy is, to be a bit melodramatic, doomed.

6. Lack of building capacity and mothballs

In the past, the US was one of the world's great shipbuilders, and maintained a massive merchant fleet. This is no longer the case. The world's largest shipbuilder is South Korea, a nation which is also able to build the equivalent of an Arleigh Burke, US weapons systems included, for a price half that of an Arleigh Burke. The second-largest shipbuilder is China, the third-largest Japan, and the rest of the world combined ranks behind these top three. The merchant fleet of the US is small, and its production capacity is quite limited--and mostly focused on building barges, riverboats, and smaller freighters that navigate the intercoastal waterways and the Great Lakes. The military shipbuilding capacity of the US is limited as well. The submarine industry, for instance, can only build about three nuclear submarines per year if stretched to the limit, so once the Columbia-class begin construction, only two new Virginia-class boats can be built every year--and that's largely why the submarine gap is a thing. If a war broke out, the US would have limited capacity to build new warships, probably having to turn to shipyards in Europe, Japan, or South Korea if available.

In addition, in the past, the US maintained a massive "mothball" fleet of older ships, that could be restored to service relatively quickly if needed. For much of the Cold War, this mothball fleet consisted of large numbers of partially modernized Second World War naval vessels [the existence of this fleet was largely based on the US experience in WWII]. However, the once-massive mothball fleet [which also included resupply and logistics vessels] is now a relative minnow. At present, the mothball fleet contains a fairly substantial presence--two conventional supercarriers, nineteen Oliver Hazard Perry class frigates, three cruisers and two destroyers--but the only ships which seem to have a long-term future in the reserve are three Tarawa-class amphibious assault ships. There simply is no backstop for the modern US Navy. It is, however, a possible fringe benefit that the rapid retirements in the 2020s will result in a much more capable reserve force.

As a result, at the moment, the US Navy has no room for error in a peer conflict. If its ships are destroyed, they have no replacements. Fortunately the US Navy has done quite well at preserving even tremendously damaged vessels, but in the case of war, it is inevitable that some will be sunk.

7. Where to go from here

My suggestion would be that the US Navy, paradoxically, "shrink to grow". It's already facing a massive wave of retirements--but the vessels in the fleet already are generally undermanned, and personnel are stretched thin. Retiring the Ticonderogas early, as the US Navy has floated proposals to do, and not refueling the later Nimitzes, would save billions of dollars, and allow the US Navy to focus on personnel and culture issues while working to rapidly build up capability--and also preserving a substantial reserve force, possibly with multiple supercarriers and guided-missile cruisers. These early retirements are things that the Navy really wants to do, so I suggest we let them, and amend the current US Code which requires the Navy to have 11 carriers at all times [or just have the executive redefine "aircraft carrier" to include amphibious assault ships].

I also strongly endorse the US Navy's plans to build a large new frigate fleet, and in my view their current plans are still too unambitious--we should indeed be aiming for 60 frigates, or possibly even more. I would also suggest that the Navy just go right out and retire the entire Littoral Combat Ship fleet, but politics likely make that difficult to impossible, even if a lot of Navy brass probably would like to see the LCS go die in a ditch somewhere. Bringing back the Oliver Hazard Perry class might even be a viable stopgap solution until new frigates are built.

In addition, I have some proposals that the Navy is less likely to support.

I strongly recommend that the US Navy bring back diesel-electric attack submarines, probably starting off of a foreign design like the highly capable Japanese Soryu class [in no small irony since the Japanese based their modern subs off of our diesel-electric designs], but also incorporating US tech like the modular Virginia-class sail and SWFFTS. Doing so is the only way that the US Navy can hope to close the gap, by building at least twenty SSKs, and quite possibly many more--a class size around forty might make reasonable sense--and diesel-electric subs bring with them other advantages. They're much more capable in littoral seas like the East China Sea and South China Sea, and are much cheaper to purchase and operate--a single Virginia-class with the Virginia Payload Module costs six times the price of a Soryu, and even accounting for higher construction costs in the US, would still be much cheaper. It would also allow the US Navy to extend the lives of its SSN fleet, which wears out quickly in those littoral waters.

I am also of the view that the US Navy should seriously consider looking into light aircraft carriers, even really light ones like the Sea Control Ship that are built around the F-35B and/or UCAVs, that are built around sea control/area denial and anti-submarine warfare rather than as buses for marines.

In a similar vein, if the US Army's ludicrous Long-Range Strategic Cannon project bears fruit, the Navy would be wise to look into using it as a naval weapon, and the Navy should also resume its work on Prompt Global Strike now that the INF treaty is gone.

The Navy should also let go of its long nervousness of automation, which may be the only way to keep things running with fewer personnel and at lower costs, and also let go of the cult of the pilot [the Air Force really needs this, but that's a separate post] and ship-driver, embracing drones for use above, on, and below, the sea.

The F-18 Super Hornet isn't bad, but it's not what the Navy should be buying when the focus is on a peer conflict. The F-35 should really be the sole focus of procurement efforts, even if it is more expensive.

Finally, the US needs to make a serious effort towards reviving domestic shipbuilding and a merchant fleet. The Jones Act doesn't work and needs to go. Instead, the US should focus on subsidies for shipbuilding, and funding newer and more innovative construction methods--which will both increase capacity and possibly bring acquisition prices down for the Navy as the US gets better at building ships in general.

8. Conclusion

The Navy is in deep trouble, but if we act quickly it might be salvageable. A poor culture continues to cause problems for the Navy and particularly certain components of it, like the SEALs. Aggressive retirements are needed, but also aggressive shipbuilding starting now. The US Navy, no matter what happens, is likely to face an extremely serious capability gap in the late 2020s through early 2030s, and this time is likely to be exceptionally dangerous--if I were China, that would be when I would make my move, after my shipbuilding program was largely complete but before the US Navy had recovered from their wave of retirements.

Also, if you're not in the US, and you're not in, say, China, you should be pushing for domestic naval expansions pronto, or supporting them, or whatever you can do on that front. The fall in American capabilities means that your navy might be expected to make up the gap pretty soon.

9. Citations

As always, much of it does include Wikipedia and my head. But that mostly covers relatively unimportant and easily verifiable stuff, historical, etc. and I've linked a lot of fancier articles here. I've also undoubtedly been influenced by more articles, and even Reddit threads, in my views on the US Navy's problems, but I can't link everything.

Sam LeGrone, Paying the Price: The Hidden Cost of the Fat Leonard Investigation
Washington Post: Prostitutes, Vacations, and Cash: The Navy Officials Fat Leonard Took Down
ProPublica: Years of Warnings, Then Death And Disaster
Dan Lamothe, ‘Supreme courage’: U.S. airman John Chapman posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor
Alex Ward, Navy SEAL platoon sent home from Iraq over rape allegation and drinking while deployed
Todd South, Leaked documents provide details of Green Beret's death involving Navy SEALs and Marine Raiders
David B Larter, Once again, the US Navy looks to scrap its largest combatants to save money
Ben Werner, Navy Considers Reversing Course on Arleigh Burke-Class Life Extension
Tyler Rogoway, The Navy's Rationale For Not Reactivating Perry Class Frigates Doesn't Float
James Homes, The US Navy's Littoral Combat Ship: A Beautiful Disaster?
David B Larter, The US Navy, facing a shortfall, aims to ink an enormous attack sub contract next month
Megan Eckstein, Navy Finds Urgency In Staving Off Sub Shortfall Decades In The Making
Nick Childs, Relentless Pressure: UK and US SSBN procurement challenges
Nick Simeone, Sequester Degrades Navy, Marine Corps Readiness, Officials Say
Sydney Freeburg Jr, Pentagon To Retire USS Truman Early, Shrinking Carrier Fleet To 10
US Naval Institute, There's A Case For Diesels
Kyle Mizakmai, Should The US Navy Buy Diesels?
Megan Eckstein, Navy Report: Submarine Industrial Base Can Maintain 2-Attack Boat Construction Rate, Bolstering Lawmakers’ Plans
submitted by AmericanNewt8 to neoliberal [link] [comments]

Audio Drama/Fiction/RPG Debuts - October 2020

I've got what I think is a mostly exhaustive list of the new audio drama series that came out in October, which may be of interest to those looking for new shows. See below. Anyone want to tell me any I've missed, and I'll update it? (Note, "new" here means that the Ep1 of the RSS feed was released, or a previously non-fiction feed started producing fiction.) Listened to any of them that you would recommend?
Previous months are available here:
And the ongoing updates (just in case you don't want to wait for the end of the month) are available here:
And I do a weekly podcast collecting a few trailers here:

10/1: Between Acts (Dramatised - Anthology)
Site: https://www.betweenacts.show/
Synopsis: Between Acts is an immersive audio theater podcast experience. Each biweekly episode sets the stage for your imagination to freely venture through the works of newfound playwrights—from dramas to comedies and everything in-between. Subscribe now, so not to miss a single spellbinding performance.
RSS Feed: https://betweenacts.libsyn.com/rss

10/1: First Action Bureau (Dramatised - Science fiction)
Site: https://www.firstactionbureau.com/
Synopsis: Spy-fi audio drama starring Genevieve Gaunt, Sacha Dhawan, Paterson Joseph and Nicola Walker. From the worlds of Thunderbirds creator Gerry Anderson. Series Summary: The First Action Bureau exists to protect the Earth - near-utopian by 2068 - from criminal elements before they get the chance to act. Using decades of ‘big data’ and globally connected quantum artificial intelligence, the Bureau is able to predict criminal activity before it occurs. Nero Jones may be the best agent the Bureau has, but something strange is going on. Headaches and bizarre dreams are troubling this deadly assassin, and as her missions continue it becomes increasingly clear that all is not well... not just with her, but with the Bureau itself. But where do the lies end? And where does the truth begin? Join the Bureau and get extra content: https://launch.firstactionbureau.com It has been created and written by Jamie Anderson and Nicholas Briggs, and has been directed by Nicholas Briggs, and is being produced and distributed by Anderson Entertainment. Series one is being released as an audio drama podcast consisting of 10x10’ episodes, hosted and supported by the team at Captivate. First Action Bureau was developed and recorded remotely during the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020 Nero Jones - Genevieve Gaunt Benjamin Saal - Sacha Dhawan Zero One - Paterson Joseph Charlize Wilkin - Nicola Walker Eddie Hunter - Wayne Forester Angus Reed - Richard James Created and written by Jamie Anderson and Nicholas Briggs Directed by Nicholas Briggs Produced by Jamie Anderson Sound design by Iain Meadows Music by Joe Kraemer Graphic design by Marcus Stamps Recording by Benji Clifford Distributed by Anderson Entertainment Ltd.
RSS Feed: https://feeds.captivate.fm/first-action-bureau/

