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The HEL Jumper [Chapter 3.33]

Book 1 of The HEL Jumper
Book 2 of The HEL Jumper
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Thanks to Big_Papa_Dakky, Darth_Android, bloblob, AMERICUH, The_Real_Jumper, Ironwing, Mr_Polygon, Krystalin, Mamish, Vikairious, Sam_Berry, RedHawkdude, KillTech, LilLaussa, Daddy_Talon, Gruecifer, Gaelan_Darkwater, Konrahd_Verdammt, red-shirt, DaPorkchop, Benjamin Durbin, Siddabear, and everyone supporting me on patreon.
My June Patreon one-shot is now available to the public and can be found here.
“There, now we can begin properly,” Alyra declared, seating herself cross-legged upon a plush cushion on the floor of the main building in the barracks. Though the Cauthan did not have much in the way of fabric or cloth, especially for non-garment related purposes, they had plenty of leather and sinew. Being tougher than erulass fiber, leather could be stuffed fuller with more abrasive materials, and even the relatively prim and pampered Alyra swore by leather cushions. Thantis even had a scroll in his archives documenting the one time Alyra’s former master had traded for an opulent cloth cushion from the eastern coastal cities. It had not lasted very long.
“We could have started earlier,” Ratha informed her.
“I notice you didn’t deny a cushion when offered,” the priestess of the Twins pointed out, calmly looking at her claws.
“I would have been fine standing.”
“Alright, break it up you two. Sorry I don’t have much furniture in here but I’m only one Cauthan,” Staroth explained. “Alyra, thank you for the padding. And Nerazek, any chance you could finish those last couple houses so Antoth can get his temple?”
“Sure, Staroth!” Nerazek replied jovially. “I shall inform my guildsmen that they’re to report to the temple before Seil rises each day and that we’ll be putting all of our repair and winter preparation on hold so that the seven of us have a comfortable place to sit.”
“Is it just me or did our beloved smith just grow some arm feathers,” Staroth joked, looking Antoth’s way. Though a former guardsman himself, the panther-like leader of the village was not currently in a mood for humor.
“Oh yes, very funny. I shall remind you of this moment each time you complain about something in the future, if this is to be a feminine trait,” Gentia insisted, standing up for her gender before Antoth called for order. Unlike the rest of them he had gone without a seat and stood at his place in the circle of priests.
“I am glad to see you are all in good spirits. So long as we are here, are there any items that should be discussed before we talk about Veera’s cubs? Gentia, how is the granary holding up?”
“The disciples of Tyrdus finished their work this past cycle, Antoth. The roof is secured and sealed, rotten wood has been replaced, and all gaps have been dealt with. My acolytes have cleaned the floors and checked for infestations. A couple sacks of dato needed to be disposed of but we caught it before the fungi could spread. They were not the edible variety, sadly. We are ready for the harvest.”
Antoth nodded and hummed approvingly. “And those expecting cubs this year?”
“I will allow our esteemed Huntress to speak for herself,” Gentia chuckled, resting her cane across her lap. “But Asha is in good health, as are the other young ones who managed to conceive shortly after last year’s harvest festival. We should have five new cubs from them. Staroth, your mate is due for a check in with us soon.”
“I’ll remind her. Thank you, Gentia,” the Guardian bowed her way, his voice serious now that they were discussing the future generation.
“You are welcome, Staroth. The young ones are maturing healthily as well. He was rather difficult to bring into the world, but Merat’s son is healthy and active, as are the others his age. Ketra is doing as well as could be expected but none have come forward to adopt her, and I have yet to receive an answer from the human’s leader on the subject.”
“Good, that means they know when to stay out of affairs that don’t concern them,” Ratha said, an approving edge to her voice.
“So it would be best if Ketra grows up without parents?” Gentia countered just as sharply.
“I will speak to the human Admiral,” Antoth interrupted forcefully. “Regardless of what his answer is to the question, he did promise us an answer. I am glad to hear so much good news from you, Gentia. I just hope our luck does not run out. Thantis?”
“My apprentice and I have been reviewing herbs, fungi, and various other ingredients with Alice. She has gathered much for us and has been documenting their uses, applications, and the proper recipes for various brews, poultices, and medicines. Spirit Io joins us on occasion to catalog the information. When the snows fall she has suggested a conversion of all our scrolls to… oh what did she call it?” The elder scratched his chin thoughtfully, his spectacles reflecting the torchlight from outside thanks to his position within the circle. The interior of the barracks was lit by one of the human lanterns. Without the need for heat from fires, it made no sense not to rely on the brilliant, white light. “Digital! Yes, that’s what she said, digital format.”
“And what is that, exactly?” Alyra wondered. Thantis scratched the gray hairs of his chin.
“It is difficult to explain because it is not one thing, more like an idea.”
“These humans make my head spin, even if they have a decent sense of fashion at times,” the priestess of the Twins lamented as Thantis tried again.
“When I was aboard their ship, I was allowed to use some of their technology, including one of the devices that makes information digital. I spoke to the device and at the touch of a finger it repeated my words back to me. But it was not just my voice. It also transcribed what I had said into runes, before translating those runes into the human system of writing. It was as though the device was able to present my thoughts in whatever manner best suited the user. How I yearn for one myself!”
“Perhaps I shall add that to the list of questions for the humans,” Antoth suggested humorously. “I admit that sounds like a handy little contraption.”
“Add a couple suits of that armor while you’re at it,” Staroth suggested half-seriously. The village leader considered the idea thoughtfully.
“Perhaps I will. Spirit Io managed to procure one for herself. Perhaps such a thing is possible. No offense Thantis, but I believe if the humans are willing, defenses should take precedent.”
“Under other circumstances I might choose to debate with you the power of knowledge and ideas over the more martial considerations of life however, as things stand, I cannot fault your priorities, Antoth.”
“Did I miss something, mate of mine? Spirit Io is just that, a spirit. What do you mean she was armored?” Gentia’s question produced a most unique situation, namely Thantis and Antoth having a shared secret. That secret had, inevitably, been spilled on account of their honest nature. Antoth scratched the back of his head.
“Spirit Io walked on Mara several days ago to pay her respects to the fallen humans on the anniversary of their death. I sensed that doing so was uncomfortable for her, and she returned to the skies shortly thereafter. She concealed the majority of her form with her own suit of mystical armor.”
“That is a shame,” Gentia remarked sadly, taking Thantis’ hand in hers. “I would have very much liked to speak with her face to face.”
“One day, my dear,” her husband comforted her. “If I know that spirit at all, and I believe I do just a bit, she feels the same. Not to mention she is just as headstrong about getting what she wants as the human she protects.”
“While this is utterly fascinating, perhaps we’ve gotten off track?” Nerazek proposed, tapping a claw on the wooden floor of the barracks before clearing his throat. “We have ample supplies of animal products, Antoth, on account of Ratha’s hunters and Winters. It’s not a surplus, per se, but we should have enough to see us through to another spring.”
“Very good. Thank you Nerazek,” Antoth nodded. “Staroth? Anything I don’t already know?”
“No sir. There were fewer new recruits this year. I think we all expected that,” the Guardian reported. Concerned nods and ruffling of feathers could be seen around the circle of priests. “I’m just glad Winters is still here.”
“Yes, I’ll be sure to ask about that armor. Alyra?”
“We should have an average harvest of erulass, Antoth. There isn’t as much hyrven as last year, perhaps on account of the human no longer feeling the need to impress his mate, but we have ursae pelts left over. They have kept remarkably well. We will be fine when the spring comes. Losing Asha for a cycle or two isn’t ideal, but I can’t wait to see that little fluff ball of hers. She says it will be a girl!”
“That’s what the humans say,” Gentia corrected, turning her nose up slightly.
“What’s wrong, Gentia? Not so fun when the spear is in the other hand?” Ratha asked triumphantly. Antoth allowed his head to roll back in frustration but his fellows seemed to take a bit of joy in his difficult position.
“Oh here and there, Huntress, but I do not deny help when it is offered. If they save even a single life it will be worth my occasionally guessing wrong.”
“I think I’ve had enough of this little pastime,” Antoth declared. “We will wish Asha well, along with all of those who are expecting this year and who carry the future of our people within them. Now, on that subject, what is to be done about Veera?”
Antoth’s question brought silence to the priests, who glanced at one another as if to ask who would speak first. Alyra was amenable to kicking things off. “Nerazek and I spoke about this a few times since we last met. We are not in favor of announcing Veera’s pregnancy to the broader public Antoth.”
“That being said, we are also not in favor of forbidding relationships between unmated females and humans should the situation arise naturally, as with Veera and Winters,” the chief priest of Tyrdus amended. Alyra nodded in agreement while Antoth hummed a quick acknowledgment of their opinion. A cool gust of wind blew in from the training yard, heralding colder nights, the prelude of winter, and the coming of the harvest.
“You’re asking the wrong Cauthan, Antoth. But I would throw my lot in with Alyra and Nerazek. It just doesn’t seem right to actively encourage such things, nor to speak on Veera’s behalf about her own cubs.”
