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'Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked' a review

Making good on this post.
Disclaimer: I have never seen anything related to this Alvin and the Chipmunks series, and am coming into the third entry blind. Any misunderstanding due to this is entirely my fault for not keeping up with the deep interconnected mythology of the AatC universe.
SPOILERS: I have to prove I watched this damned thing, so you're getting all the details.
This movie is not awful. I was expecting far worse, honestly. If you've ever watched cartoons aimed at 3-5 year olds you can probably tolerate this(though I highly recommend actually having a 3-5 year old around since you can start playing with them to distract you from the movie). The shtick of this series, apparently, is that Alvin and his brothers Simon and Theodore are famous singers in a pop group(and get this: They're Chipmunks!); they get into wacky misadventures while high screeching covers of pop songs play in the background. I expect if you actually like any of the songs covered this will shift from annoying to insulting, but being largely ignorant of pop music circa 2010, it remained merely annoying for me. They are joined by 'The Chipettes' a gender-bent complement to AatC who have their own band, and all of them are stewarded by their ownemanagedad Dave.
The movie begins on a cruise ship bouncing from one micro set-piece to another. While it's filled with 'musical' numbers, they come rapid fire and never seem to stick with anything beyond a quick 'remember this?' reference. I would not be surprised if they kept the songs short because they were able to avoid paying licence fees for the songs by using less than thirty second samples. After getting into some trouble with the captain, the Chipmunks are admonished by Dave, but they convince him to give them another chance; while Dave has dinner with the captain to smooth things over, the Chipmunks get up to some wacky shenanigans.
The Chipmunks all exhibit their trade-mark personalities here as, astonishingly, they have to set up some character development later. Alvin here is the selfish(and annoying) one, Simon is the smart(and annoying) one, Theodore is the dumb(and fat, and annoying) one. The girl chipmunks get less attention individually but I get the impression their personalities directly mirror their male counterparts. Alvin charges off to party in the ship's casino, with Simon chasing after him to bring him back to their room, the Chipettes get into a... dance off(shudder)... with some twenty-somethings, and Dave eventually comes to round them up.
We are also introduced here to Ian, the chipmunks' former ownemanager(but not dad), now working as a pelican mascot on the cruise ship. We're led to understand that he was a dick and cruelly kept his sentient chipmunks in cages, therefore it's funny that he's fallen on hard times. Also fallen on hard times: David Cross, who plays Ian, is reduced from the highs of blueing himself on Arrested Development to playing a minor character in a movie about singing rodents.
The chipmunks are punished for their escapades by being restricted to shuffle-board as their only activity for the rest of their trip with Dave watching closely to keep them out of trouble. No sooner does Dave take a nap than the Chipmunks barter a kite from a fat kid to go parasailing, and shock and surprise they go flying off away from the ship, eventually landing on an island. Dave realizes they've gone missing and take a... hang glider?... off the ship to go after them; David Cross Ian tries to stop him, but the two end up crashing into the water.
The humans eventually wash up on the same Island, where they surely meet up with the chipmunks and everyone learns a valuable lesson. My that ninety minutes flew by...
OH GOOD LORD, WE'RE ONLY TWENTY MINUTES IN! The viewer is advised that panic attacks are normal, and to avoid hyperventilation by breathing through the nose, or into a paper bag.
Ahem. On the island the Chipmunks attempt to survive, creating a SOS sign in the sand, starting a fire, fighting over the only morsel of food, all while grappling with the fear that they may never be found and worse, the existential dread that they may have annoyed Dave so much that he won't even bother to come looking for them. And singing annoying songs, and exhibiting rote character traits and generally making you wish you were doing anything else with your time. Meanwhile Dave and David CrossIan wash up on some other part of the island, where they will meander through the second act of the film with G-rated sniping at each-other.
The chipmunks run into Zoe, another castaway, played by Jenny Slate(I had a Washed Up Actor joke cued up, but it turns out this came before anything else I'd seen her in). Some very boring jokes follow, but importantly we have a major plot point: Simon, the smart, responsible chipmunk, is bitten by a spider whose venom he knows, because he's the smart one, has the side effect of changing one's personality. The chipmunks go to sleep, and when they wake up Simon has turned into the outgoing, adventurous and french accented 'Simone'. This upsets the balance with Alvin who is confronted with his own inner demons realizing in watching 'Simone' that his own actions are often disruptive and counterproductive.
The chipmunks pair off with their gender-bent mirror-images(something Freudian here, but I never read Freud, people just describe this sort of thing as Freudian). Girl-Simon is impressed by the antics of the drugged up 'Simone' who romances her with a golden bracelet he found exploring a waterfall, while Alvin and Girl-Alvin each reckon with the fact that they've been selfish and useless their entire lives, so they decide to be responsible and build shelters. Theodore and Girl-Theodore were... present.
At this point the reader is encouraged to reflect on the fact that these Chipmunks all view Dave as their 'father', not simply their owner. This makes them all step-siblings, at least and their 'romantic' entanglements take on an entirely different slant. Combined with the fact that none of the male chipmunks wears pants, and the girls wear skirts hitched up above their waists gives the film a risque quality that I am shocked was allowed under a G-rating.
Eventually Dave and David CrossIan meet up with the Chipmunks, just before the island... which is a volcano, by the way... begins to erupt. Alvin demonstrates he's matured and can be responsible, while Simon who is reverted back to his normal self must demonstrate courage to save Girl-Simon from Zoe, who's actually crazy, why not. Dave learns to trust his pets/children/employers, and David CrossIan realizes he was a dick when he owned/managed the chipmunks. Everyone convinces everyone else to be cool and they all escape the island together on a raft built by the rodents.
One more musical number as the Chipmunks headline at the... International Music Awards? Is that a thing? Did they agree to be associated with this? Watching the chipmunks perform to a riotous crowd highlights how strange it is that a cover-band doing pop songs would rise to such heights of fame, ignoring the fact that their screeching high-pitched renditions of popular songs grates one to the soul, and that these sentient rodents are simply accepted as a part of society.
THE END(thank god)
Again, not a terrible kids movie; much better the farther they deviated from the musical shtick. Animation was good for the most part, even if what they chose to animate was questionable. Most of the humor was flat, the plot was predictable, but the ending was actually somewhat touching, having earned its emotional climax with fairly decent character arcs through the middle act.
Score: 2/5
TL;DR A risque, sensual, half-nude, romp through the forest has these triplets questioning their morays, learning that forbidden love, treasure, and personal growth can all be found on the path to survival.
submitted by SonOfOlle to minnesotatwins [link] [comments]

Tales of Specter (Chapter 6)

Astrapian City
SpenceSpecter Journal:
Entry - ??? It's been days and weeks since the Castle of the Valkyrie Queen crashed into the surface of the earth. Mostly I don't know where the heck are we... However I’m back to the Clan...
There is no place like Home...
I never thought that this place can look so good. The Specter Clan did a fantastic job in making it secure.
Specter says "Darkcrow, can you walk now?" "Well... With the Mechanic's help, I can walk, but it's going to take awhile before my leg is healed completely." He replied Spencer sits on his bed and think about what can he do.
Melody interview with my Clanmates, How did she found Specter also known as Me the Legendary Demon-Hunter.
One of the elf girl said "OMG! HOW DID YOU FOUND THE REAL SPECTER BLACKWING" and she continued ask questions for an extended period of time.
Melody said "Did you know about Me and Specter? I'm his Girlfriend." The Elf Girl said "OMG! Me and my friend have been waiting for this day for years! We've been Specter fans from the beginning! Sooooo... You guys are together now?" Melody replied "Well maybe... I do love Specter, He so cool and edgy..." The Elf Girl said "AHHHH, She's soooo Lucky to have him!" and they decided to scream in romantic excitements Melody blushed and stopped the rest of her reply.
Roger legs has fixed and he gone to trained outside in the clan with the clan mechanics. The clan mechanics added some new features of weapon in his robotic hand. Also the clan warriors added some new features of armor on his robotic body. After the upgrades, Roger is ready for combat for future missions.
The Clan Warrior said "This is the new metal coats for your new body, It can protect you from Corrosion and Bullets!” Roger will be a great robot warrior for the Specter Clan!
Lily, well she is now awake and has a interview with the knights on the other kingdom about the crash of the Castle of the Queen Valkyrie. She also has a chat with the Mechanic's of the Elf Clan about her motor skills.
Spencer said "Yeah, well it's good that she enjoy herself and not think about the sad stuff."
Victor, on the other hand, he kinda problem in his past-life as a Gambler. He can't stop thinking about it, he even tried to get the Specter help him to get cured, but they couldn't help.
Victor is a total greed loving Magi-Caster and I liked him... But his problem, is he attached on a past life. What is he hiding?
The next day after training and having fun, the Clans resume their meeting.
Specter says "Axelegore kill my partner Lurk and I have to avenge him for good. But i need the 7 orbs to combine into "The Elemental Orb" "The Elemental orb is a powerful magic artifact. It was used by the 6 knights of Lairon, but the creation of the Elemental orb is Unknown..." Specter explained the story
Specter says "Gizmo, The Small Chimera Furry who the former of the Axelegore Orders and has reveal the story of Axelegore Plan and the 6 knights but he died due to the battle with Cupiditas in The Castle of the Valkyrie Queen..." Gizmo is the Chimera Furry with a chip on his shoulder, but he has a bit of a hero complex. I can relate to that.
Specter says "We got the 5 orbs and the next one is the Electric Orb." The Mechanic's look at the 5 orbs and then to Specter. "We can make a Orb." One of the Mechanic's Replied.
Specter says "You can't unless you got them all 12 of them..." One of the Mechanic's look at each other and said "What, do we do?" "Well... We got the 5 orbs correct?" "Correct!
Specter says "Victor, did you seen the Electric Orb before?" "Yes, I saw it in the treasury before all of this chaos broke loose." Victor said with regret. "We have to get it back then."
Victor said "Mostly the Electric Orb was on Astrapian City, The most futuristic city with full of Money and Violence. It was found by the mayor for some unknown reasons. "It's know for power the entire city." "Do you remember where?" "Yes, It was in the Empire Astrapia State Building." "Can we get it?" Victor said "It's a risky try..." "We have to take down the entire state security force with all the Mercenaries and military there to defend it.”
Victor said "The mayor is worked for Axelegore, His name is unknown but the people called him The Black Dragon"
Specter says "Black Dragon, Is that the 4th orders?" "Yes they are, they were created recently. but yeah, that person is very dangerous.
List of Axelegore Orders
The Sky Crasher Leader: Gruz "They are the one, Sky Pirates who try to fly by shooting and cast magic to destroy all of the traveling ship and make them to banned traveling with airship all over the world and make their home."
The Dark Mechanicus Leader: Cogwheel "They are the ones who have all invented the really big and dangerous machine for the warfare and combat that does most of what the Dark Mechanicus does.
The Phantom Cultist Leader: Light "They are the ones who use their magic to battle and cast through the battlefield. They are the magical and powerful of all the orders.
The Black Dragon Leader: The Black Dragon. "This is the most unknown order, they are invisible to everyone except other members and seem to only be used as assassins by the other orders."
Specter says "They are one tough Orders..." "We can try but the attempt is most dangerous and failed to do this." Darkcrow said. Victor said "We are ready to go then, let's head to the city."
Specter says "Right, we got a world to save!" Victor and you all head to the city and begin your attempt to save the world.
The Astrapian City is a miles away from my Clanhouse and my Village but it's a very long walk to prepare for the Electric Orb... I packed up some food as well as the Orbs also my old dagger and my ropes...
Specter says "Where can i use the ropes for?" The ropes are for climbing big and small rocks. so, you can try climbing some nearby rocks. You find a few rocks you can climb near your current location.
Specter says "Well, i have to use the ropes or the dagger later until we headed to Astrapian City..." You begin to climb the rocks while packing the Orbs in your pack. While climbing, you accidentally drop one of the Orbs.
Victor grab and said "I got it!" and after a quick examination of the Orb, he said "Yes, it's still good!" You all continue to climb rocks until one of the rocks you are climbing is slightly wet.
After you climb a thousands steps. You see a great view and found Astrapian City.
"Woah..." he whisper. "We have to be very careful now, we are in their lands and they may have powerful fighters." Victor says.
Specter says "You got it!" Victor says "Right then, let's start heading to the city and quietly drop our pace until we find a good place to sleep." You all continue your journey to Astrapian City.
Astrapian City A cyberpunk world where everyone is a gambler, perverts, hackers, creepers and rogue.
"Everything is illegal is legal" is their motto!
Interesting Fun Fact! Astrapian City has the highest crime rate in Lairon Region! (Surprised?)
The buildings are tall and the streets are very wide. There is a large park area in the center of the city.
The city is ruled by a The Black Dragon and his council of advisors.
Specter says "What a bunch of rogue..." Just a bunch of gamblers and perverts though. We should ask for a job at the gambling hall... Well, looks like we are already in a lot of trouble.
Victor said "Those guys can break a skull on you for good!" which scared you a bit. You all go into a dark alley way to rest for the night.
Roger sleeps while standing up and Victor get a little too close to your personal space before going to sleep.
Specter says "This is kinda creepy place..." The three of you look around and see if there is any potential danger. "Yeah, this place is creepy..." Victor says in a low voice. You all feel your weapons ready just in case.