10/1: Grimwell County (Dramatised - Horror)
Site: https://www.grimwellcounty.com/
Synopsis: A western horror serial set deep in the wicked heart of Texas. GRIMWELL COUNTY follows the adventures of Deacon Langley and the gunslinger, Church McMillan, as they encounter the nightmares of the dark Texan frontiers.
RSS Feed: https://grimwellcounty.libsyn.com/rss

10/1: Monstica (Dramatised - Erotica)
Site: https://fhpodcast.wixsite.com/monstica
Synopsis: Monstica is an LGBT anthology monster erotica fiction podcast.
RSS Feed: https://pinecast.com/feed/monstica

10/1: Monstrous Agonies (Dramatised - Urban fantasy)
Site: https://www.monstrousagonies.co.uk/
Synopsis: From werewolves in the doghouse to new ghouls at work, there's no problem too strange for this weekly advice segment, from the UK's only dedicated radio service for the creature community.
RSS Feed: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/5f72413b825fff45286ce0e3

10/1: My Parallel Life (Dramatised - Urban fantasy)
Site: https://www.jumpycatstudios.com/
Synopsis: Daniel Jones' perfect life just took a sharp turn for the worse. His parents separated, he has to move to an apartment in the city and go to a PUBLIC school (ugh!) where everyone is a TOTAL SLACKER and no one cares about his high GPA and PRESTIGIOUS WRITING AWARDS, and worst of all, his mom just up and left the country. Daniel is working up a plan to make his life more acceptable, when he discovers a strange door... A door that takes him to a parallel life where his parents hadn't separated. Episode One is premiering October 1st. My Parallel Life was created by Vera Greentea and Jasmine Brown, and co-produced with Mike Umile. Subscribe for an episode every Thursday.
RSS Feed: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1341517.rss

10/1: Running Sentences (Fiction - Anthology)
Site: https://anchor.fm/michael-honore/
Synopsis: An audio story podcast that brings narrated stories to life. The stories are all written and narrated by the podcast creator.
RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/377268c0/podcast/rss

10/1: The Martian Broadcast (Dramatised - Historical)
Site: https://themartianbroadcast.podbean.com
Synopsis: In 1938, a group of talented artists known as The Mercury Theatre on the Air, led by Orson Welles, created a spectacle that changed the course of broadcast history forever by terrifying a nation with a staged alien invasion. This is the story of how the infamous War of the Worlds radio drama came to be and how it almost never was...
RSS Feed: https://feed.podbean.com/themartianbroadcast/feed.xml

10/1: The Scriptcast (Dramatised - Anthology)
Site: https://www.thescriptcast.com/
Synopsis: A podcast that transforms unproduced film and television scripts into radio plays.
RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/38992fa4/podcast/rss

10/1: The Way We Haunt Now (Dramatised - Horror)
Site: https://hauntnowpod.com/
Synopsis: Eulalie Elizabeth Reed is haunted by lots of things. Paths not taken. Failed relationships. Mistakes. Fears. Hopes. But she’s never been properly haunted before. That’s about to change. | The Way We Haunt Now is a lighthearted horror audio drama about female friendships, found family, and fighting the narratives that try to define us––even in the afterlife. Oh, and ghosts. Did we mention ghosts?
RSS Feed: https://pinecast.com/feed/the-way-we-haunt-now

10/1: The Woes of Whitby (Dramatised - Horror)
Site: https://woesofwhitby.buzzsprout.com/1348090
Synopsis: Whitby. The late 19th century. A thriving coastal town in North Yorkshire, England. Full of bustling streets, gothic spires, sweeping ocean views... and evil lurking in the shadows. When the young and outgoing Lucy Westenra suddenly falls mysteriously ill, those around her are thrown into a dangerous conflict in an attempt to protect her. To protect her from what, or whom, they don't even know.
RSS Feed: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1348090.rss

10/2: Aquinas College Theatre (Dramatised - Adaptation)
Site: https://linktr.ee/Aqtheatre
Synopsis: Content and Updates from Aquinas College Theatre in Grand Rapids, MI.
RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/3874ddfc/podcast/rss

10/2: Avistrum Academy of Sorcery (RPG - Fantasy)
Site: https://avistrum.podbean.com/
Synopsis: Avistrum Academy of Sorcery is the premier school of witchcraft and wizardry in North America. On this feed, you'll be able to subscribe for updates to the audio adventures in our series, Tales from Avistrum. We hope you'll join us to experience the magical world!
RSS Feed: https://feed.podbean.com/avistrum/feed.xml

10/2: Keepers of Alteria (Dramatised - Fantasy)
Site: https://podcast.keepersofalteria.com/
Synopsis: This is my journey to become one of the Keepers of Alteria -- a magical land accessible through a gate in the middle of the ocean -- after my predecessor vanished in what we suspect is an attempt to open the gate and infiltrate Alteria.
RSS Feed: https://feed.podbean.com/podcast.keepersofalteria.com/feed.xml

10/2: Little Montgomery (Dramatised - Slice of life)
Site: https://www.newcityplayers.org/littlemontgomery
Synopsis: A narrative scripted series from New City Players. Megan and Kimmy are fourteen-years-old, best friends, and currently planning to commit grand larceny against country music star Rick Montgomery at his concert tonight. As they put their plan into play, songs will sung, secrets will be revealed, and teenage girls will find out how difficult it is to exact revenge.
RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/342b3dcc/podcast/rss

10/3: Dick Meteor (Dramatised - Comedy)
Site: https://anchor.fm/dickmeteor
Synopsis: Calling all mystery fans. Calling all speculative fiction fans. Dick Meteor is on the air! Join us every Saturday for new adventures from Deep Space Nine 3/4!
RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/35a95634/podcast/rss

10/3: The Bellow of Brittle Stars (Fiction - Science fiction)
Site: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1393600
Synopsis: A group of students are given the opportunity to study and explore a giant fossil found floating in the asteroid belt. A story about the awkwardness of meeting new people.
RSS Feed: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1393600.rss

10/4: Digital Radio Series (Dramatised - Anthology)
Site: https://www.theviragocollective.ca/digital-radio-series
Synopsis: Performed by local actors, these audio plays are a nod to the days when families would gather around a radio for entertainment. During COVID-19, we're bringing you a new way to safely spend time together that doesn't include staring at your screen.

10/4: I Love Marsha (Dramatised - Comedy)
Site: http://www.buzzsprout.com/1258049
Synopsis: “I Love Marsha” - A weekly, fictional comedy. Meet Matt and Marsha Wilson, a middle aged, married couple who are from opposite sides of the US, and their crazy friends and family! Laugh along as each episode proves love and laughter can bridge the differences between Pasadena, California and Waldo, Arkansas, and maybe anywhere else.
RSS Feed: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1258049.rss

10/4: Lem 'N' Ginge: The Princess of Kakos (Dramatised - Comedy)
Site: https://www.forty-fivenorth.com/lem-n-ginge-the-princess-of-kakos
Synopsis: Two down-and-out actresses are on the hunt for some stage work. Failing that, they’ll take up a lucrative quest to find the local princess’ stolen voice. In this chaotic tale, Lem N Ginge encounter queer frogs, woke baes, and their first actual deadline.
RSS Feed: https://feeds.captivate.fm/lem-n-ginge/

10/4: The City in the City in the City (Dramatised - Urban fantasy)
Site: https://www.matthewcapodicasa.com/city
Synopsis: Two women, each marked by loss and linked together by a strange twist of fate, journey to an ancient city—a storied city without borders—in search of answers and escape. But what they discover there will change their lives in ways neither of them could expect. Two actors (Eboni Booth and Mary Cavett) play more than thirty characters on this wild ride through a city of doubles, monastic cheese, octogenarian vocalists, dizzying bureaucracy, ancient graves, and lives more expansive and singular and wondrous than found even in myths and legends.
RSS Feed: https://feeds.blubrry.com/feeds/citiespodcast.xml

10/4: The HeatWalker Radio Hour (Fiction - Historical)
Site: https://linktr.ee/HeatWalker
Synopsis: Capitalism. Racism. Masculinity. America. HeatWalker Productions Presents: The HeatWalker Radio Hour! Brought to you by Bruhmhill Cigarettes and Mammy's Malt Liquor. Join our hosts Johnny Sandtown and Doctor Robert Price as they regale you with another story from the life and times of famed novelist, cunning liquor magnate and American Legend: Tristan Milne.
RSS Feed: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1336042.rss

10/5: Dracula: A Radio Play (Dramatised - Adaptation)
Site: http://dracularadio.podbean.com/
Synopsis: A new adaption that attempts to counteract a century of pop culture distortion and adaptation decay to return to the fear and menace of the original Bram Stoker classic.
RSS Feed: https://feed.podbean.com/dracularadio/feed.xml

10/5: Good Neighbors (RPG - Urban fantasy)
Site: https://good-neighbors.pinecast.co/
Synopsis: No one remembers the leeches in the coffee. No one sees the writing on the wall. No one knows that every cold spot, every bump in the night was a sign. Strange things happen every day in Louisiana, but they disappear just as quickly as they come. Everyone jokes about the gators in the sewers, but when the monsters come to Constance, you won’t need a professional - just a few Good Neighbors. Join Matt, Sera, Anna, and Soren at the table, and let’s play Monster of the Week!
RSS Feed: https://pinecast.com/feed/good-neighbors

10/5: Grimoire Nights (Fiction - Horror)
Site: https://www.grimoirenights.com/home/
Synopsis: Grimoire Nights is an occult and historical horror fiction podcast written and produced by Kay Halloran. Each original, feature-length, dramatized story draws listeners into a chilling glimpse of the darkest and most obscure recesses of history.
RSS Feed: https://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:885035362/sounds.rss

10/5: Henpire (Dramatised - Comedy)
Site: https://www.crabandbull.com/
Synopsis: 3 women set out to create a women’s “media empire” and in doing so realise that their very different lives may just be the key to their success. Navigating themes of motherhood and other hood, sexuality, difference, sex and friendship, Henpire is a fast paced, irreverent comedy podcast written by Samantha Grierson Schwarz, an autistic and gay writer.
RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/3a1c7638/podcast/rss

10/5: Middle East Centre Stage (Dramatised - Anthology)
Site: https://anchor.fm/golden-thread
Synopsis: GOLDEN THREAD PRODUCTIONS is the first American theatre company devoted to plays from or about the Middle East. For 25 years, Golden Thread has created artistic excellence with plays that defy stereotypes, and engage diverse communities. Initiated as a response to the theatre closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Middle East Center Stage is Golden Thread's podcast series of audio plays. We are thrilled by the opportunity to reach audiences across the globe through this medium.
RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/3a22cf38/podcast/rss