Antoth lowered his head and mulled things over. “Hmm, very well. It appears that even if Thantis, Gentia and I are of like minds we are overruled, and I don’t feel the need to invoke Seil in this matter. Gentia, what are your feelings on this proposal?”
The elderly female had a conciliatory expression on her face, her usual confident humor stashed away for the time being. “Whatever Winters and Veera did or did not do, it took many cycles for them to conceive. Perhaps it is indeed prudent to not give our unpaired females such hope in an official capacity. That being said, all of us should be prepared to offer guidance on this matter, and we should be united in that advice. Correct me if I’m wrong, but it sounds to me like we are in favor of encouraging or at least accepting relationships with human partners as a last resort. I feel the need to remind everyone of the political angle of this discussion. Veera is unique, and if she were to depart with her mate I don’t think much would change. The same would not be true of others in the village.”
“No arguments there,” Ratha agreed. “That doesn’t mean it will stop them from leaving, if that is your aim.”
“No, it does not,” Gentia allowed her the point. “But it will give us something to rely upon other than the compassion that, up until now, the humans have seemed willing to provide in ample amounts. My suspicion is that this is primarily because what they have given us so far, while revolutionary or life changing from our perspective, amounts to trinkets to them.”
“How very shrewd, Gentia,” the Huntress fluffed her feathers approvingly. The Mother snorted humorlessly.
“You think me soft because I embrace the gifts of the humans, Ratha. That is understandable, but I have lived longer than even they have. Nothing is ever given for free. I only suspect that what has been given to us is a pittance for a people who can traverse the stars.”
“Yes, and Winters got himself a mate and cubs in the deal,” Antoth chuckled, a bit more pleased at that particular outcome. “So that settles it then? We are in agreement? We will allow Veera’s pregnancy to play out and, in the event that an unpaired female wishes to mate with a human, we will support it?”
“Support is a bit difficult,” Ratha insisted, causing Antoth to groan audibly. “Oh hush, you. I never said I would reject it either. It will be tolerated at a minimum, if only to negotiate with the humans as you detailed. But mark my words here and now. I would not be surprised if a year or two from now we find ourselves meeting again because some deadbeat human father decided to abandon his mate and cub in favor of home.”
An uncomfortable silence fell around the council as they acknowledged the possibility of Ratha’s worst case scenario coming to pass. Antoth moved them on with a firm tone. “If that comes to pass we will deal with it then. Does anyone else have items that need to be discussed so long as we are here?”
“Have you thought of your speech for the harvest festival yet?” Gentia wondered, a smile and mischievous glint of the eye returning to her features. Antoth furrowed his brow her way.
“Well start thinking then, my dear! I, for one, cannot wait to hear a former Guardian officially bless the young couples of the harvest,” she insisted, leaning against Thantis with a contented smile. Ratha sniggered while Staroth offered the village leader a sympathetic look.
“Comes with the territory,” he shrugged.
“As does this,” Antoth insisted. “You’re all dismissed. Selah.”
“Mmm, that’s right. I guess I will be turning twenty eight soon,” Alice recalled, sitting around Sentaura’s cooking fire with Lachlan, the lady of the house, and Ursol. She’d been splitting time between their place and her brother’s, not wanting to intrude too heavily on the couple who had just learned that even on Mara surprise pregnancies were a thing. The topic of her age had come up on account of Ursol’s birthday, which was also fast approaching. He, like most Cauthan cubs, was a fall baby. “Maybe I can get approval from Natori to bring some cake down here!”
“If the wee laddie starts bouncin’ off the ceiling it’ll be you who runs him ragged, lassie,” Lachlan insisted with a smile at her and then a nod at Ursol himself. After about an hour of ‘hunter games’, he was content to sit politely and enjoy his evening meal, his legs still not reaching the ground from the chair.
“I am rather envious, to be twenty eight and still feel as though you have your whole life ahead of you? What a wonderful notion,” Sentaura mused, causing Lachlan’s smile to fade a bit and Alice to rack her brain for some way to politely move the topic on. She was saved by the rapping of Antoth’s knuckles against the wooden door frame of the house, the burly Cauthan made known mainly by his armor and clothing reflecting the firelight as he poked his head inside. His coat was perfect for nocturnal camouflage.
“Ah good, you are here. Sentaura, I apologize for the interruption.”
“Nonsense, high priest. Selah and welcome to our home. May I offer you something to eat?” the matron asked politely, standing and bowing to him. Ursol stayed silent out of respect and likely a bit of fear, but waved from where he was seated. Antoth smiled and waved back.
“That won’t be necessary, Sentaura. Ratha and I will be taking our own meal together shortly, and I’m sure you can understand that no matter how delightful your own cooking I would be in a difficult situation were I to accept your hospitality. Besides, it looks like you already have two guests. Meylith bless your home. And how are you, little one?”
“Ursol, Antoth asked how you’re doing. Answer him,” Sentaura advised her son with a kind but firm voice.
“I-I’m good!” Ursol replied. His mother patted him on the knee.
“And what do you say when someone is kind to you and asks how you’re doing?”
“Thank you!”
“Ah, you are very welcome,” Antoth responded with an equally gentle voice, something he was not particularly known for among his compatriots in the town guard. “I am glad to hear you’re doing well, young man. Would you mind if I speak with Lachlan and Alice for a moment?”
“Lachlan plays hunter games with me!” Ursol informed Antoth, the initial shock of having his home visited by the sun priest and being spoken to directly having worn off a bit. Sentaura looked ready to shush him, but Antoth widened his eyes slightly and nodded his head in an exaggerated motion.
“Is that right? Those must be some very fun games if you’re playing with one of the humans. They are excellent hunters. May I speak to Lachlan? There’s something I need to ask him,” Antoth explained. Alice remained seated and politely tried not to squeak or squeal at how cute the situation was. It was easy enough to refocus, however, when Ursol gave Antoth ‘permission’ to talk to the Marine, nodding quickly before returning to his meal.
“Lachlan, Alice, you’re well?” the priest asked.
“Yes, thank you,” Alice affirmed.
“What do ya need from us, boss?” Lachlan wondered curiously as both Alice and Antoth got a chuckle out of the proposed title. She privately admitted that the Cauthan would likely look excellent in a 1920’s mobster suit, or perhaps something more modern like a stereotypical Yakuza’s garb.
“I would like to speak with your Admiral, immediately if possible,” the Cauthan explained in a voice that, while insistent, did not indicate anything amiss.
“We can use the comms array at my place if you prefer? I need to head back anyway,” Alice offered, having finished her meal prior to Antoth’s arrival. He seemed amenable to the suggestion, so she handed off her bowl to Lachlan and stood, dusting off her pants. “Need anything from the ship?”
“I was just up there yesterday, but thanks Alice,” Lachlan replied. “You take care on yer way home now.”
“Something tells me I’ll be just fine given who will be accompanying me,” she said with a wink and a wave at Ursol. “Thank you for the meal, Sentaura. It was wonderful as always.”
“Selah to you, and you as well, Antoth,” Ursol’s mother replied. Both bowed quickly before exiting into the night, with Alice bringing her hands to her arms and rubbing them quickly for a moment.
“Is something the matter?” Antoth couldn’t help but ask as they began their journey through the smaller streets of the village, quickly arriving at the main arterial road and turning east.
“No no, I’m just not quite used to how cold it gets at night now. Happens every year even on my home planet. I think I just get sad that summer is leaving and don’t want to accept it. I have a couple of sweaters back on the ship I can have brought down here. That and it was an abrupt change from the warmth of the fire. I don’t have a nice fur coat like you, after all.”
“It may not be the same thing, but you are welcome to trade for a cloak at one of the temples. Knowing you, I’m sure you will be able to procure something of equal value to exchange,” the Cauthan said. Alice bobbed her head at his choice of words.
“I have no intention of swindling anyone, promise! Might take you up on that offer though. I wasn’t allowed to bring too much on board the Event Horizon, and winter clothing was bottom of the list. Can’t say I was expecting to spend any amount of time on an Earth-like world. Do you need Natori for anything important? Er, wait, nevermind. It’s not like the two of you chat over tea every Sunday, right? Of course it’s important,” she explained more to herself than him, speaking rather quickly as she tried to tamp down a mild case of nerves. Antoth was an imposing figure by nature, even if he wasn’t upset about something.
“Hmm.” Antoth’s low hum was sufficient to convey that he wasn’t wasting her time. That was not what he decided to focus on, however. “And what are your thoughts about our world, given you did not expect it?”
“Where do I even start?” Alice demanded of the night sky, where the twin moons glowed brightly. “I am constantly in awe of you and your people. It is humbling to see with my own eyes the sort of everyday struggles that my ancestors were forced to endure too, just to survive. Food, clothing, heat, water; every single one of those items I have taken for granted almost my entire life. I still have that option today, in a way. They’re sitting right up there in orbit.”
