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More Things I wish I knew when starting out in NMS (part 1)

This is the second in a series of articles about what I wish I'd known when (re)starting out. The complete list of links is at the index. I can't add any more to this page:

Starting Out

This is a big game, with a lot packed into it. The game's been evolving and changing over all these years. Having played since Day One, I am amazed at how much this game has grown. I've put 1800+ hours into it so far, and I'm still going strong.
Now, this game is approachable. Start a normal game up. The first half hour is going to make you crazy as you try to figure out the controls before you die in a hostile environment. I started a new game 90+ hours back, and I really struggled with those first few minutes. (I'm slow and the camera orientation is not how I normally play, so I was in trouble. I handed the controller to my son, and he got me to the point where I could play normally.)
u/NMS_noob brilliantly explains it: "Your starting planet is out to kill you. As soon as you spawn, go into camera mode, which stops time. Look around to find a shelter or cave and go there, the weather will not affect you while inside. Use the camera to scan your surroundings for oxygen and sodium plants. Mine the hazardous flora in caves to get oxygen (O2) and sodium (Na)."
There are a lot of missions to guide you through the basics of the game, from finding resources, to crafting simple things, while you repair your ship and head into space. There are missions that teach you how to build a basic base, and how to reach the Anomaly, and more. You can skip past some things if you can figure out what to do beforehand, but I've been following through the missions in the restart. They get you what you need to know. (Well, yes, I did have my farm up and ready long before the tutorials got me there, but I've been building farms at nearly every base I've built since farms became a thing.)
There are a lot of people here who will answer your questions, even if everyone else seems to know everything. Hint: I'm still learning new things about this game and I've been playing since it came out.
There are some guides out there. Anything older than a year is probably too out of date. Things that talk about the Beyond release and later may be very useful.
Once you get the basics down, you'll figure out it's an exploration, xenoarchaeological, base building, xenobiological, shoot the pirates or run away (my option), find and repair crashed ships, get better tools, run community missions with other players, and more kind of game. And who know where it will be after the next two releases?

Exosuit Upgrades

Don't forget to buy an upgrade slot the first time you get to a functional new station. The Exosuit Tech Dealer will let you purchase an upgrade. They aren't cheap. My middle row Cargo slots are $1 million each.
Be aware: You can walk into the Upgrade Unit and it may look like you don't have any upgrades to buy. If you have all 48 of your general slots already, the display will be gray. Don't forget to check the Technology and Cargo tabs. Once you switch tabs, the display will light up and show you an available slot, if you still have one in that tab. You can get to your suit to 48/14/48 and it will still feel like it's not enough.
This is why you look for Drop Pods, as explained in my earlier post.

Exosuit Protection

You need tech in your Exosuit Tech to protect you from the elements. It shouldn't be hard to find an S class protective tech at one of the Exosuit tech dealers in the Space Stations you know. You'll need about 600+ Nanites.
Furthermore, there are a lot of missions when you first start out. If one sounds particularly challenging -- it's OK to put it down for a while, to concentrate on something else. While you're doing that, you can collect some protective tech, buy some Dioxite, Uranium, Ammonia, Phosphorus or Ion Batteries to recharge the tech, perhaps even buy an S class underwater tech, giving you more oxygen as you dive. There are also Jetpack Movement techs you can add to your Exosuit for faster movement underwater. Once protected, you can go back to that mission, now better prepared.
This can be a lot of tech, especially if you haven't added more slots to your Exosuit -- another "mission" to take on.
I spend enough time in hazardous environments that I've gone from 1 to 2 protections for each hazard. I also carry the materials for recharging them, so I'm set.

Stuff to carry

I admit it. I'm a pack-rat. I'm trying to get better about it.
Someone asked me what to do because they kept running out of Ferrite dust, and they had all sorts of constructed things in their inventory... (We were all new once.)
First, there are places with good economies that you can buy a couple thousand units of Ferrite Dust (or your need du jour) at a time. Buy what you need if you don't have it.
Second, you know that Rusted Metal on the green boxes? Collect it. Every now and then, toss the collection into your Personal Refiner. Let it work away as you walk. Sooner or later, the Rusted Metal will be refined -- into Ferrite Dust, at 2 Dust for each Metal. I've been doing this in my 100+ hour restart and I have more than enough Ferrite Dust.
Third, you don't need to store a lot:
There is a refinery path for all the various flavors of crud you scrape off of Damaged Machinery and other surfaces. You can keep refining the substances all the way to Nanites. It's very slow. EDIT: You can buy Residual Goop in large quantities in some systems, so it can be worthwhile to throw chunks of 4,095 or less into a refiner and let it work in the background.

Stupid Base Tricks

Most of my bases are high on supports because I was seriously burned by terrain regeneration when I built something that was partially underground. I had to keep digging it out, which was really frustrating. Now I only have to worry about trees growing up and through landing pads and floors. There's nothing quite as annoying as an Obnoxious Fart plant regenerating under your Storage Unit base.
I build a Supply Depot right next to one of the walls of my base, and put a Holodoor on that wall. I run a pipeline from my Extractor farm to that Depot, using Depots every 100-200u as needed to span the distance. That way, I can reach through the door and collect what my Extractors have gathered without having to leave my base. I go right from my Depot to the Galactic Trade Terminal without my Gek Kaffein getting cold.
I have Save Points on my Freighter in each game I play. I always hit them when I arrive, when I make big changes, and before I leave. I usually have a couple in my bases. I've had issues in other NMS games -- lost a 500+ hour one some time ago, so I save early and often. I also save game data to an external USB key.
In the last several bases I've built, I put a Save Point at the end of my bed in my bedroom. Thus, when I start up the game, it's like I just woke to see a beautiful alien landscape. The sunrises at Exuberant Base are glorious.
If you're like me, in Normal mode, and you build a lot of bases, beware! There IS a global invisible complexity limit. In one case, I added a table and chairs to a base and completely broke my mineral extraction. Removing the table and chairs repaired the problem. I couldn't do any Nexus "build a base" missions, because it would not let me place a single room. It was stunningly weird and totally unexpected. There are two limits:
Once I deleted some old bases, I had more breathing room. Odd breakages stopped, for the moment.
Keep a base in Euclid. Build one if you haven't already. There are times when you have to go back to Euclid to complete a mission. The Living Ship mission ends in Euclid.

Base Storage -- Storage Units and Nutrient Processors

This can be confusing when you start out. Think of it as having 10 Storage Chambers, from 0-9, that are accessible from your Freighter and every base you build with Storage. Thus, I can drop something into Storage Unit 7 (Other Elements) at my Exuberant Base (Eissentam), fly up to my Freighter -- yes, it's still there in Unit 7, fly off to my Snow Place Like Home Base (Euclid) -- and it's there in Unit 7 too. You can name the Storage Unit at bases and on Freighters.
This is immensely useful.
I have one Unit dedicated to storing a collection of the harvested plants and other useful elements. Given the different needs in crafting, you'll have some leftovers when you do a round of crafting. These go into the Storage Unit, to add to the build from the next harvest. For example, the 56 Solanium leftovers won't buy anything more this round, but it may get me one extra build the next time I harvest.
The same commonality is available in your Nutrient Processors. If I have 33 Pulpy Roots in my Processor at Exuberant Base, the same 33 Pulpy Roots are accessible in the Processor on my Freighter, as well as at Snow Place Like Home. More importantly, those ingredients are in the Nutrient Processor you build on a planet surface. If you just happen to have Animal Baits in your storage, or the precursors you use to create the Baits, then you've just made every "Tame N Creatures" and "Feed M Creatures" mission almost trivial. I've made a lot of Quicksilver this way.
Note that there was a revision along the way.
This makes me a little crazy when I play in the 1170+ hour Day One game.

Making Money

There are many different approaches you can take, and usually you end up doing several of them. This is not a complete list. NOTE: Hello Games has recently removed several Get Rich Quick paths to large sums of money, so older videos may not be applicable now.

Money, Nanites and Salvaged Data

Salvaged Data serves three purposes in the game:
  1. It's used to buy Building Tech from your Base Construction Thing I Never Build and at the Anomaly
  2. It can be sold for large amounts of money
  3. It can be refined into Nanites, where 1 SD -> 15 Nanites
In the early game, I will go salvaging. I find a decent world with a good environment, then go from Salvage Data to nearest Salvage Data until I have 90 or more. You don't have to clear the entire tech tree to build a decent base, but there are clever uses you can do with some of the wood, concrete, and metal forms, if you're interested. I always clear the entire tree, even if I know I'm probably not going to use some of the things (goofy decals) there.
When I'm not on a salvaging foray, I gather Salvage Data opportunistically:
  1. Scan whenever done at a stop in the mission. This is yet another reason to have your MultiTool scanner tech maxed out as soon as possible.
  2. Any Salvage Data within 100u is mine. Occasionally, you'll find a cluster of two or three within 100u of each other.
  3. Any Salvage Data within 200u is a decision based on the environment, predators, Sentinels, and other occupational hazards.
  4. Any Salvage Data beyond that is uninteresting unless it's clearly located next to something of interest. (e.g. its indicator is on top of a Language Stone indicator at the same approximate distance)
  5. Go to the next stop in the mission.
There are also some other observations:
Two things of note, reasons why you should continue to opportunistically gather Salvage Data long after you've cleared the Base Tech Tree:
  1. You need a lot of Nanites for improving your Exosuit, Multitool, and Space Ship. They are needed to Evolve components in your Living Ship before you install them.
  2. You can sell Salvage Data for a lot of money. I've collected $2-$3 million worth of Salvage Data on runs before. IIRC, I have 87 right now in the 100+ hour game. That works out to ~$3m or 1,305 Nanites. If I need $3m to buy an Exotic I come across, I'm going to use them for money. I currently have ~10k Nanites from Ship Scrapping, so converting them to Nanites is less pressing. Until I get the Living Ship -- then there won't be enough.
I like their flexibility, which is why I keep scanning whenever I stop.

Making More Money -- System Economies

There are three tiers of Economies:
There's no difference between Wealthy and Opulent, or Comfortable and Promising.
If you have an Economy Scanner in your ship, you can see economic indicators for every system. (1, 2, or 3 vertical white circles on my PS4.) This will also tell you what kind of economy it is -- Technology, Mining, Scientific, etc. See for more details. If you don't have an Economy Scanner, that's a new mission for you.
There is also a type of Economy: Mining, Scientific, etc. These are represented by icons on the system display.
Some items can be sold for more money in one type of economy. Some items can be purchased cheaply in another economy. You can play a trading game this way, as a way to amass some money.
You are more likely to find better ships and better technology in a higher level economy. I deliberately look for these systems, and will often set up a base in them, if I need a new base. I like to use the Teleport out and back again, so that the system shows up in my list of known systems.
Some systems don't have an economy. They may be worth taking a look at -- but be sure you can get back using your hyperdrive.

All the Money

You can have a maximum of $4,294,967,295 -- it doesn't matter what you sell, your units cannot go higher than this. It looks like a weird number, but the reason is simple, if you understand anything about software development. 4,294,967,295 is the largest unsigned integer value you can store in 32 bits.
As a long time programmer, I suspect that early on someone said something like "No one will ever have $4 billion, so this will be big enough." As a long time software engineer, who saw battle in the 32 to 64 bit conversion wars, this would probably require a significant revision to the code and the database schema to increase the limit.
My 1170+ hour game has this much money, which changes the incentives in the game. Now at 1470+ hours, I'm down to ~$250m, which works nicely.

Standard (not Living) Ship Basics

Playing what looks cool is a great approach. However, be aware there are a LOT of cool ships out there. You can have up to six, but you should stop at five, so that you can pick up a crashed ship or buy a ship just to scrap it.
First, I suggest you get to the Anomaly. There are instructional mission sequences that get you there, but I don't remember if you can just summon it right away. Then walk around the parking area as ships come in and go out. You'll see a good cross-section of the kinds of ships in the game. I suspect you'll want an Exotic or three and a Living Ship before long. The Freighter hangar in my 1170+ game has four different Exotics and two Living Ships.
Second, there are three dimensions in improving a not-Living ship: Class, Capacity, and Capabilities.
Class: This takes bucket loads of Nanites.
My suggestion: make this a long-term goal, at a lower priority, because you're going to need Nanites for a lot of different things. S class ships are out there, for purchase, for many millions of units. Money is easier to amass. There are also crashed S class ships. People post coordinates, but that takes all the fun out of it for me. Exotics and Living Ships, by definition, are S class.
Capacity: This takes a lot of money, but there are legitimate short cuts you can take. There's a lot more detail about how to go about this in Upgrading Your Ship section below.
Patience is a virtue here. If you're just starting out, or 100+ hours into a restart like I am, there's just not enough money. So, be opportunistic. Work on this on the occasions where you've accumulated enough to have another go at it. I have money now because my Farm is up and running, and I have 19 Frigates to send out on missions.
Capabilities: This is where your Nanites are going to go first. You're going to want to buy tech improvements for your ship. This requires focus.
If you throw every possible weapon into the ship, you'll have no room for cargo. Pick two you like.
Some tech is usually better than no tech. While I try to get S level tech, that takes ~600 Nanites a tech. My current ship had a bunch of A tech that I got for half the price. I've been replacing the worst tech items with the best I can buy, as I go along. Now, 30+ hours later, it's all S class.
Placement of the tech makes a difference. Have a look at the old "Technology Configuration Chart" for a visual guide. (Thanks for the pointer, u/ghstchldrn!) Note it might be somewhat outdated; for example, there are extra Hazard Protection techs now. (I'm not sure you need to micro manage too much, just place the same types of things next to each other)
You don't need 3 S techs and any default techs to start with. You need a functional weapon and the knowledge about when to Run Away!
Patience is a virtue here as well. I've incrementally taken my A 23+6 Shuttle to A 40+14. C and B tech has been slowly replaced by S tech. I've actually gone overboard with the tech, but I can live with better shields, jumping 1,300 Light Years, and taking advantage of the Positron Ejector shotgun approach to cover my poor shooting skills. I'm at the maximum number of slots I can have for a ship of this class and type. It's not the prettiest ship out there, but it gets the job done.