10/6: Anton Pavlovich's Garden Club (Dramatised - Adaptation)
Site: https://anchor.fm/addison-antonoff/
Synopsis: Anton Pavlovich’s Garden Club is our attempt to re-radicalize this Chekhov’s The Cherry Orchard. Using the backdrop of a podcast, we are exploring The Cherry Orchard act by act, bringing the specificity of Chekhov’s writing into the 21st century, complete with the anxieties and hopes of our day. Rather than holding up Chekhov’s work on an untouchable pedestal, we are treating it with irreverence, digging as deep into the play as possible, in order to rip it apart and put it back together again.
RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/38b34e5c/podcast/rss

10/6: Children of the Stones (Dramatised - Horror)
Site: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p08sy3qx/episodes/downloads
Synopsis: These Stones can change people and they’re calling to you. Are you scared yet? Do you feel the shiver? Smash your speakers. Destroy your headphones. Whatever you do, don’t listen… The world depends on it.
RSS Feed: https://podcasts.files.bbci.co.uk/p08sy3qx.rss

10/6: Circles (Dramatised - Horror)
Site: https://circles.libsyn.com/
Synopsis: Something is coming. If you want to survive, you must remember this: Stay safe. Stay inside your circle. A new four-part audio horror series. Created by Brendon Connelly. Co-written by James Field and James MacDonald. Starring Tal Minear, Beth Eyre, Sarah Pitard, Bryce Cooke and Tom Alexander. Directed and Produced by Jack Bowman. Produced in association with AudioMarvels®.
RSS Feed: https://circles.libsyn.com/rss

10/6: Out of Place (Fiction - Urban fantasy)
Site: https://midnightdisease.net/#/out-of-place/
Synopsis: Andrew Moss loved his anthropology job, until mysterious artifacts from a Mr. Havisham started arriving in brown paper bags. The artifacts are... Wrong.
RSS Feed: https://outofplace.libsyn.com/rss

10/6: Propaganda! (Dramatised - Musical)
Site: https://www.propagandamusical.com/
Synopsis: Rookie doesn't know much about his family business--but then again neither does the American Public. Nevertheless, he is tasked with suddenly leading the secret government agency in charge of covering up all political scandals, and his first assignment is the biggest scandal since watergate! With a clever idea, Rookie must come into his own and fight off the evil Agent X in order to save the bureau and protect the country from ruin! With a score teeming with energetic pop and jazzy elements, brought to life by a Tony Award winning - star studded cast, Propaganda the Podcast Musical is the antidote we need now.
RSS Feed: https://feeds.captivate.fm/propaganda/

10/6: Roll for Blank (RPG - Urban fantasy)
Site: https://rollforblank.simplecast.com
Synopsis: A weekly, serialized, role-playing podcast featuring an original campaign written and DM'd by Nate Ragolia, and played by Rex Roberts, Greg Corbin, Shannon Paige, Zamantha Joeh, Jason Ling, Eric Palencia, and Cory Palencia.
RSS Feed: https://feeds.simplecast.com/vOLiuE3K

10/6: Seeds (Dramatised - Historical)
Site: https://www.nostonetheatre.com/podcast
Synopsis: Seeds, by No Stone Theatre, is a bold new podcast series inspired by the incredible true story of the world’s first seed bank and how the men and women who worked there protected the future of biodiversity through the worst siege of World War II.
RSS Feed: https://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:878636320/sounds.rss

10/7: Ella Oleander Mysteries (Dramatised - Crime/Mystery)
Site: https://anchor.fm/ella-oleander-mysteries
Synopsis: Join Ella Oleander as she solves murders in this brand new fictional murder mystery podcast.
RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/3a451700/podcast/rss

10/7: Wardcliff Academy (Fiction - Urban fantasy)
Site: https://anchor.fm/landon-powers
Synopsis: Welcome to the Wardcliff Academy, a school for people with very special abilities. Thomas Kane is one of these people, but his abilities are, shall we say, an anomaly. Welcome to the fully dramatized reading of The Wardcliff Academy, a story written by Landon Powers.
RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/10f7154c/podcast/rss

10/8: Bobbo Supreme (Dramatised - Comedy)
Site: https://www.facebook.com/BobboSupreme
Synopsis: President Bobbo Supreme is an infantile, narcissistic lounge singer, game show hosting, narcoleptic racist; an unhinged id running for reelection and unwilling to cede power if he loses. The billionaire recording artist and leader of the free world is in the final push of his re-election campaign. Tortured by periodic dreams that range from glorious fantasies of his prowess as an athlete to nightmares of utter failure, President Supreme struggles to maintain a grip on reality. As the Election Day gets closer, chaos erupts throughout the country as right wing militias, aligned with the White House, clash with protestors.
RSS Feed: https://feeds.megaphone.fm/bobbo-supreme

10/8: Crypt I.D. (Fiction - Urban fantasy)
Site: http://cryptid.podbean.com/
Synopsis: In this audio drama, we see a seemingly normal woman as she is thrown headlong into the strange occurrences that most of the world is blind to.
RSS Feed: https://feed.podbean.com/cryptid/feed.xml

10/8: Dear Liisphyra (Dramatised - Fantasy)
Site: https://anchor.fm/dearliisphyra
Synopsis: Broadcast live from the Towering Forest in the magical world of Grevelon, Dear Liisphyra is an advice radio show hosted by Liisphyra Lyndambar, where she gives advice to fantastical creatures with even more fantastical problems!
RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/30177214/podcast/rss

10/8: Ghost Light Dice (RPG - Fantasy)
Site: https://www.ghostlightdice.com/
Synopsis: Welcome to Ghost Light Dice, where thespians meet TTRPGs! While times may get dark, our light is always on and all are welcome at our table. From 5e to Pathfinder, homebrew to module--there's always something on our virtual stage! So pull up a chair, crack open a cold one, and let's get rollin'!
RSS Feed: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1372858.rss

10/8: Make It Up As We Go (Dramatised - Slice of life)
Site: https://www.audioup.com/shows/makeitupaswego
Synopsis: Make It Up As We Go follows the story of an aspiring young songwriter, played by Scarlett Burke, and her pursuits to make a name for herself in the music industry. Encountering a number of characters along the way, including legendary Nashville producer Van Tyler (played by Billy Bob Thornton), and the voice of country radio, Bobby Bones (playing himself). Make It Up As We Go unravels Charlotte’s own personal journey navigating the writer rooms of Nashville, which is where the stories are told, songs are born, and in turn - finding her own voice along the way.
RSS Feed: https://feeds.megaphone.fm/HSW6742363909

10/8: Tess and the Pest (Dramatised - Historical)
Site: https://anchor.fm/andras-forgacs
Synopsis: Tess and the Pest is a three-act comedic play based on the true story of Esther Simpson’s friendship with Nobel prize-winning physicist Leo Szilard. Tess - as her friends call her - arrives in London in the mid-1930s to join the Academic Assistance Council, which is in dire need of a competent hand. As the Nazis are purging Germany for dissenters and Jews, Tess also has to deal with the resistance of pre-war Britain to welcome the refugees - personified in the play by the proprietor of The Daily Mail Viscount Rothermere through his personal private secretary William Outhwaite.
RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/36c57174/podcast/rss

10/8: The Terrible Misadventures of Trixie and Gorgon (Dramatised - Children)
Site: https://trixieandgorgon.com/
Synopsis: Welcome friend, to a dark tale for a dark time. The story of a young witch, a strange goblin, a demon-hunter with a thirst for vengeance, and the fateful Halloween night when one baby will unite them all. Welcome, to the Terrible Misadventures of Trixie and Gorgon.
RSS Feed: https://feed.podbean.com/trixieandgorgon/feed.xml

10/9: Lifeline On The Air (Fiction - Anthology)
Site: http://lifelinetheatre.com/on-the-ai
Synopsis: Chicago’s Lifeline Theatre is known for telling Big Stories Up Close! Lifeline explores, interprets, and reimagines books and other literary works to create stories that move us beyond the margins of our own lives. With our partner Sound Concept Media, we present our new podcast, Lifeline On the Air! A new way to bring our one-of-a-kind stories even closer…right into your headphones!
RSS Feed: https://feeds.redcircle.com/31f89301-e42b-43f3-90e9-ef63ea5a1e4e

10/9: Venom & Vulnerability (Dramatised - Urban fantasy)
Site: https://vnvcast.podbean.com/
Synopsis: Venom & Vulnerability is a fantasy advicecast where Ella and Eustacia, two new friends and housemates, talk about How To Person in a fictional magical multiverse of quirky, creepy, and cool imaginary beings. The world is fiction, but the advice aims to be genuinely helpful.
RSS Feed: https://feed.podbean.com/vnvcast/feed.xml

10/10: Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies! (RPG - Fantasy)
Site: https://rfedpod.com/
Synopsis: Rocks fall everyone dies is a new homebrew 5th edition D&D actual play podcast, featuring teachers and students escaping the humdrum of quarantine into a twisted dark fantasy.
RSS Feed: https://feed.podbean.com/rfedpod/feed.xml

10/10: The Kaleidoscope Project (Dramatised - Science fiction)
Site: https://thekaleidoscopeproject.crd.co/
Synopsis: The Kaleidoscope Project is an original audio drama that takes a deep dive into the world of mental illness. In this universe, individuals with mental illnesses have special powers or “Gifts” that separate them from the rest of the world. The government fears and labels these people, choosing to separate them from the rest of society. Over the years, a group of “Gifted” friends slowly drift apart, only to be brought back together when disaster strikes.
RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/38a13e88/podcast/rss

10/10: Unknown (Dramatised - Slice of life)
Site: https://roughhousetheatre.com/unknown
Synopsis: Unknown is a new verbatim audio performance written for radio, dramatising the story of one young person's journey from an abusive childhood to a life of homelessness on the streets of Bath - one of the most affluent cities in the UK.