“Though it is perhaps painful to hear it from a being as delicate as you, I do not disagree,” Antoth replied in a deep, even keel. “Before you continue, allow me to extend my thanks. While the goals of your superiors are inscrutable, you have conducted yourself in accordance with our laws, and you have rendered aid to Xan and Thantis most of all. I understand that you are helping to preserve some of his knowledge for future generations. That is a worthy goal… assuming we survive.”
“This is really out of place, but can I say something?” Alice wondered as they came upon the main square. The bleached, skeletal visage of the ursae skull dominated the southern view, casting ominous shadows by torch and lantern light. Cycles of carvings by various Cauthan from the temple of the Twins had turned it into something of a tribal piece of art, but it was still first and foremost her brother’s trophy and greatest triumph. Antoth was looking at it as well, his palm resting on his blade’s pommel, as it so often did out of habit.
“You may speak freely, Alice.”
The young woman took a deep breath and gave Antoth the respect of looking him in his light gray eyes. They almost glowed in the moonlight, and she couldn’t help but feel like prey. Eons old survival instincts died hard, apparently. “When I first got here my brother and Io almost immediately began talking about breaking the rules, about uplifting your people to be like us. I thought he was being headstrong and foolish, like he usually is. But I agree with him now. I think we should take every last one of you with us when we leave this planet, preserve your religion, culture, traditions, crops, whatever else we need to do, and let your people choose how they want to live. I’m sure we could find somewhere on Earth where you could live like this if you wanted, just with a bit more modernity at arms length. Or you could have your children go to school instead of working the fields. I think… I think that the young ones especially could compete academically with humans, become doctors or scholars or engineers. I don’t want to promise anything because it’s not like my life is just one uninterrupted hedonistic pleasure cruise. I have plenty of problems, I guess. But starvation, murder, natural disaster, disease… those aren’t among them. I’m sorry, my brother being a dad has just gotten me thinking about a lot. Like how he’s the youngest and will have children first, even if they’re little balls of alien fluffy cuteness!” Alice was forced to pause her diatribe and emit a small squeal at the idea of her brother cradling a swaddled ball of fur in the crook of his arm. Antoth saw fit to join her.
“He is young, but I believe he will make an excellent father. He is strong in mind and body, willing to stand against the majority if he thinks it is proper, and has provided for Veera from the day she allowed him into her life. I am curious, as I suspect my opinion of him contrasts sharply with yours, but he will be ready.”
“Sometimes I find it hard to believe you haven’t been Sun Priest your whole life, Antoth. You come across as very wise. Maybe that’s why I felt compelled to say what I did? I’m not sure,” Alice admitted, returning her gaze to the dirt streets below as they walked on. Antoth produced another one of those contemplative rumblings from deep within his throat.
“I have had excellent teachers over the years Alice Winters, Mara most of all. She is cruel and beautiful. What you suggest is difficult for me to even comprehend."
"You aren't the only one," Alice assured him. "I've considered discussing such things officially with the Admiral but every time I consider what I should say or how I should frame it, it comes out different. I'm not sure anyone could say what would come out of uplifting your people like we were."
"What do you mean, like you were?" Antoth asked sharply.
"I thought my brother and Io told you? Before the Ghaelen found us we were just beginning to explore space around our own star. We were catapulted forward technologically, and ended up as galactic enforcers for the so called pacifists."
"That part I was aware of," Antoth clarified. "The first part not so much. Would you say that the experience changed your people?"
"I mean of course it did in some ways, but honestly? Not really," Alice replied with ease. "If anything, I'd say making contact with the Ghaelen reminded us how important it is to hold onto our traditions and values. I don’t know how many humans could tell you what it means to be human, but they would all tell you that it’s vital."
"So Ratha isn't so far off the mark, is she?" Antoth mused. "I had many things to consider before now, Alice, but our conversation has given me that much more to think about. I would appreciate it if you would at least raise the question with your Admiral Kaczynski. He will have to consider it sooner or later."
“That’s a pretty big ask,” Alice pointed out the obvious. To her surprise, Antoth seemed amused by her characterization. They had just arrived outside Alice’s humble abode, which glowed from within on account of her various appliances, data storage devices, and other tools she'd acquired over the few weeks she’d been living on the planet.
“Perhaps it is, yes. But I suspect he will see it as no more or less grand than Gentia encouraging him to essentially abduct one of our orphaned cubs. If you could signal for him now?” he requested.
“Right away, Antoth. Let’s see, outgoing call, Event Horizon bridge,” Alice murmured to herself, selecting what was, in effect, Natori’s speed dial. A pleasant, steady pinging emanated from the communications array’s interface panel. They waited as the connection to the satellite network was established and the call was routed via non-emergency channels to the bridge. As they stood in the dark, a surprise in the form of Io’s holographic face appeared on the display.
‘Good evening you two. What’s an interesting duo such as yourselves doing ringing the Admiral at this hour?’ she wondered, the German accent lending her question an air of accusation.
“None of your beeswax, Io,” Alice responded cheekily. “But if you must know, Antoth needs to chat with Natori.”
“Good evening to you, spirit Io. Are things perhaps dull at home?” the Cauthan wondered.
‘It’s been a while since they spent so much time snuggling,’ Io admitted, her feelings on the matter indiscernible from her tone or expression. ‘And the whole belly rubbing thing is certainly new.’
“Ah, so you’re playing fourth wheel now?” Alice deduced with a chuckle.
‘Fifth wheel, dear Alice. Twins, remember? At least Fenrir never managed to unseat me despite his fluffiness and tendency to prefer scritches to violence. Oh, that’s the Admiral. Gute nacht for now.’
Io promptly vanished and the screen flashed, displaying the interior wall of Natori’s personal cabin that sat directly behind his desk. The dark skinned man was dressed casually, clearly anticipating a night, or at least a couple hours, to read in relative peace. His expression changed from worry to vibrant curiosity the moment he saw Alice and Antoth, neither of whom looked harried. “Miss Winters, Antoth, to what do I owe the pleasure this evening?”
“I will not take much of your time, Admiral. Thank you for receiving my message,” Antoth began diplomatically before delivering his request. “There are several items of varying importance that I wish to discuss with you personally, face to face if possible. I would also like to be updated on your progress in cultivating our crops, and your findings at the Forge.”
Natori needed but a moment to nod his head in concurrence. “It has been a little while since we last spoke. I would be happy to visit your village tomorrow, Antoth. I will bring Lance Corporal Rodrigo Mendes with me to deliver a report on the unknown installation, and we can check in remotely with Engineer Anita Prakash in the grow rooms. I believe that should cover things from my end?”
Antoth lowered his head in agreement. “That is acceptable. Thank you, Admiral. I will leave you to the rest of your evening. Selah.”
“And to you, Antoth. Alice, all is well?” Natori questioned, figuring he might as well since she was on the line.
“Huh? Ah, me? Yeah, all good Natori!” Alice stumbled, having tuned out for a moment as the two leaders had their little chat. “Uh, do you think I could sit in tomorrow?”
“As long as Antoth is amenable I don’t see why not. Farewell!”
“And there he goes,” Alice narrated, turning to Antoth. “I promise not to be an intrusion.”
“Will you propose to him what you suggested to me?” the Cauthan demanded. Alice seemed caught trying to determine the right answer. He provided it for her. “If so, you will be welcome. Have a good night, Alice Winters. And spirit Io, good night to you as well. I know you are still listening.”
‘Is nothing sacred?!’ the AI demanded, her cover blown.
“You, perhaps? Farewell,” Antoth answered, strolling off into the night to rejoin his own mate for dinner and rest.
Natori Kaczynski was a man known for his cheery demeanor, and the next morning was no exception as he stepped off one of the Event Horizon’s shuttles along with Lance Corporal Mendes. With assurances that he would radio when he had concluded his business and that two fully armed HEL Jumpers and a Marine were plenty of protection while within the village walls, the Admiral sent Pilot Cromwell on her way. Awaiting him at the open west gate was Antoth, accompanied by Alice and Lachlan. The on duty guards stood at attention, their spears pointing skyward. Natori nodded to them both before greeting Antoth with a formal bow and ‘selah’.
“Will Lieutenant Winters be joining us?” he wondered.
“There are several items I would like to discuss first. We can send for them when discussion turns to the Forge?” Antoth proposed.
“Perfect, lead the way then. Good morning Alice, Private.”
“And ta you, sir,” Lachlan replied before addressing Alice. “You going along, Lassie? If so I’ll be headin’ out I suppose. Plenty ta do out there in the fields.”
“Fancy yourself a farmer and a soldier?” Alice asked approvingly. He chuckled.
“It’s got an old time charm to it, doesn’t it? The fun hasn’t worn off yet. With yer permission, Admiral?”
“I will be quite fine with Corporal Mendes, Private. By all means.” At Natori’s dismissal, Lachlan headed out the gates before turning north, while the rest of the group headed east towards the other side of the village. Staroth had politely volunteered the barracks’ main office for yet another function of Antoth’s official duties. Adequate seating had been provided for the human visitors, and the Admiral noticed the Cauthan leader looking Mendes over critically as they were seated. “Corporal, I will summon you when conversation turns to your work at the research site. Why don’t you enjoy a bit of Maran sunshine for now?”