Well it's just a drunk guy who drank a lot of beer... and passed out. Still, might be best to keep an eye on him. The Six all proceed to sleep and wait for midnight to start to find the Electric Orb.
Specter wake up and their items got stolen! They all wake up at the same time and check your stuff.
To his surprise, his weapons are gone. He look at Victor, he's still asleep, he whisper to him that his weapons are missing.
Specter says "Damnit! Victor wake up our stuff is gone!" Victor slowly wake up and feel his stuff. "Hmm, my things are gone too..." "Well I guess we might as well get up..."
Specter says "Where the thief at!" You all notice the drunk guy sleeping at the end of the alley. You wonder if he is the one who took your stuff.
Then you wonder if killing him is going to make things worse for you.
Specter says "Hey, you drunk head! Where our stuff!" The drunk guy wakes up and immediately realizes something is wrong. You all wonder if it would be better to wait for him to pass out again. However, he starts running in your direction.
Specter says "Hey, that the Thief! Get him!" You all quickly begin chasing the guy. You try to grab his leg, however he eludes your grasp. By now other people have seen the commotion and are also taking an interest.
Specter says "Where the orbs and our stuff!" The Drunk guy starts running in random directions trying to get away from you all. The drunkard runs into a dead end alley and the Specters and you all wonder what to do next.
Specter says "I tell you one last time! Where is our stuff!" Victor then says something that surprises you all. "We might as well let him go and get our stuff back, he is just a little drunk right now..."
The drunk guy return the weapons and the orb back to Specter and run away from him
And Specter said "God! I hate this city!" So, the thief was not punished, but you are all satisfied that he will not do it again. But you realize there something over the dead end alley wall.
It's the Empire Astrapia State Building! Making you all think... "Hey, I thought that...!" Victor says something that surprises you all.
The Empire Astarpia State Building One of the Tallest Building in Astarpian City. It's also the Tallest Building in Entire Lairon Region with over 150th floors and powered and controlled by the Electric Orb with 1,000,000 gigavolts per years!
It was named Astrapia State Building by Victor as a joke for the Mayor.
Specter says "That's the Empire Astrapia State Building, or should i called E.A.S.B" "So Victor, what are you going to do with the Empire Astrapia State Building?" "I'm going to make a profit of course!" "Wait but isn't it illegal to use?
Victor said "Have you read the motto of Astarpian City?" "No?" "It's Everything is illegal is legal!" Victor then said "If you know what you are doing, it's perfectly legal to use.
Specter says "What kind of motto is that..." "Indeed." "How stupid can the government of this city get? (Sigh) Well, we can come back for the Building later, I guess. “Are you questioning my intelligence?" "No, but I’m asking you a question. Darkcrow can't stand up yet. but he found a way to enter the Empire Astrapia State Building. There two girls employees are entering the dressing room at the back door. And he saw one of the mafia with a VIP pass entering the E.A.S.B entrance door.
Specter says "Darkcrow, What's your plan?" "Plan? I don't have a plan, yet." "Just wait, maybe the best way is to..." Melody and Lily interrupts Darkcrow plan. Darkcrow said "Geez! What you doing here..." They both replies at the same time "Specter's orders!" Lily said. "We're here to escort you to the Empire Astrapia State Building! Melody said. Darkcrow complain. "Specter!"
Specter says "Well.. I don't even know... because I like some girls escort our team..."
Darkcrow punched Specter in a shoulder. "Ow! Why you punch me for?" "I don't know... I’m just pissed at something right now!" Darkcrow secretly doesn't want the girls joining his team mission. One of the gang at outside at the entrance of the E.A.S.B said to the gambler who want to gamble in E.A.S.B "Hey man, Give me your money or we'll beat you up!" Gang beat the Gambler to his death and drop his VIP pass.
"What the?" Victor said when he saw the crime.
"Well, it's obvious now that this is a perfect place to steal some stuff!" Specter said.
Specter steal the VIP pass.
"Alright team, we need to get out this stinky alley and find the Electric Orb!" Victor nods. You all take a good look outside the Empire Astrapia State Building. But the guards blocking you and said "May i see your pass, please?
Specter present his VIP pass.
You and the rest of your team pass the guards while they say "Wow! You're really lucky, man! Welcome to the Empire Astrapia State Building!"
Empire Astrapia State Building A huge skyscraper. While you're on the 40th floor, you can see the nice views of Astarpian City. This means that there should be some spare items around here somewhere.
Specter says "We need to register a room to rest up for the plan."
And you're all surprised to see that this city has a hotel on top of the sky city. Of course, it's the Empire Hotel Astarpia State Building.
The hotel room has a very luxury bedroom, kitchen, and a very large living room. A butler awaits your orders and ready to serve you at all times. You can make people think you're really rich by just telling them your name is Master Specter.
The butler announced the Black Dragon has a ceremony at E.A.S.B event hall. Tonight at 12:00 AM "Be there or we'll kill you!"
"You bet, boys!" Victor said. You nod at each other. "Go get some rest of the guys, we're heading to the ceremony." Specter ask. "Yes, Master Specter." The butler leave your hotel room.
Specter says "Geez! What we gonna do to get the Electric Orb!"
Victor says "I don't know." Spencer thinks for a moment. Roger says "Does anyone remember where the location of the location was? Victor said "Basically it's on the top to the tower." Spencer stands up "Let's get to the 100th floor!"
Specter says "But, how we gonna get the Electric Orb without getting caught by Black Dragon and his guards"
Specter hears and saw in the peephole. About those Bunny-Suit waitress talking in the hallway about The Black Dragon Identity.
The one waitress said "Did you know that he is working with Axelegore. That's why we should sit next to the VIP area in the event hall." Another waitress replies "Well, I heard he is the head of the Black Dragon Order.”
Specter says "Melody, Lily. I think you gotta need a distraction as the Bunny Girls Waitress at The Black Dragon."
"Haha, good idea!" Victor laughs. Spencer says "Victor, let's use your trick card to open the control room."
Specter says "Darkcrow, Roger. You guys up to make money at the Casino for me."
Darkcrow said "You serious, man?" Roger said "Yeah, I'm programmed to never ever to do gambling!" Victor says "Well, you can help me at the Control Room instead." Darkcrow said "Really, this is my worst mission of my life!
Specter says "I bet you, all the money from the Casino is yours!
Darkcrow agreed with his greedy attitude "Deal!" Melody replied "Hey Specter, why do I really need to distract The Black Dragon with the Bunny Suits anyways?"
Spencer says "I think the plan is, you seduce him with the bunny suit to prevent him from calling the guards, so we can get the orb from the room. also you with Lily!
Specter says "Lily, on the other hand is also has a Magi-Ability: Lilith"
Linda "Lily" Lilith Skyhound, The Demon Pilot in the Sky, Specter Ex-Girlfriend.
Magi-Ability: Lilith She can turn into a lilith or a succubus and any type of class such as Knight, Wizard or Cleric anything she wants! According to her beautiful and seductive dress of the entire female class!
She can take the job of a magical-demon to be tricked actively by the Black Dragon, but she is not stupid and agrees with Specter. Lily said "I agreed with the plans of Specter, also if I wears the bunny suits, I can turn my class Pilot into Magician! " Spencer: "Yes, I think you can do it. Lily said "Melody, are you doing this?" Melody replied "Of course :)" Lily said "Beautiful, let's get ready!"
11:55 PM before the shows started…
The plan has already started at E.A.S.B. Lily and Melody are in the dressing room where they going to serve some wine to the mayor also known as The Black Dragon, Darkcrow is on his black suits and got some chips and some cheating cards to his pocket. While Specter, Roger and Victor wearing a suit and they now going to the 100th floor.
The Bunny Waitress Team is on their way to the Casino as well, Specter decide not to tell them of the plan, they will probably just do the distraction.
Darkcrow is on his poker table with some Mafia around him. He gulp nervously... and he got the sweat all over him and said "Oh, hello there!" The mafia has a menacing look all over him! "Do you know how to play game?" The game master asks politely. "Why yes! I got a huge game of 5D-Jacks going on right now! Come let do this!" Darkcrow says happily.
Darkcrow sweating nerverously and wished "Man, i wish Roger should join me in this Casino!
Meanwhile, Victor, Specter and Roger enter the control room...
Spencer uses his magical powers, but no one is around, in fact the room seems deserted.
Specter says "No one here..." "It's empty!" Victor said with a creepy laugh. "Let's get the work done!" "What happens if the boss comes back?" Roger asks.
Specter says "Well, we have to stay focus." Suddenly, The Electric Orb is gone!
"Where is it?" Victor asks. "I don't know, someone must have took it." Roger says.
Specter says "It's must be that Black Dragon Guy at the Event Hall!"
"We have to find it!" Victor says. "Orb's power can be accessed by anyone." Roger points out.
Specter call Melody in her small microphone on her Bowtie.
"Melody! Lily! The Black Dragon got the Electric Orb!”
"We're in the begin in the ceremony now!" She replied. "Got it! Thanks Blueberry!" He replied. "We're on our way, we'll be there soon!" Roger said. "Huh, whoever he is, he must be a powerful and intelligent guy..." Victor mutters.
Specter end the call with Melody.
and Victor said "You called your Girlfriend, Blueberry?" "Yeah, she's a big hero around the campus..." Specter said with a cheeky smile. "Heh, well alright, I guess it's just as well that we have you along then."
Meanwhile at Melody...
Melody said "The Black Dragon got the Electric Orb!"
"That's great!" Lily replied. "Let's get going, we have to meet The Black Dragon in the ceremony!" Melody said. "OK!" She agreed.
The show announcer said "And now, the biggest guest! we like to announce..."
THE BLACK DRAGON! The Black Dragon has a shiny black silky tuxedo and a sharp white hair that cover his one eyes also with a black fedora and a Skull staff on his hand. He looks like Specter.
"Hello Everyone! Thank you for attending my biggest event so far!" He has a microphone in his hand.
Dragon said "This ceremony about my greatest city of them all and my biggest power in this city!"
Then, the Dragon begin to speaks...
"Now, I want you know that this event WILL be a historical moment! Axelegore, He one of my working partner with this work and this city, Our powers will rise above the world! I make this promise! Now, this isn't a speech this time, this is a question and answer session. If you don't ask me, you don't sit at the table! I HAD THIS! BABY!" he present the Electric Orb!
The Crowd gasp and say "WOW!" "Now, ask me a question, and i will answer!" The Dragon said while smiling. "This Orb can powered our City to the Unlimited Powers!" That mean More Crimes, More Violence’s and More Deaths in this Death Arena for those weaklings heroes who tries to restore the Orb! Now it's your turn to be the Dragon! "Why didn't you restored the other Orbs?" A Man asked. "It's a long story..." Dragon began to tell his tale... Dragon disagree the tale "But, it's a secret!" "Don't worry about it!" He replied. "But..." The Man said. "IT'S A TRUTH, NOT A BIG DEAL AND I'M NOT GOING TO TELL YOU!" He replied angrily!" "I WANT TRUTH NOW!" He yelled to him!
Dragon yelled "OK, I'll reveal the truth, WHOEVER SHOOT THAT MOTHERFUCKING MAN HEAD WIN FOR A THOUSANDS BUCKS!" The man said "Wait, please no!" Then he turned to the Crowd and said "I'm sorry for my actions, I'm new at this and it was a mistake to come back here!"
Dragon said "IT'S TOO LATE! EVERYONE DRAW!" Everyone shoot at the Man Head and lead him in the painful death with a thousands bullet shot through the entire body...
The Black Dragon is a very powerful and dangerous man with a huge killing streak. Surprisingly, he dislikes to talk about his past.
Dragon said "What a Bloodbath! Guards, Send this man corpse to the Cremation Room. Before those grubs eaten him alive. Also here some thousands bucks whoever kill that guy!" He throw the Bill towards to the Crowd!
Everyone starts to grab the Bill! Dragon laughed insanely "Haha! I loved this city!" Melody was serious and said "What a dangerous man..."
Suddenly, Dragon invited "Who's that pretty woman? You want to join us for some drinks?" He pointed his staff to Melody... Melody accepted, this is some kind of amazing thing... Melody said "Me?"
"Yes, come sit next to me!" Dragon replied. "Really?" She replied back. "Yes, really! Don't I know you?" Dragon questioned. Melody walk down the stairs and sit with Dragon but Lily started sit with Dragon, But he said "Stop! NOT YOU!"
Lily said "But..." Dragon replied "Aren't you the blue haired bunny-suit woman that I pointed to her? Lily said "Yes, I'm her partner." "Oh, you look prettier! Come sit next to me…” Dragon agreed her info! Melody and Lily were sitting next to Dragon… They talked about life as the mayor of Astarpian City and then he said. "So tell me, have you ever loved a boy before?"
Melody reply with embarrassment "Wha.. What? No! Please, who would love a girl like me? Dragon said "Tell me, have you ever loved a boy before?"
"Seriously?" She replied. "Serious" He replied. "No, why would I?" Melody replied again. "Tell me, have you?" Dragon replied again. "No! Melody replied. Dragon said "Well, this is your lucky day for you. Because I'm here!"
The next moment, Dragon started to stare at Lily very close...
Then he said "Hmmm, you're not quite pretty enough to be a succubus, but you could make an excellent-" Lily said "What?"
Dragon interrupted him "I was going to say you could make an EXCELLENT PAWN ... or MEAT..."