10/11: Day Dream: A Radio Drama (Dramatised - Historical)
Site: https://www.daydreamseries.com/
Synopsis: Day Dream is an audio drama inspired by the life of jazz artist and composer Billy Strayhorn. It contrasts Billy’s journey, looking back on his life during a radio interview, with the journey of Andre, an aspiring jazz vocalist struggling to find his voice in today’s world. Day Dream is set in two time periods: Billy in 1965, and Andre in modern day. The 1965 time period looks at the musical genius, whom world renowned artist Duke Ellington called his “writing and arranging companion”, and the struggle to receive credit for many of his works. The modern day period explores a young man discovering his connection and understanding to music through the legacy of Billy Strayhorn.
RSS Feed: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1182674.rss

10/11: The Sulphuric Secrets (Dramatised - Horror)
Site: https://anchor.fm/between-two-worlds5
Synopsis: Barely clinging to life, a flayed man lies in a copper basement beneath a cornfield of a forgotten country in the 1850s. Why? From this weird and disturbing mystery begins the story of The Sulphuric Secrets, which spans the globe, and hundreds of years. This fictitious story entwines the unimaginable with historical events, which will delight occult and horror aficionados alike.
RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/36cbc0b0/podcast/rss

10/12: Finding Satan (Dramatised - Horror)
Site: https://findingsatan.com/
Synopsis: Good Omens meets The Black Tapes in Finding Satan, a Texas Gothic docudrama about a young woman searching for evil; she wants to see it, touch it, prove that it’s real. She wants to find the source of all evil and look Him in the face.
RSS Feed: https://findingsatan.com/feed/podcast/

10/12: Knights of Degradation (RPG - Fantasy)
Site: https://knightsofdegradation.buzzsprout.com/1382467
Synopsis: A Dungeons and Dragons audio adventure! Knights of Degradation takes a table top role playing game and combines it with high quality music, sound effects, and voice overs to create a unique audio drama experience. We also have bi-weekly discussions about various topics, including our own personal experiences with Dungeons and Dragons and how D&D culture has changed over the years.
RSS Feed: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1382467.rss

10/12: The Minister of Chance (Dramatised - Fantasy)
Site: https://www.danfreeman.co.uk/the-minister-of-chance
Synopsis: Epic Fantasy audio movie series starring Jenny Agutter, Jed Brophy, Lauren Crace, Paul Darrow, Philip Glenister, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, Julian Wadham, and more.
RSS Feed: https://rss.acast.com/the-minister-of-chance

10/13: Wayward Guide for the Untrained Eye (Dramatised - Comedy)
Site: https://www.tincanbros.com/wayward-guide
Synopsis: Wayward Guide is a fictional investigative podcast about the sordid world of local politics, backroom dealings, and werewolves. When an alluring corporate corruption story falls unexpectedly into their laps, twin podcasting-team Artemis and Paul Schue-Horyn are given the chance to prove themselves as top hosts at the American Podcasting Network. But opportunity soon leads to tragedy as the eccentric and divided locals they are interviewing in the small California mining town of Connor Creek start dropping like flies. With the threads of their investigation quickly becoming tangled and rumors of a bloodthirsty werewolf on the loose, the Schue-Horyn twins need to decide who to trust and the price they’re willing to pay for a juicy story.
RSS Feed: https://feeds.simplecast.com/cgGduVSh

10/13: We Know None (Dramatised - Horror)
Site: https://linktr.ee/calliopicprod
Synopsis: Gwen Thomas' girlfriend, Frankie, disappeared two weeks ago. Following her trail, will Gwen find Frankie, or is she really gone?
RSS Feed: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/we-know-none

10/14: Absolutely No Adventures (Dramatised - Fantasy)
Site: https://noadventurespod.com/
Synopsis: Absolutely No Adventures is a fantasy (un)adventure podcast that follows Sig, the owner of Signature Eats bakery, as he aggressively avoids becoming embroiled in any daring quests or chosen one shenanigans even though the universe really seems to want him to do just that. Follow Sig as he chills with his friends and stays far, far away from the slightest whiff of adventure. And bakes. He also bakes.
RSS Feed: https://pinecast.com/feed/absolutely-no-adventures

10/14: Beyond the Veil (Dramatised - Urban fantasy)
Site: https://www.meadowlarkpresents.ca/beyond-the-veil
Synopsis: Two not-friends, an RV, and a magical Canadian road trip. Tennyson and Alder had known each other about six months when Alder's mysterious fae bosses asked them to set out across the country in an old RV, solving people's magical problems. Too bad neither of them asked the important questions. Too bad their secrets might be hazardous to their health.
RSS Feed: https://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:889589632/sounds.rss

10/14: Cupid's Arrow (Dramatised - Slice of life)
Site: http://www.buzzsprout.com/1414297
Synopsis: The year is 2003. Bruce O'Dea, a sixteen-year-old, gay Junior who is still in the closet, struggles to accept his identity as his religious-toting parents push to enroll him, without warning, in an out-of-state Christian Science boarding school for the upcoming winter quarter.
RSS Feed: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1414297.rss

10/14: The Hauntings of Elgin Barrett (Fiction - Horror)
Site: https://thehauntingsofelginbarrett.com/Stories
Synopsis: An ancient head starts to speak... A spirit pleads to be laid to rest... An immortal stalks the corridors of power... Just a few of the horrors that lurk in The Hauntings of Elgin Barrett, an audiofiction podcast, featuring nine gripping new stories for anyone with a taste for the strange, the spooky and the supernatural. From a derelict Welsh hill farm to an East Devon mausoleum; from a converted pub in London’s East End to the courtyard of a Cambridge college, these are tales which burrow deep into the psyche of an unquiet nation.
RSS Feed: https://feed.podbean.com/thehauntingsofelginbarrett/feed.xml

10/14: Untold Virginia (Dramatised - Urban fantasy)
Site: https://www.untoldvirginia.com/
Synopsis: Untold Virginia is the story of a years-long relationship on the brink of collapse. Friends since college, Elizabeth and Ruth are starting a podcast. Their interest in local history entangles them with a mysterious, underground force that neither can explain, but only one of them wants to try to. Is this just what happens when two friends work together? Or is something inserting itself into Elizabeth and Ruth’s relationship, threatening both of their lives in the process?
RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/5a632f4/podcast/rss

10/15: This Gun in My Hand (Dramatised - Comedy)
Site: https://thisguninmyhand.blogspot.com/
Synopsis: Like an old time radio show, except it's a new time podcast and no radios have been harmed by it yet.
RSS Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/blogspot/thisguninmyhand

10/15: This is Rage (Dramatised - Thriller)
Site: https://www.spreaker.com/show/this-is-rage
Synopsis: THIS IS RAGE is the story of what happens when you shine a light on the system that allows the rich to become the super-rich and the super-rich to get their own zip codes. As you can imagine, it isn’t pretty . . . but it does make for great drama. We have CEOs being kidnapped, Investors dealing unscrupulously, coders turning criminal, counsels breaching confidences, the public spinning conspiracies, and a has-been rediscovering his mojo. We even have a little romance. At the center of all of this are two people. Kimo Balthazer was once the biggest radio shock-jock in the land. But a series of spectacular flame-outs has left him sleeping on a bench in Golden Gate Park trying to salvage any semblance of his career broadcasting on the Internet with a laptop and a $10 microphone from Best Buy. Sylvia Normandy is a top executive at EnvisionInk, one of Silicon Valley’s most glittering jewels. Sylvia was once a public defender and she’s still committed to doing the right thing. But when Sylvia sees her company under siege on multiple fronts, she realizes she needs to bend some rules. And that means giving the story of a lifetime to a certain shock-jock she swore she’d never set eyes on again You see, Sylvia and Kimo have a history. A tortuous history. But that’s nothing compared to the future they’re about to create.
RSS Feed: https://www.spreaker.com/show/4622137/episodes/feed

10/16: Cashmere and Friends (Dramatised - Erotica)
Site: https://anchor.fm/cashmereandfriends/
Synopsis: Erotic Fiction podcast featuring stories from Cashmere and her friends.
RSS Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/ca11204/podcast/rss
submitted by thecambridgegeek to audiodrama [link] [comments]

Notes and Highlights of Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear’s Live Update October 6, 2020

Notes and Highlights of Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear’s Live Update October 6, 2020
Notes by mr_tyler_durden and Daily Update Team
Register for your Absentee Ballot here!
Note: Thank you to the people who have given awards to these posts but I do want to say: Please don’t spend money to give these posts an award or if you want to give then donate it here instead. These people need your help more than I need awards. I guess if you are just spending reddit coins that you already have then that’s fine but don’t spend new money, donate it instead. Thank you all!
Watch here:
Full Notes
(continued in stickied comment)
submitted by mr_tyler_durden to Coronavirus_KY [link] [comments]

Covid-19 update Saturday 28th March

PSA: Fellow Europeans - if you’re working from home next week, don’t forget the clocks go forward this weekend. You don’t want to be late getting up to sit on your sofa on Monday morning….
American manufacturers and supply chain companies who are able to help with the ventilator / N95 mask production, click here to sign up: https://www.projectn95.org/

Virus Statistics

Confirmed cases

Region 27th Mar 26th Mar 20th Mar 24hr % change 1 week % change
US 101,657 83,836 19,100 21.3 432.2
Italy 86,498 80,589 47,021 7.3 84.0
China 81,897 81,782 81,250 0.1 0.8
Spain 65,719 57,786 20,410 13.7 222.0
Germany 50,871 43,938 19,848 15.8 156.3
France 33,402 29,551 12,758 13.0 161.8
Iran 32,332 29,406 19,644 10.0 64.6
UK 14,745 11,812 4,014 24.8 267.3
Switzerland 12,928 11,811 5,294 9.5 144.2
South Korea 9,332 9,241 8,652 1.0 7.9
Netherlands 8,647 7,468 3,003 15.8 187.9
Austria 7,657 6,909 2,388 10.8 220.6
Belgium 7,284 6,235 2,257 16.8 222.7
Turkey 5,698 3,629 359 57.0 1487.2
Canada 4,682 4,042 943 15.8 396.5
Portugal 4,268 3,544 1,020 20.4 318.4
Norway 3,755 3,369 1,914 11.5 96.2
Threshold = 3,500 identified cases. Reminder, this disease has a long incubation period and tests are in short supply in most countries. Actual cases are likely to be considerably higher.

Region 27th Mar 26th Mar 20th Mar 24hr % change 1 week % change
Italy 9,134 8,215 4,032 11.2 126.5
Spain 5,138 4,365 1,043 17.7 392.6
China 3,296 3,291 3,253 0.2 1.3
Iran 2,378 2,234 1,433 6.4 65.9
France 1,997 1,698 451 17.6 342.8
US 1,581 1,209 244 30.8 548
UK 761* 580 178 31.2 327.5
Netherlands 547 435 107 25.7 411.2
Threshold = 500 cases.
* A UK newsflash just as I finished this post came in from both the BBC and Guardian saying that the new death count for UK = 1,019.
Source: [John Hopkins University Dashboard](https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6)

Selected virus news in depth

Cruise ships around the world are adrift as ports turn them away - The Guardian: The Zaandam cruise ship was refused access to a port in Chile and is now steaming North up the Ecuadorian coast in an aim to make it to Florida but the Panama Canal authorities have said they will refuse to grant it access to the canal. Other ships stranded include one off Brazil and three off the coast of Australia.

Students try to flee UK by chartered plane for ‘safer’ China - The Guardian says that a group of Chinese students tried to charter a plane home from the UK because they believe they will be safer in China, universities say. The universities say Chinese parents were alarmed by the UK government’s initial “herd immunity” message on the virus, and feel the lockdown has come too late. Prof Colin Riordan, the vice-chancellor of Cardiff University, said: “I would say the bulk of our Chinese students have decided they want to go home. Clearly the epidemic is still approaching its height here, whereas in China it is on a downward trend. And it is natural to want to be with one’s family at a time of crisis.”