“Of course, sir. I’ll be outside if you need me. Thought I saw a bench or two nearby,” Mendes replied, ever ready with his sketchbook to pass a bit of time. Antoth looked respectfully at Natori when Mendes was out of earshot.
“Thank you. I do not have anything personal against him; I simply do not know him well.”
“I assure you there’s no offense taken,” Natori replied, leaning back in his chair in an effort to lend the conversation a relaxed atmosphere, at least to begin. “Perhaps you would like to start Antoth? What is on your mind?”
Sitting behind his old desk for the first time in months, Antoth laced his fingers together and gathered his thoughts. “A great many things, but let us start with an old conversation. Over a cycle ago, before you went on your expedition to gather resources from Kel’s realm, Gentia proposed the adoption of one of our orphans by human parents.”
“It was more of a demand, from my perspective,” Natori corrected, though his smile did not leave his face. “She cares deeply for her charges.”
“That she does. And she does not forget such things either,” Antoth warned. “Have you an answer?”
“I do, of course. The answer is no,” Natori provided, clasping his hands gently over his lap as Xan poked his head in the door. The gentle clack of his bone cane against the wooden floor heralded his arrival. The Admiral waved merrily as Alice watched Antoth nervously. The Cauthan did not seem pleased, though she was unsure if it was because of Natori’s willful defiance or the fact that Gentia had not gotten her wish.
“Pardon the interruption, Antoth. We heard the meeting was underway and Thantis asked if you need a scribe or tea or both.”
“Admiral?” Antoth passed the question on tersely.
“I am quite well hydrated and I have this here to record our conversation, if you would like,” the Admiral explained, plucking his personal device from his hip where it rested opposite the man’s sidearm. “I do not mind a backup, if Thantis would like to join us. It was a pleasure hosting him aboard our vessel for the mining mission.”
“Yes I daresay he felt the same,” Antoth recalled before answering Xan directly. “Please send for Thantis and a blank scroll. I believe we will suffice without tea today.”
“Sure, I’ll be back in a bit. Morning, Alice,” Xan greeted her before seeking out his master.
“Oh right, good morning!” She responded quickly, having been brought out of her own thoughts by his words. While the young xenobiologist had not expected the morning to be a frolic through a metaphorical field of flowers, she had also not anticipated Natori and Antoth crossing spears right off the bat. Their polite and reserved mannerisms only made it worse from her perspective. She wanted to believe that the introduction of Thantis and Xan might relieve some of the pressure, but that hope was dashed the moment the elder death priest and acting scribe requested a review of prior events.
“Yes, the Admiral was just preparing to explain to us why he intends to go back on his word regarding Gentia’s request for Ketra’s adoption,” Antoth explained in no uncertain terms. Xan, seated at the opposite side of the arc of chairs that lay before the sun priest’s desk, was perfectly positioned to make silent faces between himself and Alice. Both of them were ready to bolt for the exits. Natori, however, remained completely unflustered.
“Yes indeed. I admit that the Matron of Meylith, if you will, put me in a rather difficult position given Thantis’ desire to accompany us,” he said, making sure to remind those assembled that the decision to take the older Cauthan along had been a mutual one. “I see no need for evasion, Antoth, no need for such technicalities like pointing out the agreement was verbal in nature or that such stipulations were not part of our treaty. The reality is that Gentia’s demand, while made with nothing but the best intentions, would have been ruinous for that little cub as things currently stand.”
Antoth’s grunt of acknowledgement might have sounded threatening to those who did not know him well, but he swept his hand conciliatory in Natori’s direction. Alice sensed that Corporal Mendes might be finding himself with plenty of time to sketch. “Very well, Admiral Kaczynski. I’m listening.”
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Yakuza 0 reminded me what craving for a chance to play a game feels like

You guys remember that feeling when we were kids and we couldn't wait to get back home from school to play that game on our SNES/Gameboy? How excited we used to be just to get home to play those games? Until recently, it felt like a lifetime has passed since I've had those same butterflies in my stomach to play a game. Now I'm a responsible adult with a fulltime job, a more than capable rig and unlimited money to buy whatever games I want (and yet I still choose to be a patientgamer- go figure!) So you'll understand when I say, I don't daydream about what I'd do in X game when I get to play today like I used to back when I was a kid. Yakuza 0 changed that. What is Yakuza 0 you ask? I'm glad you asked.
Yakuza 0 is like the Japanese Grand Theft Auto (GTA has got nothing on Yakuza though as Yakuza is wayyy more story-rich and oozing with substance than GTA has ever managed to, and that's coming from someone who has played all of 3D GTAs but never a Yakuza game before). Yakuza 0 is ALSO a game that can throw you off real good if you go into it blind - yet the trick IS actually to go in blind, especially if you haven't played any of the other games in the series. The reason behind it is two-pronged. First up, that the "0" in the game's name is not there to make for a stylish title (that's merely a welcome side-effect I believe) but it's because this game is a prequel to the entire Yakuza series. Two, because it is claimed as one of THE best stories in the entire series, if not of all time among other non-Yakuza games as well. As someone who had never played a single Yakuza game before, I was advised by many to go in blind. And I'm glad I did.
So the story starts off real slow and you get a really strong, silent type yet boring protagonist whose story you couldn't give two shits about. But then, around chapter 3, a secondary protagonist is introduced (!!) and it completely turns things around. I started having fun because this new guy was written extremely well and his life was much more interesting, his missions were much more interesting, his personality was much more interesting, his fighting style was much more interesting and even his side-stories were much more interesting. So we spent two missions together when something big happens and I'm back to using the first protagonist. That's not to say that the first protagonist stays boring forever; as his story progresses, he starts to grow on you too but he's essentially a very different personality than the other one. After a while of this back and forth, I started seeing the pattern. You get each protagonist for two missions in a row and you play the missions with them. They're completely unaware of each-other's existence, just like Grand Theft Auto 4 and it's DLCs, but they have their stories panning out parallel to each-other's in a shared world. And yet, once again, like GTA 4 and it's DLCs, the events surrounding them unfold in such a way that these protagonists are eventually set on an inevitable collision course which leaves the player guessing as to which chapter they're finally going to cross paths with each-other (and you get to discover awesome stuff when you deliberately try to make them meet by visting the places frequented by the other protagonist while controlling one, as in the game acknowledges it and rewards you with a little something instead of there being just nothing just because they don't want you breaking the game's rules).
As for progression, look, I'll be honest- Yakuza 0's progression mechanics are plot devices. Which is to be expected from a game tagged with "Story-Rich" keywords. But, boy, do the developers use those plot devices beautifully and skillfully! After just a couple chapters in the game's story, you get sucked in for a wild ride. I found myself to be at the edge of my seat everytime the cutscenes played. And the way the dialogues kinda work in this game, it reminded me of Fallout New Vegas so much. FNV was also old and clunky with dialogue boxes while being a veteran at progressing the game with just stories despite that handicap. And I'm amazed at how similar Yakuza 0 is to FNV in that regard. Yes, both are hard to get into because of their clunkiness but once you do, you'd be enamoured, biting your nails for the next grand revelation in the overarching story while enjoying the thoughtfully written side stories simultaneously. As a result, the series has earned the title of "Japanese underworld soap opera" among fans.
However, the game definitely isn't without it's drawbacks. And, boy, there are many.
For a game made in 2015, the UI/UX feels garish and clunky that's on par with 2010's Fallout New Vegas. Its definitely better than New Vegas, but only marginally so in that department. All in all, even if I look past the UI, the UX is just... unacceptably bad.
Then come the graphics which are a mixed bag because of how inconsistent they are throughout the game. For the first 6-7 hours, I was playing the game with all graphics settings cranked to high. Despite having a rig good enough to play 2019 titles on 1080p @ 60+ FPS, I was getting sub-optimal performance with everything looking blurry that was a blatant eyesore. It was only after a few google searches that I realized that I was supposed to turn off the "Render Scaling" option in the graphics settings to get rid of those blurry visuals. However, that didn't solve the low-FPS issue so after a few more google searches, I was forced to change the SSAA setting to 4x from 8x and that's when I gained 7-10 extra FPS to make the gameplay smoother and more enjoyable. That's not the end of it though because even the scripted cutscenes aren't consistent as to the graphics. For the main story, you have real-time cutscenes with voice and animation, pre-rendered high quality cutscenes with voice and animation and comic-strip style cutscenes with only voice. For substories, you have real-time cutscenes with just animation and text-boxes but no voice. This inconsistency can be quite unsettling at first, especially considering the fact that this is a modern AAA game we're talking about but after a while, you'll get used to it.