Lily ask the Crowd "WHAT?!" Meanwhile... Specter, Roger and Victor is now on the Casino and saw Darkcrow won a lot of pokers chips bets from the mafia. The mafia are well known defeated and broke!
Darkcrow said "FUCK YEAH! FIFTY TIMES IN THE ROW!" He high fived the Crowd surrounding him. Roger said "Let's stake our winnings here!"
Specter says "Yo! Dark! Are you done here?" Darkcrow said "Yeah! I won 50 times in a row!" Victor and Specter got some chips from Darkcrow. "Victor, what do you think of Darkcrow's winning? Victor, disagree his winning streaks and said "Amateur! I won 100 times in this Casino!" Darkcrow look confused and said "What? You're joking!" Victor said "I swear to God! I'm the best Gambler here! Darkcrow said "OH YEAH?"
"Yeah, you're still an amateur." Victor said and walk away. Specter said "Let's stake our chips here! Dark shouted "Oh yeah! Victor, For now on, You're now my rival!" and high fived him.
Victor said "Hah, you and your 50 winning-streak in the row. Enough with the High Fives! Let's play Poker right here! Right now!"
Specter says "Enough! You Greedy Rats! We're have to find Melody and Lily!" "Oh, sorry! Let's go!" Darkcrow said. They left the casino room to find Melody and Lily and Darkcrow came back to get the chips "Sorry, but the chips coming with us!" He steal the chips and put them in the loot bag!
Meanwhile... Melody and Lily trying their best to distract Dragon! "Hey you! Stop staring at my butt!" Lily said. "Oh wait, are you talking to me?" Dragon replied. "Yeah, you better stop that." she replied. "Or what?" he replied. Melody try to sneaky steal the Electric Orb... and Dragon caught her! "What are you doing?! You trying to shock me?" he said in annoyance. "NO! But you have to let us go." Melody replied. "Oh yeah, I should let you go..." Dragon said. She smiled. "NOT, IF I GIVE YOU A KISS!" Dragon laughed insanity. “No, No, No, No!” Melody tries to run for it! He ran towards her and kissed her.
Suddenly, Specter saw Dragon kissing Melody in her lips... Dragon saw Specter and said "Aw... was that your Girlfriend that I kissed her in front of you?"
Specter says Rghh..." Specter stare at Dragon angrily and completely cover with red haze and aura in his body! "Should have waited until we're alone!" Dragon now knows. Melody tries to free herself from Dragon, but he is too strong! “By the way, as the mayor of the Astarpian City, She is now shall will be my QUEEN!” Dragon shouted!
Specter says "YOU GET AWAY MY GIRLFRIEND, YOU FUCKING FREAK!" In his demonic voice! He dash towards Dragon and gave him a punch in the face cause his skull break and then another one, and then another one! But Dragon won't go down! He punch back, and then several of them!
Specter summon the dead, demon and ghosts from out of nowhere to be his ally to protect from the Crowd! Several Ghosts and Demons started to appear around the area! More ghosts, skeletons and demon appeared to back them up! "Come on Specters! Do your thing!" Darkcrow orders. Dragon cast his mysterious Magi, and blew many specters away, including the crowd! Grim and evil spirits are powerful indeed! The crowd shoot the dead with their Tommy Gun. But no effects to the dead! The ghost slice through the crowd! The crowd died instantly!
Specter cast his powerful weapon Hades Scythe! Dragon casted an spell against him, but Specter block the attack! Then, he used his weapon, Hades Scythe to cut Dragon's arm! It was bleeding! The battle now begin to heating up! Dragon said "Damnit! Where that Rogue come from!" Then, in a flash of light, Dragon see a man standing there holding a very large scythe! He was tall, with dark shadow aura and long red hair!
Specter says "Dragon, You're souls is mine... AND I WON’T FORGIVE YOU!!!" He swing his scythe and Dragon casted his own Magi against him, but the Specter easily blocked the attack! "Let's make one thing clear, before I kill you!"
Specter ignore his orders and attack his wrath! “IT’S TOO LATE, TO PAY YOUR CONSEQUENCE!” He attacked him, with several ghosts, skeletons, and demons supporting him! Dragon casted some sort of shield against Specter attack! The clash of the powerful auras shock both fighters and their minions!
Suddenly, Dragon cast Nova! Nova appears to be a powerful explosion of light and sound! He can barely hear anything, but he see everything! Demons, Specters and even some ghosts blown away instantly!
“NGAHHHHH! DRAGOOOOON!” Specter shouted!
Dragon is retreating with his cutted right arm and left the Electric Orb behind. Dragon run for his life and got collapse on the ground and Suddenly, the mysterious pirate grab him and take him to the familiar ship.
Dragon said "Thanks for saving me, Gruz..." Gruz reply "No problem, but I think it's time we stop this little fight. The other group is ready to retreat this rogue wrath." "Hmm, let me just finish this fight, and then we can attack together!" Dragon replied
Gruz said "I'm afraid, you can't do that! Step on it, Sizzling Sisters! We have to retreat!"
The Sky Crasher ship retreat to the another place instead of the E.A.S.B.
Meanwhile... Melody and her teams trying to stop Specter wrath, Specter walking down the hallway to the exit to find Dragon!
Melody said "Specter! Just listen to me!" But he's not listening to anyone. He's too focused on killing Dragon cowering at the Sky Crasher ship. Melody said "Come on! Specter! Just listen to me!" She grab him and kiss him!
Specter heart is filled with love... He calmed down the Wrath... The shadows aura began to fade away..
Specter return to his former self... Melody take back her right hand away from him and just stood there awkwardly "Uh... Just let me come with you..." He said sadly. She said "Sorry Specter."
Specter says "Melody..." She turn around and she run away. She left him standing alone.
Meanwhile in Dragon...
Gruz said "Dragon, I can't believe that Specter Boy, destroyed your headquarter!"
Dragon said "Heh! I know..." Gruz said "I take it you want revenge?" Dragon said "Of course..." Gruz nods and hands over a small black orb.
Gruz, The Captain of the Sky Crasher Magi-Ability: Chaos
The Black Dragon, Leader of the Black Dragon Magi-Ability: Omega
Gruz: He can cast every Dark Magi from every Dark Magi-User.
Dragon: While Dragon on the Other Hands. He has the power to cast every Magi whatever he likes!
Gruz: Well, Axelegore is on Death Island with the Entire Orders also aren't you wanna stay with your crew at Death Island first, It's for resting for the battle you and that Specter Boy?
Dragon: Yes, fly your ship to Death Island.
You have reached to Chapter 6
submitted by ThatTr1F0rceGuy2nd to u/ThatTr1F0rceGuy2nd [link] [comments]

OBLIGATORY FILLER MATERIAL – Just take a hard left at Daeseong-dong…9

“I say that you’re way the fuck out of line, Chuckles. Are you an educated, experienced, fully licensed and internationally renowned master blaster?” I asked.
“No, but…” he tried to continue.
“But nothing, Scooter.” I said, “What, other than your insane xenophobia and nationalism, causes you to come to such unfounded, not to say stupid, conclusions?”
He looked down at the deck. Evidently, he was not used to being challenged in such a manner. He realized he walked face-first into a metaphorical wood chipper.
“I’m waiting for your answer, pally.” I continued.
Still nothing. He was either deep in thought or ill at ease from newly soggy undergarments.
“Want to know why I chose what I did? Fine, meet back here in 15 damn minutes.”
He looks at me with a most perplexed, and ignorant, look on his face.
“Dax, Cliff? I need you.” I say.
We go back to the weapons locker and I explain my idea.
“Let’s load a case of typical, TYPICAL Chinese-made dynamite. Then let’s load a case of American C-4. Be very careful with that leaky Chinese shit. Wait one. I’ll do it if you want and you can handle the C-4.” I say.
“Ah, Rock; yeah. We’d appreciate it. You being the Pro from Dover, after all.” Cliff agrees.
“No worries”, I say, “I got this. You make me up a nice, tightly packed case of C-4. For demonstration purposes.”
I find a near-empty case of dynamite and begin to judiciously fill the thing with random samples of shitty and leaky Chinese manufactured and Korean not-too-well-cared-for dynamite.
This stuff was so incredibly shitty and poorly manufactured that even when leaking and nasty, it was nowhere near as dangerous as its Western counterpart. It was loaded with so much and many interstitials, like sawdust, diatomaceous earth, literal horseshit, and shredded newspaper, the nitro denatured itself to some degree as it oozed out.
Plus, in the non-climate controlled weapons locker; the high humidity, salt air, and poor circulation from the small open grate facing the sea, the nitro had desensitized somewhat and evaporated. It left only sticky, thin, fly-ridden films rather than the usual ‘waiting for a good reason to explode’ puddles.
It was in no way as twitchy as that locker back in Nevada. Oh, but be assured, it was still a shit show.
If I really wanted to, I could blow myself, this boat and all occupants into the next dimension rather easily, but it was nothing like that old locker back in that disused Nevada mine. I still needed to be scrupulously careful as there could potentially be puddles of the pale yellow, viscous liquid explody stuff, instead of the thin films I was mostly finding.
Either way, it required caution and judiciousness.
Nitro’s twitchy as fuck and the last thing I need is a dropped nail, blasting cap, or hunk of the rotten box falling into an errant nitro wet patch…
Extra attention was exercised.
Dax and Cliff are halfway through, and I’m still picking through the leaky, smelly bundles.
“Next time”, I mused to myself, “I‘m writing in a ‘Handling fucked-up explosives”-clause in my contract. No matter how much I’m being paid for this, it ain’t enough…”
We find a couple of expendable, dry-rotted ‘life preserver’ floaty-rings, upon which we secure both cases of explosives. They’re tethered with a rope and primed with a number of blasting caps.
I let the head local Korean crank examine both to ensure that I’m not trying to pull a fast one.
He did not notice the 3-pound bag of Tannerite (an impact-actuated explosive) I snuck in the middle of the box of Chinese TNT.
“Now. Satisfied that they’re equal?” I asked. “Nothing fishy here. Just dynamite in bundles, with caps. Then, over here, C-4 blocks with cap. OK?”
He was satisfied; but only after letting a couple of the shiny suit squad check as well.
“Well”, I smirked,” So much for your ‘covert observation’, asshole.” This guy was DPRK secret service or equivalent.
“Holy cold-pack cheese-food product fuck”, I cogitate, “They are so goddamned suspicious”.
I ask Dax to go over to the pilothouse and borrow the mauled AK-47 I saw hanging on the bulkhead there. They keep it for run-ins with cranky sharks, walruses, and lovesick blue-footed boobies evidently.
“OK, here’s what we’ll do. We’ll float each out, and I‘ll trail with demolition wire. Once we’re a few hundred meters out, you can press the big, shiny, green button and detonate your dynamite. I even used 6 blasting caps, to give each bundle its own. You saw that. We green?” I ask.
He was, although suspicious of what I had in mind. He agreed although he refused to use my terminology, the stodgy prick.
So float away the dynamite case we did.
The case of Chinese dynamite floated out and away from the boat, leaving an oily slick in its wake. As it got to around 200-225 meters or so, I requested a rendition of the Korean version of the Safety Dance, as it was just too fucking hilarious to watch.
Once completed, I handed Doubting Korean Thomas the detonator.
“Your turn, Tweedles”, I said, “Hit the button to spark off your “much-better-than-the-West’s” Oriental dynamite.”
He grabbed the detonator, gnashed a tooth in my direction, and mashed down on the big, shiny, green button with a vengeance.
PFftt! PAH-foof! fuff
There was a cheery little pop, a puff of acrid smoke, and not much else.
Let it be said from the onset that I just selected examples of the Oriental manufactured dynamite at random. I didn’t look for the worst or leakiest. Though truthfully I really didn’t have much too choice in the matter.
“You! You swindled me! You knew the dynamite wouldn’t explode! Somehow you knew it!!” he swore in my general direction.
“Try it again”, I said after retrieving the detonator and doing a quick re-wire to another bank of blasting caps.
Gumeong-e bul!” [“Fire in the hole!”].
MASH goes the big, shiny, green button anew.
Pfffft!” *Pop. Poooof! Piffle. Blerp.
Nothing but a cute little pop, a poof, and a few acrid puffs of smoke.
He was crestfallen.
He had taken on the Motherfucking Pro from Dover in a necessarily explosive subject, with inevitably disastrous results.
I asked if anyone here was weapons trained. A couple of Coasties raised their hands.
“And you are? “ I asked the closest one.
“Lt. P'an Tae-Hyun, Sir”, as he snaps a snappy salute.
“Groovy.”, I reply and retrieve the AK from Dax.
“Can you squeeze off a couple of shots and hit that floating box of dynamite?” I asked.
“Yes, sir!” he replied, smiling.
“OK then”, I replied and turned to the crowd.
“Dynamite is usually pretty stable stuff and won’t detonate without a blasting cap or impulse source. A bullet will most certainly not detonate it. However, I’ve stuck in 3 pounds, imperial, of Tannerite, which is a type of binary explosive used for targeting. Tannerite will most definitely and energetically explode when impacted by a high-velocity bullet. I think we can agree that an AK-47 round is high-velocity?” I asked.
There were nods and a buzz of general agreement.
“Now, there’s the better part of a case of unexploded dynamite out there. That’s what we in the business call very, very fucking dangerous. Now those three pounds of Tannerite should vaporize everything within a 10-meter radius if it detonates as designed. Agreed?” I asked.