Standard Hyperdrive Tech

You can build the Cadmium Hyperdrive with materials available anywhere you can reach. That allows you to get to red star planets with Cadmium very quickly, where you can mine all that you need. The Cadmium allows you to build the Emeril Drive, which gets you to green star planets with Emeril. That lets you build the Indium Drive, which gets you to blue star planets with Indium and the fabled Activated Indium. This is actually very easy to do, once you figure out how to navigate the frakking Galaxy Map. (Obviously, I'm still not good at it.)
Placement and orientation of the Tech matters. With some S Hyperdrive Tech in General slots and more in Technology slots, I have ships with over 2,000 light year maximum ranges. Squidiculous maxes at 2,607 light years.
Once you have the Indium Drive, you can delete the Cadmium and Emeril Drive tech. This will drop your maximum jump distance by a couple of light years. You should replace them with a couple of S class hyperdrive techs. That will more than make up for those couple of light-years. Finding the S tech is easier if you know where the High Level Economies are and can get to them easily.
For hyperdrive (HD) you have an Indium Drive (ID), Emeril (ED) and Cadmium (CD).
Tech inventory:
u HD U u (U is the 2nd best upgrade! u are lesser upgrades) 
Main inventory:
 u ID CD U u ED (U is the very best of your upgrades) 
Similar setups can be used for other groups of Tech. (e.g. Pulse Engine, Exosuit Jump) Check your results. In one case, CD-U-HD / ED-U-U was better. (Thanks to u/orthorix.)
There is a similar Hyperdrive Tech progression for Freighter Hyperdrive engines. It takes a long time to gather the Salvaged Frigate Modules needed to unlock everything. This is another reason to keep sending out Frigate missions -- they occasionally come back with an SFM. The same is true with diving crashed Freighters -- you occasionally get an SFM. I've gotten nine in my 100+ hour game, enough to unlock the Matter Beam and the first Hyperdrive Tech.

Upgrading Your Ship / Removing a Ship

There are a number of ships you deal with in the game, and they have different operational paths:
Ship Type Can Increase Slots? Can Remove From Fleet?
Standard Ship Yes, at Stations Yes, by scrapping
Standard Freighter Yes, in 2.60 Only one allowed, buy/trade upgrade
Standard Frigate No slots, stats do increase with more missions. Your C Frigate can become an S class over time Yes, using standard delete/discard mechanism
Living Ship Not yet Yes, by swapping at Station
For standard ships, you can buy additional inventory slots at the Ship Upgrade/Scrap Station. You can get to the maximum allowed for that type of ship and its class. The maximum is S 48+21. I discovered my 100+ hour game Shuttle Proxima Vortex Blues is limited to A 40+14. Considering I started at A 23+6, that's not bad work.
I did not buy a single upgrade from the station. You can buy a complete set of upgrades. Depending on your ship, this may cost you $2-3 billion units to do this. If you have All The Money, you probably have a way to make more -- which means spending $12-18 billion to upgrade an entire hangar full of ships is not that big a deal. I am that rich in my 1170+ hour game.
Obviously, my 100+ hour game is not that way. This is where the Honest Phil's Used Starship Sales and Service model comes into play.
If you go to a High Wealth Economy Station, you can buy A (or S) class ships of reasonable size (25+ slots) just to scrap them. (Honest Phil sez "I got a little old Gek looking for this sweetheart of a ship, so sell it to me.") You have two choices:
With a big enough scrapped ship, you may get Storage Augmentation items as a result. These buy you a "free" additional slot in a ship. The reality is that if you sell the scraps and convert the recovered Techs into Nanites, you'll lose millions of units for every ship you recycle in this process. It is, however, cheaper than billions of units. (You might get the occasional Augmentation from a B or C class ship, but it's not very probable.)
I can do this because I have $10-$50 million in my hands at all times. If I build up the cash, I can scrap a couple of ships, gather the Nanites and the Augmentations, and pour that into my main ship. If I find a better one, I'll trade up.
Be careful -- the upgrade interface can be a little misleading, like the Exosuit upgrade. If you get to the maximum normal slots 40 or 48, the upgrade button will be gray, saying you've hit the maximum slots. If you change to the Tech slots and you're not already at 14 or 21, the button will change to green. You might miss the option if you don't switch slots.
You love the ship you're with. With those Tech slots, I could rearrange the Tech on my ship, laying it out more optimally. Proxima Vortex Blues has:
I couldn't have fit all that in without a full complement of Tech slots. I'm on the last phase of my Living Ship quest, so I'll fly her around for a while when I get her.
In my 1170+ hour game, I've lived and loved many ships. My current favorites are my Exotic S 48+21 Squidiculous and my S 22+21 Living Ship Etude for Three Quasars. That doesn't mean I don't love the other Living Ship or the three other Exotics sitting in my beloved B 30+8 Freighter. (Scrapping an Exotic is heartbreaking, which is why I still have six ships instead of five.)
This requires patience.
(Updated for Origins 3.0.)
submitted by vortexofchaos to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]

Mega Fortune Progressive Jackpot - free spins and bonuses!

Mega Fortune Progressive Jackpot - free spins and bonuses!

Mega Fortune Free Spins Bonuses
Play Mega Fortune for free! We have found a website that offer no deposit free spins and other exclusive promtoion to NetEnt Casinis with Mega Fortune. We are sure, this will help you hit big wins, if not, the MEGA big win!
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Mega Fortune is one of the more popular slots created by Net Entertainment and it features an amazing opportunity to score a massive progressive jackpot payout.
If you’re wondering how it works, where to play and how to win the big jackpot, we’ll now reveal all that and more in this Mega Fortune slot review for mobile app users.


This concept is based on the luxuries in life, which is exactly what those players who’ve won in the past can now enjoy! It’s extremely visually appealing, and you will find some amazing themed icons and great graphics in use with each and every spin.
Gameplay is just like any other mobile video slot and the reels are set in a five-reel layout. You will have 25 paylines to wager on and will find you can generate some exceptional base game payouts.
When you play Mega Fortune, you will enjoy the speed and simplicity of playing, but you will also benefit from enhanced features that can bring about larger wins. The game is easy to play and is an affordable option if you are seeking a thrilling video slot that also provides you with the chance to become an instant millionaire!
Read on to learn about all of the game details and get ready to start spinning from some great reward with this highly recommended NetEnt slot selection. You can enjoy it on desktops as well as on mobile casino apps, so you will never miss the chance to take some free spins and collect those handsome rewards.
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Mega Fortune Bonus Features

Mobile slot games are always enjoyable, but those that feature bonus rounds will attract your attention instantly With Mega Fortune, you can benefit from some great features that are sure to boost payouts and provide you with the most thrilling mobile gambling experience possible.
The Wheel of Fortune Bonus round is the highlight of the slot and this is triggered when you are able to get three or more bonus symbols from left to right. They do have to appear on consecutive reels. When this happened, you will access the Wheel of Fortune and will have the chance to win the progressive jackpot.
When the feature starts, the outer wheel will start to spin and will stop on a cash prize amount or an arrow that will advance you to the inner wheel. The inner wheel offers cash prizes, another arrow, or the Rapid progressive payout. The next wheel segment offers the chance to win larger cash payouts as well as the Major Progressive and the final inner section is where you can win the Mega progressive.

Free Spins

In addition to the progressive bonus feature, Mega Fortune also offers a free spin round like many other high-quality video slots.
This is triggered when you are able to land three or more scatter icons (which are displayed as champagne symbols) in any position on the reels. You will first select one of the scatter icons to reveal the number of free spins won and a multiplier.
The maximum amount is 10 spins with a 5x multiplier in play. During my sessions I found I was able to land the free spins quite frequently and they added up to some very nice wins.

Jackpot/Maximum Win Amounts

When you make the decision to play Mega Fortune for real money wagers on your mobile device, you can win some exceptional payouts. There is a base game jackpot of 10,000 x the bet that can be won, which is quite a handsome payout if you are betting the maximum amount.
This game also provides the chance to win one of three progressive jackpots when you trigger the Wheel of Fortune bonus round. The Mega Jackpot can be worth millions and it has paid out some life changing jackpots over the years. One of the largest wins was for $6.9 million back in 2012. Another winner claimed a payout of more than $11 million in 2010.
The largest win ever recorded on Mega Fortune was in 2013 when a lucky player hit the Mega Jackpot for a massive win of $17.8 million.
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Mega Fortune Software

This exciting online and mobile slot has been developed by Net Entertainment and you can access it using any mobile device, including Android and iOS.
The majority of NetEnt casinos operating will provide instant access through the web browser so you can instantly start playing this thrilling title. The developer has a strong reputation in the industry for and is known for creating high paying games that are accessible on all devices. No software download is ever required.

How to Play the Game

To begin playing Mega Fortune, you will first select a reputable site that features NetEnt games. You will then have to create an account.
If you are playing for real money, that account will have to be funded. Once you are ready to play, you will have the ability to select from the 25 supported paylines and you are free to alter your bets at any time.
With this game, you can bet as little as $0.01 per payline and you can increase this bet to $0.50 on each payline. The game offers a maximum bet of $50 per spin, so even though it is a progressive slot, it remains an affordable choice.
Once you have selected your bet amount and how many lines to play, you will simply click on spin. The reels will spin and any created win will automatically be credited to the player balance. You can also choose to enable the Autoplay feature, where you can play multiple spins at the same bet amount for a set number of spins up to 1,000.
The game is very easy to play and has been optimized for mobile access. You will enjoy great features that can be triggered from the base game and will also benefit from astounding payouts. Even if you do not hit a progressive, you will find Mega Fortune to be one of the more rewarding slots at any online casino.
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Spin Casino 60 gratis spins and 100 free bonus (register now)

Spin Casino 60 gratis spins and 100 free bonus (register now)

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Sign up with Spin Casino and benefit from 60 Gratis Spins on Immortal Romance slot by Microgaming. Plus, you will be rewarded with a 100% welcome bonus up to a hefty $1000!!!
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Spin Casino Review

There’s nothing quite like watching the colorful symbols of a slot machine spin as the anticipation of Lady Luck showering you with riches builds to a fever pitch, is there?
That’s what Spin Casino is all about, and today I’m going to show you everything there is to know about it.
Pull up a stool beside me and grab yourself a beverage, because I’m going to be pressing all the buttons, unlocking all the features, and assessing whether or not this casino is rigged or straight.
By the time our session is done today, you’ll know just about everything there is to know about Spin Casino.
So, is this one likely to pay out the jackpot, or is it a flop that never pays no matter how much you feed into it?
We’re going to find out all of that and more in this Spin Casino review!

Is Spin Casino Legit?

Yes, Spin Casino is a legit online gambling site. I know this for the following reasons:
  • It has gaming licenses from the Malta Gaming Authority and the Kahnawake Gaming Commission
  • This is a Microgaming casino. These guys don’t work with swindlers and con artists. Their reputation is pure gold in this industry
  • It’s run by the Palace Group. They’re highly reputable and run several other well-known casinos such as Spin Palace and Ruby Fortune.

About Spin Casino

I’m a little like the Kojak of online casinos, minus the lollipop and shades. I don’t just take things at face value – I investigate and try to find out all I can about the operator. I’m happy to report that what I found out about Spin Casino is impressive.
As you can see, everything about this casino passes the initial smell test. It’s 100% legitimate and is run by highly professional operators. The fact that all of the games are powered by Microgaming means eCOGRA has tested the payouts and verified them fair. As far as I’m concerned, that’s awesome news.
I always like to make a comment on the site design. This one looks fantastic! It’s got a bright pink and white theme, and everything is laid out in logical, common-sense order. That goes for the mobile site, too. I visited on both Android and iOS devices, and it was a dream to use.
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The Good Stuff

Every gambling site has its strengths and weaknesses. This one is no exception. Here’s what I like about Spin Casino.

Highly Reputable Operator

I always like knowing I’m in safe hands when gambling online.
This casino is run by one of the big hitters in the iGaming industry – The Palace Group. That means everything runs professionally, and you’ll be in the hands of pros.
They’ve been around since 2001 and count themselves as part of the Prima Network. As one of the largest networks in the world, they safely support over 500,000 registered players.

Huge Selection of World-Class Games

Most of the games at this casino are powered by Microgaming, with the exception of the live dealer games, which are powered by Evolution Gaming/Ezugi.
There are over 600 games in total including slot machines, video poker, table and card games, and the aforementioned live dealer games.

Sports Betting Available

I like a cheeky punt on soccer and boxing matches, and I’m glad that I’ll be able to place my bets while playing casino games at the same time. The sportsbook is technically a separate site, but it’s all operated by the same firm, and you can navigate to it straight from

The Bad Stuff

I’ve yet to come across a gambling site that scores perfect marks in every category. This one has a few flaws, too.

No Poker Tournaments

As one of the few game types not supported by Spin Casino, if you like to challenge other players in Texas Hold’em or Omaha tournaments, you’ll have to do so elsewhere.
While they don’t appear to have anything against them, there are no dedicated poker rooms or tournaments available for players.

No US Players

It’s no secret that US players have a hard time finding online casinos that accept them. Unfortunately, this is yet another that doesn’t. Don’t worry, though, because we have a full list of US gambling sites that will welcome you with open arms.
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Game Selection

This is what I like to call a “full-scale” online casino, meaning whatever type of game you want to play, you’ll be able to do so here. You’ll find hundreds of slots, dozens of video poker games, and lots of digital and live dealer blackjack/roulette games.
In this section, I’ll show you everything you need to know about these games, which firms power them, and how much they’ll cost you to play.


The casino games at Spin Casino are powered by Microgaming, Evolution Gaming, and Ezugi. If you know about casino games at all, you’ll already know that these are top-level operators who produce world-class, fair, reliable casino games.
That tells me everything I need to know in advance – the gaming experience here will be second to none. Nonetheless, let’s look at the games in more detail. I’ll show you exactly what games are available in each category and what I make of them.