Next up, tutorials for the numerous mechanics this game sports. It was, for me, quite unexpected of Sega to push this game out with an astounding lack of proper tutorials. There's a lot of stuff I never used in-game because there wasn't any explanation for whether they existed, what they existed for and/or why I should use them. While that is fine for non-essential mechanics, it's absolutely unacceptable for core mechanics. For instance, the game doesn't ever tell you how to save. Yes, that is true. I had to google how to save the game. Spoilers- you go to one of the many public telephones in the game and activate them to save the game. Another example- I never knew there was a sprint option in the game until I was 45 hours in because the game neither explains it, nor mentions it in the "Controls" menu where all key inputs for different mechanics must be listed. I got suspicious because there were some vague references to "normal run and sprint" in a non-essential mechanic (Completion Points Gift shop menu). I suspect there's still a lot more about this game I still don't understand. I certainly don't know where to restock ammo for Kiryu because the game gave me weapons to use as Kiryu but has never pointed me to a store where I can buy ammo as Kiryu.
Another glaring issue with this game is that most of the time, you can't walk 10 feet in either direction without stumbling across a side-story cutscene or street punks looking to prove their mettle surrounding you to get you to kick their asses which just becomes really annoying after past a certain point. More often than not, I found myself in situations where I had to drop the game and go take care of some stuff so I tried to save the game via a telephone booth just around the corner but I took two steps in that direction and a lengthy side-story cutscene started playing, which, if I don't watch, I won't be able to rewatch like I can do with the main campaign cutscenes from the main menu afterwards. Once the cutscene ended, I walked maybe 3 feet before a large group of punks insisted on getting their asses handed to em by me. Great, that's another 10 minutes. By the time I finish with them and get to the telephone booth, I find a boss-level enemy camping there who is waiting for me to show up so he can rob me by challenging me to yet another fight and then defeat me. Obviously, I don't have that much time to waste so I turn around and start walking to another one of the phonebooths and the entire cycle starts again. It's infuriating how much inconvenience a simple save can cause you just because the devs tried to be creative instead of giving you the option to save from the "Escape" menu. To top it all off, there are absolutely no autosaves in this game either so if the game crashes or you have to leave the game while you're in the middle of a 90 minute cutscene, too bad because you gotta do it all over again.
The world-building, well... I can't comment on it because everything was in Japanese (oh, and be ware that all of the audio for this game is in Japanese as well but you get English subtitles which is, honestly, more of a strength of Yakuza 0 than a weakness because the original Japanese cast has done a mindblowing job of conveying the emotions through their voice which I doubt could be replicated as well if it was dubbed). Neither Kamurocho nor Sotenbori feel like a lived-in city like Grand Theft Auto's fictional ones do. Maybe that has something to do with everything being in a foreign language, I can't say. 95% of all billboards are Japanese. The mini-map doesn't auto-rotate making navigation pain in the ass until you learn the towns' layouts like the back of your hand (I never managed to but that's probably because of how little I've played). And the most disappointing of all- the constant fights you're dragged into unwillingly. I mean, past a certain point, you wish the game had an adaptive dynamic AI state or a "level up" about you that makes most gangs cower away from you because of your reputation. But nothing like that happens as every Tom, Dick and Harry drunk off their ass want to start a fight with you and then magically become pro fighters with a lotta health. Not to mention that during said "ambient encounters", I've seen civilians disappearing into thin air as the game scrambles to convert a street side into a barricaded arena (which you can't leave until you're done) which further destroys the live-in feel of the towns.
All in all, I HATED this game at first but as the story progressed, I found myself constantly craving to fire the game back up again because I was so addicted to it. A solid 8/10 from me because the story alone compensates for ALL of it's drawbacks, even the ones I have not listed in my review. This is my new favorite along with Fallout New Vegas and Mass Effect.
Shooreh Pippi, friends.
submitted by Justice_Buster to patientgamers [link] [comments]

I spent 2020 laid off. These are the games I beat and my thoughts

Many of these games have been out for longer than 6 months at the time of writing. Any game that hasn't been out for that long I have omitted from this list.
Disney Aladdin (Xbox One X) - I picked this up physically for Xbox and it really brought me back to being a kid. I tried my hardest to beat it without the rewind feature. Even though it took me a while, I finally got through it. I know you don't HAVE to use the rewind feature, but I think it should have been omitted completely.
Assassin's Creed Odyssey (Xbox One X) - I gave a review on this sub earlier this year. I have a love/hate relationship with this game. While I was completely addicted to it, I feel like it was for the wrong reason. I liked the story and game play, but felt like it was way too easy after a while. The DLC, as awesome as the story is, is extremely tedious. So, I loved the game, but didn't at the same time? If that makes sense. I put in 165 hours into it.
Bloodstained Ritual (Xbox One X) - This is the last game I beat before getting the news that I'd be laid off for "eight weeks" back in March. I couldn't stop playing this. I never played Symphony of the Night and when I dabbled in that game I didn't care for it. I absolutely loved Bloodstained though. It makes me want to go back to Symphony of the Night. The game play, soundtrack and overall level of things to do was a blast.
What Remains of Edith Finch (Xbox One X) - I beat this in one sitting, but it really captivated me. Sure, it's a walking simulator, but the writing is outstanding. I would recommend this to everyone.
Catherine: Full Body (PS4 Pro) - I was a big fan of Catherine on the 360. I was super excited that they were remastering it for PS4 and it included an expanded story. I even pre-ordered the collector's edition. It's one of my all time favorite puzzle games with hilarious writing. I'd recommend the remaster over the original, despite it being a PS4 exclusive.
Gato Roboto (Xbox One X) - Found this on Game Pass and thought I'd give it a try. Very fun metroidvania that had me laughing in spots due to how ludicrous it is. Your character is a cat that is in an armored mech suit. Your captain is stranded and you must save him. Very fun game. I'm unsure if it's still on Game Pass, but definitely on Steam.
Hyperdot (Xbox One X) - Another Game Pass game that wouldn't let me go. I'm a sucker for these simple games and all you have to do in Hyperdot is dodge everything. It seems simple, but gets really tough after a while. It was very rewarding when I beat it.
The Uncle Who Works for Nintendo (PC) - I co-host a horror movie podcast and we were talking about horror video games one episode. I decided to talk about this text-based browser horror game. It was a little glitchy in parts, but I thought it was very entertaining. The plot is that you're a kid who is spending the night at a friend's house and get word that the friend's uncle is stopping over and he works for Nintendo. It's pretty awesome and offers a few different endings.
Fractured Minds (Xbox One X) - Another Game Pass game. It's an easy 1k if you care about achievements and offers a somewhat decent look at depression and anxiety in video game form. It's not bad, but doesn't offer that much either. Very very short, as in 30 minutes-an hour.
Resident Evil 5 (Xbox One X) - So, this may upset people, but even though I co-host a horror movie podcast, my anxiety does NOT bode well with horror games. I panic and end up giving up. That's why Resident Evil 5 is my favorite entry in the franchise. My best friend is a horror game nerd and frustrates her when I talk about how good RE5 is. I technically beat this game more than any other game recently because my like-minded buddy and I fully completed all the achievements for single player and DLC in couch co-op. It was a blast finding all the jewels and weapon upgrades. Too bad the multiplayer isn't active or else we would have gotten those achievements too. Sure, it's more action oriented than it's horror predecessors, but my buddy and I dig that. The game play is a blast.
Halo Reach (Xbox One X) - The Master Chief Collection is so awesome. My friend and I made a plan to run through all the Halos again on Legendary. Halo is my favorite game franchise and I have beaten these games a million times. Love couch co-op obviously. Halo Reach has a fantastic story that I'm sure you all know enough about.
Afterparty (Xbox One X) - I am really glad this hit Game Pass. I really loved the writing in Oxenfree, so was stoked about a game that takes place in Hell this time. It was very comedic and oddly buggy in spots, but I had a really good time. The drinking games and descriptions of all the Hell cocktails were hilarious.
Maneater (Xbox One X) - I knew I had to own this game as soon as I heard it was a shark rpg. It's exactly what you think it is. You eat fish to get stronger and eventually move on to people. I don't like how the "wanted levels" are so easily accessible though. You eat like three humans and people are immediately after you. The story is fun and is voiced by Chris Parnell. It also received the Xbox Series X upgrade for free, so check it out!
Halo 3 (Xbox One X) - Another legendary Halo checked off for this year. I love how many achievements are tied into the Master Chief Collection. It definitely warrants multiple playthroughs of Halo just for some off the wall stuff to complete. Excellent, excellent game.
Pokemon Sword (Nintendo Switch) - So, I love the Pokemon series dearly. In my Pokemon bank on my 3DS I caught every single Pokemon up until this new generation. I was one of the few that actually black balled this game because I do not like the direction Game Freak went in. It's been going down hill for a generation or two, but them omitting Pokemon out of this new entry was what crossed the line for me. I borrowed it from a friend so I didn't have to purchase it. Unfortunately, the addiction of collecting Pokeman came back in full force. I ended up nabbing Pokemon Home for the monthly fee anyway. I beat Pokemon Sword and transferred all my Pokemon over. It's neat seeing them in the updated graphics. I do like the designs of the new Pokemon, but Game Freak just sucks now imo. Pokemon Sword was so easy. It was insulting how easy it was. Sun and Moon had this overly long introduction that I was hoping Sword and Shield wouldn't. Turns out the whole game felt like an introduction. I used all new Pokmon, none from my bank, and it was just a joke. It had fun game play, but waaaaay too easy.