France mulls whether to hold this year’s Tour de France without any spectactors - Professional cycling reacted with a mix of cautious optimism and scepticism after the French sports minister, Roxana Mărăcineau, confirmed that together with the Tour de France organisers ASO, her officials were exploring ways of running a scaled down Tour with restrictions on spectator access this summer even though the country is currently in lockdown to limit the spread of the Covid-19 virus. From Belgium, Patrick Lefevere, the head of the sport’s most successful team, Deceuninck-Quickstep, was dismissive, saying: “I’m an optimist, but I don’t see how they can justify running the Tour de France. What about the fans? Who can enter France and who can’t? Are we really going to stuff the hotels with people? I can’t imagine someone waving a magic wand in early July and the coronavirus crisis suddenly being resolved.”

Millions to need food aid in days as virus exposes UK supply - Millions of people in the UK will need food aid in the coming days food charities are warning, as the coronavirus outbreak threatens to quickly spiral into a crisis of hunger unless the government acts immediately to reinvent the way we feed ourselves. Figures produced by the Food Foundation using government statistics suggest some 17 million people fall into the higher risk category for coronavirus because they are elderly, have underlying health conditions, or are pregnant. At least 860,000 people in this category were already struggling to afford enough food before the crisis. And at least 1 million of them report always or often being lonely, and therefore may struggle to find people to deliver food to them.

Cases explode in Michigan but states outside the hotspots can't get supplies - CNN says that as the pandemic takes hold elsewhere, the finite number of live-saving equipment like ventilators, face masks and personal protective equipment -- as well as the inability of the national stockpile to make up for all of the shortages -- is coming into clear view, leaving a gap between states that encountered outbreaks early and those that are seeing their numbers ramp up now.

Virus news in brief

Sources: Yesterday's live blog from the Guardian or today’s live blog from them (too much data pouring in to track any other mainstream media live blogs, sorry)

Supply chain news in depth

Global Harvests at Risk With Travel Limits Squeezing Labor - Bloomberg (reports) that across the globe governments are imposing travel limits in a bid to stem the spread of coronavirus but the unintended consequence is a squeeze on migrant labor that’s a cornerstone of food production. American produce growers preparing to harvest crops are warning of a devastating impact on fruit and vegetables after the U.S. Embassy in Mexico announced a halt to visa interviews for seasonal farm workers. Slaughterhouses also may face labor shortages. In Australia, growers say that country may face shortages of some fruits and vegetables because of travel curbs, with the nation traditionally using overseas workers for one-third of seasonal farming jobs. Kiwifruit pickers are in short supply in New Zealand. And in Canada, travel limits threaten meat processors that rely on temporary foreign workers to fill chronic labor shortages. “There won’t be anyone to harvest the crops,” said Robert Guenther, senior vice president for public policy for the United Fresh Produce Association, which represents U.S. growers, distributors, wholesalers and retailers. “It will be devastating to growers and ultimately to the supply chain and consumers. They won’t have the food.”

Traffic jams at internal EU borders continue - The Loadstar says that traffic jams are still a problem at some internal EU borders. According to real-time shipment visibility platform Sixfold, which has built a dynamic border waiting time map of the continent, there is – at the time of writing – a 19km queue of trucks waiting to cross the border from Austria into Hungary, an 8km queue at the nearby Slovakia-Hungary border, a 9km queue from Hungary into Romania and a 6km queue at the main border crossing between Romania and Bulgaria.

Transport industry urges Whitehall to extend Brexit transition period - The Loadstar says that the UK’s forwarding and logistics sector is pleading with the government to “put politics to one side” and extend the Brexit transition period, as it grapples with the impact of coronavirus. Stating that it would be “irresponsible” of the government to stick to its timetable for a 31 December deadline, director general of the British International Freight Association (BIFA) Robert Keen said there was “too much to do in the face of the current global crisis”. (Personal note: I fully agree, I have had no time to do anything Brexit related for 6 weeks and still have a lot to do!!)

What procurement managers should expect from a 'bullwhip on crack' - Supplychaindive explains the concept of the bullwhip phenomenon; When the retail or end-user node of the supply chain sees even a slight variation in demand, it quickly ripples and grows larger as it reaches suppliers and manufacturers. In the world of supply chain, this is known as the bullwhip effect — and we're seeing it play out in real-time a the coronavirus leads consumers to panic buying and forces hospitals to scramble for supplies. "Producers are definitely ramping up to help retailers restock their shelves and make sure there aren't any outages of whatever it is there has been a run on," Pete Guarraia, the global head of supply chain for Bain and Company, told Supply Chain Dive in an interview. The article goes on to explain the four main causes of a bullwhip effect.

Change of dynamic: air freight demand now 'the reverse of three weeks ago' - The Loadstar warns air freight demand is expected to plummet as consumers in Europe and the US are forced to stop buying by shops closing. The automotive industry has already stopped requesting components as plants have closed; retail has cancelled significant volumes of orders - “Shopping is just not a priority,” said one forwarder. “The only real air freight demand now is medical equipment and some urgent products. “Just-in-time may be changed for ever. “There is also no cashflow.” He said air freight demand was now “the absolute reverse of two to three weeks ago; the dynamic has changed”. Another forwarder noted that while demand was, perhaps 15% of what it was three or four weeks ago, supply is at about 10%. “So there is still high demand in a relative sense.”

India, Bangladesh close factories amid coronavirus lockdown - Factories across India and Bangladesh will close as the coronavirus spreads through the countries and demand dries up from U.S. and European buyers says supplychaindive.com - Based on multiple media reports, Foxconn (an Apple supplier) said it would stop production in India until April 14 in compliance with government orders, according to Reuters. MRF and Maxxis, two automotive suppliers, also suspended operations, according to The Economic Times. There will be significant implications for the Bangladeshi garment industry in Bangladesh too which is already facing $2.4bn USD in cancelled orders.

Worker unrest grows as the virus continues to spread - Labornotes reports that more and more workers who are still on the job are taking action to defend their health and safety and demand hazard pay. Pittsburgh sanitation workers stopped collecting trash and parked their trucks to block entrances and exits to the Bureau of Environmental Services parking lot as they rallied on Wednesday morning to demand protective gear and hazard pay. Seventy sanitation workers refused work Monday morning in Hamilton, Ontario. Less than half the workers at Maine's Bath Iron Works showed up for work Tuesday morning, after management made public a coronavirus case in the 6,800-worker shipyard the previous day. In Northern Ireland, 1,000 workers at a Moy Park poultry plant walked out Wednesday after the company refused the union's health and safety proposals, including maintaining six feet between workers.

UK handlers warn of imminent collapse of operations - Aircargonews says that the UK’s four main airport handling companies have warned that their operations at the UK’s airports could grind to a halt in weeks as the sector faces collapse. Swissport, dnata, WFS and Menzies have written to the UK government to ask for financial support as they face up to the impact of airline service cuts — they explain that currently more than 95% of flights are not operating, meaning they are not being paid. In the letter seen by Air Cargo News, the companies warn that without urgent support they are unlikely to be able to continue operations across the country throughout the crisis period. “We are requesting urgent dialogue between the government and our industry, regarding the support needed to ensure continued operational cashflow and secure employment for as many staff as possible,” they write.

Distribution to 100 Kroger supermarket outlets scattered across the mid-South slows - Commercial appeal says that Kroger warehouse workers late Thursday stopped fulfilling orders at the grocery giant's Delta Distribution Center in Memphis because a coworker had tested positive for the virus. "Half the workers have gone home. They scared for their safety. The ones that is here, they so tense they scared to touch the equipment," a forklift driver said, adding that the company would not disclose which shift the employee who tested positive worked.

Amazon's largest US warehouse hub has a coronavirus case - CNBC says that workers are demanding changes be made after a staff member at the major Moreno Valley fulfilment centre in California tested positive. "I first heard about it on Facebook," an employee at the fulfillment center, who asked to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation, said via text message Wednesday. "Then I confirmed it when I went up to the Amazon parking lot across the street when lots of people were leaving for home frightened because they didn't get notified through email."

Ocean Insights gives a clearer picture of blanked sailings, and it's free - Loadstar reports that as ocean carriers scramble to match vessel supply with rapidly reduced demand for shipments, container shipping freight data aggregator Ocean Insights has offered its dynamic database of blank sailings free to shippers and forwarders. “Our system is able to detect cancellations and blank sailings, and with the unusually high number of blank sailings, we have decided to help out the supply chain community and provide the entire blank sailing list free of charge,” it told The Loadstar.

New wave of blanked sailings planned for Asia-Europe and transpacific - Loadstar says that Asia-Europe and transpacific ocean carriers are being forced into a new wave of blank sailings as the coronavirus lockdowns shift from China to Europe and the US, dramatically curtailing consumer demand. 2M partners Maersk and MSC yesterday cancelled one North Europe and one Mediterranean loop scheduled to depart from China next week, and The Loadstar understands the Ocean and THE alliances are considering similar capacity reduction measures. NB: Supplychaindive is reporting the same thing.

New supply chain risks emerge as production lines restart in China's factories - Loadstar says that whilst many factories in China are now at 90-9% operating capacity new supply chain risks are emerging, such as the unstable supply of raw materials, a lack of skilled workers, logistics issues from sub-suppliers, pressure to produce quickly and increased scrutiny from government and regulatory agencies. “The lack of regular workers at some factories, and also at sub-vendors, has affected the quality and speed of production,” explained NGL Hong Kong MD Stefan Holmqvist. Furthermore, he added, there was increased credit risk among all parties along the supply chain, from manufacturers and buyers to logistics providers, which could lead to more quality issues.

Supply chain news in brief

They said what / good news / humour section

Daily Mail columnist Isabel Oakeshott has come under fire for attacking Harry and Meghan - “Just think what Meghan and Harry could do for their shattered reputations by coming home at this time to support the national effort against corona - and the Royal family” Isabel Oakeshott tweeted. The twitterati wasn’t standing for that; the best responding burns got compiled by the satirical website The Poke here.