If you love to spin the reels in the hope of landing that one payout that changes it all, you’ll be spoiled for choice here. I love slots, and I recommend the following games at Spin Casino:
  • 108 Heroes
  • Agent Jane Blonde
  • Bar Bar Black Sheep
  • Bikini Party
  • Candy Dreams
  • Treasure Nile (Jackpot)
  • Dragon Dance
  • Dream Date
  • Exotic Cats
  • Forbidden Throne
  • Frozen Diamonds
  • Game of Thrones
  • Girls With Guns
  • Mega Moolah (Jackpot)
  • Immortal Romance
  • Shoot
  • Titans of the Sun
  • King Cashalot (Jackpot)
  • Bridezilla
  • Gold Factory
  • Jekyll & Hyde
  • Thunderstruck II
  • White Buffalo
There are currently 315 slots available at Spin Casino. Since they’re powered by Microgaming, it probably doesn’t need to be stated that they’re all world-class games. You can try all of them in “demo mode” if you want to experiment with any of them.

Video Poker

If you’ve read any of my casino reviews before, you’ll already know that I play video poker more than any other game. It’s the strategy, you see. I love knowing that I have some control and that my skill will be rewarded, rather than being at the mercy of chance alone.
If you feel the same way, check out the following games:
  • Aces & Eights
  • Aces & Faces
  • All Aces
  • Deuces Wild
  • Deuces Wild Bonus Poker
  • Double Double Bonus Poker
  • Jacks or Better
  • All American Poker
  • Bonus Poker
  • Bonus Poker Deluxe
  • Deuces & Joker
  • Double Bonus Poker
  • Double Joker Poker
  • Hold’em High Gold Series
  • Joker Poker
  • Louisiana Double Poker
  • Tens or Better
These video poker games are powered by Quickfire/Microgaming. You’ll be able to bet between $1 and $25 per hand. The games are flawless and run as smooth as silk.
As with the other games, you can play these games for free. This will allow you to assess their quality for yourself and test your video poker strategies.

Table Games

You just can’t beat good old table and card games. They make a casino what it is, don’t they? You’ll be able to play the following games and variants at Spin Casino:
  • Atlantic City Blackjack
  • Classic Blackjack
  • European Blackjack Gold Series
  • Vegas Blackjack Gold Series
  • Vegas Strip Gold Series
  • Big Five Blackjack
  • Bonus Blackjack Gold Series
  • Double Exposure Blackjack
  • HiLo 13 European Blackjack
  • Perfect Pairs European Blackjack
  • Vegas Downtown Blackjack
  • Spanish Blackjack Gold Series
  • Super Fun 21
  • Roulette
  • European Roulette
  • French Roulette
  • Multi Wheel Roulette
  • Premier Roulette
  • Diamond Edition Roulette
  • Spingo
  • Wheel of Riches
  • Baccarat
  • Baccarat Gold Series
  • Craps
I love that all the games are offered in demo mode here. There were a few variants I hadn’t played in a while, and I was able to familiarize myself with them again without playing for real money. I suggest you check them out for yourself, and you’ll see that they’re all high-quality.
Bets range from $0.50 to $500. Whether you’re a high-stakes player or are more conservative, you’ll be welcome here.
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Live Casino

Live casino games are the present and the future of online table and card games, and you’ll be able to play the best of them here. Check out the following games:
  • Baccarat
  • Blackjack
  • Casino Hold ‘Em
  • Dream Catcher
  • Football Studio
  • Ultimate Texas Hold’em
  • Dragon Tiger Live
  • Roulette
  • Shangri La Roulette
  • Lightning Roulette
The live games are powered by Evolution Gaming and Ezugi, which now flies under the Evolution Gaming banner. Unlike most of the other games here, you’ll have to pay to play these from the start. There are no demo modes or free play versions available.
You can sit and watch for a while, but when you’re ready to play, you’ll be able to bet from $0.10 to $5,000, depending on the game and variant.

My Favorite Find at Spin Casino

My favorite find at Spin Casino is my favorite slot ever – Thunderstruck II. It’s probably Microgaming’s best game of all time and has truly stood the test of time.
With a cool “Norse gods” theme and a cracking multi-level free spins round, you don’t want to miss this game. It doesn’t have the biggest jackpot Microgaming has to offer, but it’s highly entertaining and could put a healthy balance in your account.


If you like having a punt on games, matches, fights, and sporting events of various stripes and colors, you’ll be happy here. You can bet on the following sports:
  • Soccer
  • Basketball
  • Tennis
  • Ice Hockey
  • American Football
  • Handball
  • Volleyball
  • Cricket
  • Rugby Union
  • Rugby League
  • Esports
  • Specials
  • Virtual Sports
  • Boxing
  • Golf
  • Badminton
  • Futsal
  • Winter Sports
  • MMA
  • Snooker
  • Baseball
  • Cycling
  • Many More!
You’ll find all of the sports you can bet on listed on the left-hand menu. Some of the more popular sports are also listed on a sticky menu at the top of the main lobby page.
It’s a fairly straightforward sportsbook, although it is modern and interactive in terms of its design. There are no special features to speak of. That’s not a bad thing, in my view. I prefer simple and to the point rather than complex and convoluted, but that’s just me.
The most important thing is that this is a user-friendly site. Whether you’re using a desktop or mobile device, you’ll be able to find everything easily and will find all sports and events categorized in an intuitive, logical way.
The ability to view odds in decimal, fractional, and American formats wins major points with me. It’s these little things that show Spin Sports has put time and effort into making the user experience as enjoyable as possible. There’s nothing worse than having to convert odds in your head or on some notepaper.
The site is 100% mobile-friendly. I visited on my Android phone and found it a breeze to use. You’ll see all of the popular sports on a sticky menu at the top, there’s a search feature so you can quickly find action on sports you love, and you’ll see all of the current and upcoming events right below that.
There are no apps, but that’s okay. The mobile site is so easy to use that you won’t need them anyway.


The esports sector is on fire right now, and it’s great to see Spin Sports embracing it. You’ll find action on Dota 2, CS:GO, LoL, Starcraft 2, Rainbow Six, and Rocket League.
Leagues include the European Championship, Dream League, The United Masters League, and various other global leagues and tournaments. If esports is your thing, you’ll be happy here.

Live Betting

No modern sports betting site would be complete without enabling live/in-play betting. You’ll be able to bet on soccer, basketball, tennis, volleyball, golf, futsal, and table tennis.
There are lots of betting markets across these sports, but let’s focus on the most popular sport for in-play betting – soccer. You can wager on total score, next team to score, penalties, total goals in each half, results in each half, and lots of proposition bets such as the outcomes of corners, free kicks, and many other things.
I’ve seen some sites with a bigger range of live betting markets, but if this isn’t enough for you, it might be wise to seek help because you probably have a problem.


Spin Casino has a great welcome bonus and a unique way of rewarding ongoing players. As you’ll see, rather than a bunch of gimmicky bonuses for each day of the week, you’ll win regular rewards by spinning a bonus wheel. This adds an element of excitement into the mix, and I like it a lot.
Let’s check those bonuses out then, shall we?

Welcome Bonus

As a new player, Spin Casino will give you three separate deposit bonuses to get you started. Here’s what you can get:
  1. You can get 100% up to $400
  2. You’ll get another 100% up to $300
  3. Then you’ll be eligible for another 100% bonus up to $300
The minimum deposit required to activate this is $10, and the wagering requirements are 50x. Those could be a little lower, but it’s a big bonus, so we can make allowances.

Bonus Wheel

Rather than lots of ongoing daily and weekly promotions, Spin Casino has come up with a unique and innovative way to make sure you’re rewarded often.
You’ll regularly be offered free spins on the bonus wheel and will win free spins, cash credits, deposit bonuses, loyalty points, and more.
Of course, standard wagering requirements apply. You didn’t think the casino would give you freebies and let you walk away, did ya?

Spin Sports Free Bet

If you decide to make use of the sports betting service, you’ll be eligible for a $200 free bet bonus. It’s a deposit match offer worth 100% of whatever you deposit, with $10 being the minimum and $200 being the maximum.
This is a straightforward deal. There are two main stipulations you need to be aware of – you’ll have to claim the offer within 7 days, and 5x playthrough requirements apply at odds of 1.3 or greater.
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Let’s now take a look at the banking options available. This is a section I always pay particular attention to since it tells me lots about the gambling site. If there are any hidden nasties, I’ll normally find them here.
There are no extra deposit or withdrawal fees, but do check with your bank or card issuer. Some payment providers do charge extra fees for gambling transactions.
There are plenty of ways to make deposits and withdrawals here. Note that the withdrawal method you use will have to be the same as your deposit method thanks to anti-money laundering laws.
You can’t use cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum at this casino. Perhaps that’ll change in the future.
The maximum withdrawal you can make in a 24-hour period is $10,000.

Deposit Methods

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • Neteller
  • Skrill
  • Instadebit
  • iDebit
  • eCheck
  • Much Better
  • Paysafecard
  • Neosurf
  • ecoPayz
  • Flexepin
  • Instant Banking

Withdrawal Methods

  • Visa
  • Neteller
  • Skrill
  • Paysafecard
  • ecoPayz
  • Neosurf
  • eCheck
  • iDebit
  • Instant Banking

VIP Program

Spin Casino has a multi-level loyalty club with progressive benefits. That means each time you reach a new level, you’ll unlock a bunch of new rewards.
There are six levels in all – Blue, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and Prive.
As with most loyalty schemes, you’ll earn points. Each 1,000 “Club Points” will be worth $10. Here’s what’s on offer at the various levels:
  • Blue – You’ll get access to exclusive tournaments and $500
  • Silver – You’ll receive the same benefits as blue level, but your bonus will be worth $1,000
  • Gold – At this level, you’ll get all the perks of silver, but your bonus will increase to $2,000, and you’ll unlock access to new tournaments
  • Platinum – Here, you’ll get all the gold-level perks plus a $5,000 bonus, access to exclusive tournaments, and your own account manager who you can contact 24/7
  • Diamond – At this level, your bonus will be worth $7,500, you’ll get your own VIP territory manager, and you’ll have access to your own personal phone number
  • Prive – Your monthly bonuses will be worth $10,000 at this level, you’ll get all the diamond-level perks, plus invitations to global events, and exclusive gifts and bonuses
All in all, this is a generous VIP program albeit a standard one in terms of format. You’ll be well rewarded here.

Customer Service

If you need to reach out about anything, which you will at some point no matter how good a casino is, you have the following options.
Email – There’s an email form on the site that you can submit comments and questions through. Expect a reply within 24 hours.
Live Chat – A much faster way to get in touch is via live chat. I did have to wait roughly two minutes before getting connected, but the answers I got regarding bonus offers were satisfactory, and the live chat agent was friendly.
I’d like to see a telephone hotline option, but this is good enough for now, and the service is fine. Perhaps as this casino grows, telephone support will be added.

Would I Play at Spin Casino?

Yes, I’d most definitely play at this casino, and in fact, I will be doing just that from now on. It’s rare that a casino I review wins me over as a player, but this one has done the trick.
If you’re after world-class games (and plenty of them), ongoing bonuses and rewards, fair banking policies, and solid customer support, look no further – you’ve found your site in Spin Casino.
Go ahead and check it out for yourself. We promise you’ll like it!
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The 4th Wave - This was posted on Reddit 1+ years ago, while I would not agree with everything that is said, it does bring up some interesting points that seem to predict what is unfolding now.