Ghost of Tsushima (PS4 Pro) - This game is hitting the 6 month mark in just under two weeks, but I'm going to talk about it anyway. This is my game of the year, hands down. It's gorgeous and has a compelling story. I have seen people bash on it a bit, but it's simple and the voice acting really brings it home. I'm a subs type of guy, so having the voice actors actually speaking Japanese and reading the subs on the bottom really heightened the experience for me. Excellent game and my favorite.
Double Kick Heroes (Xbox One X) - I am a huuuuge fan of the guitar hero/Rock Band series. Seeing a game where a bunch of metal heads are trying to fight Satan himself in an apocalyptic future was a no brainer for me. It's a rhythm game that unfortunately can only be controlled by a controller and not a guitar. It was a lot of fun, but my Rock Band controller didn't work. The songs were pretty good too.
Halo ODST (Xbox Series X) - This is my least favorite Halo. I have beaten it 3-4 times and still can't tell you anything about the game. The game play is still a boat load of fun, but it's insanely short and doesn't offer much story wise. I am thankful it was added for free to the MCC though.
Army of Two (Xbox 360/Series X) - My RE5 buddy and myself sat down and decided to play Army of Two. Neither of us have dabbled in it and were both surprised how much fun we had while playing it. Very enjoyable couch co-op game. I'm hoping the other games in the series are equally as good.
Donkey Kong (Nintendo Switch) - I own this on my SNES, but it's on Nintendo's online subscription service. I thought what the hell and ran through it again. Donkey Kong was my favorite game growing up and I have beaten this game an astronomical amount of times. My buddy was getting on me for never having played DK 2 or 3, so I decided to restart the franchise and dominate one of my all time favorite games.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Nintendo Switch) - This is my first AC game. My friend always talked about it and she really took care of her animals. I surprised her with buying it in April shortly after release. I was hooked on that for a long time. There is no real "beating" this game, but I did get my island to 5 stars. I don't play it every day like I used to, and my villagers are very upset with me about that (some taking offense), but I still sink in a few hours per week when I can. Very relaxing game in a very stressful year. It is appreciated.
Now, I'm going to talk about the games I attempted, but didn't care enough to finish or just didn't get a chance to
Doom Eternal (Xbox One X) - I feel like I am the only one who didn't like Doom Eternal. It was honestly too hard for it's own good and the puzzle were just in the way half the time. I don't judge anyone who thinks it's fun, but I just suck at this. Doom 2016 is one of my all time favorite fps', but this was a huge step back for me. I am on the second to last level too and have no urge to go back. Now that I have the Series X though, I may attempt it again to see if I enjoy it.
Days Gone (PS5) - After getting my PS5 I had no games for it. I am not a Souls guy, so I didn't pick up Demon Souls. After hooking it up and rummaging through the OS I found that Playstation has many of their AAA exclusives on there for free. I always heard decent things about Days Gone. I didn't hate the game, but also didn't get too far. It was a solid time waster for the few hours I played it, but overall it didn't hook me like I hoped it would.
Yakuza 0 (Xbox Series X) - I'm glad this is on Game Pass because it introduced me to the Yakuza series after ignoring it for the longest time. It is a very, very, very fun game that I put in close to 100 hours into. However, I couldn't finish it because I was way too burned out. All the grinding in businesses became a chore and I never wanted to pick it up. Even though I put 100 hours into it, I'm only slightly over half way. This is my own fault for focusing on stuff besides the main story, but I just can't bring myself to finish.
Rage 2 (Xbox One X) - This is a game I'm going to come back to. I loved what I played, but other stuff came out and I just haven't gone back to it yet.
Persona 5 Royal (PS5) - So, Persona 4 is one of my all time favorite jrpgs. For whatever reason, I waited a very long time to play Persona 5. I preordered the collector's edition of Persona 5, but just didn't play it. I then heard the Persona 5 Royal was going to be a thing. So, I preordered the collector's edition for that too lol. I then sat down and put in around 130 hours into it over two play throughs. I'm on the second to last palace and if I had beaten it by now then I would say this is my GOTY. The first play through I was kind of breezing through so I restarted it on a new save file to play it on a harder difficulty. Such a fan game.
Donkey Kong Country 2 (Nintendo Switch) - My buddy has been hyping the game up for years, trying to get me to play it. I'm not against playing it, but I just haven't had the chance to. I'm going to be 33 next month, so I definitely grew up with DK, but for whatever reason I skipped the sequels. Very fun so far though, even though he's being a little "gatekeepy" with me having to find all the secrets. I'm just going to beat it to shut him up lol
If you got through all this, thank you! It's been a very stressful year for me and these games have been a literal life saver. I'm hoping 2021 is better in many aspects. If it's not, then I only have entertainment to keep me occupied. Have a good year everyone.
submitted by dmhead777 to patientgamers [link] [comments]

My year 2020 in gaming

All of y'all's year reviews made me want to do the same, so I wrote down a few sentences of everything I played last year. I was surprised it was so much as my partner moved in with me and I expected to have a lot less time, but that actually didn't happen and Corona did its thing. I'm a bit late to the review party, but I needed time to write down my thoughts and didn't want to do it in one session.
Standard platform is PC, everything else is labelled.
Darkest Dungeon – halfway through (most tier 2 bosses). it was a nice and interesting start to a game I thought I liked, but 40 hours in I realized I was in fact not having fun. It was repetitive and the payout was very low for me as rewards felt small and especially upgrades to the village took a lot of time. I did play the game with too much emphasis on keeping every character alive, in a game that wants you burn them, so maybe that’s one me. But maybe it’s just not my type of game. Visuals, presentation and the IDEA of the combat system were nice, though. 5/10
Kingdom Hearts 3 (PS4) – finished story. Kingdom Hearts has become a burning pile of tires, but I hold it dear since the first game and I want to know what is happening. The visuals are amazing and the combat system is engaging, at least, yet a bit much at times, with way too many special interactions going on at all times. But KH3 is basically if the story has an alignment which is just true chaotic. The main story is…there, for most of the game, but nothing happens with it. Each world has its own story and both them and the overarching plot are almost completely irrelevant to each other. What a pity. Also, so many minigame and once-and-gone game mechanics, what the hell. I had fun, but it could have been so much better. And they skipped over most FF elements. 6/10
The Wolf Among Us – 100%. Played it with my partner who had already finished it years before. It’s one of the prime Telltale games and the first that I wasn’t familiar with the source material with. It has a very interesting lore and visuals for sure. Other than that, very much a standard Telltale game and you either like it or you don’t. I did enjoy it a lot with its interesting plot and characters. 8/10
Starlink: Battle for Atlas (Switch, digital version) – finished story. I like me some occasional space game. Starlink was an oddball in many ways for me. I probably wouldn’t have looked at it as I thought it’s just a toy merch game, but Starfox and the existence of a toyless version drew me to this. I know I could have played nicer looking version, but the tie-in with Starfox was actually not that shallow and came with a small unique storyline, so that’s the most Starfox I will get until Nintendo releases (and doesn’t fuck up) another full game. Due to its toy origins, the game has a few unique quirks, like the weapon, ship and pilot switching on-the-go to match enemy vulnerabilities and combat styles. The mix of planetary and solar exploration and gradual faction growth with even a few RTS elements sprinkled in worked for me. It was a lot of fun! 7/10
Injustice 2 – finished story, some achievement hunting, trying out all characters a bit and dabbled in the multiverse mode. I’m not a huge Beat’Em’Up player, but some concepts are too interesting to pass up. Given how few Heroe League (Avengers and Justice League) games come out well, I had to take my chances here. The story is…forced, but it works for this kind of game. The interactions between the heroes are pretty entertaining to watch. I can’t really judge if the combat system was good or not or balanced or not, but it worked for me, although some fights were pretty frustrating. 7/10
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales – 100%. Gwent really got to me in the Witcher 3. It was kinda sad to see that this is an entirely different card game (although closer to the online Gwent), but it was still a great one. Telling the really interesting story of Queen Meve, the game not only expands the lore of the really intriguing Witcherverse, it also tells it through this mix of roaming through a map and army fights presented by card battles. The visuals weren’t all too exciting, although the art style worked for me. The score was awesome, though, maybe even better than the one from W3. I can absolutely recommend this game to any person interested in card games and in the Witcher. 9/10
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden – finished story and most content. I have so many tactical RPGs on my backlog, all with very interesting settings, but animal mutants in a postapocalyptic Sweden? That’s one of the freshest ideas in a while. The top hat wearing duck really sold it to me. Unlike many other games of its genre like XCOM, the areas are connected with each other like in more classic RPGs. Stealth kills played a huge part in this game as open combat makes the game a lot harder. It’s not a very long game, which I appreciated. However, the initial premise of its animal mutants really fell short as there were actually not that many in the game. I also would have liked to have more of the characters in my team, but the stealth advantages made some characters a lot stronger than others, so there was little choice in which people to take. Itemization and progress were alright, the combat is pretty much as in XCOM etc. 7/10