Again, there were nods and a buzz of general agreement.
“Lieutenant P'an?” I asked, “At your discretion. Fire at will. Or the dynamite case, as it were.”
He nodded. He walked over to the furthest point on the stern, checked to see everyone was back and out of harm’s way, as he was a consummate professional. He futzed around with the old AK for a bit and took a shot.
It was low and outside.
“Ball one”, I snickered.
“Sights are off. Not any problems.” He remarked.
The next round found its mark. The Tannerite exploded adeptly.
It threw sticks of unexploded Chinese dynamite over a 20-meter radius. They each sank into the briny deep leaving only an oily spot to mark their entry and eventual watery grave.
The top of the case of dynamite was blown off, but the floaty ring remained. We reeled it back in to find a few more scorched, but unexploded, sticks of fine Oriental manufacture explosive on the bottom of the case.
These were motherfuckingly dangerous. Cantankerous dynamite has no place on a ship.
I remarked, however, that this would be no problem. Dax and Cliff brought up the case of C-4, which I had wired with one single blasting cap and booster.
We had Korean Doubting Thomas and his shiny suit buddies give it the once over to ensure I wasn’t trying to pull a fast one.
He agreed, it was nothing but C-4 as advertised.
One of the more expendable Coasties jumped down on the stern transom-rack which is just above the waterline on the back of the boat. He wired the two rings together and set them adrift, tethered by a good nylon rope with my nasty, silky demolition wires trailing.
Dax was working the rope and I was handling the spool of demolition wire. I had a good 350 meters of the stuff on the spool and wasn’t about to return a single centimeter.
Old habits and all.
As they floated away, Mr. Kwan asked if we’d like a bit of refreshment, as, gosh, it sure was dusty out here today.
Of course, we agreed in unison.
Good old Mr. Kwan.
So, we’re unspooling our lines slowly, drinking our end of the day refreshers, smoking cigars, and watching our Oriental colleagues getting antsier every minute.
I knew what a case of C-4 was going to do when detonated. It would be one hell of a show.
I was so confident with my design I had Lt. P’ay return the AK to the pilothouse. Wouldn’t work here anyways if the C-4 failed to detonate.
But that’s not going to happen.
Dr. Pro from Dover Rocknocker has spoken.
Finally, I’m almost out of demolition wire, and Dax has tied off the tether.
I motion over to Herr Doubting Thomas and hand him the detonator.
“For ye of little faith”, I smiled, recalling the entreaty that even Satan quotes the Bible for his own nefarious uses.
But first, an encore of the Korean Safety Dance. They're guaranteed to raise a smile.
I look to the character fumbling with the detonator.
“At your convenience, good sir”, I say, dripping insincerity.
Gumeong-e bul!” [“Fire in the hole!”]. Mash goes the big, shiny, green button.
Even over 300 meters away, every one of us not only saw but felt that shock wave. It was like a solid Savate kick to the chest. The boat even rocked a bit in appreciation.
I smile, retrieved the detonator, safe it, and reply: “And that is the singular reason why I used good old American manufacture C-4 as a sonic seismic source rather than shitty, leaky Oriental dynamite. Any further questions?”
He shook his head in agreement, bowed slightly in my direction, slunk away, and that was the very last we ever saw of Mr. Korean Doubting Thomas.
The Captain saw and felt the detonation. He put the boat in park, actually, he handed it over to the sub-pilot for station keeping and came back to the fantail.
He wanted to know if we were now officially finished with our project.
We maintained that we were and it had come off very, very successfully; in no small degree because of his boat handling abilities.
He came over to me and shanghaied one of the translators.
“Doctor Stone?” he asked.
“Hrmph. Close enough.” I smiled.
“May I be first to congratulate your team. In eight sorties, you and your teams are the first to fulfill mission parameters. I am pleased to say that this will go on all our permanent records. It will mean bonuses for all present. I salute you.” And does with a naval flourish.
“No shit? Well, thanks, Cap”, I reply, “But I’m just the den mother for this special education class. Without them, and all their hard work, it’d never have happened.”
“I knew you would say this”, he smiled, “You are leader of men. We see that. You are teacher, but also not afraid to work. You should do this more often. Use your education and experience to train and teach others.” He says, shaking my hand.
Now it’s time for me to wonder. Did he hear of my offer back home? I don’t think he did, I’ve been playing those cards very close to the vest, as it were. I am now officially confused and bebothered.
But, since I don’t believe in anything, much less coincidence, I’m going to chalk it up to happenstance and just gratefully consider the source.
He asks that we wait here and he’ll return forthwith.
“On a boat this size, there are not too many places we can sneak off to…” I chuckle.
He returns with a very, very old bottle of something quite unidentifiable since it appears to be lacking a label. He yells something in official Korean and suddenly, a tray with little, itty-bitty demitasse-style glasses appear along with some smoked fish, I think, nibbles of some kind.
He pours a dram for all present. No one dares take as much as a preemptory sniff until he’s finished with the ceremony.
Everyone thusly charged, he begins a toast.
“Shoo-buddy”, I think, “I’ve been down this road before.”
It was quick, succinct, brief, and laudatory.
According to him, we had ‘hung the moon’.
I liked this style of toasting. Left more time to drink and for camaraderie.
The project thus finished, as we were running out of potables, especially freshwater, victuals, and toilet paper; we were headed back to base. That is, back to the hotel to see what our comrades who chose to stay onshore had developed.
But, that was going to be for another day. First, we needed to chug our way back to port, both literally and figuratively.
Before which, though, there were some housekeeping and paperwork chores. Dax, Cliff, and I did a quick reconnaissance of the explosives locker and created a ‘used’ manifest; which all three of us signed.
They may be officious, they may be obtrusive, but damn, they certainly love their goddamned paperwork over here.
We gave copies to the head shiny suit, one for the Captain, and we retained copies for our records. Along with notes that we expended two rounds from the pilothouse AK, as we were trying to out-officious these officious paper-pushers.
We made certain the keys were returned and logged in the proper logbooks and the explosives locker was locked securely, solidly, and soundly. Before which, we policed up the weapons locker and actually offered to the gods of the briny deep, quite the quantity of unsafe, leaky dynamite, and other ordinance that was more a disaster waiting to happen rather than inventory.
Seawater would neutralize the nasties and in the case of anything metallic, it’d be gone within a fortnight. and the phosphates might provide some nice fertilizer for some lucky passing Cnidarians. We were in water of near 45 fathoms. This stuff would never hurt another living thing.
The Captain was very pleased that we had taken that task upon ourselves. He wasn’t allowed to do anything about what was in the locker, but he was responsible for it and keeping the wrong people out of it. I commented that was a fairly stupid way of handling things, and he mentioned that he’d appreciate it if I made an official note of it to the powers that be once we go feet-dry, i.e., get back to shore.
I assured him we most certainly would.
From then on, all we had to do was putt-putt our way back to port.
It was going to take some hours and we’d end up berthing during the wee hours. This would not be a problem as our bus and driver would be waiting for us no matter what the time. He would briskly and without fanfare, return us to our hotel.
That we were actually looking forward to bunking back in the old hotel sort of gave one an idea of the Spartan arrangements we had endured for the last three days.
Most of the Westerners groused and complained in a humorous manner. Hell, it was only three bloody days. Some of our Oriental friends were so totally aghast they vowed to lodge formal complaints once they returned to dry land.
Odd that once we hit the beach, they all scattered to the four winds and not a single letter nor either a peep of protest was ever forthcoming.
Yes, this is an intensely weird place.
We wandered down the gangplank, cigars a-fume, and drinks recently and for one last time, refreshed by Mr. Kwan. The shiny suit squad was supervising the offloaded of the seismic data we had collected and had seen it soundly sealed and concealed in the very living bowels of the bus. It was to return with us to the hotel, where we’d demand a receipt. Then it would be off to the ‘Technological Center” on Scientific Street for processing.
They assured us that they’d handle that themselves. Evidently we were good enough to acquire the data, but not good enough to see the finished product.
Ack, Volna, and Ivan chuckled.
“OK, you pirates. What did you do?” I asked
“They can try with all their might. But without the decryption key, they’ll spend years processing encoded compressed nonsense.” They snickered. “We did offer to come and help set up the decryption for the decompression of the raw data, but they said they could handle it themselves. Oh, well. We tried. Seriously, we did.” Ack and Volna snickered.
“Well, keep it handy in case they come to their senses before we get out of here,” I said.
“Always our intention, Herr Denmother”, Volna chuckles.
“Oh, you heard that?” I snickered quietly.
Back at the hotel, the majority of us sent our sea-gear to our rooms via the on-site laundry. That being settled, the majority of us retired to the catacombs of the basement.
We needed strong drink, decent, non-tinned food, and seats that didn’t slop around every time you sat down.
Well, with the acquisition of our sea legs, two out of three wasn’t bad.
Since the hour was much too late, I decide that tomorrow, well, later today, would be a day of R&R for everyone.
Moreover, I was informed that tomorrow would be the “Day of the Sun” celebration, the insanely earnest celebration birth anniversary of Kim Il-sung, founder and Eternal President of North Korea. It’s supposed to be some sort of big, hairy nationwide deal. But aside from a couple of small posters, we heard little and knew less about the holiday and its celebration.
Everyone’s being even more uncharacteristically low key. It’s odd like there’s something weird going on here.
“What? Something weird and covert and sneaky going on in Best Korea? Pshaw, you old fart. You’re letting the paranoids get to you!”, I mused to myself.
This place will do that to you after a while.
I asked the front desk to place a note that made the rest of today a day of R&R in everyone’s mailbox. After another cigar, some decent prawn stir-fry, and a couple-twelve really stiff drinks, we were all ready to invade the land of Nod for a few hours.
I went downstairs for a drink, a nosh, and a smoke. I ran out of NK won as we tend to use them in Western Expat high-stakes poker games, so I needed to trade some of my weird Middle Eastern currency for weird Best Korea currency.
I was used to the 900:1 won:US dollar (equivalent) trade-off, but after cashing in the equivalent of US$500 in Middle Eastern dinero, I walked off with 650,000 won, not 450,000.
“Pardon me, Ms. Cashier”, I said to the nice little local woman behind the bird-cage security wires, “I do think you gave me too much.”
She took my stack, re-counted it, and proclaimed it correct.
“I thought the exchange rate was 900 to the dollar?” I asked.
“No”, she remarked, “Now 1,336.”
“Any idea what’s causing the fluctuations?” I asked.
She just smiled and shook her head ‘no’. I smiled back and tipped her 50 UAE dirhams for the information.
“Weird. Now what?” I mused.
Little did I know…
The next morning dawned dim and early as there some sort of something going on outside.
Oh, yes, it was ‘The Day of the Sun’ celebration. I discovered it was is an annual public holiday in North Korea celebrating the birth anniversary of Kim Il-sung, founder, and Eternal President and local Poobah-in-Charge of North Korea. It is the most important national holiday in the country, and is considered to be the North Korean pseudo-secular equivalent of Christmas.
“Well,” I thought to myself, “I picked a damn good day to call for an R&R break.”
Then I found out, why no one told us about any of this is still unknown, that the next two days after the holiday would also be considered a holiday.
Come to find out, there are all sorts of intrusive, inconvenient, and wholly unnecessary nonsense that accompany these high holy days here in Best Korea. There are exhibitions, fireworks, song and dance events, athletics competitions, idea seminars: “Think about it!”, and visits to places connected with Kim Il-sung's life, including his birthplace in Mangyongdae.
Shops close, the hotel televisions block any other ‘programming’ and show only ‘special’ movies. Either ridiculously fake documentaries on the life of the also ever so ronrey Kim Il-sung or movies he especially enjoyed. People parade to his statue on Mansu Hill to deposit flowers; later in the day, it resembled a pollinated glacier.
There’s general obviously forced elation, all of which is extraordinarily strained and appears fake. People are trucked by the groaning busload to the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun where the dead maniac lies in state.
“Fuck this”, I said in the exact spirit of international amity, “I’m going to the bar.”
I go downstairs to the basement bar, and even though it’s a high holy day, it’s open early. It didn’t used to be open until the afternoon, but since we’ve arrived, they have adjusted their hours for us.
They have also doubled their daily receipts. So they’ve got that going for them, which is nice.
One of my favorite barkeeps was station keeping that morning. I greeted him in the usual style and expressed to Mr. Ho Gun the best holiday wishes.
“Hi! Ho!”, I said, “Annyeonghaseyo”, which comes out ‘Annie young eez-yo!’ in my Baja Canuckian dialect.
Mr. Ho laughs at my attempt at Korean, but he does appreciate the effort.
“Doctor Rock”, he says, “Dawn greetings. You will drink what?”
Nice and direct, I like that.
“Ye’ ken Greenland Coffee, me ol’ mucker?” I asked in a swirl of different dizzying dialects.
Koran confounds me, so I thought I’d return the favor.
“No, but I’m sure it’s coffee with some of your usual high-proof liquors, correct?” he smiles as I hand him a nice, oily Oscuro cigar.
“For Best Most Happy Returns: Day of the Sun”, I said, waggling the stogie, as I hand it over.