Online fitness guru Joe Wickes - The fitness guru whose whose fitness live streams on youtube have been seen by 5 million people in the UK this week has pledged all of his resulting earnings from the streams to the NHS to support the fight against the virus. The Twitterati approves. Give the man an OBE in the 2021 new year honours for (OBE in this case being Other Buggers Efforts).
submitted by Fwoggie2 to supplychain [link] [comments]


Thanks for the words of encouragement folks~ Let's...hope things don't get too distasteful from here, it gets...weirder. A continuation from https://www.reddit.com/HFY/comments/ewx5w9/first_contact/ and https://www.reddit.com/HFY/comments/ewhg0p/ocenoch/ not much action but...a lore dump. Then we can move on to the action and fun stuff of the Gaian's bumbling about Hierarchy space.
[Previous/First] [Next Chapter]
Formal First Contact
Hierarchy Border world Z979
Log of Hierarchy First Contact Officer Endala
I’m writing this down, as per protocol, before physical first contact is made with the fledgling race. We have arrived to Border world Z979, a simple military outpost on the edge of Hierarchy space intended to be a simple early warning system for something from the unknown regions. Inspections verified that it’s sensors were intact, which raises the question of how this species got here. Their ship did not use any known method of FTL. All FTL ships radiate the same energy signature in order to go in and out of FTL travel, and yet they didn’t set it off.
It is clearly not a stealth vessel, claiming to be an explorer ship. An explorer ship armed with no less than eight magnetic propulsion projectile cannons, one hundred fourteen smaller rapid fire projectile weapon systems, and one forward facing energy weapon of obscene size. Not to mention the insane size of the ship itself. Fifteen thousand meters in length, angular spear shaped...it is intimidating, unsettling to look at. And then the fact it has no shielding. They are a truly primitive people.
And, as per protocol, we established basic communication, their translators and ours working to get the basic concepts across. We wanted information, specifically language to make communication easy, as well as anything else they were willing to share on their people. Customs, art, anything really to learn about these people. They sent over a crate. I watched as the box flew over to us, propelled, with surprising grace, by little jets of air guiding it to one of our airlocks.
In the box we found a cooling unit containing what we assume to be genetic samples, though we were given four samples, two red, two black with silver specs. A dual species coming from a single world? Not unheard of but extremely rare. A smaller crate inside was opened and revealed a sculpture of some kind, presumably one of their important figures. A being clad in armor, carrying a shield on their left arm, a large blunt hammer in the other.
Two arms, two legs, head, the rest of the figure was hidden under whatever the armor was, so we still have no idea what these people look like without the armor, but it was a good clue to their culture, Armor provides protection, and the shield? More defense. Hammer? A blunt instrument, used for building things, so these were a people who defended a built we surmised. Explains their massive ship.
There was a computer device as well. Similar to our own computer tablets, though with far less processing power or storage space, sluggish controls, and seemingly no support for cerebral cybernetic uplinking, but perhaps that’s what this “Wireless BlueTooth” system was? Speculation. We found a language database, twenty different languages. Two species, twenty languages? Thankfully one was ranked above the others, a dominant language but they haven’t subjugated the other languages before going out into space? Remarkable. A display of unity despite differences, so far these Gaian’s were shaping up to be respectable beings. Diverse and able to work through that for a common goal.
Language was plugged into our translators and went to work, while that churned along I explored more of their culture, music was loaded onto their device and I decided to take a listen. It was...varied as well. Some of it aggressive, others lax. So far among the rather vast selection they provided, I find myself leaning towards this Jazz genre, perhaps I'll have more appreciation for the others when the translator can make the lyrics understandable. While this is going on the science folk are studying the genetic samples, grumbling that they didn’t use stasis technology and simply threw it in something cold. Good thing blood didn’t need to be warm to study.
I reviewed the Liath Beta’s report of their encounter with the Gaian Imperium. The “Hammer and Shield of the people”. They responded to a barely understood distress beacon and defended a pointless world from what they viewed was a hostile aggressive force...which it was. The Nymphilian fleet were wanting to prove themselves in the eyes of the Hierarchy that they could stand watch and chose a respectable target, right on the fringe of our borders where it would be difficult for us to respond in time. In fact it took my ship two days to arrive.
So far everything was showing these Gaian’s as commendable beings. Hearty and enduring. Their ship withstood an impressive amount of firepower, Nymphilian ships are some of the hardest hitting...and for them to be outgunned by kinetic weaponry? No wonder they refer to themselves as “The Hammer and shield” blunt objects, they brute force their way through things...yet they have no horns visible in the statue. Perhaps a hard head plate? Best not to speculate, don’t want to unconsciously look upset when their perceived appearance doesn’t match their actual one.
We made formal vocal communication after some time, finding a suitable frequency their systems could handle that wasn’t difficult for ours to understand. The first thing they said? “We, The people of Gaia, Come in peace. To protect the weak from their aggressors. And we really hope we aren’t on the wrong side of a war here.” I explained the situation to them, a bit of conflict resulting in Liath Beta losses is how things function, and that they wouldn’t be penalized for ‘Bloodying Nymphilian Noses’ as they put it. We assured them that everything was fine, it was how things went. A species gets uppity, does a display of strength, loses some people but in the end comes out stronger after a bruising.
With that out of the way we set up a meeting to have them come onboard my vessel for proper introductions, get first impressions out of the way to report back to our higher ups so the leaders of our people could get together and hash out big picture details. Their shuttle came over, an odd looking thing. Shaped like a fat avian, angular and...a bit intimidating. Three people exited the shuttle, their representative and two guards. All clad head to toe in armor, though the representative had some kind of coat overtop of their armor. The guards with here were...imposing, and they had something of an...intensity to them, something that tickled at my long forgotten instincts from behind their covered faces. Though eventually the representative removed their mask, revealing that...face.
That straight forward gaze, those lips curled and fangs, yes fangs, barred at me. Then they bowed. “Admiral Elly Santos, coming aboard Hierarchy Diplomatic vessel.” The documents I read said they display their front teeth with a curl of their lips as a greeting. It made no mention of fangs. I’m fairly certain I had gulped loud enough for them to hear as they stood straight up again. “Ah, I must be intimidating. Being roughly...double your size in height.”
I regained my composure and cleared my throat. “I apologize, culture shock, you must understand. We have never encountered...anything like you.” I nervously chuckle. “I am First Contact Officer Endala Yulna, pleasure to meet you at last.”
A chuckle comes from Elly. “Oh boy, then you need to steel yourself, and your higher ups, cause there is a lot stranger folk back home than me.” I stare at them, then, without knowing what else to do present my hand for their hand shake. At least that was common enough. They took my hand and shook it before nodding. “So, My superiors are days away still, I assume yours are...similarly, how do you wish to conduct this?”
I blink and simply motioned for them to follow. “Standard procedure. We meet, sit down, discuss with each other. We will make mistakes so the higher ups don’t.” I looked behind me at Elly, their guards were with them still. They moved so...quiet, I was surprised to see them there as I didn’t hear them following with us. Elly simply nodded in agreement to my statement.
We reached the door to the meeting room I entered first and Elly followed behind, arms crossed behind their back. Their guards silently took positions outside the door and stayed there as it closed. I found myself staring at Elly’s face. Something about it was...familiar, hauntingly so. Something in the back of my mind was...terrified of this being in front of me. Now I am a Gome, my species are on average a little more than a meter tall, most beings are much larger than us and intimidating. This Gaian...was not intimidating, they were ticking some deep fear inside of me. Something long forgotten.
“Well, let’s get settled in and trip over our feet and make mistakes where it doesn’t matter, hmm?” Elly stated the truth, and snapped me out of my stupor. I suppressed that new emotion of terror for the time being and focused on my duty.
“So, your people...Gaian Imperium? There for your people are Gaians yes?” Elly gave a nodding shrug.
“Our collective people, yes. Individually though, I am a Human. Homo Sapien of Gaia. We have...technically two subspecies and one alien species living in the Imperium.” I recalled now, four vials, one of each species? I wonder what the lab results would be.
“Four different species? How did that come to be? The blood samples sent over looked...well two were different from the others, but they looked the same as each other.”
With a nod and chuckle from Elly they leaned back to get comfortable in the chair. Mercifully they had the same basic anatomy as most sentient beings. “For starters, we have been dealing with alien influence for...quite a while.” I was about to ask questions before they chuckled. “I’ll get to it eventually. Simply put a meteor crashed on Gaia during our...Unification war, a rather...dark period in our history i’ll be happy to discuss later but for now let’s address your first question.”
Oh so many questions I had already! But I let them continue. “Admittedly, this is speculation on how it arrived to earth, we weren’t able to track down the exact meteor, all we know is a meteor shower rained on Gaia, and a few months after that some of our vehicles were behaving...strangely.”
“Vehicles...as in motorized transportation?” Elly nodded and continued.
“As I said, the vehicles started to...change. Hulls became damp and cool, strange silver veins grew along the inside of the critical components. After a few weeks the vehicles became flooded with some kind of nanite fluid.” Clearing their throat and seemingly thinking back on the details of the events. “So a handful of our vehicles...from single person motorcycles to heavily armored tanks were quarantined, studied, and taught.”
I simply blinked and stared. “You mean to tell me, a nanite virus infected your technology and made it sentient?” Elly raised their hands up and shrugged their shoulders, this being translated as a vague ‘I know as much as you do at this point’.
Elly simply leaned forward and sighed. “I mean, you guys got what...advanced tech right? Surely you lot have heard of weirder stuff right?”
I simply shake my head. “How many firsts are you people going to bring to the Hierarchy? You’re already the first species whom on first contact managed to ward off a fleet of some of our best ships, and your ship is, according to you, not even an aggressive model.”
Elly simply grinned, I flinched a moment as my translator told me their face was one of pride. “Yeah, we made Columbus there tough, never know what you might find out in the black of space.” Clearly a paranoid people...but what about that smile bothers me so much?
Elly simply shifted in their seat again. “So, We decided to call the virus the Dire Machine virus, or D1R3...because scientists are nerds at heart and love in jokes. From that we made steps to properly incorporate this new species into our growing society. We were...losing. We weren’t at war...but we were trying to peacefully conquer the globe. But I’m rambling…” Clearing their throat again. “We incorporated these new beings into our ranks, things were going...bumpy. Tensions between us, other nations worried about this ‘nanite plague’ infecting vehicles. The other nations were...not as kind as we were in our studies of the Dire machines.
And we were...probably more lax than we should have been about...interactions between people and the Dires…” Elly fidgets, a hint of embarrassment on their face. “And so we discovered that the nanite virus does affect organic material...if given repeated exposure. And it manages to convert enough of an individual they grow an organic steel like material on their extremities, hands and feet mostly. And with that are capable of...well no point beating around the bush, successful breeding between the two, resulting in what we refer to as Technomorphs.”
So the Gaian Imperium has...a race of living sentient machines with them. The idea of a subservient species isn’t that foreign to the Hierarchy, quite a few races have been uplifted for that purpose. And robot helpers are, again, needed in many areas. How ever, Machine life? Sentient technology that they just...stumbled across by chance?