Cities in Motion – played some scenarios. Preparing for Cities: Skylines, I figured I should play this first. It’s an alright public transport planning simulation that made me excited for planning stuff throughout several cities. However, I have some serious issues with it. For once, this game punished you hard for planning public transport like in real life and creating ridiculously tiny lines (like 2 stations per metro line) was the only way to any meaningful amount of money. Also, the German scenario pack has 12 scenarios, but only 4 cities (other packs are similar). It’s interesting to revisit cities in different eras, but to rebuild everything every time is annoying. And the tasks you get are borderline asinine, like building a line with three stations in far ends of the map, which I circumvented with temporary lines that I immediately deleted after completing it. In its core it had great potential, but felt lazily executed. 5,5/10
BATTLETECH – finished story, some flashpoints and fooled around with mech components for a bit afterwards. Been a while since I dived into MechWarrior games, maybe a good 17 years. Battletech is…GOOD. Maybe my favorite game I have played that year. The campaign is great, has a good plot, but also gives you an open galaxy to explore at your own leisure. The hunt for new mech chassis in the midgame was the most fun I think. Building mechs, balancing your finances, keeping your people alive and trained, random events on board of your ship and upgrading your ship all felt meaningful and well interconnected. It’s also a turn-based tactical RPG, but it works with its own rules (like weapon groups and destroyable sections) and does so very well. 9,5/10
Batman – The Telltale Series – 100%. A solid game for both Batman and Telltale fans. The story was original enough and I always enjoy a plot that isn’t focused on the way overused Joker – who has his part, but a very interesting one. Not really much more to say here. 8/10
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch) – finished story and most of the map. Finally, I tackled this behemoth of this generation. I haven’t played a Zelda since Majora’s Mask and the reason for that was a lack of drive to finish either of the N64 installments. Now, 20 years and a friend with a copy available later, I felt urged to play it as I wanted to give back the copy. Didn’t expect much despite the hype, but I have to say this game is (almost) as good as people say. It’s one of the few games that really lets you do whatever you want in the order you want (after a brief tutorial). My partner is playing it right now and it’s interesting to see how different our approaches to the order of quests and also specific challenges are. It rewards creative problem solving due to its physics engine. It is not perfect, especially the weapon system is weird and non-permanency in weapons feels just odd. NPCs are not very well written. The world is rather empty and while that has a plot reason, it feels like there should be more at times. But despite that, the game is a lot of fun and deserves its reputation. 9/10
Monster Hunter World + Iceborne (PS4) – defeated everything up to Furious Rajang, about 350 hours played with a fixed group of 3 and sometimes two other RL friends. Probably the game played most intensely this year. I bought a PS4 Pro in February and soon after – also thanks to Corona – I started playing this with two other friends, almost daily for several months. I had played Tri a decade ago and liked the general idea, but hated a lot of outdated conventions (both from Nintendo and the game itself) back then. World does most things I hated so much better. The monsters are engaging and (mostly) fun, the weapons are diverse and have their niches, the progression system is addictive, I love the Palicos & the private suite customizations and there is so much to see and find in the few maps they have. Great game if you like the combat and if you don’t focus too much on story because that one is paper-thin. 9/10
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (PS4) – finished story. I liked U2 and U3 a lot, so this was a must-play after getting the PS4. It’s probably the most graphically impressive game I have played so far. The combat felt a little forced at times, but I guess that’s the genre. Although sneaking felt more possible and rewarding than in previous titles (as far as I remember). The story is a typical “one last gig” thing, but I liked the inclusion of Drake’s youth and especially how they concluded the Drake saga (maybe?). It’s a very solid game and definitely a must-play for PS4 owners. 8,5/10
EVERSPACE – finished story, post-story and most side missions. I don’t like losing progress, but like Rogue-likes with in-between progression systems, so despite my first hesitation, I picked up this game as I was craving a new space game. Though having a VR, I never got to play it in that mode, but still, I had a lot of fun with it. Some runs were intense and discovering new elements always put an excited wtf face on my head. The in-universe explanation for it being Rogue-like worked for me and getting funds to improve your ships between runs was addictive enough to try again and again. Same with weapons, they were different enough to try out different ones. Just don’t expect too much content out of this, it’s not a big game. 7/10
GRID (2019) – finished base game and some of the season pass content. I was a big fan of the first Grid and played all games in between. But like them, this one did not manage to be as engaging as the first one. While I enjoyed playing through the different leagues and liked the variety of cars and inclusion of a team mate, I did get bored to go through every cup as some of them had a severe lack of cars within them. There was no upgrading of cars, money was meaningless for 99% of the game and a overall career feeling of the ‘story’ mode was absent. At least I didn’t have to basically only race against Ravenwest anymore and other teams were still relevant. I feel like Codemasters could do a lot more with the foundation they have created here, but fail to connect the races in a meaningful way. 6/10
Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness (PS4) – finished story and most side quests. This was one of my most wanted PS4 titles before Horizon: Zero Dawn came out. I loved Star Ocean 1, 2 and 4 so much. 4 in particular was just great enough to fill the small void that FFXIII had left back then. I heard about the mediocre reviews of IaF. And it was…actually mediocre. What I forgot or never knew was that I got released as a PS3 game in Japan first. And it really, really shows. The game was UGLY. Not ugly ugly, but playing it directly after Uncharted 4 was quite a shock. Not that it matters too much. However, the second problem I have with this game is directly aim at its soul. The other games had you jumping between planets and several distinct locations. And IaF started very promising, hinting at similar qualities. But then, it just…went into its climax and ended. Sure, some parts are in actual space. But you have seen about 80% of the locations within the first quarter of the game, which is ridiculous. It’s such a pity as the game’s story and combat are actually very enjoyable and I loved just grinding, which is quite unusual for me. But the narrow scope of the game wastes a lot of potential and that’s a real disappointment to me as a fan of the series. It could have easily done so much better. 6,5/10
Risen – finished. Oh boy, this game was sitting in my backlog for a LONG time – probably since its release I wanted to try it out. Unfortunately, this is a case of being TOO patient. The game is horribly outdated nowadays, the combat is not much fun and punishes you hard even on easy difficulty. The quest flow, general plot, start and choice of character skills are good, but I do think everything else – graphics, item flow, combat, sound, art design - was pretty bad. This was two years before Skyrim, but it feels like it’s been 10, honestly. I am still curious about Risen 2, 3 and Elex, however. But I might skip the first two after this. 3/10
Team Sonic Racing (Switch) – finished story. Yes, story. It’s as good dumb as you would expect from a Sonic racing game. Weirdly enough, I performed a lot better in handheld mode. The minigames are frustratingly hard as drifting is way overdone. The actual racing is nice, but no match to Mario Kart 8, although I do appreciate the idea of teams with ultimate boosts and item sharing. 6,5/10
Yakuza 0 – finished story and most major side activities. God, this game completely surprised me. I was absolutely 0 interested in crime settings, but Humble gave me this gem of a game. My partner suggested to try it out together, but lost interest in it, so we stopped for 2 months. I then picked it up again by myself and got increasingly invested in the story, the combat system and the bajillion of side things to do. THERE IS SO MUCH TO DO! And most of it is fun, doesn’t overstay its welcome too much and helps develop the main characters a little bit. The Real Estate and Hostess Club minigames are basically entire games-within-a-game, the pocket racer would also work by itself and the Karaoke songs were absolutely adorable and are a must-see in all of gaming. While I thought that the game got bloated a bit due to the two characters both having their own full-blown story, but sharing a single game, the interconnection made it kind of necessary to not separate them. But the game felt a bit long thanks to that (and all of the minigames that felt kinda mandatory at times). Anyway, I am now completely hooked on the series and look forward to the next entry – although I really need some time off lest I encounter the good old Assassin’s Creed-like fatigue. But given I couldn’t give two shits about Yakuza – even though I fucking majored in Japan Studies – this is an amazing feat. 9/10
Additional note: Getting into Yakuza memes alone is worth playing this, but the more I read and watch about this game and the series, the more and more I appreciate this franchise.