As the world goes through vast change, and the structures of the past appear to be collapsing all around us, the idea of Socialism has re-arisen in western democracies.
It seems today that when anybody speaks about the benefits of Socialism they reference the Nordic countries in how wonderful and progressive they are with Utopian social welfare policies. One only has to look briefly at the history of these places to see that the governments that have evolved in these countries did so over lengthy periods of time with highly homogeneous communities. Looking at America travelling from east to west then south and the middle, the variations can be so great it is like living in different countries. In the Nordic countries they base social policies upon the populations seeing themselves as the one thing: Swedish, Finnish, Danish, etc. This type of unity doesn’t exist in America. The mixture of people from all lands on earth with different cultures, religions, philosophies has created the most amazing technological, scientific, literary, film and musical innovation the world has ever seen, but the Americans don’t see themselves as one people. In such a new country there are still huge divisions in the populace as to what precisely the definition of an American is.
Socialism has many variations, but can narrow down to two main role models/sources of origin. In the European counties it is Evolved Socialism which uses the free market and has great social welfare programs, and in other places such as Venezuela and Cuba where it is Enforced Socialism, which draws its roots from Marxist ideals. The biggest difference between the two besides one being enforced and one naturally evolving is that the Marxist version is based in an ideology of an oppressor e.g. The ruling elite/rich, Land owners, Bourgeoisie etc did this to me, so when they are gone my brothers, sisters and I can be happy to lead a peaceful Utopian way of life. The European version doesn’t have an oppressor type of foundation that has to be eradicated, instead it is about focusing on what is best for the society.
So the question arises with this new wave of socialist politicians appearing in America and around the world; what form of Socialism do they believe in? Listening to the new Socialists, they will point to the benefits of Socialism in Nordic countries and how fantastic such programs will be once implemented in the United States. But one merely has to follow their educational tree backward to know where these people picked up their brand of Socialism from, and in most instances it wasn’t Europe.
By following the history of these new wave of Socialists it allows us to have a better understanding into what motives them. If you want to look at Socialism today you have to start by examining modern Feminism which has had a lot of influence over the new Socialist movement.
Looking to its history, there have been four waves of Feminism defined as the following:
First-wave feminism: early 20th century 1900 to 1959, focusing on women’s suffrage, property rights, and political candidacy
Second-wave feminism: 1960s to 1980s, focusing on reducing disparities in sex, family, the workplace, reproductive rights, de facto inequalities, and official legal inequalities
Third-wave feminism: 1990s to 2000s, focusing on embracing individualism and diversity.
Fourth-wave feminism: 2008 to present-day, focusing on combating sexual harassment, assault, and misogyny, the #metoo movement and removing “The Patriarchy”. This latest group are known as the Kali’s, Neo-Suffragettes or 4th Wavers.
Waves one and two almost entirely dissipated when they achieved most of their aims. Wave three was left shell-shocked when the USSR collapsed leaving those that had allied the ideology to Marxism (academics, protesters) ineffective. The fourth wave reawakened and radicalised quickly with the use of social media and movements such as #metoo, its agenda now is to remove the Patriarchy.
The question then arises if the current wave of feminists want to remove “The Patriarchy” then what actually is it? A dictionary definition is “A system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it”. In both the animal and human worlds there are hierarchies in place. We as humans are adaptive animals who have mastered living in environments across the earth. In the last few thousand years humans have moved through extremely rapid and unparalleled transformation in population increase and how our communities live together, and one of the components in allowing them to do that are highly adaptive hierarchical structures. From the feminist perspective these hierarchies have been controlled by men and oppressed women to maintain control and power, and while there is some accuracy in this, if human history is examined closely one discovers that this is a biased representation.
Territorial fighting underlies both human and animal existence. In the majority of cases the groups that will dominate this fighting will be those led by males, so the hierarchical structures that evolved did so around male leadership. There are some examples of matriarchal hierarchies in both the animal and human world, but they are fairly rare due to males being naturally superior in their fighting and hunting abilities and that women bearing children need to be protected and fed. Men’s brains are hard wired to perform single focused tasks, which makes them better hunters and fighters, while women brains are wired more around communication, multi tasking and co-operative tasks which makes them better at raising children. The society and government groups that developed did so through an evolutionary trial and error process, for whatever worked best for that community at the time. As the environments and populations changed so did the hierarchical structures that held them together.
Examining the history of the women's movement and what motivated them into action starting with the Suffragettes, most of the men and women at that time lived very hard lives working 12 or more hours a day in dangerous and menial jobs such as working in factories and coal mines. Alcoholism was endemic and men lived in shell shocked states from being used as cannon fodder in wars. The average working class jobs involved brutally hard work for little pay and no labour or safety regulations, which many today would call a form of indentured slavery. It was common for woman to have eight or more children. Life expectancy was low for everyone and mother and infant mortality rates were high. In 1910, 60% of men, and 0% of women could vote. So both men and women had it very tough, with such repression it was both the Labour and Suffragette movements that made huge strides in raising the quality of the average person life, often through violent confrontations.
As more women were freed from having to be mothers at home, many went on to study in universities and were able to freely document their experiences.
Examining the history of many of the original feminists academics, one notices that many were sexually molested or suffered through some other violent abuse at some stage of their lives.
Andrea Dworkin who wrote “Women Hating”, was molested at the age of nine and severely abused by her first husband. Shulamith Firestone who wrote “The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution” had severe mental illness in the form of schizophrenia. Valerie Solanas who was considered one of the most radical feminists ever, writing the famous work “Scum Manifesto” rose up to fame after shooting the famous artist Andy Warhol. Her father molested her as a child and she ended up being committed to a psychiatric hospital after being diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. Many of the other early feminists were first generation children from holocaust survivors with Epigenetic (traits inherited through the genes) trauma from their parents. Many feminists’ fathers had PTSD after returning from service or prison camps in World War 2 and continued the cycle of violence upon their children. PTSD inducing incidents cause the sufferers' brains to become hard wired to permanently hate and fear certain groups or types of people, and because the neurons become hard wired, there is little they can do to alter this long-enduring fearful revulsion. This type of reaction is also common to many war veterans after returning from combat. When someone has PTSD their perspective of the world is often very fixed to an alerted Amygdala flight or fight response. One has to ask how much of the opinions, and all the initial feminist doctrines and ideology relating to male patriarchal power, oppression, gender studies and related issues were written by women suffering PTSD or similar related conditions? There is no objective view possible if it is tainted through the lens of a fear and hatred from past traumatic events, in which the pain continues to be replayed thousands of times through self revised traumatic repetitions of the original episodes. This would be highlighted even further when it is echoed within groups who have all had a comparable experience, thus reaffirming and strengthening the belief collectively of what the original source of their trauma was.
People who have lost their power through a traumatic episode want someone to blame for the pain, suffering and disconnect they now feel, and will often fight for an alternative source of power to fill the vacuum of helplessness they feel. Old World War 2 and Vietnam veterans will often talk about hatred they still have for the “Japs”, “Krauts” and “Charlie”, even though many decades have passed since those wars had finished, many will drink, engage in dangerous behaviours and self medicate with various substances to temporarily fill the void. The psychological damage these early feminists had is no different to the ones the veterans face except who they identified as the enemy, in the feminist case it was men as a group who became known in feminist lore as “The Patriarchy”. So while there are hierarchies in the world and many of them are run by men, the concept of one great underlying oppressive group that subjugates and oppresses society and government is a paranoid and irrational view of someone absorbed in psychiatric distress, who is seeking for strategies to protect themselves and explain the origins of their perpetual despair and torment. If a world war two veteran suffering from PTSD were to tell you that “All German people are all evil” you could explain to them that it would be impossible for all members of a specific society to be that way, and how the populous had been indoctrinated to evil ideologies by dark prophets. This rational explanation though would not be enough because those damaged by trauma become deaf to logical reasoning surrounding it.
Many of those feminists who were suffering from deep trauma authored the original books and papers that became the bedrock of the feminist movement. Since then the mythology has endured and developed into a huge unverifiable here-say pseudo science, that has corrupted and held back studies within disciplines such as Sociology over half a century now.
If individuals are lost in an ideology, providing evidence contrary to their core belief threatens the ideology’s existence, so research bias (the process where the scientists performing the research influence the results in order to portray a certain outcome.) has become endemic to these feminist dominated sciences. The core of many feminist Sociology departments’ research has been based around the erroneous assumptions that patriarchal hierarchies and systemic oppression are the main source of most of the problems and dysfunction within our culture, while in truth it is really trauma that it is the foundational source of it.
By collecting the statistical data from an average town, calculating that only a small percentage of the men in this population need to be violent or have predatory tendencies for a large part of the women’s population to suffer at some point in their life some kind of traumatic episode. So even though there are men that do horrible things to women they only make up a small percentage of the total population of men. Those female victims of assault and trauma develop an unconscious bias, where they begin to see most if not all men in that population as bad, fearful or evil. This is why when the concept of the Patriarchy is mentioned many women resonate with it, because it seems to provide a very plausible explanation behind what has happened to them and other women.
Over a slow process feminists views intertwined themselves with Marxists’ ones creating a new hyper-normalisation where those lost within the ideology can no longer see the difference between the two. So if you want to be a Feminist fighting for women and other minorities rights you have to believe their Marxist ideology around an oppressor which it turns out is the Patriarchy. Traditional Feminine traits such as gentleness, empathy, sensitivity, caring, sweetness, compassion, tolerance, nurturing are not valued anymore as women can’t be seen to be weak or vulnerable. Once indoctrinated into the cult like ideology you can not rest or be at peace until the Patriarchy has been eliminated, so your mind and actions become swayed like an automaton with an individual objective, that justifies any unsavoury actions you may have to take in the process. A T-800 from the Terminator films would be the closest analogy in our contemporary mythology, in that you can’t plead, debate or negotiate with it, and it will destroy all that stand in its path to achieve what someone has programmed it to do.
This is even further muddled by movements such as climate change protesters, environmentalists, vegans, animal rights all blending into the 4th wave, and then all vying for influence and power within the movement. With all of them now believing the Patriarchy plays a great part in who is to blame in all their separate battles. Around the world many white straight women, Gay men and Jews are being removed from positions of power or are being dumped and replaced by trans, black lives matter and other minorities.
It is no secret that 1 in 5 professors in many modern American universities are openly Marxist and a high proportion of the rest of them have extreme left-wing views, particularly in the Humanities. In a country that doesn’t have a peasant underclass to manipulate into a revolution this has led to most of these educators treading water for decades. With the radicalised victim culture that social media has created in the last decade, it has now developed into a feasible task to mobilise those who see themselves as victims, and as they are educated to believe victims of of an evil Patriarchy. The many Women, Lesbian, Gay men, Transgender and other minority groups, who it has been statically shown to have suffered a higher rate of traumatic incidents in their lives than the general populace, are searching for someone or something to attribute that on. They ask “Why am I in so much pain?”, “Why is all of society stacked against me?”, “What is the source of all this misery in my life?”, “How do I heal from the hurt of my past and live in freedom?”. When they ask these type of questions along come the Gender studies and Marxist professors to point out that it is the Patriarchy that has done this to you. So instead of helping individuals in trauma and empowering women, men and minority groups they are instead recruiting them to an army of suffering in a never ending ideological battle with the promise that their current pain will only end when the fight against the Patriarchy is over. This is very similar to George Orwell’s book “1984”, where the masses were fighting never-ending wars against other enemies and the Inner Party, through an act of doublethink, believes that such a victory was possible. The professors isolate these new pupils from foreign views indoctrinating them into their new family’s values as they are the only ones who care or know of the anguish their members have been through. Universities which were once dynamic training grounds to educate the new leaders of the future have sections portioned off as safe spaces to isolate and indoctrinate its members to the 4th wave ideals.
Like the Ruling Elite or Bourgeoisie within Marxist ideology it is easy to distort the Patriarchy definition, and then anyone striving for power can make the term refer to anyone who challenges them, thus creating tyrannical rule. Simply look at the present insanity on social media and main steam media to see how this is taking place right now. Blacks, Whites, Latinos, Asians, Native Americans, Indians, Gays, Trans, and both men and women are being called out for their privilege and their alliance to the Patriarchy because their viewpoints disagree with a 4th wave narrative.
Several ex KGB defectors spoke of a process known as “Ideological Subversion” which was practised by USSR against the US, and still continues to be used by Russia today. The intention behind ideological subversion is that Marxist ideas are implanted within the general populace, starting in newspapers and media as well as of centres of higher learning. As time passes these concepts become accepted and adopted across society, as those who have been indoctrinated in universities graduate they circulate through the workforce taking on many jobs such as educators teaching children at schools, positions throughout the public service and government in law making and management, journalism and so on. So every facet of society ends up being tainted by a subverted ideological agenda. Although the Russians did this for many decades with some success, it wasn’t till the combination of the Internet, iPhone/smart phones and Social media appeared that this subversion went into hyper-drive, spreading these ideas in seconds as opposed to decades; the seeds originally sowed by the Marxists in the universities and throughout society over many decades blossomed. What started off in social and alternative media has now graduated to mainstream media with many male and female reporters holding 4th wave feminists’ viewpoints unknowing they carry the seeds of Marxism within them. As the revenue for Newspapers, Television and other forms of mainstream media collapse, instead of using trained journalists, news makers are now turning to cheap churnalism opinion pieces instead, with rage bait headlines to get more views, many of which carry a huge 4th wave bias.
No matter what your occupation is, be it Politician, Public servant, Charity organiser, CEO, Entrepreneur, Journalist, Teacher, Waiter, Toll booth attendant, etc; if you don’t now represent and push the modern 4th wave female narrative you are criticised as the enemy of women and are labelled a misogynist, privileged, a mansplainer, sexually hostile, a femaphobe, anti-feminist, uncompassionate, a gas lighter, alt-right, an extremist, toxic male, or simply an angry man/woman and then publicly outed and shamed.
Gender studies graduates who were once unemployable are now holding leading positions as consultants and in human resource positions in the largest tech corporations worldwide, educating major players such as Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Instagram, YouTube Twitter and Apple, as to what is appropriate behaviour. These 4th wave beliefs then get placed within the companies’ standard operating policies and practices, and influence how they run their businesses.
Individuals with an anti 4th wave bias have their accounts cancelled from these modern platforms at a much higher rate than any other group, and in the process lose their right to freedom of speech in social media. So individuals are not given a trial through common law in this new world, but are instead tried and convicted by the standard operating procedures of these huge corporations instead.
Huge conglomerates such as Procter & Gamble (owners of The Gillette company) & Nike virtue signal with their 4th wave narratives in their advertising, while overlooking their abysmal workplace practices. Many major Corporations are now terrified of the social media backlash they will suffer if not perceived to be 4th wave friendly and will remove their advertising or sponsorship from anyone who dares to criticise or tries and communicate a different narrative. Eco-protest groups, Climate change groups, Vegans, Animal rights groups and an extensive array of assorted minority protesters seeing how influential the 4th wave shame and blame techniques are have adopted then modified them to their own movements.
PETA the animal rights group provides a prime example of this 4th wave speak adapted to their cause, here in this passage taken directly off their website “As feminists, we’re working to put more women in office and in corner offices. We fight for equal pay, tax-free feminine hygiene products, an end to sexual harassment, funding for women’s sports, and streets safe enough for us to walk alone. We push for strong role models who don’t objectify women on television and in movies. We work to end sex trafficking, slavery, genital mutilation, and “honour killings.” We rail against sexism in all its many forms—except, perhaps, when it comes to what’s on our plates. Can food really be sexist? Yes, when it’s the product of imprisonment, rape, reproductive control, kidnapping, and abuse”.
The twisting and curtailing of free speech to a 4th wave agenda has now become common in both government policy, commercial organisations and in protest groups.
Tim Cook provided an example of this when he recently addressed a media crowd on what Apple will and won’t tolerate being disseminated through their entire network, so you have a huge multinational company with its own agendas dictating what free speech is now.
PETA again demonstrated this when they tweeted the following “Words matter,”. “And as our understanding of social justice evolves, our language evolves along with it. Here's how to remove speciesism from your daily conversations." The animal rights organisation then included chart with what they view as offensive phrases on the left and what they view as acceptable substitutions on the right.
Instead of “kill two birds with one stone,” say “feed two birds with one scone”
Instead of “Be the guinea pig.” say “Be the test tube.”
Instead of “Beat a dead horse.” say “Feed a fed horse.”
Instead of “Bring home the bacon," say “bring home the bagels.”
Instead of “Take the bull by the horns.” say “Take the flower by the thorns."
In a later tweet, PETA compared the use of the original phrases to racist and homophobic language, writing: “Just as it became unacceptable to use racist, homophobic, or ableist language, phrases that trivialise cruelty to animals will vanish as more people begin to appreciate animals for who they are and start 'bringing home the bagels' instead of the bacon.”
A quick Google search with the words “Patriarchy” and “Vegan”, “Climate change”, “Animal Rights”, “Activism”, “NGO”, or “Advocacy” etc will highlight the armies of protester groups that erroneously believe that the Patriarchy is the source of their organisations dilemmas and only its removal will solve that.
The #metoo movement while having a noble intention at the beginning has now twisted into the 4th waves lynching tool to annihilate those who don’t conform to their agenda. Like middle eastern terror groups it has no centre of control and anyone with access to a computer or phone can be part of the revolution and bring down whom ever they choose. The film and entertainment industry are now terrified to produce anything that doesn’t promote some type of social justice message. The new archetype for women in the movies is one where she has to be an empowering role model, talks tough, handles a weapon, she is a martial arts professional, kicks ass better than the guys, even if it’s playing Maid Marion. The worlds biggest steaming service Netflix vigorously promotes their 4th wave agenda and removes narratives that would disagree with that. So we now have a flood of new programs such as “Sabrina” the Social Justice Witch and “Orange is the New Black” a series originally based on Piper Kerman’s memoir of her life in prison, that has subverted itself into a peculiar form of 4th wave fan fiction, attributing the Keystone Cop guards and Patriarchy for all the women inmates problems. Award shows highlight female accomplishment, and then actresses belittle and protest when award nominations do not have enough women or minorities in them. The actress Roseanne Barr lost her own Television series after one misrepresented Tweet. Kevin Hart was removed from hosting this years Oscars because he refused to apologise for some tweets which he had posted years prior, while Female comedians such as Hannah Gadsby receive standing ovations and rave media reviews for their “I hate men” message. Even a movie called “Suffragette” which detailed the struggles of Suffragettes, had its actresses shamed for having t-shirts with the slogan 'I'd rather be a rebel than a slave' to promote the movie, as according to the tsunami of hatred on social media, four 'privileged white women' wouldn’t be able to understand what slavery or oppression was.
Martina Navratilova the legendary female tennis player, was recently called out as being Transphobic when she said that people who were born male should not be allowed to compete in women’s sports events as it was unfair. The 4th wave “sociology/science” says there are no difference between the genders so it makes no difference. People now are waiting for Mike Tyson to go through a gender transition so he can take up women's boxing and compete on a “no difference” playing field.
As the 4th wave take over the various sciences they begin to twist the narrative of them to their own agenda, often using pseudo science or fake research in the process. In 2018 a group of academics exposed the corruption in Grievance Studies. These people wrote the most absurdly ridiculous hoax "studies" and got 7 of them accepted into highly respected academic journals (with one receiving an award) even though one was a re-written passage from Mein Kampf.
In a slow trickle almost every type of study in universities and the workforce are being taken over by those with the 4th wave agenda, warping all their narratives in the process.
Schools are now having 4th wave narratives forced upon the pupils, inducting a new generation to the ideology, as students learn how gender doesn’t exist and how toxic masculinity is the source of all societies ills.
When Academics or old school Feminists such as Germaine Greer try to speak out against the problems within the present movement, it labels them bigots, racists and Nazis, and they have their events cancelled because of violent protesting against them.
To be seen as a persecuted victim to a violent oppressor has now developed into the leading trading currency on social media as the recently staged Jussie Smollett attack shows. If you believe you are a victim all the algorithms built within the social media platforms will reinforce that back to you, to keep you permanently on their platform. Like an addicted slot machine player the individual absorbed in the victim mentality only feels pleasure when they win a prize, in their case it is not money but attention or pity they receive instead. The victim mentality takes power away from someone so they seek to obtain that power back by tearing others down and feel like they have won the jackpot when they do so, but it is a hollow victory that demands another hit not long after. So we have the new wave of algorithmically brain washed social media junkies that are perpetually anaesthetised into unconscious echo chambers of victim hood, living only to receive their next hit. With the average person under thirty using social media on their phone seven to eight hours a day (many are using it much more), this has generated a disastrous epidemic with each user now as seduced by their phone as Gollum was with The Ring of Power. It is no surprise the creators of these systems won’t allow their own children to use them.
As victim culture has developed in the last decade, Socialism has now evolved into a mainstream viable choice for the millennial generation. If you listen to the interviews from the new wave of far-left politicians who are working to soothe and heal like a salve the pain of the past with their caring new type of leadership and revolutionary green political programs. In the end politics is a numbers game, just as Donald Trump exploited the right (aided by genius rage baiter Roger Stone) these people take similar actions within the left under the guise of benevolence and battling for minorities/women’s rights. New left-wing groups have appeared that recruit their leaders as you would a reality TV show celebrities. These fresh recruits are being singled out based on being youthful, Instagram/Facebook friendly and from a particular ethnic group. But these modern political candidates are just puppets who have been promoted to a position so they may carry out their creators agenda. What is that agenda? To fragment and create holes within the democratic party and then fill all the gaps until they hold majority power. Many of the leading players behind Bernie Sanders last election bid have been poached by those with even darker agendas than the 4th wave’s. When compared to these radical 4th wave politicians Bernie Sanders comes out looking like a moderate; if there is long term strategy behind this, who knows? But it was Bernie who was holding their hand, promoting and encouraging them throughout their campaigns up to when they entered office.
This may evolve into an even scarier scenario when you realise how government organisations such as the NSA now can monitor all our calls and internet traffic. Our smart phones store our lives including every location we have travelled, who we have spoken to and all our messages. Through recent decades we have been using it with social media platforms such as Facebook or Google. Through their extensive data collection pools they now can map our psychological profiles, our IQ, sexual, political and religious preferences, books we have purchased, the people we associate with and the clubs and organisations we belong to, every email and text we have ever sent and received, every website we have visited and every search we have carried out on a search engine. The amount and breadth of data now collected would leave an old school Russian KGB agent breathless. Not even at the peak of the Soviet Union was such a multitude of data collection feasible. This data has been used by the US to gain military, intelligence and financial advantage around the world, but now imagine a Government that was not interested in the military, foreign intelligence or financial gain and instead was controlled by those who only believe in a 4th wave agenda. Then there would be a forced surrender of that data from these government entities and huge corporations to wield against its citizens. This would consist of the vicious blame and shame social media insanity we currently see, now made manifest in the form of a ruling government. It would remove everyone that didn’t conform with its narrative as a dissident. You either accept what the 4th wave says or you are the enemy of the state. There is no middle ground, because like all those lost within a cult like ideology they believe they are serving the highest purpose.
The modern Socialism this recent wave of leftist politicians wish to introduce has nothing to do with European Socialism. Even the heads of many European countries have told Bernie Sanders to stop labelling their countries as a Socialist for his own agenda. But like the KGB defectors said you can show them the Gulags and the people starving, but the only thing that will change the minds of those lost within the Marxist ideology is when an army boot comes crashing down on their head. Then and only then do they finally realise what has transpired. Whenever the USSR took over a country in the past, they always placed the individuals who supported the revolution in re-education camps, Gulags or simply shot them in the back of the head, because they were the first to revolt and become dissidents when things didn’t turn out even remotely like they had envisioned.
Like the Nordic countries, Australia and New Zealand have fairly progressive social welfare policies and are very multicultural, but again both of these evolved over long periods of time, they were never thrust upon them in one tremendous surge of change. Coming from Australia I know that currently just under 20% of our populations is on some form of welfare in the form of old age pensions, disability, unemployment benefits, etc. Many individuals within the country are now coming out to question this once called “Welfare Safety Net” which seems to have transformed into a “Welfare Hammock”. We have a Universal health care system which is good, but with the combined Welfare and Health systems are now costing around 50% of government total expenditure. With a population of around 25 million that is ageing rapidly and living much longer, this system is only just working. But as most of our trade is with Asia, the next time that region has an economic equalisation we will suffer horrendously and will struggle to preserve this welfare state without producing massive debt. Then Australia similar to the Nordic countries will be just as susceptible to far left Marxist ideals as the US is. Many countries in Europe with the present economic and political uncertainty (including the Nordic ones) are becoming more vulnerable to Marxist ideals, with their own constantly growing left-wing parties, who shelter under the cloak of 4th wave feminist movement. The Nordic and other countries are no less immune to this risk than anybody else even though they are labelled as model nations by the 4th wavers.
In many respects America is an Oligarchy now with an enormous inequality in its distribution of wealth, as many individuals seek to fill an empty void with power and wealth. America also has an extreme Right, who are trapped in their own prejudices which they make no effort to hide and like feminism have their roots in trauma.
But if America were ever to become a Socialist nation headed by an ideology of an oppressor, there is a great possibility it could start a Civil War that could lead to the downfall of democracy for the US and its allies around the world.
I imagine now that anybody who doesn’t agree with what I have just spoken, will be jumping up and down saying “What about Trump and the hysteria he brought to the White House?” But if you look at Trump what you call his shadow side it is utterly out there in the open and that is the reason many people flock to him and his ideas. He worships wealth, discredits and chastises those who cross him, hates criticism, revels in being the biggest man in the room, loves to win at all costs, will distort the truth to prevail, loves being applauded and cheered by a crowd, is narcissistic, lives to make a deal, loves beautiful women and “grabbing the pussy”. So there are no great hidden mysteries in Trump’s psychological make-up. But if you look to the new left their shadow is obscured by a smiling veneer of compassion and desire for equal rights, but removing that you will recognise a victim identity. The Victim identity is the most treacherous and vicious one of all because it grants those entrapped within it to take violent actions under the justification they are always serving the highest motive, it is a form of Martyrdom. The victim identity fighting against a perceived oppressor is what allowed the horrors of the holocaust to take place as the Germans fought to wipe out their perceived oppressor the Jews. Under Marxism hundreds of millions were tortured and died, leaving those left behind to live in Stasi Police states, all in the name of eliminating their Bourgeoisie oppressors.
The trauma/victim mentality is exceptionally well summed up by the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre quote “Hell is other people”. A better translation might be “Hell is the others”, an exceedingly dangerous idea because it sets up the assumption that once you eliminate “the others” the Hell won’t be there any more. And it was Jean Paul Sartre and his students’ ideas that provided the template for Pol Pot’s torturing and murdering of millions in Cambodia in the name of creating a fresh perfect society. The evil part of being inducted to an ideology is that the only way an individual recruited to it will receive respite from their suffering is once the believed perpetrator is eliminated, but this is the lie used to manipulate the indoctrinated into committing atrocious acts against humanity, in the name of trying to achieve a carrot on the stick goal.
A voice and equal rights for women should be the premiere goal of our societies, but if it is attained through tyranny, a tidal wave of rage will be the only outcome, as hate begets hate. Blaming all the worlds problems on an imaginary oppressor has tainted everything from children, education systems, our media, social service systems, workplaces and government and has helped to lay the foundation for the ultra polarisation on both sides of the political spectrum. The women's movement has been built on the modern freedom of western democracies and the industrial, economic, scientific revolutions of the last few hundred years. If our societies were to go into a major decline then so would these freedoms and much of the progress made over this time go. Then we could see the rise of a dystopia so horrific that in comparison it would make “The Handmaids Tale” look like a Disney adventure.
If I was to take all the above and sum it up in one sentence, I’d say “If you want some form of Socialism (Even if it is Democratic Socialism) makes sure it doesn’t come with an attached ideology of an oppressor, because if it does, it has nothing to do with a Nordic or any other country’s government and progressive social policies, then there is a great possibility it could be the end for your country’s democracy and freedom”.
People always ask how good German, Russian, Chinese or Cambodian people could carry out some of the most atrocious acts against humanity the world has ever known, well here we go again.
P.S. There is a linchpin to all this madness/polarity we have on both the radical left and right, in the media, politics, etc. And it will only come into play if we focus on the healing of the trauma, both ours and our forefathers, which has run through our societies for thousands of years, and is the fundamental factor in humanities disconnect from themselves, others, nature and life. People are only ‘triggered’ if they have trauma in them to begin with to trigger. When the trauma is gone so is the capacity to be triggered. People only get lost in Ideologies if they have a disconnect from themselves. There is an old African proverb “You can outrun what is running after you, but not what is running inside of you”. Peace will only ever be achieved if we are brave enough to end the war in ourselves first and let it flow out into the world.
“Wanting to reform the world without discovering one’s true self is like trying to cover the world with leather to avoid the pain of walking on stones and thorns. It is much simpler to wear shoes.”
- Ramana Maharshi
submitted by zamease to JordanPeterson [link] [comments]