“However, you are correct. Normally, ‘authentic’ Greenland Coffee is a paltry 1/3rd ounce each of Whiskey, Kahlua, and Grand Marnier with excess coffee. Well, I don’t cotton to those liquors or measures. So my Greenland Coffee recipe, really from Greenland, by the way, is Siku Vodka, or any other high-octane vodka, as long as it’s premium. Then Immiak, which is Greenland’s version of Jagermeister, so let’s just go with Jager. Then finish it off with a shot of Tia Maria or Kahlua, if available. Oh, yes, then hot coffee. Silly me, almost forgot…” I conclude.
“And measures?” Mr. Ho asked.
“Whatever fills the cup”, I replied, in a bastardization of an old Russian toast.
“OK, how about a 35 mils (~1 ounce) stiff shot each booze, then hot coffee to fill your mug? With a chilled vodka chaser, as per usual?” He asks.
“Make it so, Mr. Ho,” I say. “No whipped cream or crème liqueurs, please. I’m lactose intolerant, and, well, no one wants to hear that…”
He laughs and whips together a very nice morning sunriser.
It’s a real day off.
In a very, very weird land.
It’s Festival outside and I stayed up most of the night calling people back in the world, creating and updating dossiers, doing explosives-tracking paperwork, worrying over logistics, and how and when the fuck we’re going to eventually get out of here.
Fuck it, double front. I’m doing my ‘people watch’, perched high on Mahogany Ridge. I’m taking, for the first time since, hell, I left the Middle East, some real downtime.
I figured I deserved it.
I was the only one at the bar, but after a short time, there were festival-goers who infiltrated down into the hotel's subterranean catacombs. They didn’t know of the bar’s recently expanded hours and when they saw me sitting high up on Mahogany Ridge, smoking my ubiquitous cigar, they rejoiced.
Obligatory Festival and alcohol! Better than beer and power tools.
In the Baja Canada time-honored tradition, I have a pile of the local currency sitting on the bar. At the new exchange rate of 1,386 won to the dollar, I’m making out like a bandit.
Drinks here are cheap, really cheap, to begin with. With this fluctuation in exchange rates, which I figured reflected the holiday, I was flush. In the chips. Well-heeled. I've got a lot of what it takes to get along.
So, I was feeling magnanimous. I was tipping people very well.
“Paper?” one local asked.
“Sure. How much for a week-old English version of the Daily Worker’s Manifest and Pork Belly Futures Digest? 100 won? Here’s 1,000. Keep the change.”
Not wanting to become over-caffeinated, I switched from Greenland Coffees after a couple to my usual potato juice and citrus concoction. Each one came in a tall, frosted gimlet glass, a very nice touch, and was expertly made my Mr. Ho after I showed him once when we first arrived.
Each one, with the current exchange rate, was about 500 won; an exorbitant sum for any local. It was about US$0.40 for me. I bought several for people who bellied up to the bar and tried to engage me in conversation.
I was used to handing out business cards, hell, one never knew where contacts could lead; and not receiving one in return.
Today, I collected four new business cards; two from various European ex-pats, and two from locals.
I guess Festival! time brings out the best and least paranoid in people.
It’s only 1000 hours in the AM and people here are already seriously lubricated.
This will be a fun few days.
I decided to get a rather tall drink in one of my 100-ounce Kum-n-Go travel cups. With all the hoo-ha going on around here, I haven’t seen a handler, translator, or guide since we got off the boat. I decide with all the shenanigans and goings-on around the place on this festival day, no one would give me nor my wardrobe a second look if I were to venture outdoors for a walkabout.
Besides, we’re on a bloody island. It’s not like I can go too damned far.
So, quicker than a bunny fucks, I get my drink, fire up a cigar, and walk around the lobby of the hotel. There are the usual comings and goings of tourists, local workers, the security forces, and all that allied tat.
I wait until a tour bus pulls up and all eyes are somewhere besides me.
Pfft! And I’m standing outside the hotel, looking at all the sights.
Which, truth be told, weren’t much.
Yanggak Island is a slovenly-manicured island with shrubberies, tracks, trails, and assorted support buildings. The river is basically hidden behind stunted shrubs and nevergreens, and the remains of the defunct golf course. There’s a stadium on the island, which was thronging with festival-goers today. I don’t know what sport, if any, they play there, and didn’t care enough to ask anyone.
There was a cinema hall, which was currently empty and looking in need of some dire repair. There’s some sort of Chinese health complex in the process of being built or torn down, it was hard to tell which. Needless to say, the scenery paled almost immediately.
I did, after a concerted effort, find a small platform that overlooked the Taedong River. It was a very nice little observation platform with a couple of new-Tudor-esque electrical replica gas lights and two concrete benches where a weary traveler could sit and just watch the river.
So I did.
I was interested in the fish of the river, and wondered if any of the locals did any fishing; or if it was forbidden, as are so many ‘proletariat’ activities are in town.
I did see a few locals, huddled out of plain sight, down by the shores of the river fishing with long, 10 meter, reel-less poles. In Britain, they would call this type of fishing ‘noodling’.
I didn’t see them catch anything, but in the bar later, I spoke with a local who told me that they catch various species of fish here. These include Asian Aroana, Blue Guppy, Catfish, Crab, Eel, Halibut, Hucho Perryi, Octopus, Orange Guppy, Pacific Flying Squid, Rainbow Trout, Salmon, and Tuna.
I’m not saying my informant was lying or embroidering the tale, but from the nasty condition of the river, I think Coney Island Whitefish, Cotton River Horse, Dumpster Trout, and Bugle-Mouthed Salmon would be the more common species.
I had enough perambulation and even though I wasn’t given the least look, I felt a bit uncomfortable out here. That unfiltered sun and equally unfiltered air. After that, I wandered back to the hotel and went to enter to go to my room.
“HALT! Who goes there?” some door guard yelled at me.
“An American tourista who was out on a walk”, I replied.
“Impossible!”, he replied, “Tourists are not allowed out without their guides.”
“Look, Herr Mac”, I said, “I’m Dr. Rocknocker, and I am an invited Western Petroleum Scientist with the UN special-invited group here to evaluate the country’s oil and gas potential.”
“You are not allowed.” He replied loudly.
“My good man”, I replied, equally loudly, "Not allowed? Not allowed? I’m a geologist, I’m allowed everywhere.”
With that, I grab the handle of the ornate door, take a slurp out of my drink, and sally forth into the hotel.
Of course, he goes non-linear. He follows me and is making all sorts of bad noise. He is almost literally dancing around me, pointing, and exclaiming that I’m not allowed.
Then, he made a bit of a mistake.
He grabbed my arm.
Really, really poor career move.
I switched my drink to my left hand and executed a pretty spiffy opposite-side wrist grab on the noisy little nerf herder.
He was so shocked by this turn of events, he went slightly white and was rendered mute for a short time.
I frog marched the little irritant up to the front desk and asked the head clerk there to explain to my captive audience who I was and why I was here.
The clerk smiled and gave the character whom I was dragging around a quick background on the guy who was currently holding him captive. When I heard “닥터 락 노커” [dagteo lag nokeo, “Dr. Rocknocker”], I dropped this guy’s hand and just took a few steps back.
After a minute or two, he comes over, very, very abashed. He apologizes as he wasn’t told that any Americans were allowed outside the hotel.
I told him ‘No problem’, as I really didn’t have any special permission and didn’t want to get the guy into any trouble. I offered him a cigar, which he refused, but he readily accepted the half-pack of Sobranie pastel cigarettes I had in the pocket of my Hawaiian shirt.
I decided from that point to just stay inside the hotel to smoke, drink, and avoid any further Imperial entanglements.
I wandered on down to the casino because I was bored and it was unusually quiet. Too hepped-up to sleep, too tired to work, it was that odd interarea between “should I be giving a fuck” and “who the fuck cares?”
Leaving the basement, I wandered around the ground floor, just taking in the sights, and looking at the “Festival Specials” at the hotel shops.
I found an empty, unlocked conference room that looked inviting. About two dozen chairs, a large wooden table, TV monitors, and a southern view of the city from slightly above ground level.
I walked in like I owned the place, as it is always monumentally easier to get forgiveness than permission, sat down at the head of the table, propped my feet up, found an ashtray, and began playing with the remote to see what was available.
Evidently, these rooms were available for rent by various factions, cadres, and other sorts of like-minded individuals. However, whoever was here last forgot to re-set the filters on the satellite television.
There was real the BBC, real-time. There was German TV, Russian TV, Japanese TV, and even some American TV; all the best of the absolutely prohibited hit parade.
I shut it down and left immediately. I went to find my comrades. They simply had to see this.
I located Dax first, as he was losing won at a rapid rate down at the basement casino. He said he’d spread the word to any of the team members down in the tunnels and we’d meet at Conference Room #1.
I had taken the precaution before leaving to move the “Occupied/Unoccupied” placard to indicate it was in use and that if you hadn’t reserved the room, you’d do best to stay the fuck out.
I waited the obligatory 20 minutes for the elevator and went up to ‘our’ floor.
I knocked on all the doors where I knew they were occupied by our occupants. I found a few of our team and informed them that if they were so inclined, there would be an unannounced, impromptu, and wholly illicit meeting down in Conference room number 1; complete with refreshments and real, uncensored television. They all agreed and said they’d rouse the rest of our team on the floor.
I was feeling so brazen, that when I went down to the ground floor, I stopped at the front desk and ordered lunch and drinks for my team in Conference Room #1.
“Oh, sir”, the desk clerk responded, “We don’t have any reservations today for Conference Room #1.”
“Well”, I replied, “We are in there and if it wasn’t reserved, how would that have happened? The room would have been marked as unavailable, which it clearly was not; as it was open and available and we are now occupying it. Therefore, it wasn’t marked unavailable so it must have been available; not unavailable as you postulate. It’s almost a simple example of the single equation theory of universal containment. So we are meeting there now and requiring refreshments. It’s simply a logical progression of the facts of the matter.”
“You are, of course, correct”, she immediately responded, distracted by all the Festival goings-on in the hotel, “Now, you said you’d like to order 4 dozen assorted meat and cheese sandwiches, two cases of beer, and a mixed case of bottled liquor?”
“Yes”, I replied, “You see, it’s only going to be a brief meeting. I’ll also need ice, carbonated and non-carbonated mixers, sliced citrus fruit, and an on-call bartender if you have one available.”
“Oh, yes sir,”, she replied, “That will be immediately arranged. Anything else?”
“Yes”, I replied, “I’ll need about a dozen ashtrays, of the larger variety. Also, I am going to leave explicit instructions with you to disseminate to hotel staff that we are not to be disturbed. This is a very high-level meeting of the scientists of the IUPG. We will be discussing, umm, ‘sensitive information’”.
I used the international ‘don’t-even-think-of-bothering-us’ buzzword to let her know were being very serious indeed.
“Oh, yes sir”, she stiffened.
“Marvelous”, I said and slipped her 1000 won for her troubles. All sighs of nervousness instantly disappeared.
“Excellent. Excellent service.”, I said, rubbing both hands together most Mr. Burnsly.
I go over to the conference room and see that our order has begun to already arrive. Have to hand it to them, you call for room service and you get room service. Especially if you’re well known around the hotel to be free with imported cigars, pastel cigarettes, and lavish tips.
One by one, my teammates filtered in. There was everyone from out earlier pleasure cruise, and most of the force that remained back in the hotel to prepare the paperwork for our ground assault.
Cigars, cigarettes, and pipes were lit. Sandwiches consumed and drinks were downed. After everyone had a chance to see their home-town, or at least home-county, version of the news, I decided that it would indeed be a good time to have a bit of a meeting. It was going nuts outside with the Festival, and as long as we were in here, we were being left alone.
After the obligatory facilities break, I returned from a 40-minute round trip to my room to get a couple of my field notebooks. I wanted a record of the proceedings, no matter how spur-of-the-moment.
When I returned, I thought the room looked a bit spare. I did a quick headcount and I noted we were missing someone. I glanced through my notes and saw that our Bulgarian geomechanic, Dr. Iskren Dragomirov Dinev, or ‘Iskren’ was not present.
“Hey, guys”, I asked aloud, “Anyone seen Iskren lately?”
There was a brief conclave and the answer was a solid negative.
I called the front desk and got his room number. I asked them to ring his room for me. His room phone rang and rang and rang, but no answer.
“Who last saw Iskren?” I asked the assembled crew.
The Finnish PT, Joon, recalls drinking with him at the casino the night before last. He seemed normally jovial as was normal for him.
“Anyone else? Or since?” I asked.
Again, the answer was negative.
“Something’s not right”, I thought, my rock sense was tingling. “Dax, Cliff, you’re with me.”
We all left, stopped by the front desk, and asked for medical assistance. We explained where we were going and the sudden absence of our Bulgarian friend. We expressed deep concern.
25 minutes later, Dax, Cliff, me, the hotel security chief, and hotel doctor were standing outside Iskren’s room. We had pounded on the door for a good 3 minutes. He certainly wasn’t in the shower.
No answer.
“Fuck this. Open it”, I said.
“Under whose authority?” the chief of hotel security asked.
“Mine. Dr. Rocknocker. I’m the team leader of the IUPG crew. Do it.” I said.
The door was laboriously opened, as both door bolt locks had to be breached. The room was dark, silent, and entirely unnerving. In the gloom, it appeared that there was a human form, unmoving, on the bed.
“I’m a rock Doctor. I think we need a medical doctor here.” I said to the hotel sawbones.