“You realize this is...extremely farfetched, yes?” I asked Elly, staring at them while typing this down.
“Well, considering we colonized our whole solar system, and went through...so many empty solar systems with no signals, no signs of life, nothing. We picked up nothing on long range sensors, nothing at all until that distress signal. And we barely heard that. All we understood was “Help, In trouble” and came to assist. I say that should speak for who we are as a people, rather than what makes up our flesh and blood.”
I have to admit, they...have a point. “Very well, and I take it these...Dires are going to be part of the delegation meeting with the higher ups?”
Elly blinked with confusion and cleared their throat. “Ah, no. That would be Cerberus...which is two humans, like myself, and one anthropomorphic being.” I put on my best ‘I am waiting for you to explain’ face and Elly obliged.
“Right, I mentioned the Dire Machine thing because it leads into how the Anthro’s were...created. As I said, around the time of the Unification wars things were...chaotic. We had this one organization, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals...P.E.T.A. despite their name they...did the opposite. During the chaos of our Imperium growing they grew...increasingly hostile, becoming a terrorist organization even. And they got ahold of a D1R3 sample...one that the American’s were toying with to try and make super soldiers...and...well PETA decided to stuff it full of animal genetics and release it into the wild. All over.”
With a groan Elly’s hands slide across their face. “Thankfully all they did was cause new born people to be born with...animal traits. That’s how it started anyway. Some child born in germany with fox ears and a tail. Months later another born in egypt with scales and a serpent tongue and tail...finally a year after that the first fully anthropomorphic being, a cat, was born in switzerland. This was because PETA in their...warped way, wanted to bridge the gap between man and animal, to ‘humanize animals so people don’t abuse them’ as they claimed. So, yeah, it worked? The Imperium simply shrugged and accepted them as people, as we had done with the Dire Machines. More people, more strength. Other nations...not so much, but I’m rambling history again...”
I finished typing for a moment and focused on them. “So not only have your people survived a potentially dangerous nanite viral outbreak that could have crippled your infrastructure, you survived a potential schism in your species due to this nanite virus converting your people...and you survived a bioweapon outbreak that was threatening to replace the dominant species with...a variety of other species?” I’m just staring at them, these people have gone through so much in...how old are they as a species? How long ago has this happened? “On top of all that, I don’t even know how long ago this was for your people.”
“Ah...time differences...and yeah when you put it like that it’s...kind of amazing we survived all that. But it did come with a cost later on…that...that would be something for the higher ups to discuss. I won’t touch on that topic here. But time...oh…little more than half a millennium ago our time? Ever year is a rotation of Gaia around our Sun...so for us the year is...Two thousand six hundred and seventy eight AD...Unification started around Two thousand and fifty six and all this happened over the course of...fifty years during that time.”
I have no references for the revolution speed of their planet around their sun, but it can’t vary that much from other life sustaining worlds. So...fairly similar. Either way, it appears to have been a long time in their past from how they speak about it. And still their technology is this primitive? “That is...I am guessing here after all, a long time. How has your technology not...advanced?”
I heard a strange tone from Elly, my translator picking it up as ‘mock offense’. “Why I never, we have advanced technologically a great deal since then! Gauss weaponry has been perfected, we have also perfected slip space travel AND terraforming of worlds!” They responded to my statement of facts and responded with a joke, showing that what I said might be considered an insult. Something to note to the council.
“Pardon, but compared to the Hierarchy...your technology is woefully out of date. No shield technology, still using kinetic projectile weaponry as your main offensive and defensive tools, and not to mention your portable computer technology. And don’t even get me started on what ever insane method you use to travel, every species the Hierarchy has found or discovered used the same basic principles for faster than light space travel, it all produces the same energy signature no matter how they actually get the engines going.”
Elly grinned that prideful and terrifying smile again. “Slip space drives. Massive gravity well is created and we…curve space between the point where our ship is, and where our destination is. Near instant travel, but has a range limit. We had to jump three times before reaching this planet.”
The insanity of it all. The absolute insanity. “You…” I stammer. “You...curve space...with an artificially created gravity well...and just…fly to where you need to be? That…”
“Is the most awesome method of space travel. I know! Out of our best science fiction!”
I gasp. “It’s insane! Dangerous! How do your people survive the intense gravity?”
“I mean...artificial gravity dampeners on the ship. Plus a sturdy hull. Everything is designed to compensate for the travel. How does your FTL stuff work?”
With a groan I lean forward, stroking my horns with a sign. I have just been given a bombshell of a technological difference. “Ship mass is manipulated by the FTL drive and it is accelerated at a faster than light speed. The energy signature generated by such is...unmistakable, it’s how we find worlds to welcome to the Hierarchy because the method you described was deemed scientifically unsound, unsafe, and lethal to the occupants on board the vessel!”
Elly simply blinked. “Did you ever try it?” Of all the questions.
“No! The energy needed wasn’t a problem, it’s just a matter of intense gravity, not to mention hazardous radiation from the energy sources needed is intensely lethal to all life.”
Elly nodded. “Yeah, nuclear fission is a bitch to deal with, still amazed Vodka helps. But those who do end up with cancer due to improper shielding of engine compartments are given the best care. Many make a full recovery.” I did not just hear that. I refuse to believe what I just heard.
“Your people are going to be given so many sanctions for endangerment of yourselves.” Elly looks at me with obvious confusion. “You just said you have a nuclear fission engine for your ships, yes? I did hear that correctly despite my intense desire to wish I didn’t.” Elly simply nodded and I slump back in my chair. “That technology has been banned since...the beginning of the Hierarchy. Elly simply nods, clearly making mental notes.
“Well then. Give us the tech and we can see about refitting our ships with your superior methods.”
I let out a groan and mimic Elly’s earlier action. Hands across my face in mild frustration. “Right...you…” I remembered something. “You managed to colonize an entire star system yes? And you have visited many since? How many colonies do you have, how many ships that you can just...casually offer to refit all of them with new tech? How can you afford that?”
That grin again. “Afford? As in...Money?” Oh I swear if this Imperium somehow is working off a tribal barter system instead of a monetary one I am going to retire immediately after this assignment...maybe even in the middle of it. They are proving to be the very opposite of what I had seen!
“Yes! Money, how do you people get anything done if you don’t exchange currency for tasks and duties? It’s what keeps people motivated and working.”
They laughed softly and simply stared down while doing so. “Oh, please forgive me, it’s just...well we followed some rules of ours when we created the Imperium. The goal was to make a culture to unify our planet, be welcoming of all and do our best so they keep their culture while following our laws. We believed that for a civilization to be...well, accepted into galactic society we would have to be of a certain society sophistication. Something resembling a Utopia, meaning no homeless, no people going hungry, the needs of life for even the lowest of our society would be provided for.”
“We have all those things, yes, but money is still used within cultures and between species to exchange for technology, information, all manner of things.” A sigh escapes me as I type away. “You are a very...very strange people. How do you motivate your people without money then? If all their needs are met, how do they not just laze about and do nothing?”
“Two reasons. One, our people can not be idle. Always doing...something. When given the freedom to choose what they want to do though...without the worry of not having a home, without the worry of ‘will I have enough money for food’, they focus on their desires, goals, pursuits with intensity.” A proud smile on Elly’s face as I examine their words, what kind of people can’t be idle?
“Second. We have a hierarchy to our society. There are the Migrants and the Citizens. Now for everyone...basic needs, even most wants, are addressed. Migrants get group housing in apartment complexes, Citizens get their own homes. Migrants use public transportation, Citizens can own their own vehicle. Migrants can have certain quality of food, Citizens can get higher quality. Those that perform well can become a citizen, or earn a boon such as one of the benefits that citizens have.” I simply nod my head. A caste system, crude but...effective. Work your way up society. I’m still fixated on the need for activity. Most races in the Hierarchy have bursts of energy, but all of them can very easily become complacent and lazy and just...not do anything.
“That is...acceptable. But your lack of a monetary system will be...difficult to get over.” A sigh escapes Elly as their head leans back before they lean forward again.
“Precious metals, rare minerals. The universal currency is materials. Your people no doubt have a price for Gold, Iron, other such materials. We can offer these up in exchange for your currency and...go from there. Internally we will never again adopt a monetary system. It breeds...greed and corruption in our people. And I feel bad for the people who become the treasurers….the inquisitors will be keeping an eye on them.” Elly shudders at the mention of these...Inquisitors.
“And these Inquisitors are...your internal police force I presume?” The word translated to something...strange. Seeker of Truth.
Elly nodded. “They were made...with the founding of the Terran Imperium. The first stage of our Imperium when we set out to conquer all of Gaia…” A proud but...melancholy expression Elly’s face. “They were made by Maritrixis, a strange alien whom our founders discovered out in the desert. Some forgotten nazi scientist lab trying to uncover the secrets of her people. She aided the founders of our Imperium, gifted them the only technology she had to give...and created the Inquisition. No one but the Inquisition knows how the Inquisitors are made. But they are...something else. Unyielding. Incorruptible seekers of truth.”
I simply scoff. “Incorruptible? Anyone can be tempted, swayed somehow, to go against their beliefs...even for a brief moment. A look the other way over some trivial matter.
Elly stared at me with an intensity that made me want to curl in on myself. “Not the inquisitors. I don’t know how they do it, but in the entire history of our Imperium not a one has ever turned against the imperium or it’s ideals, they would sooner die. It’s...something in how they are made...people are chosen, those who show devotion to the Imperial ideals are taken, trained and...some survive and become Inquisitors.”
I managed to regain myself after their moment of...intense passion. “And so...you just...trust these people to police you? Tell you what to do?”
Elly groans. “They don’t do that, they make sure the politicians don’t get power hungry or try to change things that would bring about the collapse of the imperium, or corrupt it from within.” Clearing their throat. “We are the Hammer and Shield. Because we are Strong. The Strong protect the Weak. And We are the Hammer and Shield.” A matra of some kind, the Gaian people’s creed it would seem. An admirable statement.
“Still these...inquisitors, surely they have some oversight. Someone they report to? They can’t just...remove an elected….wait your leaders are elected yes?”
Elly chuckled and nodded. “Yes, we elect our leaders and yes they can remove and elected official from office by force...by extreme force if needed. So far in our entire history that has...never happened. How ever governors of colonies and the like have gotten uppity, they were mercifully removed from office by the people, a vote of no confidence...and then quietly taken away by Inquisitors to make sure their ideals had not spread to others.” That was a scary thought.
“And...who was Maritrixis? You said she...was an alien that aided your people? It’s not uncommon for worlds to have ran into a lone being from another world but for them to have aided you in such a way is...curious.” A potentially unknown race aided in ‘uplifting’ these people and left these Inquisitors behind to keep them in check. This has ‘Mol’tok’ incident all over it...the Liath are probably behind this.