15 Most Famous Slot Machines and Most Popular Slot Games

1. Liberty Bell

Invented and designed by a San Francisco mechanic named Charles Fey in 1895, the Liberty Bell is the first slot machine. The main symbols here include horseshoes, stars, spades, diamonds, hearts, and Liberty Bells. Once three bells are aligned, the machine pays 50 cents.
Having a coin slot at the top, it features small reels in the middle and a paytable at the bottom. It works like this - players insert a Nickel and pull a lever on the right-hand side to spin the reels. Although the Operator Bell and Liberty Bell have been removed from casinos, the original Liberty Bell on display can be seen in the Liberty Belle saloon in Reno, Nevada.

2. Lion's Share

One of the most famous slot machines, Microgaming’s classic slot Lion's Share, gained a lot of success back in 2014, due to news channels that discussed the topic on how Lion's Share's progressive jackpot hasn’t been hit for two decades. Thousands of people have tried but no one was lucky enough to pull it off.
Although the machine only featured 3 reels and only 1 payline, Lion’s Share has managed to become one of the most popular releases in Vegas, so popular that people waited in line just to put a coin into it and try spinning those reels.
Eventually, a New Hampshire couple hit the $2.4 million progressive jackpot in MGM’s Grand’s Lion’s Share. Soon after, MGM Grand made a decision to retire the Lion's Share machine since it required a lot of maintenance. Still, the game became part of slot history with a jackpot that took 20 years to win.