The hotel doctor went in without switching on the lights nor touching anything. He examined the mound on the bed. Apparently, it wasn’t a pile of dirty laundry.
“Was the occupant of this room a large Caucasian male, approximately 60-65 years of age?” He asked.
“Yes”, we all answered together.
“I’m afraid he’s dead.” The doctor replied.
Dax looked at Cliff who looked at me. In unison, all that was heard was a tripartite:
To be continued...
submitted by Rocknocker to Rocknocker [link] [comments]

[Let's Build] D100 New Deck of Many Things Cards

  1. The Maiden- A random person you have met throughout your adventure becomes hopelessly, obsessively in love with you
  2. The Wizard- You may choose a spell from the first level list of wizard spells and once per day that spell may be cast without expending a spell slot. Using it at higher tiers still uses higher tier spell slots.
  3. The Mountain- You permanently grow by one size class. The only way to undo this is a wish spell.
  4. Sloth (As in the Sin)- You fall into a deep sleep and will not wake by any normal method. You are magically sustained and your body does not age while this effect is active.
  5. The Mime - You lose the ability to speak. Can only be cured by a wish spell (By TheDirtyDeal)
  6. The Sun - You glow brilliantly like the sun and shed bright light in a 60 foot radius around you, and dim light up to 180 feet. (By TheDirtyDeal)
  7. The Comedian - +2 To charisma skill checks and saving throws. -1 to all others. (By QuintTheWarlock)
  8. Wrath: You gain the flaw "I am quick to anger, driven to extract vengeance from those who have wronged me and a real bear first thing in the morning." (By oddtwang)
  9. Greed: all non-magical coins, trade goods and other currency, gemstones and art objects on your person, held in your containers (including e.g. a bag of holding), stored within your legal property or held on your behalf in a bank or other institution under your name are instantly replicated 10 times. The copies are identical and indistinguishable, including any identifying features, flaws or serial numbers. If there is insufficient space for them to be held, the objects spill out, rupture or otherwise force their way into the world. (By oddtwang)
  10. Gluttony: You develop an insatiable hunger. Your normal requirements for sustenance are doubled and you find it difficult to stop consuming. If you do not currently require sustenance, or if you are unable to satisfy your newly increased needs for 48 hours, you develop a need to consume something unusual, taboo or difficult to acquire. (By oddtwang)
  11. The Void- (opposite of the Sun) Light seems to dim when you are around. If you are in bright light, it becomes dim light for a 60 ft radius around you. If you are in dim light, it become dark for a 60 ft radius around you. Creatures can not see you, unless they have true sight, if you are in dim light. (Similar to the Darkness spell) (By CreepShowGirl666)
  12. Serpents: You immediately contract a poison that will kill you in 1d10 days. The only way to cure it is with a potato from a different continent. [Your character and party know this] (By LongIslandBall)
  13. The Orchard:You gain an apple, that, when bitten into, heals itself over time, effectively granting you infinite food. However, if another person were to bite the apple, it would become just a normal apple. [Your character does not know this.] (By LongIslandBall)
  14. 4 Leaf Clover: the card turns into a 4 leaf clover that is unaffected by the use of force or magic and can only be destroyed by the use of the wish spell or Divine intervention. The creature in possession of this clover is imbued with great luck and gains the following abilities. You may pick one ability where any ability checks, skill checks, attack rolls, or saving throws that you make using that skill automatically succeed for 24 hours. Using this feature drains the available luck from the artifact for 1d4+1 days rendering it useless for that amount of time after the 24 hours expire. Once per day, you can change any dice roll you make excluding d100 to be equal to x-1 where x is the number of sides on the dice. This must be done prior to finding out the result of the action intended by the roll. Once per short or long rest, you have advantage on one ability check and one saving throw of your choice. (By Ed_Radley)
  15. Lust- Every person you meet of the opposite sex must make a dc10 wisdom saving throw or immediately try to seduce you from now on.
  16. The Orchestra: summons 20 unseen servants that repeat everything you say/sing. If you cast a spell with a verbal component, it counts as being one level higher if applicable. You also have advantage on performance checks. The Unseen servants do not obey your commands and last until killed. (By Capt_Bread_Beard)
  17. The Liar - you gain advantage on Deception checks but you are unable to tell the truth — your party has to roll Insight checks whenever you reveal to them information (By Researcher_Boi_314)
  18. The Crystal: Your skin crystallizes. Your speed decreases by 5 feet and you are put under the effect of a stoneskin spell. (By ThanosHeffley)
  19. Uno Reverse Card - Allows the user to hold up the card to deflect things back at the person who the card is facing, once per short or long rest. (By Abs0lutely_N0thing)
  20. The Cornicopia: you no longer need to eat, drink, sleep, or breathe, and you do not age. (By Clickclacktheblueguy)
  21. The Fates: You gain the Lucky feat, but you have also gained The Fates disdain. When you re-roll your dice using the Lucky feat roll an additional 1d4 and subtract it from your new roll. (By True_Empire91)
  22. The Smith: This card immediately transforms into a +3 Warhammer that deals an additional 1d8 fire damage on a hit. The person who drew this card becomes proficient with Warhammers and loses all other weapon proficiencies. (By True_Empire91)
  23. The Coin: Immediately after drawing this card the users hand is burned and takes 1d4 damage and drops the card as a reaction to the pain. As the card is falling to the floor it transforms into a coin. If the coin lands face up (Heads) the person who drew this card doubles the amount of currency they are carrying. If the coin lands face down (Tails) the person who drew this card has their currency vanish. The Coin itself is now worth 50gp. (By True_Empire91)
  24. The Beast: Once per day, you can Wildshape. Upon transforming back into your normal self you take 1 point of Exhaustion. (By True_Empire91)
  25. The Leviathan: A great beast has your scent. It will arrive in 1d10+5 days or at the DM’s choosing. Only you can slay the beast and all damage not caused by you directly or indirectly (such as through traps) is halved. (By Astr0C4t)
  26. The Casino: You are transported to the demiplane of luck. This demiplane consists of a silver road in a desert with extravagant casinos glowing with displays of light against the permanent night sky. The casinos themselves are owned by the permanent residents of the plane, known as the Casino Barons. Barons include everything from human crime bosses to powerful wealthy monsters such as cloud giants, red dragons, and genies. The casino's appearances match with the baron or baroness who owns it. (By Sporedian)
  27. The Blank: When you draw this blank card it begins to emit bright light and smoke, than dissapear along with whatever equipment you had on you. The card then drops to the floor. The next person to pick up the card sees a stylized image of you printed on it. They will recieve an item, ability, or personality trait from your character sheet at the GM's descretion. The effects can be reversed with a wish spell. (By Sporedian)
  28. The hermit: You gain disavantage on any charisma checks. You gain advantage on any wisdom checks. Can be undone by a wish spell. (By awesomemanswag)
  29. The Clock. You gain a small tattoo of an oddly-shaped arrow somewhere on your body. The tattoo is imbued with magical power, and will appear as a transmutation effect when viewed with Detect Magic. As an action, you may invoke this power to cast Time Stop. Once the spell ends, the power is lost forever. (By Ae3qe27u)
  30. Judgement - you forever feel sickened when in the presence of evil-aligned people, and forever anxious around those of chaotic alignment. (By ergotofwhy)
  31. Temperence - you can no longer feel intoxicated, no matter how much you drink. Furthermore, you are made immune to damage/drain of your int, wis, and cha, but also immune to effects that raise those abilities (By ergotofwhy)
  32. The world - you are teleported to a random location on the other side of the world (By ergotofwhy)\
  33. The Pack, 1d6 hell hounds come every 1d10 days to try and bring the person who drew the card down to the nine hells. The player can hear the howls, and is frightened for 1d4 rounds when they come. (By MeerkatArray)
  34. The Blind Man: your character is now permanently blinded, physically losing their eyes, and gains tremorsense up to 30 feet. (By Silverdragon701)
  35. The Artist: your character is now exceptionally skilled in a random art(painting, cooking, singing, etc.) and is known around the world for their talent. (By Silverdragon701)
  36. The Fib: your character is now a pathological liar and must make a Wisdom saving throw to tell the truth about anything their audience doesn’t already know(I.E, can state the obvious, but must roll to explain a plan or tell a secret truthfully). (By Silverdragon701)
  37. The goblin: Permanently gain +2 to dexterity and Constitution Permanently lose -2 to charisma and intelligence (By fwimmygoat)
  38. The Mirror- whoever draws this card immediately understands to an instinctual, spiritual, emotional, and/or philosophical degree why their most hated enemy/enemies are the way they are and are doing what they're doing. They are able to completely sympathise. (By AndrewRequiem)
  39. The behemoth- when next the character is slain in battle, they shall rise again with temporary hit points double that of the nearest healthy enemy. For the battle, they lose the ability to cast spells, but their Strength score temporarily increases to 30 (+10). When the last nearby enemy dies, they return to normal, and are rendered unconscious, but stable at 1 hit point. (By RollinThundaga)
  40. The Mask: You immediately, and permanently change races into a random race. You retain all of your memories of your previous life, but lose all ability score changes and abilities your previous race granted you. You gain all ability score increases and/or abilities that this new race grants you. (NoireGarde)
  41. dead weight - a 5 ton steel cube appears with shackle welded onto it. you are shackled to it. you cant move five feet from the cube until its shackle is removed. if it is removed, the cube and shackle disappear. (By Tobymaxgames
  42. the fondler - you can cast mage hand if you couldn't before. this doesn't require a spell slot. (By Tobymaxgames)
  43. the substrate - a boulder, weighing 3d12 tons appears in above a random person around you, and promptly falls down. its made of some type of metal ore. it its in your possession, and you may do what you will with it. (By Tobymaxgames)
  44. the captain - if the drawer of the card owns some type of vehicle (cart, boat, etc.), they will physically merge with that vehicle. a wish spell is undo the merge. (By Tobymaxgames)
  45. The Holdout - after drawing, the location you take a long rest at is converted into some type of fortified structure. the structure takes a form that makes scene for its location. a forest will grow a great tree fort. fields become palisade camps. mountains spring forth castles to rock the heavens. caves dig themselves out and become elaborate dungeons. the one who draws the card is considered the owner of this structure. however, 3d10 days later, the structure is attacked by some force. it can be a powerful wizard, a dragon, an ork warband, etc. if the structure is not defended, that force will destroy it. (By Tobymaxgames)
  46. The Jinx - You are rendered mute until someone says your name three times. You cannot speak or cast any verbal spells during this time. (Your party does not know this). (By Jorster)
  47. Greater Balance - The next time you roll a d20 and roll a critical success or fail, you receive an outcome beyond all expectations. The impossible happens despite all likelihood. Example: On a success, the Queen not only agrees with your theories and plans for the coming battle but trusts you over her advisors. On a fail, the Queen looks disgusted at your sad attempt of sharing information and banishes you to the dungeon for your ignorance just to get you out of the way. Should a critical success happen during combat, the number of damage dice is multiplied by 4 instead of 2, but if a critical fail happens, you or an ally are damaged by double the dice. This affect is a one time use. (By WitchDearbhail)
  48. Null: The deck of many things vanishes. (By Sirvantis)
  49. Discord: For the next hour your character cannot speak common, elvish, gnomish, dwarven, etc.(By Sirvantis)
  50. Yes: For the next two weeks your character cannot decline any offers for samples, work, quests, magic items, etc. and cannot say the word "no" or similar. (By Sirvantis)
  51. Butterflies: A force of immense change you may use this card to change one small moment in the past. This will have rippling effects through time to the present day. Choose wisely. (By faerieunderfoot)
  52. The Damned- you are immediately teleported to one of the nine hells roll a D10 on the roll of a 10 you are trapped between two of the hells roll two more D10 and reroll all 10s. (By minecraftchickenman)
  53. Surface: Your body and soul are bound to a random humanoid within 60 feet, determined by the GM. Your appearance changes to match that of the chosen humanoid and neither of you may move more then 120 feet away from each other, and attempting to do so will result in running against an invisible wall. A Greater Restoration or Remove Curse spell cast at 5th level or higher on either one of you ends both effects. (By Cruye)
  54. Talking Head: You become incapable of saying, writing, or otherwise expressing a truthfull message instead, any attempt to do so will result in you telling a lie instead, usually the opposite of what you meant. You are not affected by the Zone of Truth spell, as these lies are not deliberate. A Greater Restoration or Remove Curse spell cast at 5th level or higher on either one of you ends the effect. (By Cruye)
  55. Father: A Will-o'-Wisp (MM 301) with the memories, mental ability scores and alignment of a deceased relative appears within 10 feet and is bound to you as a familliar. The Will-o'-Wisp acts independently of you, but it always obeys your commands. In combat, it rolls its own initiative and acts on its own turn. It can't attack and loses the Shock action, but it can take other actions as normal. As an action, you can temporarily dismiss your familiar. It disappears into a pocket dimension where it awaits your summons. As an action while it is temporarily dismissed, you can cause it to reappear in any unoccupied space within 30 feet of you. If the Will-o'-Wisp dies, it is gone forever. (By Cruye)