Elly smiles, I’ll never get over that threat display display of happiness and as a greeting...insane people. “She was...an alien. Eight foot tall, pale white skin, solid ebony eyes, no hair...we have some historical recordings of her I can share with you, but just imagine me but much taller, much paler, and my eyes all black.” Elly smiled again just as I envisioned what she said. That is why she terrified me. But...no, Prometheans were long dead at worse, myth at best! I must be not remembering correctly, i’ll have to examine these records of Elly’s. For now, on with the meeting.
“And she just did this out of what...the kindness of her heart? She practically uplifted your people from the sound of things. Without her you probably would have collapsed and never made it where you are now.”
With a nod of agreement Elly resumed speaking. “That is very much true. She gave us the matter conversion technology, and the inquisitors to police us...but the founders set the ideals the inquisitors would ensure. The strong protect the weak, never oppress. We will always seek peaceful resolution to societal conflicts, never seek active conflict...but if such cannot be achieved we will hold no punches should it come to war.” A chuckle escaped Elly. “The Imperator said it best. “War is what happens when civilizations fail. If it comes to war, civilization will not hinder or impact War. We can and will beat you into submission. We will leave you scarred after the conflict in such ways you never consider war again. And we...will always live in fear of having to do it again. Always hoping, praying, we never again have to unleash that horror upon others or ourselves.” Ah...but I am...glad she passed on peacefully.”
I have so many questions. Address in chronological order. “Excuse me, Matter conversion technology? That is a wholly unstable and dangerous technology. Breaking down materials into raw atoms and reconstructing them as something else requires…” And then it hits me. Their nuclear fission...no wonder they love it so much, THAT much power, unstable as it may be, would allow them to power such a dangerous technology. “Never mind, you’ve told me about your fission generators...but still for it to create a stable product...the math just isn’t there yet. And this alien just...gives you the technology?”
“The base material’s still have to be...similar. And we still have to have a blueprint of the end result material. The problem is...it will be a copy of the blueprint. So say we took dirt and made it into sand. We have a few hundred variations of sand, but there are billions of variations of sand...the dirt is converted only into that few hundred variations. Kinda like...cloning matter almost. And, energy limitations as well...we can only make so much of a resource a day, and we still have to consume enough other raw matter to compensate.” Elly clears their throat and leans forward. “Does trading a thousand kilograms of lead for a hundred kilograms of gold sound like a fair trade?” I shake my head, so the technology has conversion limits, and they still require mining.
“So what good does this technology do you then?” I inquired with a growing curiosity.
Elly simply chuckled. “Feeds us. The basic needs of life are...easy to replicate. Grain to feed our farm animals, raw materials to build housing and roads. It’s fantastic for recycling.” That...was a good point. Any waste materials could be broken down and remade into something similar, but useful. And these people have it and...have done...so little with it. But I guess...they have done much. Their people don’t starve without the need of firm coaxing to work.
I returned to an unanswered question “And...this Maritrixis, you never did say why she helped your people.” Elly’s face flushed red.
“Ah, right, I rambled, forgive me, nostalgia for history, a personal weakness. She helped us because...we were her children.”
No, no, no. Do not say what I think you’re going to say next, please…
“She said her people seeded our world with life, millenia ago. And that her people...faded. Their hubris brought about their end. Greed, paranoia, cruelty. We had inherited that from her people...and yet the founders presented her with...hope. That her children, the legacy of her people, need not suffer the faults of the parents. And so when they asked for her aid in building a new society...she questioned them. Endlessly, tirelessly.” Elly shrugs her shoulders. “Records from that time are...rose colored, written after the events. Suffice to say they impressed her with their tenants, with who they were as people...and their reluctance to accept her gift.” A chuckle escaped Elly. “The founders asked...for the conversion tech...to be purposefully reduced? It was capable of direct energy to matter conversions, but the efficiency was massively reduced to the point we have to use half a dyson sphere just to make a few thousand kilograms of matter...doesn’t matter what kind of material we make, but it requires an obscene amount of power.”
No, no, no. The white death, the plague bearers, the great Deathworlder horror...the Prometheans...It...it can’t be coincidence. The description while vague is...too similar. Seeders of planets, matter conversion technology. They were a horror story, great beings who wiped worlds clean of life and replaced it with their own. Beings who had the technology to create worlds from nothing. The great architects of the galaxy that burned themselves into non existence with their unspeakable weaponry that they unleashed on themselves in envy of each other. And I’m sitting in a meeting room with one of their...possibly only remaining creations. This...Human...The council must be made aware of this. I...will present the information as I have it here. They will hopefully come to the same conclusion as me...or find something I missed and it will have all just been my imagination from stress. I very much hope for the latter.
“You alright over there? You look like you’re having an existential crisis.” I snap out of my own mind and chuckle nervously.
“Ah, kinda. You are a strange people...that technology is something that the Hierarch-” I’m cut off by Elly abruptly.
“No. Non negotiable. As per Imperial Doctrine the MCT will remain forever under direct Imperial control due to its hazardous nature and ability to decimate civilizations not ready to receive it.”
Well...that should have been expected but that was still...intensely spoken. Imperial Doctrine? “I can understand, but the council will...use that as leverage to sanction your people rather...harshly.”
“Let me be...blunt and informal for a moment.” Elly adjusted their coat over their armored suit. “We wish for peaceful interactions with your Hierarchy. That is all. We will not be ruled by you, because you can not rule us...we are beyond your borders. At most we will request explorers be allowed to traverse your space...beyond that we will request and require little of your Hierarchy. We have survived just fine without you until now, we will continue to do so.” Elly stands up, I'm reminded of how...small I am compared to them. “We will not be politically bullied into releasing a potential plague upon your people. And should your bosses view that as a threat…” Oh that smile...how I fear that smile on Elly’s face. “Remind them that one of our explorer ships, not even a war ship, stood it’s ground against ten of your best ships. We mine entire worlds by cracking them into chunks and breaking them down in the void of space.”
Elly lets out a sigh that melancholy expression on their face again. “Please...just let us go about in peace. We do not wish for war, but if comes to it...well, you seem to have a fear of nuclear power. We on the other hand love it...and that’s not even the worst of our weaponry.” Nuclear weaponry? The Imperium has Nuclear Weaponry? It’s bad enough they are using it for powering their ships, but as a weapon of war? And...I then realized I was cowering in my chair. “I believe that...concludes any potential slip ups for our higher ups to avoid, yes?”
I am mentally drained from all of this. These psychotic people that may very well be the inheritors of the Promethean legacy. “Uh, yes, please...I will advise my higher ups as best they can to not...fall into the same pitfalls I did.” With that Elly nodded and bowed, their hand over their chest.
“And I shall do the same.” That...friendly smile unnerves me. More so now than it did before...because I understand why it unnerves me.
We have no...actual record of the Prometheans. The only reason we know anything at all is...too many different species with similar stories. Tales of powerful beings visiting their worlds, watching them, white skin, eyes of the void, predatory gazes...and that...smile of theirs. Those teeth...Every world under the Hierarchy has an instinctual response of terror when exposed to an image of an entity of that design. Now most species have instinctual responses to stimuli, some salivate at the smell of certain leaves or burning of wood, others at the sight of the food itself rather than the smell. Occasionally two species share similar stimuli from the same source. But for hundreds of species to all share this instinctual response to these beings? To have similar stories of these predators from the stars?
It’s theorized the Prometheans seeded all life in the galaxy and as such left their mark, this instinctual fear of them, in every sentient being...for what purpose? Speculation leads to...well why would anything want to be feared? To subjugate, dominate uncontested. And yet...these beings are...gone? No trace of them is seen. No ruins, have been discovered, nothing showing they existed at all, it’s all just...speculation. Theories. As such it’s treated as fiction.
I am distrubed by a ping on my system. The information from Elly had arrived. Historical documents to pour over, cultural customs, things like that to go over with a fine tooth comb. And to that...pictures of this Maritrixis. I am not so proud as to admit I became paralyzed. I stared at the image. Those...eyes, staring into me from the ancient still image. I had...apparently stopped breathing as well, as my head soon started pounding from lack of air and I breathed and snapped out of my stupor. I flagged the images with a warning and simply moved the information onto someone else. I...I am retiring.
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Hazard warning lights, industry, copy space for text. Headlights and turn signals on agricultural. Hazard lights button in the car. Interior. Hazard warning lights. In a car . Simple red hazard warning lights button on car dashboard, triangle pictogram closeup, detail shot. Vehicle safety light alert. Signal, transportation hazard. Hazard warning lights. Flashes button in car. Flat Whether you are looking for simple warning lights for a single vehicle, or need to outfit a large fleet with the latest in In Car CCTV, hazard warning lights, sirens and controllers, we have the capacity and knowledge to ensure that you get the right products for your requirements. The vast majority of our orders are custom built to your required specifications and as such not "off the peg Justech 2PCS 4LED Strobe Lights Hazard Warning Beacon Lights In Head Emergency Lights Strobe Amber Orange Flashing Warning Light 12V 24V Universal for Car Vehicle Truck Trailer Caravan Camper Van. 4.1 out of 5 stars 66. £14.99 £ 14. 99. Get it Friday, Sep 25. FREE Delivery on your first order shipped by Amazon. Hazard Warning Light Switch Vivaro Trafic Laguna High Quality. 5.0 out of 5 stars Find the perfect hazard warning lights stock photo. Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. No need to register, buy now! But the economic hazard warning lights are flashing just as the trade battle between the United States and China unsettles the world economy. Finance minister Sajid Javid said the global context was challenging but the fundamentals of the British economy were strong. "Wages are growing, employment is at a record high and we’re forecast to grow faster than Germany, Italy and Japan this year They are called hazard warning lights, after all. Most people understand that one or two flashes means "thanks" (or more like "sorry", increasingly the case) but you can work that out from the context of the situation. So I see no reason why they shouldn't be used for their most important purpose. From Highway code: You MUST NOT use hazard warning lights while driving or being towed unless you Hazard warning lights whilst stationary. Hazard warning lights may be used when a vehicle is stationary and is causing a temporary obstruction to other traffic. In regards to the law, the use of hazard warning lights used as an excuse for parking illegally or dangerously will not lessen the offence. When it is not recommended to use hazard warning lights whilst stationary In Germany, however, an extra indication is added: just before the light changes from red to green, the yellow signal comes on briefly in conjunction with the red. This means PREPARE FOR GREEN and is helpful if you are driving a manual transmission to give you a bit of warning to get into gear. Figure 1 (left) shows the signal cycle. Hazard warning lights are a pair of intermittent flashing indicator lights that flash in unison to warn other drivers that the vehicle is a temporary obstruction. They are also called hazard flashers and hazard lights. Different countries use hazard warning lights in different ways. This also applies if you are not directly involved in the accident but are a witness. Germany's Good Samaritan law also requires you to stop and render aid if people need help, even if you are not a party to or did not witness the accident. Secure the accident site by switching on your hazard flashers (Warnblinklicht). Place a warning triangle 100 meters behind the scene (200 meters on the Autobahn.) (A good rule of thumb is that the black and white roadside markers are generally

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Royal Enfield Himalayan - Hazard Light Feature - YouTube

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