3. Megabucks

Created by IGT, Megabucks has managed to become one of the world's best progressive slot machines. The game is also responsible for numerous big wins throughout the entire jackpots’ history. Also known as the biggest money jackpots of all time, Megabucks slot machines are described as simple games with a massive progressive jackpot. One of the biggest wins was when an anonymous engineer won a staggering $39.7 million at Las Vegas' Excalibur, back in 2003.
As for the other big wins hit on this machine, there was a cocktail waitress Cynthia Jay Brennan who snagged an incredible $34.9 million at Vegas' Desert Inn, as well as a retired flight attendant hitting $27.5 million at Vegas' Palace Statio­n. J­ohanna Huendl won $22.6 million whereas an Illinois businessman hit $21.3 million on the very first spin.
However, after winning the prize, one of the winner's family members had a tragic accident, which (as some believe) only supported the theory of a Megabucks curse. Other unfortunate stories are just believed to be urban legends, including anecdotes about underage players, as well as casino employees, being big winners but not being able to claim their jackpots because of specific state laws and regulation.

4. Wheel of Fortune

IGT’s Wheel of Fortune has proven to be the second most famous slot machine of all time. Featuring a bonus feature just like the real show, the slot machine is usually played by many slot fans and can be found in numerous casinos all over the globe. Although the game comes in more variations, probably the most popular one is still its 3-reel version, with a colourful wheel at the top.
The Wheel of Fortune multiplayer game features a bank of machines where every player gets their own screen. What makes the game even more exciting is the multiplayer edition where people can play the bonus round together, which really intensifies the game show aspect.
In a 5-reel Wheel of Fortune slot, however, Wild symbols will help players land winning combos and, if you’re lucky enough, you may get a Super Wild that will boost your win up to 5x! Last but not least, the Triple Action Bonus is activated by getting at least 3 Triple Action Bonus symbols anywhere on the reels. But still, none of the newer Wheel of Fortune slots measure up to the original one because of the large progressive jackpot involved.

5. Mega Fortune

Featuring 5 reels and 25 paylines, NetEnt’s Mega Fortune slot became very popular among players as it usually grows into a multimillion-euro amount before being hit. The main symbols here include luxury cars, yachts, and expensive jewellery, Mega Fortune is an online slot machine game which justifies its theme that comes with the largest ever online slot jackpots.
The game offers a few different features that make the entire gameplay more fascinating, however, by far the most interesting ones are the 3 different progressive jackpots: Mega Jackpot, Major Jackpot and Rapid Jackpot. There are counters for all 3 of these that are displayed above the reels. Champagne is the Scatter and if you land at least 3 of them simultaneously, you will trigger Free Spins bonus round. Likewise, Wheel of Luck is the Bonus symbol, and if you land 3 or more symbols in succession from left to right on an active payline, you will activate the Bonus game.
What’s interesting about this slot is the fact that a Finnish man won a huge jackpot worth €17.8 million while spinning the reels of Mega Fortune. This record from 2013, has been passed by Mega Moolah, but the game is still proof how rich players can get after playing Mega Fortune.

6. Mega Moolah

Powered by Microgaming and being among most popular slot games, Mega Moolah is a 25-payline progressive slot which has served as a competitor to Mega Fortune's big jackpots. Followed by African safari music, the game features antelopes, elephants, giraffes, lions, monkeys and zebras as the main symbols.
Landing at least 3 Scatters at the same time will trigger 15 Free Spins. What’s more, all wins hit during Free Spins are tripled, whereas Free Spins can also be retriggered. Players can win one of the 4 Progressive Jackpots within the randomly triggered Bonus round.
The game paid some of the largest slot machine jackpots that have ever been triggered. In 2015,for example, Mega Moolah gained international recognition when a British soldier Jon Heywood won a massive €17,879,645.

7. Cleopatra

Inspired by the famous Egyptian theme and Developed by IGT, Cleopatra is a 20-payline classic game that managed to stand out above similar releases. Featuring ancient Egyptian music, the main symbols here include Cleopatra, the Eye of Horus, scarabs, and pyramids. Landing at least 3 Sphinx symbols will trigger the Cleopatra Bonus, which awards 15 Free Spins. All prizes, except for the 5 Cleopatra symbols, are tripled in the Free Spins round.
The game has been so successful that it inspired its creators to make a sequel, Cleopatra II, with richer graphics and engaging sound effects. But even if you choose the original game, you'll be playing a classic that's still enjoyed by various players today. And, in case you land 5 Cleopatra symbols you’ll get a jackpot of 10,000 coins.

8. Book of Ra

Having a popular Ancient-Egypt theme, Book of Ra has always been one of the best choices to play in land based and online casinos. Powered by Novomatic, Book of Ra is a 9 payline video slot that offers plenty of bonus features and big payouts. With entertaining narrative and energising gameplay, there are numerous ways to win here.
In case you land 5 archaeologists simultaneously, you’ll get an impressive 5,000x your line bet. Earning big bucks, however, comes from the Free Spins feature. What players need to do is land at least 3 Scatter books to trigger the Free Spins feature. Pages of the book will flip and randomly determine which symbol will expand during the 10 Free Spins.
Although hitting the jackpot may not be easy, with only a few one in between, when big wins come, they can be big.

9. Starburst

There’s no denying NetEnt’s Starburst slot became kinda legendary in the iGaming universe. With its dark background and shiny space looking gemstones, Starburst slot features 5 reels and 10 paylines. The well-known futuristic music in this release is also easily noticeable, as is the game’s expanding Wild.
More precisely, the Wilds may only occur on the reels 2, 3 and 4, and, once 1 or more wilds appear on those reels, the Starburst Wild feature will be activated. During this feature, Starburst wilds expand to cover the entire reel and remain while the other reels re-spin. Should a new wild land during a re-spin, it expands and stays along with any previously expanded Starbursts for another re-spin.
Another cool feature is that Starburst pays both ways, instead of only paying you for landing at least 3 identical symbols on adjacent reels starting with the reel furthest to the left. The maximum single spin payout for a person (betting the $200 maximum) is $100,000. But, in order for that to happen, you must land five bars on consecutive reels on an active payline. Players love this slot, probably because it’s suitable for both newbies and experienced players.

10. Immortal Romance

Powered by Microgaming, Immortal Romance is based on sci-fi and the cult of Vampires which has become one of the popular casino slot machines in the last couple of years. Apart from superb graphics and great audio and visual effects, the slot features 5 reels and 243 paylines, and the theoretical RTP rate of 96.86%. The four main characters are Amber, Troy, Michael and Sarah.
When it comes to features and bonus games, Immortal Romance offers different variants. Wild Desire feature can occur randomly, and as soon as it does, it can turn 1 to 5 reels completely Wild. Likewise, landing 3 or more Scatters anywhere on the reels in this game, activates the Chamber of Spins feature which cannot be triggered during Wild Desire.
The game is still among the most popular slots, as many players still try their luck in this slot in the hope to get the highest multiplier possible.

11. Gonzo’s Quest

Beautifully designed video slot powered by NetEnt, Gonzo Quest features 5 reels and 20 paylines. The story is based on the famous conquistador Gonzalo Pizzaro who is on his way to the Peruvian ruins and just about to experience the unique quest.
Now, Gonzo’s Quest has become one of the most popular slot games of all time, probably because it comes with a few interesting features, Avalanche Multipliers feature being the most interesting one of all. In Essence, the reels in the slot move in a cascading manner which resemble an Avalanche. As you activate each new Avalanche, you will win a multiplier. Multipliers are displayed above the reels, and go up to 5x, that is if you land 4 or more avalanches simultaneously.

12. Age of the Gods

Being among famous slot machines and inspired by Ancient Greek mythology, Age of the Gods is a 5-reel, 20-payline progressive slot powered by Playtech. The main characters are Athena, Zeus, Hercules, and Poseidon power up 4 free game modes that offer extra wilds and win multipliers! Once you start spinning, you’ll come across a series of bonus features, such as Athena Free Games, Zeus Free Games, Poseidon Free Games and Hercules Free Games.
Wild logo is the game’s wild card and it substitutes for all symbols, with the exception of the Scatter. Landing at least 3 Scatters anywhere on the reels simultaneously triggers the Bonus game. Moreover, landing 5 God symbols in any order on an active payline will get you 200x your line bet!
During the main game, any spin can activate the Age of the Gods Mystery Jackpot. This mini game guarantees a win of up to 4 progressive jackpots. All you gotta do is click on the coins to reveal jackpot symbols, and if you match 3 identical ones, you will win that jackpot.

13. Money Honey

Having a cute theme, Money Honey is a 5-reel and a 243 payline slot themed around honey. With Wilds, Free Spins, Scatters and multipliers, it is a fast-paced exciting creation featuring vibrant colours. Likewise, it is a mobile-optimized slot which may be an excellent choice if you’re new to online gambling or if you’ve been playing for years.
Just like in other games, Wilds will help you win payouts as they are able to replicate most other symbols on the reels once a winning combination has been made. Another symbol you may want to keep your eyes on is a Money Wheel card. Once you manage to land at least 3 of them on your reels after a spin, the bonus game begins, and you spin a big wheel to choose a prize.

14. Quick Hit

And our selection wouldn’t be complete without Bally's Quick Hit slot. Featuring traditional Las Vegas symbols with sharp graphics and relaxed music, the video slot has 5 reels, 3 rows, and 30 paylines. Once you decide how many paylines you want to bet on, your gaming adventure can begin. There are Scatters symbols and three bonus games to benefit from.
The biggest payout here comes from landing the triple seven symbol. Should you land 5 of these lucky numbers on the reels at the same time, you will win 5,000 coins, whereas if you land five wild symbols, you’ll get 12,500 coins.
Those looking for hitting a jackpot should pay attention to Quick Hit Platinum symbols as 5 of these contribute to 5,000x players’ original bet amount – and even more, with the max bet activated. The second-highest jackpot can be hit by landing 9 Quick Hit Slot symbols. Both the Quick Hit Platinum and regular Quick Hit symbols must occur on or within one position of the first payline to be eligible for a jackpot win.

15. SlotZilla Zip Line

And now something completely different. We’re finishing our selection of famous slots in style, with the world’s largest slot machine - StotZilla Zip Line - 128 feet tall which has two take-off levels. This $12 million SlotZilla zip line took more than a year to build and opened its doors in 2014 and has already had more than 2 million riders so far.
The 11-story slot machine is decorated with over-sized dice, a glass of martini, a pink flamingo, video reels, coins, and two showgirls - Jennifer and Porsha. SlotZilla offers two different rider experiences - the upper Zoomline and a lower Zipline. This unique machine has a huge video screen with reels and a gigantic arm, replicating a true slot machine experience.
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The 4th Wave - This was posted on Reddit 1+ years ago, while I would not agree with everything that is said, it does bring up some interesting points that seem to predict what is unfolding now.