  56. Experience: Your mind speeds up, enhancing your senses and reflexes but leaving you more exposed to mental assault. You gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws and Wisdom (Perception) checks, but gain disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws and vulnerability to psychic damage. A Greater Restoration spell can end this effect. (By Cruye)
  57. Door: A magical book appears in your posession, containing the entirety of your memories written on it's pages, even ones you have forgotten through non-magical means. The book updates itself whenever you finish a long rest. Turning a page will always take you to the memory you'd like to see, and the book will always appear to be the same size, regardless of how many pages it has. You or a creature that has stolen the book can modify your memory by writing on the book, either writing fake memories or crossing or tearing out real ones. If the book is completely destroyed, you lose all your memories for 1 week, before getting them back, excluding fake memories from the book, and including memories that were removed from the book. (By Cruye)
  58. Diamond: You can cast the Creation, Greater Restoration, Mass Cure Wounds or Wall of Stone spells once per day. (By Cruye)
  59. Company: You gain the service of twelve Guards (MM 347) who appear in a space you choose within 30 feet of you. The guards are of the same race as you and serve you loyally until death, believing the fates have drawn them to you. (By Cruye)
  60. The Death Note- The first name that is written on this card immediately dies, no saving throw. (By warriornate)
  61. The infant- Your character immediately turns into a newborn baby. (By warriornate)
  62. The Mirror- An exact duplicate of the PC pulling this card is instantly created somewhere in the world. This copy has one purpose, to supplant the PC that pulled the card. The copy is indistinguishable from the PC in every visible way, and is physically in essence that PC. This copy differs only in that they believe that pulling the card sent them across the world and supplanted THEM with a copy located at the DOMT. This copy can accomplish supplanting the PC using any method (Violent, non violent, etc) that they wish as long as the final result is taking the place of the original PC. For rules purposes this created copy is the same level, class, and alignment as the PC that drew the card, and has access to all of the items that PC had on their person when drawing the Mirror. (By HimurasanX)
  63. The Fish - The character reeks of fish in a way that cannot be masked or removed. Additionally, any dead fish with the Beast creature type that the character touches, comes back to life as if had the True Resurrection spell cast on it. All Kuo-Toa are made aware of and believe in this effect on the character making it unremovable, even against the wish spell, except by the complete genocide of all Kuo-Toa. (By TheDrunkenMagi)
  64. Mystery - Something extraordinary has happened, but the players don't know what. The DM will roll randomly to determine if it is a good, bad, or neutral thing for the players and decide what it is in secret. Regardless of the roll the event will have a significant effect on the entire region (if not the whole world) and, upon encountering the event, the character who drew the card will be made aware drawing this card was the cause. (By TheDrunkenMagi)
  65. Wayfinder - A gate to another dimension appears before the character. This gate connects to the GM's choice of Sigil, The Outlands, The Astral Plane, or another Material Plane. Regardless of the GM's choice, the other side of this gate is guarded by both an Androsphinx and a Gynosphinx that the players will need to bypass in order to freely pass through the gate. (By TheDrunkenMagi)
  66. Destruction - 8 bolts of chaotic energy fly out of the card extremely fast and attack all creatures within a 120ft radius sphere centered on where the card was drawn. The bolts acquire targets randomly each round and make a single attack at initiative 20. The attack is a ranged spell attack with +7 to the attack roll and deal 2d8 + 6d6 damage. Each orb deals a different type of one these 8 damage types: Acid, Cold, Fire, Force, Lightning, Poison, Psychic, Thunder. The bolts cannot be harmed or dispelled, do not attack anything that leaves the sphere, and disappear after 1 minute. (By TheDrunkenMagi)
  67. Creation - Immediately after drawing this card the player who drew it chooses one item that they can create as if they had cast the Fabrication spell and it appears before them. No material components for the crafted item are required and the casting time is instant. Players who don't know how to make anything can create a single item of raw materials such a log or cube of gold. They must still meet the dimension requirements of the Fabrication spell. (By TheDrunkenMagi)
  68. Animosity - From now on all creatures the character encounters with intelligence 6 or greater are initially hostile towards the character. This effect does not change their opinion of the character's companions and does not necessarily mean they will attack on sight. (By TheDrunkenMagi)
  69. Friendship - From now on all creatures the character encounters with intelligence 6 or greater are initially friendly towards the character. This effect does not change their opinion of the character's companions and does not mean they will treat them as an equal. (By TheDrunkenMagi)
  70. The Dragon - The entire contents of the nearest dragon's horde is placed before you. Immediately after, the dragon is made aware of your name, appearance and current location. The dragon believes you culpable and cannot be convinced otherwise. (By rstarr13)
  71. The Rose- the card puller gains a +3 to all charisma skill tests for 24 hours (By infinitum3d)
  72. The Flood- a soft gentle rain slowly grows over the next hour into a torrential downpour that follows the card puller, centered over then the entire hour. (By infinitum3d)
  73. The Fop- for one hour, you fail every skill test, attack roll, and saving throw. You cannot succeed at anything. (By infinitum3d)
  74. The Reward- for one hour, you have the exact funds to purchase anything you want. Just reach into your backpack and the gold coins are there. (By infinitum3d)
  75. The Flumph - After 1d4 hours a Flumph painlessly grows from your body and detaches itself. The Flumph is completely loyal to you and you gain the ability to communicate with it and other Flumphs telepathically. If a Flumph dies two more Flumphs will grow from your body in 1d4 hours; this process continues until you have accumulated twelve Flumps. When the twelveth Flumph dies you magically transform into a Flumphp yourself, keeping all your statistics and abilities. (By clivedauthi)
  76. Granite skin: +2 AC, disadvantage on Dex saving throws as your skin becomes a hardy but unwieldy mottled grey colour (By sjeveburger)
  77. The Elder: There are no immediate effects to drawing the card until you attempt to sleep, the further you lull to sleep the more a sense of dread begins to build. This effect ends until you sleep or die from exhaustion. If you do sleep your consciousness is transported to a unknown realm outside the material plane, this realm appears to be a endless slab of carved mossy stone ground, floating above a dark abyssal ocean. The only sight within miles being the faint outline of a pillar. You can get closer to the pillar every night before waking up, each night you walk towards the pillar your character loses 5 max hp. It takes 10 nights to get to the pillar, which depicts a large tentacled being with its appendages wrapped around the planes of existence. If you choose not to touch the pillar or give up before reaching it, you awake with your hit points back and a forever lingering sense of dread. If you touch the pillar, the slab begins to sink and you are consumed by water before you glimpse at hundreds of orange beady eyes and tentacles, then you wake up,with your hp back and with the ability to see the world as it truly is, along with the knowledge that something terrible and older than the universe has been unleashed. (By Ford6Fingers)
  78. Open Chest: The image of an open box resting on the ground grants the person who drew the card a random magical item of random rarity determined by the DM using either the magic tables in the DMG or the DMs choice. (By equinox75)
  79. Insignificance- You are placed under a modified version of the Silence spell for 1d8 hours (By ControlledChaosJR)
  80. The Card - This card features the image of a card on it. It negates all effects of the next card you draw. (By The_Incredible_Thulk)
  81. Beast - next full moon you will transform into a werewolf. (By Dan-Han-Man)
  82. Self-Control: You gain resistance to psychic damage and are less impulsive overall. Barbarians temporary lose these effects when raging. (By Spearhartt)
  83. Gentleness: You take a permanent -2 to your AC. All non-hostile creatures with an intelligence greater than 6 now take a paternal affection towards you and are more likely to offer you assistance when possible. You gain advantage on persuasion checks against hostile creatures when the goal of your persuasion is to prevent conflict. If you witness someone close to you get killed you lose all effects of this card and gain +2 AC and +2 Strength for 1D4 hours afterwards. (By Spearhartt)
  84. Faithfulness: For the next 1D10 days, everything you do is motivated by your deity. If you do not follow a deity, one appears to you and anoints you as it’s new follower. The deity that appears is based on your alignment, race, and background, at the DM’s discretion. If you roll a 10, you gain the Channel Divinity feature at its lowest level, based on the domain associated with your deity. (By Spearhartt)
  85. Kindness: You find yourself drawn towards charity. For the next 1D6 days, anytime you see someone or something in need and you can assist in any way, you feel compelled to do so. This includes things such as healing, giving away your money, or assisting in a task that doesn’t take longer than the duration rolled earlier. (By Spearhartt)
  86. Patience: If you’re the last person to enter a room, speak in a conversation, or take your turn in combat, you gain advantage on your next skill check relevant to that scenario. If you are the first, you have disadvantage. (By Spearhartt)
  87. Peace: You gain the Calm Emotions spell and can cast it for free once per long rest. (By Spearhartt)
  88. Joy: You find yourself overcome with obnoxious optimism. No matter what happens you always feel like it’s going to turn out okay. You become immune to being frightened but gain disadvantage on insight checks. This can be dismissed by the wish spell or by being knocked unconscious by a hostile creature. (By Spearhartt)
  89. Love: You fall in love with the next non-hostile humanoid stranger you meet. You have disadvantage on any malicious skill checks against this person. This can be dismissed by the Wish spell or an act of true love by someone else towards you. (By Spearhartt)
  90. The Diminutive Tree: A random player character of the party is suddenly and unceremoniously turned into a bonsai tree. Only vocal communication is available while in the form of the bonsai. The bonsai speaks only Sylvan. The bonsai is otherwise an inanimate object. The PC retains their HP and is able to cast spells of vocal components or freecast. To revert from the bonsai, the tree must either be planted and grown for three days with plenty of water, or with a wish/miracle/etc. Otherwise the PC will remain a bonsai tree, incapable of thirst, hunger, aging, or sleep. (By RealRedditPerson)
  91. The Changeling: You immediately exchange powers and abilities with the nearest person or creature with an equivalent power level (as determined by level / challenge rating. (By Methuen)
  92. The Mind Reader - you gain the psychic abilities of an Illithid but also gain the face sucking tentacles. (By AllHailMackius)
  93. The Ghost - You immediately become semi-transparent, along with all clothing and equipment that you don (items lose this state if contact is lost). You are unable to change your opacity beyond this; you cannot turn invisible, or be made more visible (except by means of a wish spell). (By vysken)
  94. Platinum : All platinum you possess (wherever it is) is tripled, but teleported to the lair of a powerful monster or dragon. The name of the monster appears on the card before disappearing. (By Sunkain)
  95. Gold : You double all Gold coin you possess on this plane (so not in a bag of holding) (By Sunkain)
  96. Silver : You become vulnerable to silver weapons. When you touch silver at the end of your turn, you gain a level of exhaustion (By Sunkain)
  97. Bronze : You can always choose to be third in the Initiative Order in combat (By Sunkain)
  98. The Tolling Bell : Shows a tolling bell with the words of John Donne "Therefore, send not to know/For whom the bell tolls,/It tolls for thee." Throw 1d12. The one who holds the card will die at dawn in as much days. Each day they will here a bell ringing the number of days left. You can pass the card but only unbeknownst to the other person, you can't sell it. When the time is other, instead of waking up, the person will see a gigantic black bell with an eye in its center. It will toll one last time, and the soul of the person will be consumed by the bell. No resurection possible. A tatoo of a black bell will appear on the head of the dead. If it is a PC, the card will disappear. If the person is not the PC who drawed the card, the card will appear in their inventory at the very moment the bell had tolled. Throw 1d12. For whom will she toll now? (By TanhaAel)
  99. The Prophet - When this card is pulled, a projection of that players Deity forms in front of them, telling your player that they have been chosen as that deities prophet (DM role plays the Deity projection). The twist is that there is no actual affect that is granted to the player, but the DM should NEVER reveal this to the player. If the player has no religion or doesn't worship any deities, instead the card shouts at the player "You are not worthy, heretic!" in a deep booming voice, and then disappears in their hand and goes back into the deck randomly. (By metalzim)
  100. The changeling- your character dies and the spell reincarnation is cast on your character. (By Chopperuofl)
  101. Envy- Rather than sharing in their victory, your PC becomes saddened at the successes of those closest to them. Every time a party member besides the players rolls a natural 20 on a skill check, you have disadvantage on your next skill check. (By a combination of Spearhartt and Dan-Han-Man)
submitted by Lysdexic12345 to d100 [link] [comments]

Steam Halloween Sale | Ends 11/01/2019

View all Steam Halloween Sale deals here!
Lots of games on sale here so check your wishlists! Because it's impossible to include all deals in a single reddit post I've narrowed it down to games which are at least 75% positive reviews, at least 30 reviews, and at least 20% off.
Feel free to comment your top picks!
If you'd like a sortable list of all VR deals you can view this spreadsheet or this Steam search.