As the world goes through vast change, and the structures of the past appear to be collapsing all around us, the idea of Socialism has re-arisen in western democracies.
It seems today that when anybody speaks about the benefits of Socialism they reference the Nordic countries in how wonderful and progressive they are with Utopian social welfare policies. One only has to look briefly at the history of these places to see that the governments that have evolved in these countries did so over lengthy periods of time with highly homogeneous communities. Looking at America travelling from east to west then south and the middle, the variations can be so great it is like living in different countries. In the Nordic countries they base social policies upon the populations seeing themselves as the one thing: Swedish, Finnish, Danish, etc. This type of unity doesn’t exist in America. The mixture of people from all lands on earth with different cultures, religions, philosophies has created the most amazing technological, scientific, literary, film and musical innovation the world has ever seen, but the Americans don’t see themselves as one people. In such a new country there are still huge divisions in the populace as to what precisely the definition of an American is.
Socialism has many variations, but can narrow down to two main role models/sources of origin. In the European counties it is Evolved Socialism which uses the free market and has great social welfare programs, and in other places such as Venezuela and Cuba where it is Enforced Socialism, which draws its roots from Marxist ideals. The biggest difference between the two besides one being enforced and one naturally evolving is that the Marxist version is based in an ideology of an oppressor e.g. The ruling elite/rich, Land owners, Bourgeoisie etc did this to me, so when they are gone my brothers, sisters and I can be happy to lead a peaceful Utopian way of life. The European version doesn’t have an oppressor type of foundation that has to be eradicated, instead it is about focusing on what is best for the society.
So the question arises with this new wave of socialist politicians appearing in America and around the world; what form of Socialism do they believe in? Listening to the new Socialists, they will point to the benefits of Socialism in Nordic countries and how fantastic such programs will be once implemented in the United States. But one merely has to follow their educational tree backward to know where these people picked up their brand of Socialism from, and in most instances it wasn’t Europe.
By following the history of these new wave of Socialists it allows us to have a better understanding into what motives them. If you want to look at Socialism today you have to start by examining modern Feminism which has had a lot of influence over the new Socialist movement.
Looking to its history, there have been four waves of Feminism defined as the following:
First-wave feminism: early 20th century 1900 to 1959, focusing on women’s suffrage, property rights, and political candidacy
Second-wave feminism: 1960s to 1980s, focusing on reducing disparities in sex, family, the workplace, reproductive rights, de facto inequalities, and official legal inequalities
Third-wave feminism: 1990s to 2000s, focusing on embracing individualism and diversity.
Fourth-wave feminism: 2008 to present-day, focusing on combating sexual harassment, assault, and misogyny, the #metoo movement and removing “The Patriarchy”. This latest group are known as the Kali’s, Neo-Suffragettes or 4th Wavers.
Waves one and two almost entirely dissipated when they achieved most of their aims. Wave three was left shell-shocked when the USSR collapsed leaving those that had allied the ideology to Marxism (academics, protesters) ineffective. The fourth wave reawakened and radicalised quickly with the use of social media and movements such as #metoo, its agenda now is to remove the Patriarchy.
The question then arises if the current wave of feminists want to remove “The Patriarchy” then what actually is it? A dictionary definition is “A system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it”. In both the animal and human worlds there are hierarchies in place. We as humans are adaptive animals who have mastered living in environments across the earth. In the last few thousand years humans have moved through extremely rapid and unparalleled transformation in population increase and how our communities live together, and one of the components in allowing them to do that are highly adaptive hierarchical structures. From the feminist perspective these hierarchies have been controlled by men and oppressed women to maintain control and power, and while there is some accuracy in this, if human history is examined closely one discovers that this is a biased representation.
Territorial fighting underlies both human and animal existence. In the majority of cases the groups that will dominate this fighting will be those led by males, so the hierarchical structures that evolved did so around male leadership. There are some examples of matriarchal hierarchies in both the animal and human world, but they are fairly rare due to males being naturally superior in their fighting and hunting abilities and that women bearing children need to be protected and fed. Men’s brains are hard wired to perform single focused tasks, which makes them better hunters and fighters, while women brains are wired more around communication, multi tasking and co-operative tasks which makes them better at raising children. The society and government groups that developed did so through an evolutionary trial and error process, for whatever worked best for that community at the time. As the environments and populations changed so did the hierarchical structures that held them together.
Examining the history of the women's movement and what motivated them into action starting with the Suffragettes, most of the men and women at that time lived very hard lives working 12 or more hours a day in dangerous and menial jobs such as working in factories and coal mines. Alcoholism was endemic and men lived in shell shocked states from being used as cannon fodder in wars. The average working class jobs involved brutally hard work for little pay and no labour or safety regulations, which many today would call a form of indentured slavery. It was common for woman to have eight or more children. Life expectancy was low for everyone and mother and infant mortality rates were high. In 1910, 60% of men, and 0% of women could vote. So both men and women had it very tough, with such repression it was both the Labour and Suffragette movements that made huge strides in raising the quality of the average person life, often through violent confrontations.
As more women were freed from having to be mothers at home, many went on to study in universities and were able to freely document their experiences.
Examining the history of many of the original feminists academics, one notices that many were sexually molested or suffered through some other violent abuse at some stage of their lives.
Andrea Dworkin who wrote “Women Hating”, was molested at the age of nine and severely abused by her first husband. Shulamith Firestone who wrote “The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution” had severe mental illness in the form of schizophrenia. Valerie Solanas who was considered one of the most radical feminists ever, writing the famous work “Scum Manifesto” rose up to fame after shooting the famous artist Andy Warhol. Her father molested her as a child and she ended up being committed to a psychiatric hospital after being diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. Many of the other early feminists were first generation children from holocaust survivors with Epigenetic (traits inherited through the genes) trauma from their parents. Many feminists’ fathers had PTSD after returning from service or prison camps in World War 2 and continued the cycle of violence upon their children. PTSD inducing incidents cause the sufferers' brains to become hard wired to permanently hate and fear certain groups or types of people, and because the neurons become hard wired, there is little they can do to alter this long-enduring fearful revulsion. This type of reaction is also common to many war veterans after returning from combat. When someone has PTSD their perspective of the world is often very fixed to an alerted Amygdala flight or fight response. One has to ask how much of the opinions, and all the initial feminist doctrines and ideology relating to male patriarchal power, oppression, gender studies and related issues were written by women suffering PTSD or similar related conditions? There is no objective view possible if it is tainted through the lens of a fear and hatred from past traumatic events, in which the pain continues to be replayed thousands of times through self revised traumatic repetitions of the original episodes. This would be highlighted even further when it is echoed within groups who have all had a comparable experience, thus reaffirming and strengthening the belief collectively of what the original source of their trauma was.
People who have lost their power through a traumatic episode want someone to blame for the pain, suffering and disconnect they now feel, and will often fight for an alternative source of power to fill the vacuum of helplessness they feel. Old World War 2 and Vietnam veterans will often talk about hatred they still have for the “Japs”, “Krauts” and “Charlie”, even though many decades have passed since those wars had finished, many will drink, engage in dangerous behaviours and self medicate with various substances to temporarily fill the void. The psychological damage these early feminists had is no different to the ones the veterans face except who they identified as the enemy, in the feminist case it was men as a group who became known in feminist lore as “The Patriarchy”. So while there are hierarchies in the world and many of them are run by men, the concept of one great underlying oppressive group that subjugates and oppresses society and government is a paranoid and irrational view of someone absorbed in psychiatric distress, who is seeking for strategies to protect themselves and explain the origins of their perpetual despair and torment. If a world war two veteran suffering from PTSD were to tell you that “All German people are all evil” you could explain to them that it would be impossible for all members of a specific society to be that way, and how the populous had been indoctrinated to evil ideologies by dark prophets. This rational explanation though would not be enough because those damaged by trauma become deaf to logical reasoning surrounding it.
Many of those feminists who were suffering from deep trauma authored the original books and papers that became the bedrock of the feminist movement. Since then the mythology has endured and developed into a huge unverifiable here-say pseudo science, that has corrupted and held back studies within disciplines such as Sociology over half a century now.
If individuals are lost in an ideology, providing evidence contrary to their core belief threatens the ideology’s existence, so research bias (the process where the scientists performing the research influence the results in order to portray a certain outcome.) has become endemic to these feminist dominated sciences. The core of many feminist Sociology departments’ research has been based around the erroneous assumptions that patriarchal hierarchies and systemic oppression are the main source of most of the problems and dysfunction within our culture, while in truth it is really trauma that it is the foundational source of it.
By collecting the statistical data from an average town, calculating that only a small percentage of the men in this population need to be violent or have predatory tendencies for a large part of the women’s population to suffer at some point in their life some kind of traumatic episode. So even though there are men that do horrible things to women they only make up a small percentage of the total population of men. Those female victims of assault and trauma develop an unconscious bias, where they begin to see most if not all men in that population as bad, fearful or evil. This is why when the concept of the Patriarchy is mentioned many women resonate with it, because it seems to provide a very plausible explanation behind what has happened to them and other women.
Over a slow process feminists views intertwined themselves with Marxists’ ones creating a new hyper-normalisation where those lost within the ideology can no longer see the difference between the two. So if you want to be a Feminist fighting for women and other minorities rights you have to believe their Marxist ideology around an oppressor which it turns out is the Patriarchy. Traditional Feminine traits such as gentleness, empathy, sensitivity, caring, sweetness, compassion, tolerance, nurturing are not valued anymore as women can’t be seen to be weak or vulnerable. Once indoctrinated into the cult like ideology you can not rest or be at peace until the Patriarchy has been eliminated, so your mind and actions become swayed like an automaton with an individual objective, that justifies any unsavoury actions you may have to take in the process. A T-800 from the Terminator films would be the closest analogy in our contemporary mythology, in that you can’t plead, debate or negotiate with it, and it will destroy all that stand in its path to achieve what someone has programmed it to do.
This is even further muddled by movements such as climate change protesters, environmentalists, vegans, animal rights all blending into the 4th wave, and then all vying for influence and power within the movement. With all of them now believing the Patriarchy plays a great part in who is to blame in all their separate battles. Around the world many white straight women, Gay men and Jews are being removed from positions of power or are being dumped and replaced by trans, black lives matter and other minorities.
It is no secret that 1 in 5 professors in many modern American universities are openly Marxist and a high proportion of the rest of them have extreme left-wing views, particularly in the Humanities. In a country that doesn’t have a peasant underclass to manipulate into a revolution this has led to most of these educators treading water for decades. With the radicalised victim culture that social media has created in the last decade, it has now developed into a feasible task to mobilise those who see themselves as victims, and as they are educated to believe victims of of an evil Patriarchy. The many Women, Lesbian, Gay men, Transgender and other minority groups, who it has been statically shown to have suffered a higher rate of traumatic incidents in their lives than the general populace, are searching for someone or something to attribute that on. They ask “Why am I in so much pain?”, “Why is all of society stacked against me?”, “What is the source of all this misery in my life?”, “How do I heal from the hurt of my past and live in freedom?”. When they ask these type of questions along come the Gender studies and Marxist professors to point out that it is the Patriarchy that has done this to you. So instead of helping individuals in trauma and empowering women, men and minority groups they are instead recruiting them to an army of suffering in a never ending ideological battle with the promise that their current pain will only end when the fight against the Patriarchy is over. This is very similar to George Orwell’s book “1984”, where the masses were fighting never-ending wars against other enemies and the Inner Party, through an act of doublethink, believes that such a victory was possible. The professors isolate these new pupils from foreign views indoctrinating them into their new family’s values as they are the only ones who care or know of the anguish their members have been through. Universities which were once dynamic training grounds to educate the new leaders of the future have sections portioned off as safe spaces to isolate and indoctrinate its members to the 4th wave ideals.
Like the Ruling Elite or Bourgeoisie within Marxist ideology it is easy to distort the Patriarchy definition, and then anyone striving for power can make the term refer to anyone who challenges them, thus creating tyrannical rule. Simply look at the present insanity on social media and main steam media to see how this is taking place right now. Blacks, Whites, Latinos, Asians, Native Americans, Indians, Gays, Trans, and both men and women are being called out for their privilege and their alliance to the Patriarchy because their viewpoints disagree with a 4th wave narrative.
Several ex KGB defectors spoke of a process known as “Ideological Subversion” which was practised by USSR against the US, and still continues to be used by Russia today. The intention behind ideological subversion is that Marxist ideas are implanted within the general populace, starting in newspapers and media as well as of centres of higher learning. As time passes these concepts become accepted and adopted across society, as those who have been indoctrinated in universities graduate they circulate through the workforce taking on many jobs such as educators teaching children at schools, positions throughout the public service and government in law making and management, journalism and so on. So every facet of society ends up being tainted by a subverted ideological agenda. Although the Russians did this for many decades with some success, it wasn’t till the combination of the Internet, iPhone/smart phones and Social media appeared that this subversion went into hyper-drive, spreading these ideas in seconds as opposed to decades; the seeds originally sowed by the Marxists in the universities and throughout society over many decades blossomed. What started off in social and alternative media has now graduated to mainstream media with many male and female reporters holding 4th wave feminists’ viewpoints unknowing they carry the seeds of Marxism within them. As the revenue for Newspapers, Television and other forms of mainstream media collapse, instead of using trained journalists, news makers are now turning to cheap churnalism opinion pieces instead, with rage bait headlines to get more views, many of which carry a huge 4th wave bias.
No matter what your occupation is, be it Politician, Public servant, Charity organiser, CEO, Entrepreneur, Journalist, Teacher, Waiter, Toll booth attendant, etc; if you don’t now represent and push the modern 4th wave female narrative you are criticised as the enemy of women and are labelled a misogynist, privileged, a mansplainer, sexually hostile, a femaphobe, anti-feminist, uncompassionate, a gas lighter, alt-right, an extremist, toxic male, or simply an angry man/woman and then publicly outed and shamed.
Gender studies graduates who were once unemployable are now holding leading positions as consultants and in human resource positions in the largest tech corporations worldwide, educating major players such as Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Instagram, YouTube Twitter and Apple, as to what is appropriate behaviour. These 4th wave beliefs then get placed within the companies’ standard operating policies and practices, and influence how they run their businesses.
Individuals with an anti 4th wave bias have their accounts cancelled from these modern platforms at a much higher rate than any other group, and in the process lose their right to freedom of speech in social media. So individuals are not given a trial through common law in this new world, but are instead tried and convicted by the standard operating procedures of these huge corporations instead.
Huge conglomerates such as Procter & Gamble (owners of The Gillette company) & Nike virtue signal with their 4th wave narratives in their advertising, while overlooking their abysmal workplace practices. Many major Corporations are now terrified of the social media backlash they will suffer if not perceived to be 4th wave friendly and will remove their advertising or sponsorship from anyone who dares to criticise or tries and communicate a different narrative. Eco-protest groups, Climate change groups, Vegans, Animal rights groups and an extensive array of assorted minority protesters seeing how influential the 4th wave shame and blame techniques are have adopted then modified them to their own movements.
PETA the animal rights group provides a prime example of this 4th wave speak adapted to their cause, here in this passage taken directly off their website “As feminists, we’re working to put more women in office and in corner offices. We fight for equal pay, tax-free feminine hygiene products, an end to sexual harassment, funding for women’s sports, and streets safe enough for us to walk alone. We push for strong role models who don’t objectify women on television and in movies. We work to end sex trafficking, slavery, genital mutilation, and “honour killings.” We rail against sexism in all its many forms—except, perhaps, when it comes to what’s on our plates. Can food really be sexist? Yes, when it’s the product of imprisonment, rape, reproductive control, kidnapping, and abuse”.
The twisting and curtailing of free speech to a 4th wave agenda has now become common in both government policy, commercial organisations and in protest groups.
Tim Cook provided an example of this when he recently addressed a media crowd on what Apple will and won’t tolerate being disseminated through their entire network, so you have a huge multinational company with its own agendas dictating what free speech is now.
PETA again demonstrated this when they tweeted the following “Words matter,”. “And as our understanding of social justice evolves, our language evolves along with it. Here's how to remove speciesism from your daily conversations." The animal rights organisation then included chart with what they view as offensive phrases on the left and what they view as acceptable substitutions on the right.
Instead of “kill two birds with one stone,” say “feed two birds with one scone”
Instead of “Be the guinea pig.” say “Be the test tube.”
Instead of “Beat a dead horse.” say “Feed a fed horse.”
Instead of “Bring home the bacon," say “bring home the bagels.”
Instead of “Take the bull by the horns.” say “Take the flower by the thorns."
In a later tweet, PETA compared the use of the original phrases to racist and homophobic language, writing: “Just as it became unacceptable to use racist, homophobic, or ableist language, phrases that trivialise cruelty to animals will vanish as more people begin to appreciate animals for who they are and start 'bringing home the bagels' instead of the bacon.”
A quick Google search with the words “Patriarchy” and “Vegan”, “Climate change”, “Animal Rights”, “Activism”, “NGO”, or “Advocacy” etc will highlight the armies of protester groups that erroneously believe that the Patriarchy is the source of their organisations dilemmas and only its removal will solve that.
The #metoo movement while having a noble intention at the beginning has now twisted into the 4th waves lynching tool to annihilate those who don’t conform to their agenda. Like middle eastern terror groups it has no centre of control and anyone with access to a computer or phone can be part of the revolution and bring down whom ever they choose. The film and entertainment industry are now terrified to produce anything that doesn’t promote some type of social justice message. The new archetype for women in the movies is one where she has to be an empowering role model, talks tough, handles a weapon, she is a martial arts professional, kicks ass better than the guys, even if it’s playing Maid Marion. The worlds biggest steaming service Netflix vigorously promotes their 4th wave agenda and removes narratives that would disagree with that. So we now have a flood of new programs such as “Sabrina” the Social Justice Witch and “Orange is the New Black” a series originally based on Piper Kerman’s memoir of her life in prison, that has subverted itself into a peculiar form of 4th wave fan fiction, attributing the Keystone Cop guards and Patriarchy for all the women inmates problems. Award shows highlight female accomplishment, and then actresses belittle and protest when award nominations do not have enough women or minorities in them. The actress Roseanne Barr lost her own Television series after one misrepresented Tweet. Kevin Hart was removed from hosting this years Oscars because he refused to apologise for some tweets which he had posted years prior, while Female comedians such as Hannah Gadsby receive standing ovations and rave media reviews for their “I hate men” message. Even a movie called “Suffragette” which detailed the struggles of Suffragettes, had its actresses shamed for having t-shirts with the slogan 'I'd rather be a rebel than a slave' to promote the movie, as according to the tsunami of hatred on social media, four 'privileged white women' wouldn’t be able to understand what slavery or oppression was.
Martina Navratilova the legendary female tennis player, was recently called out as being Transphobic when she said that people who were born male should not be allowed to compete in women’s sports events as it was unfair. The 4th wave “sociology/science” says there are no difference between the genders so it makes no difference. People now are waiting for Mike Tyson to go through a gender transition so he can take up women's boxing and compete on a “no difference” playing field.
As the 4th wave take over the various sciences they begin to twist the narrative of them to their own agenda, often using pseudo science or fake research in the process. In 2018 a group of academics exposed the corruption in Grievance Studies. These people wrote the most absurdly ridiculous hoax "studies" and got 7 of them accepted into highly respected academic journals (with one receiving an award) even though one was a re-written passage from Mein Kampf.
In a slow trickle almost every type of study in universities and the workforce are being taken over by those with the 4th wave agenda, warping all their narratives in the process.
Schools are now having 4th wave narratives forced upon the pupils, inducting a new generation to the ideology, as students learn how gender doesn’t exist and how toxic masculinity is the source of all societies ills.
When Academics or old school Feminists such as Germaine Greer try to speak out against the problems within the present movement, it labels them bigots, racists and Nazis, and they have their events cancelled because of violent protesting against them.
To be seen as a persecuted victim to a violent oppressor has now developed into the leading trading currency on social media as the recently staged Jussie Smollett attack shows. If you believe you are a victim all the algorithms built within the social media platforms will reinforce that back to you, to keep you permanently on their platform. Like an addicted slot machine player the individual absorbed in the victim mentality only feels pleasure when they win a prize, in their case it is not money but attention or pity they receive instead. The victim mentality takes power away from someone so they seek to obtain that power back by tearing others down and feel like they have won the jackpot when they do so, but it is a hollow victory that demands another hit not long after. So we have the new wave of algorithmically brain washed social media junkies that are perpetually anaesthetised into unconscious echo chambers of victim hood, living only to receive their next hit. With the average person under thirty using social media on their phone seven to eight hours a day (many are using it much more), this has generated a disastrous epidemic with each user now as seduced by their phone as Gollum was with The Ring of Power. It is no surprise the creators of these systems won’t allow their own children to use them.
As victim culture has developed in the last decade, Socialism has now evolved into a mainstream viable choice for the millennial generation. If you listen to the interviews from the new wave of far-left politicians who are working to soothe and heal like a salve the pain of the past with their caring new type of leadership and revolutionary green political programs. In the end politics is a numbers game, just as Donald Trump exploited the right (aided by genius rage baiter Roger Stone) these people take similar actions within the left under the guise of benevolence and battling for minorities/women’s rights. New left-wing groups have appeared that recruit their leaders as you would a reality TV show celebrities. These fresh recruits are being singled out based on being youthful, Instagram/Facebook friendly and from a particular ethnic group. But these modern political candidates are just puppets who have been promoted to a position so they may carry out their creators agenda. What is that agenda? To fragment and create holes within the democratic party and then fill all the gaps until they hold majority power. Many of the leading players behind Bernie Sanders last election bid have been poached by those with even darker agendas than the 4th wave’s. When compared to these radical 4th wave politicians Bernie Sanders comes out looking like a moderate; if there is long term strategy behind this, who knows? But it was Bernie who was holding their hand, promoting and encouraging them throughout their campaigns up to when they entered office.
This may evolve into an even scarier scenario when you realise how government organisations such as the NSA now can monitor all our calls and internet traffic. Our smart phones store our lives including every location we have travelled, who we have spoken to and all our messages. Through recent decades we have been using it with social media platforms such as Facebook or Google. Through their extensive data collection pools they now can map our psychological profiles, our IQ, sexual, political and religious preferences, books we have purchased, the people we associate with and the clubs and organisations we belong to, every email and text we have ever sent and received, every website we have visited and every search we have carried out on a search engine. The amount and breadth of data now collected would leave an old school Russian KGB agent breathless. Not even at the peak of the Soviet Union was such a multitude of data collection feasible. This data has been used by the US to gain military, intelligence and financial advantage around the world, but now imagine a Government that was not interested in the military, foreign intelligence or financial gain and instead was controlled by those who only believe in a 4th wave agenda. Then there would be a forced surrender of that data from these government entities and huge corporations to wield against its citizens. This would consist of the vicious blame and shame social media insanity we currently see, now made manifest in the form of a ruling government. It would remove everyone that didn’t conform with its narrative as a dissident. You either accept what the 4th wave says or you are the enemy of the state. There is no middle ground, because like all those lost within a cult like ideology they believe they are serving the highest purpose.
The modern Socialism this recent wave of leftist politicians wish to introduce has nothing to do with European Socialism. Even the heads of many European countries have told Bernie Sanders to stop labelling their countries as a Socialist for his own agenda. But like the KGB defectors said you can show them the Gulags and the people starving, but the only thing that will change the minds of those lost within the Marxist ideology is when an army boot comes crashing down on their head. Then and only then do they finally realise what has transpired. Whenever the USSR took over a country in the past, they always placed the individuals who supported the revolution in re-education camps, Gulags or simply shot them in the back of the head, because they were the first to revolt and become dissidents when things didn’t turn out even remotely like they had envisioned.
Like the Nordic countries, Australia and New Zealand have fairly progressive social welfare policies and are very multicultural, but again both of these evolved over long periods of time, they were never thrust upon them in one tremendous surge of change. Coming from Australia I know that currently just under 20% of our populations is on some form of welfare in the form of old age pensions, disability, unemployment benefits, etc. Many individuals within the country are now coming out to question this once called “Welfare Safety Net” which seems to have transformed into a “Welfare Hammock”. We have a Universal health care system which is good, but with the combined Welfare and Health systems are now costing around 50% of government total expenditure. With a population of around 25 million that is ageing rapidly and living much longer, this system is only just working. But as most of our trade is with Asia, the next time that region has an economic equalisation we will suffer horrendously and will struggle to preserve this welfare state without producing massive debt. Then Australia similar to the Nordic countries will be just as susceptible to far left Marxist ideals as the US is. Many countries in Europe with the present economic and political uncertainty (including the Nordic ones) are becoming more vulnerable to Marxist ideals, with their own constantly growing left-wing parties, who shelter under the cloak of 4th wave feminist movement. The Nordic and other countries are no less immune to this risk than anybody else even though they are labelled as model nations by the 4th wavers.
In many respects America is an Oligarchy now with an enormous inequality in its distribution of wealth, as many individuals seek to fill an empty void with power and wealth. America also has an extreme Right, who are trapped in their own prejudices which they make no effort to hide and like feminism have their roots in trauma.
But if America were ever to become a Socialist nation headed by an ideology of an oppressor, there is a great possibility it could start a Civil War that could lead to the downfall of democracy for the US and its allies around the world.
I imagine now that anybody who doesn’t agree with what I have just spoken, will be jumping up and down saying “What about Trump and the hysteria he brought to the White House?” But if you look at Trump what you call his shadow side it is utterly out there in the open and that is the reason many people flock to him and his ideas. He worships wealth, discredits and chastises those who cross him, hates criticism, revels in being the biggest man in the room, loves to win at all costs, will distort the truth to prevail, loves being applauded and cheered by a crowd, is narcissistic, lives to make a deal, loves beautiful women and “grabbing the pussy”. So there are no great hidden mysteries in Trump’s psychological make-up. But if you look to the new left their shadow is obscured by a smiling veneer of compassion and desire for equal rights, but removing that you will recognise a victim identity. The Victim identity is the most treacherous and vicious one of all because it grants those entrapped within it to take violent actions under the justification they are always serving the highest motive, it is a form of Martyrdom. The victim identity fighting against a perceived oppressor is what allowed the horrors of the holocaust to take place as the Germans fought to wipe out their perceived oppressor the Jews. Under Marxism hundreds of millions were tortured and died, leaving those left behind to live in Stasi Police states, all in the name of eliminating their Bourgeoisie oppressors.
The trauma/victim mentality is exceptionally well summed up by the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre quote “Hell is other people”. A better translation might be “Hell is the others”, an exceedingly dangerous idea because it sets up the assumption that once you eliminate “the others” the Hell won’t be there any more. And it was Jean Paul Sartre and his students’ ideas that provided the template for Pol Pot’s torturing and murdering of millions in Cambodia in the name of creating a fresh perfect society. The evil part of being inducted to an ideology is that the only way an individual recruited to it will receive respite from their suffering is once the believed perpetrator is eliminated, but this is the lie used to manipulate the indoctrinated into committing atrocious acts against humanity, in the name of trying to achieve a carrot on the stick goal.
A voice and equal rights for women should be the premiere goal of our societies, but if it is attained through tyranny, a tidal wave of rage will be the only outcome, as hate begets hate. Blaming all the worlds problems on an imaginary oppressor has tainted everything from children, education systems, our media, social service systems, workplaces and government and has helped to lay the foundation for the ultra polarisation on both sides of the political spectrum. The women's movement has been built on the modern freedom of western democracies and the industrial, economic, scientific revolutions of the last few hundred years. If our societies were to go into a major decline then so would these freedoms and much of the progress made over this time go. Then we could see the rise of a dystopia so horrific that in comparison it would make “The Handmaids Tale” look like a Disney adventure.
If I was to take all the above and sum it up in one sentence, I’d say “If you want some form of Socialism (Even if it is Democratic Socialism) makes sure it doesn’t come with an attached ideology of an oppressor, because if it does, it has nothing to do with a Nordic or any other country’s government and progressive social policies, then there is a great possibility it could be the end for your country’s democracy and freedom”.
People always ask how good German, Russian, Chinese or Cambodian people could carry out some of the most atrocious acts against humanity the world has ever known, well here we go again.
P.S. There is a linchpin to all this madness/polarity we have on both the radical left and right, in the media, politics, etc. And it will only come into play if we focus on the healing of the trauma, both ours and our forefathers, which has run through our societies for thousands of years, and is the fundamental factor in humanities disconnect from themselves, others, nature and life. People are only ‘triggered’ if they have trauma in them to begin with to trigger. When the trauma is gone so is the capacity to be triggered. People only get lost in Ideologies if they have a disconnect from themselves. There is an old African proverb “You can outrun what is running after you, but not what is running inside of you”. Peace will only ever be achieved if we are brave enough to end the war in ourselves first and let it flow out into the world.
“Wanting to reform the world without discovering one’s true self is like trying to cover the world with leather to avoid the pain of walking on stones and thorns. It is much simpler to wear shoes.”
- Ramana Maharshi
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Las Vegas slots player wins $15.5M jackpot on Christmas Eve It was the largest slot machine jackpot Nevada has seen in eight years, the casino owner said The Biggest Jackpot Ever So far, the largest jackpot ever on a slot machine was $39.7 Million. This was won while playing the Megabucks progressive slot game. A 25 year old man for Los Angeles was visiting the Excalibur Hotel and Casino and began playing. After a period of time, he triggered the largest jackpot win in Las Vegas on a slot machine during March 2003. The biggest slots jackpot . In March of 2003, Ethan Miller, a 25-year-old software engineer from Los Angeles won $39.7 million after wagering $100 in the Megabucks slot machine at the Excalibur casino. His odds of winning at the time? A staggering 1 in 16.7 million. Ethan’s win still stands as the biggest slots jackpot won in Las Vegas. The Largest Lottery Jackpot Won by a Single Person When all of the winning Powerball numbers finally matched a ticket on August 23rd, 2017, the jackpot shattered records. $758.7 million might only have been the second-largest jackpot ever, but it was the biggest prize ever awarded to a single lottery player. An unnamed 25-year-old man won the planet’s biggest ever jackpot with a $100 bet. The man was apparently in town for a basketball match when he found himself with some time to kill. This win is the largest Las Vegas jackpots ever won in that city and the world. The biggest slot machine win rounded at a mind-boggling $39 million (and change)! The jackpot was hit by a 25-year-old software engineer from Los Angeles who gambled at the famous Excalibur Casino in Las Vegas. The lucky slot that paid out? Megabucks! He hit the MegaJackpot(R) for $18,799,414, the largest penny slot jackpot ever won. "On my way over to the casino this morning," said the anonymous 66-year-old man, "I actually thought about playing Penny Megabucks(R). I don't know why because I normally play video poker. So after Ever the charitable man, Elmer gave away much of the money to his family and to good causes before passing away a couple of years later. The biggest ever-recorded slot win went to an LA software engineer, who wagered $100 on Megabucks at Excalibur in 2003. He won $39.7 million, the largest in Vegas history to this day. This was the largest jackpot ever won in the US and across the world. A 25-year-old Los Angeles-based software engineer was the owner of this mind-boggling amount of money. He won this jackpot while playing at the popular Excalibur casino in Las Vegas. Megabucks was the slot game that gave him the chance to win millions. Heywood is the winner of the largest jackpot ever won in an online slot machine. In 2015, Heywood won £13,209,300 playing a slot machine known as Mega Moolah. Designed by Microgaming, Mega Moolah is a five reel slot machine game with 25 different paylines on which to win. With a progressive jackpot, Mega Moolah has many ways in which to win.

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BIGGEST JACKPOT Ever On YouTube History For New DRAGON ...

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what is the largest slot jackpot ever won

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