Top Picks (based on the above filters):
Platform Title Price (USD) Discount (%) Rating (%) Review Count
I/V/W 2MD VR Football 10.39 20 89 99
I/V/W 3dSen VR 14.99 25 90 30
I/V/R A Chair in a Room : Greenwater 9.99 60 87 529
V/W A Fisherman's Tale 9.74 35 96 256
I/V/W A Legend of Luca 4.99 50 80 169
I/V/DK2 Accounting+ 4.79 60 79 369
V AFFECTED: The Manor 3.99 50 82 91
I/V/W Airranger 7.69 30 97 83
I/V/R Airtone 19.79 34 95 171
I/V/R Alice Mystery Garden 3.29 34 96 112
V/W Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs 11.99 20 88 109
I/V/R Apollo 11 VR HD 4.99 50 82 104
I/V/W Apollo 11 VR 4.84 50 84 521
I/V/R ARAYA 4.49 70 76 414
I/V/W Arizona Sunshine 14.79 63 85 3700
V/W A-Tech Cybernetic VR 14.99 40 83 272
I/V/R Battle Dome 1.99 80 89 455
I/V/W Beats Fever 5.99 60 76 46
I/V/W Blasters of the Universe 5.99 60 89 144
I/V/W Blue Effect VR 2.99 70 77 110
R Boogeyman 2 0.84 83 81 143
R Boogeyman 0.84 83 83 331
I/V/W BOXVR 19.49 35 86 601
I/V/W Budget Cuts 14.99 50 75 677
I/V/W Carly and the Reaperman - Escape from the Underworld 11.99 40 95 48
I/V/R Carpe Lucem - Seize The Light VR 8.99 40 83 30
I/V/W Catan VR 9.89 34 82 46
I/V Catlateral Damage 2.49 75 89 743
I/V/W Climbey 7.49 25 92 744
I/V/W Conscious Existence - A Journey Within 3.34 33 89 116
I/V/W Containment Initiative 2.49 75 82 123
I/V/R Contractors 12.99 35 81 787
I/V/W Counter Fight: Samurai Edition 2.99 70 93 43
I/V/W Counter Fight 2.39 70 83 148
I/V/R Cowbots and Aliens 8.39 30 85 85
I/V/W Crisis VRigade 6.29 30 83 118
I/V/R Curious Cases 5.24 25 76 104
I/V/W cyubeVR 13.99 30 88 134
R D3DGear - Game Recording and Streaming Software 10.49 70 76 280
I/V/W Dance Collider 11.24 25 83 36
I/V/R Dead Effect 2 VR 7.49 70 82 825
I/V/R Dead Hungry 3.99 50 94 35
I/V/R Dead Secret 7.49 50 80 373
I/V/W Deisim 4.79 40 90 220
I/V/R DEXED 4.99 50 82 39
I/V/W Ding Dong VR 0.77 74 97 34
I/V Directionless 0.49 51 82 58
I/V/R Distance 12.49 50 93 3867
I/V/W Downward Spiral: Horus Station 7.99 60 77 66
I/V/R Downward Spiral: Prologue 0.79 60 86 66
I/V/R DreadEye VR 2.99 80 80 55
I/V/W Dreadhalls 6.49 35 94 177
I/V/W Duck Season 13.99 30 86 600
I/V/W Dungeon Escape VR 1.99 60 81 71
I/V/R Echo Grotto 3.99 50 90 41
I/V/R Eleven: Table Tennis VR 9.99 50 94 1176
I/V/R Elite Dangerous: Horizons Season Pass 8.99 70 76 1159
I/V/W Elven Assassin 8.99 40 86 338
I/V/R Emily Wants To Play 2.44 51 79 1062
I/V/W EscapeVR: The Basement 6.29 30 89 49
I/V/W Eternity Warriors™ VR 10.04 33 82 240
V/R EVERSPACE™ 4.49 85 77 5349
I/V/R Eye in the Sky 6.49 35 100 37
I/V/R Fancy Skiing VR 6.99 30 75 173
I/V/R Final Approach 3.74 75 94 323
I/V/W Final Assault 19.49 35 97 139
I/V/W Final Soccer VR 9.99 50 81 71
I/V/W First Person Tennis - The Real Tennis Simulator 19.99 20 92 156
I/V/DK2 FOCUS on YOU 27.99 30 90 125
I/V/W FORM 7.49 50 92 636
I/V/W fpsVR 2.99 25 98 242
V/R Front Defense: Heroes 4.99 50 76 73
R Frosty Nights 0.84 83 84 51
I/V/W Fruit Ninja VR 10.49 30 84 552
I/V/R FURIDASHI: Drift Cyber Sport 9.44 37 82 787
I/V/W Furious Seas 13.99 30 91 104
I/V/R Gal*Gun 2 20.24 55 91 370
I/V/W Gal*Gun VR 14.99 50 92 307
I/V/R Garden of the Sea 2.99 50 88 95
I/V/R Ghost Town Mine Ride & Shootin' Gallery 4.49 50 86 339
I/V/W Gladius ‖ Gladiator VR Sword fighting 11.99 20 78 162
I/V/W GORN 14.99 25 95 3918
I/V/W Gravity Lab - Gravitational Testing Facility & Observations 9.99 50 87 32
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I/V/W Gunheart 9.99 50 78 244
I/V/W Guns'n'Stories: Bulletproof VR 5.99 70 90 192
I/V/R Hand Simulator 0.59 70 81 14500
I/V Happy Drummer VR 6.99 30 82 41
I/V/R HoloBall 8.99 40 91 405
I/V/W Holodance 9.99 50 87 177
I/V/R Hoops VR 4.19 30 80 36
I/V HordeZ 6.79 60 84 370
I/V/R House of the Dying Sun 6.79 66 89 1136
I/V/R I Expect You To Die 12.49 50 93 751
I/V/W Ice Lakes 7.49 50 83 745
I/V/R In Death 11.99 60 90 602
I/V/W inVokeR 7.49 50 78 38
I/V/W IronWolf VR 14.99 25 97 468
I/V IrreVRsible 0.49 75 77 36
I/V/R Island 359™ 5.99 60 77 360
I/V/R Just In Time Incorporated 5.09 66 78 128
I/V/W Karnage Chronicles 12.49 50 90 328
I/V/W KartKraft™ 11.99 40 86 472
I/V/W Kartong - Death by Cardboard! 6.99 50 85 42
I/V/R Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes 7.49 50 98 5281
I/V Key Of Impasse 0.99 50 83 31
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I/V/R Kismet 2.99 25 92 100
I/V/W Kittypocalypse 5.09 66 89 147
I/V/W KOBOLD: Chapter I 2.99 70 82 95
I/V/R Late For Work 11.24 25 92 40
I/V Lethal VR 3.74 75 87 111
I/V/R Lost in the Rift - Reborn 2.99 40 85 35
V/W Luna 10.49 30 87 33
I/V/R Mervils: A VR Adventure 5.99 70 94 52
I/V/W MineSweeper VR 1.99 50 83 30
R Monstrum 3.59 80 89 1498
I/V/R Mortal Blitz 7.99 60 84 39
I/V/W Moss 19.79 34 92 824
I/V/R Music Racer 0.99 50 86 1803
I/V/R Naked Sun 2.49 75 82 41
I/V/R Narcosis 7.49 50 78 464
I/V/W Natural Locomotion 7.99 20 90 230
I/V/W Nature Treks VR 6.99 30 87 179
I/V/W Nevrosa: Escape 8.99 40 84 65
I/V/R New Retro Arcade: Neon 12.99 35 82 424
I/V/R NoLimits 2 Roller Coaster Simulation 23.99 40 89 402
I/V/R Obduction 10.49 65 77 1734
I/V/R Old Friend 2.09 30 94 119
I/V/R Omega Agent 0.74 75 79 39
I/V/W Operation Warcade VR 9.99 50 97 183
I/V/W Organ Quarter 12.49 50 92 146
I/V/W Overkill VR: Action Shooter FPS 9.99 50 77 214
I/V/R Overload 20.09 33 94 817
I/V/R Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul 10.49 65 80 443
I/V/R Pipejob 3.99 60 77 31
I/V/W Pixel Ripped 1989 17.49 30 90 75
I/V Please, Don't Touch Anything 3D 4.49 55 85 243
I/V/R Polynomial 2 - Universe of the Music 7.79 35 83 107
I/V/W Primordian 14.99 25 77 87
I/V/W Prison Boss VR 9.99 50 87 87
I/V Project LUX 14.99 40 89 204
I/V/W PROZE: Enlightenment 9.99 50 81 37
I/V/R Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin 4.99 75 91 157
I/V/R Quar: Battle for Gate 18 9.99 50 89 49
I/V/W QuiVr 15.99 20 92 431
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I/V/R Racket Fury: Table Tennis VR 15.99 20 84 172
I/V/W Racket: Nx 9.99 50 96 351
I/V/R RDS - The Official Drift Videogame 11.33 37 75 360
I/V/W Red Matter 19.99 20 98 104
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I/V/R Rise of Insanity 4.89 51 78 464
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I/V/W Rolling Line 11.89 30 92 320
I/V/R ROOMS: The Toymaker's Mansion 8.24 45 88 69
I/V/W Runes: The Forgotten Path 7.99 50 83 37
I/V/R RuneSage 3.99 60 96 31
I/V/W RUSH 9.99 50 84 93
I/V/R SACRALITH : The Archer`s Tale 10.99 45 91 122
I/V/R Sairento VR 20.99 30 89 1101
I/V/R Scanner Sombre 1.19 80 89 935
V/R SCP: Blackout 15.99 20 75 74
I/V/W Serious Sam 3 VR: BFE 5.99 85 88 278
I/V/W Serious Sam Fusion 2017 (beta) 2.24 85 92 1505
I/V/W Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter 5.99 85 84 423
I/V/W Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope 9.99 75 85 983
I/V/W Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter 5.99 85 86 109
I/V/W Skyfront VR 4.99 50 75 83
I/V/W Skyworld 9.99 60 82 145
V/R Smashbox Arena 4.99 75 93 327
I/V/W Social Club VR : Casino Nights 9.99 50 80 42
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V/R Space Pirates And Zombies 2 7.99 60 78 2121
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I/V/R The Exorcist: Legion VR - Chapter 1: First Rites 2.49 50 79 190
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I/V The Price of Freedom 0.99 50 97 41
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R The Town of Light 2.84 85 80 864
I/V/W The Wizards - Enhanced Edition 14.99 40 84 219
I/V/W theBlu 6.99 30 84 1029
I/V/R Theseus 2.99 70 78 33
I/V/R Thumper 5.99 70 92 2223
I/V/W Tilt Brush 7.99 60 93 363
I/V/W Titanic VR 9.99 50 78 111
I/V/W TO THE TOP 14.99 25 87 497
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I/V/W Touring Karts 14.99 25 91 34
I/V/W TrainerVR 6.99 30 93 32
I/V/R Transference™ 9.99 60 78 170
I/V/W Trickster VR: Co-op Dungeon Crawler 7.79 40 89 392
I/V/W Tvori 13.99 30 84 38
I/V/R Twilight Path 9.89 34 84 66
I/V/R Twisted Arrow 3.74 75 87 80
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I/V/W Ultimate Fishing Simulator VR 23.99 20 78 47
I/V/W Unknightly 13.99 30 85 135
I/V/R Until You Fall 15.99 20 93 251
I/V/R Vanishing Realms™ 15.99 20 91 2324
I/V/W Vengeful Rites 14.99 25 95 70
I/V/R Vertigo 1.49 90 80 233
I/V/R Void Rangers 3.59 70 78 33
I/V/W Vox Machinae 18.74 25 92 504
I/V/W VR Battleship YAMATO 31.49 30 97 41
I/V/W VR Dungeon Knight 13.99 30 87 720
I/V/W VR Furballs - Demolition 5.99 50 98 84
I/V/W VR Regatta - The Sailing Game 3.99 80 88 62
I/V/W VR Toolbox: 360 Desktop 6.99 30 81 65
I/V/W VR: Vacate the Room (Virtual Reality Escape) 3.07 23 86 206
I/V/W VTOL VR 23.99 20 94 959
I/V/W Waltz of the Wizard: Extended Edition 6.99 30 91 48
I/V/W WAR DUST ‖ 32 vs 32 Battles 12.49 50 77 739
I/V Water Bears VR 5.99 40 95 92
I/V/W Windlands 2 22.49 25 87 127
I/V/W Windlands 1.99 90 76 697
I/V/W Witching Tower VR 7.99 60 78 66
I/V/R XING: The Land Beyond 9.99 50 85 128
I/V/W X-Plane 11 39.59 34 83 3009
I/V Zombie Riot 1.99 90 79 68
I/V Zombie Training Simulator 9.99 50 93 217
I/V/R ZomDay 6.99 30 87 457
V/R 狼と香辛料VSpice&WolfVR 17.49 30 95 520
submitted by NovaKevin to vrgamedeals [link] [comments]

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Take a tour of the new Beach Casino at Island View in ...

Diane Sawyer went inside the unit called punitive segregation, where inmates are locked up for up to 23 hours a day.WATCH THE FULL EPISODE OF NIGHTLINE:https... Just opened in Gulfport Mississippi. Beautiful floor to ceiling windows. Right on the beach. Non smoking. Gaming floors just steps away. A new flair of ... About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... Island View Casino and Resortmusic: Shallow Cover - Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper (Daddy Daughter Duet) Mat and Savanna Shaw - Duration: 3:35. Mat and Savanna Shaw Recommended for you The finishing touches are being added to the new Beach Casino at Island View Casino Resort in Gulfport, MS on June 13, 2018. The new addition is expected to ... This is a hotel tour of the Treasure Island Hotel that dieselducy requested. He is look forward to it! Here is the video dedicated to him. A tour of the Deluxe Queen Room at Aria Las Vegas, from August 2018. This luxurious 520 sq ft 2 Queen room is fully upgraded with the latest modern designs, ... No more pirates! Check out the Strip view from my Queen Deluxe room at Treasure Island Las Vegas Hotel & Casino. IT'S ALL YOU CAN VEGAS Click here to join ... A walkthru/review of a 2 Queen bed "Burgundy" room with Eiffel Tower view at Paris Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas. Wonderful view of The Fountains at The Bella...

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