Endless Legend with a few DLCs – finished two full games (~38 hours). I was in the mood for a 4X game and this one was poking in my side for a bit. Endless Space was quite enjoyable and the overarching plot kinda works? I enjoyed expanding, researching and the quest system as well, but it felt just like Civ5 in general, with a few exceptions of course. It was weird that the ‘ages’ weren’t really differentiated visually and that you kept using the same units throughout the whole game – also there are not many of them, but there is an intriguing RPG-like customization system baked into it instead, which was cool enough. The winter and sea fortress system was also refreshing (but probably brought in from DLCs). Factions had some differences that went beyond what Civ would do, but the really deviating ones (like lava or fungus people that need different ways of city building) were hidden behind DLCs I do not have. Two games were enough for me, but I may come back in the future. 7/10
Need for Speed: Payback (PS4) – finished story. Being a PSN+ freebie, I got a bit excited over the silly F&F story that I felt like seeing with my own eyes. And the game delivered on that - but not much more. My last true NfS was Hot Pursuit (2010) (and my NfS favorites: Shift 1+2), so it had been a while. But I realize that I do not need that speed anymore. While the game was ultimately enjoyable, especially cruising around, finding stuff and customizing the cars, I especially disliked the offroad races with their weird rubber band perfect traction AI which was really frustrating. The driving in general revolved too much around drifting everything, but I guess that’s full arcade racers for you. And the automatic car reset was a bit too eager at times. 5,5/10
Rise of the Tomb Raider (PS4) – finished story and Croft manor side story. Also a PSN+ freebie. I have played the first game and was quite entertained by it. As I played Uncharted not too long ago, I was able to compare those two games a bit and while Uncharted looks undoubtedly better (and I prefer non-supernatural stuff in this kind of game), I think that Tomb Raider is the better game overall. This might be due to the usage of a skill and weapon customization system, which made exploring places and looking for XP, resources and parts fun. I also think that limiting the game’s world to one location (outside the prologue) helped immersion a lot. The game has quite a bit of a different feeling than the first TR, but mostly due to Lara being kickass from the start instead of allegedly being a frail grad student that 20 hours later massacres armies of armed and trained mercenaries. I liked it quite a lot of the backstory with her dad and caretaker were quite interesting as well. 8/10
Not done / on and off:
League of Legends – almost exclusively ARAM, sometimes bot games for trying out stuff. Not much to say to this, it’s a notorious, but ultimately good MOBA. The new items overhaul was a bit of a big change, but now I am getting the hang of it, I think. Some of the new champions of this year are fun to play, like Samira, Lilia and Seraphine. One of my friends quit the game for good, I think, so only one other is left, and it’s the go-to game if it’s just the two of us. Sometimes I play by myself, but I try to play more single player games then.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch) – some 70 hours to built my house, the island is my partner’s. This is my first Animal Crossing and after hesitating at the beginning, I did enjoy it quite a lot. It’s very relaxing, you can work towards small goals, but without any stress. Interactions with other villagers will become repetitive, but at the beginning it feels very sweet. It’s also nice that Nintendo supports the game with free updates every month. 8/10
Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution! (Switch) – played through story mode until midway ARC-V. I have my YGO phases every now and then where I watch a show and play a corresponding game at the same time. The Switch game is pretty nice as it lets me play through all TV shows’ stories, lets me play with most characters’ decks, has reverse duels for every story battle, but I also can always use my own decks which is sometimes very necessary as some matches are VERY one-sided. There are also challenge battles against very good decks which are as difficult as I imagine actual competitive dueling. Two things I don’t like about this particular YGO game: No free battle vs. CPU and only 30 custom deck save slots. The Tag Force games were still ahead in that regard. Still, it’s a solid entry that can provide hundreds of hours of entertainment for YGO enthusiasts and is a great travel companion. 8/10
Undertale – I just can’t get into it, sorry. This is my second attempt and I got a lot further than last time (about one third in). But something just doesn’t click with me. Maybe the humor feels forced, maybe the retro graphics do, or maybe I get too hype-talked by people. I don’t know.
Super Seducer – almost done with the first one. We mostly play it together or with other people, to have a good time. I got this from Dunkey, but I have to say the first one isn’t even that funny. A lot of the explanation in how to approach women are cringy at best and predatory at worst. I guess it does teach how to behave better for some very inexperienced guys, but in general it shouldn’t be used as a guideline in how to get girls to talk to you.
Katamari Damacy REROLL – almost done. It’s a fun game for a silly afternoon. The controls are garbage, but it doesn’t matter too much. The humour is great and rolling up increasingly bigger things is weirdly satisfying.
Borderlands 2 – Playing with friends every now and then. It’s still fun and I haven’t explored all characters yet (although leave me alone with Krieg), so there’s still more to get out of it.
Jackbox 1-7 – I was a huge fan of the early YDKJ games 20 years ago, so I’m happy they are still around and have adapted new technologies to further their game concepts. The Jackbox games have become staples in many parties and were a major driver during corona to get people together online around the globe to play a few rounds of whatever minigame we wanted to enjoy. Some games are not good, of course, but the ever-growing library of minigames always manages to add refreshing new titles to the list. My favorites are Quiplash, T-K.O. and Champ’d. 10/10
Risk of Rain 2 – unlocked all characters, had a couple of runs with friends and by myself. I have to say I might not like the game too much. The characters are interesting and the upgrade system is addictive, but losing progress without much being gained from a run (except lunar coins and unlocked characters/skills) feels like making no progress at all, in a way. It’s fun to play with friends and you can somewhat relax and chat while jumping and shooting around. 6/10
Beat Saber – half of campaign mode, but mostly custom songs. I LOVE Beat Saber. It’s the reason I got a VR system this year (a used 2017 Vive, but I don’t need more for that) and I had a lot of fun (and exercise!) with it. It’s sad when your wanted songs have not been mapped or mapped really bad, but the existing database is really big and a lot of fun to go through. There are a lot of gameplay additions (like one-handed, 90° and 360° modes), but the standard mode is still the best (or most-supported). The latter half of the campaign is dumb as hell, tho - hitting a specific amount of combos within a very small threshold in both min and max is such a dumb thing. Mods make the game a whole lot better and some stuff should really be in the base game. 9/10
Audica – played through campaign mode and some custom songs. Not as good as Beat Saber, but it’s still very enjoyable. It’s hits the same spot, but with a twist. Mod support is not a big here, but still there. 8/10
Cities: Skylines + most DLCs – still working on my first city after 40 hours. Depicted as the penultimate city builder, I had to get into this at some point. I have to admit, it’s pretty good. As good as imagined? Maybe, maybe not. The base formula is not that complicated, but the DLCs add a whole lot of flavor to it. I can definitely recommend it, but I still have a lot of time ahead with it.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Switch) – I started and had a lot of fun with it, but stopped after roughly 5-10 hours as my partner was taking over the Switch with BotW (she played Witcher 3 before, so I was able to player with the Switch in the meantime) and switching cartridges all the time is a pain in the ass. Will continue soon and am very excited to do so.

Summary: 2020 was probably the most intense gaming year for me so far, mostly thanks to Corona. My top three are probably BATTLETECH, BotW and Yakuza 0, with some honorable mentions to Beat Saber, MH:W and Jackbox. My gaming year 2021 is going to look similarily awesome and I already planned to play so many very high-profile games: Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Paper Mario: The Origame King, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Starpoint Gemini Warlords (almost finished this one already), Darksiders 2, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Gran Turismo Sport, Persona 5 Royal, Final Fantasy VII Remake, Borderlands 3, GTA V.
submitted by Nacroma to patientgamers [link] [comments]

Xbox Store UK Deals with Gold & Spotlight Sales 09/02/01 - Bioshock Collection £7.99 Hitman 2 Gold Ed. £11.99 The Sinking City £12.49 + More

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Microsoft (Microsoft Store)
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Xbox One Bundles & Special Editions
Xbox One DLC
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Windows 10 Bundles & Special Editions
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This deal can be found at hotukdeals via this link: https://ift.tt/2YVQlzh
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Xbox Deals with Gold & Lunar New Year Sale - Region by region comparison - Including Brazil Gift Card VPN method

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Xbox.com Store
Price based on currency conversion as of 10/02/21.
For purchases using fee free credit / debit cards:
You are largely limited to the Hungary, Norway and Czech stores - the following list identifies which store is most cost effective per game and also notes where you are better off sticking with the UK store.
For purchases using gift card method e.g. Brazil
Xbox gift cards may be purchased from a number of online retailers including CDKeys, Eneba, MTC, Seagm and G2A.
**NOTE - Argentina and Turkey remain difficult region stores to purchase from, therefore prices for these countries are not included.
Instructions for redeeming codes:**
1) Via PC download a VPN client suitable for use with preferred region
2) Go to xbox.com& login into your account
3) Now go to redeem.microsoft.com/ent…1.0
4) Enter your code/s and confirm
5) Proceed to purchase game in the usual way.
NOTE: Codes may also be redeemed and purchases made via the Xbox iOS app without the use of a VPN, simply by changing location (providing you have not updated to latest version of the app).
To compare cost vs UK store please see the UK Deals with Gold post for this week:
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DM Shuts me down everytime I attempt to do anything not damage related, turns my second character into a serial killer, kills dozens of innocent because the horse couldn't talk 200 feet in the air and makes me irrelevant to my own backstory. LONG like OH GOD LONG

Yup its a ride this one road call. me as me, dm is DM, dead is many things "this will make sense later trust me" and his friend Fred, lastly robot as the artificer. now by all means everyone in this story are good people just a bit odd at times I really just need to vent so please don't get angry at anyone on my behalf. also this is LOOOONG and I skipped as much that wasn't important that I could This part one is not as wild as part two but stick with me here as I will label when part two happens down below. The real good stuff is in part 2.
granted They're not a bad person just lives on wacky woo hoo land logic and doesn't like when people don't think like them. I wanted to get into a new DND campaign after getting burned by the last one and found a listing for a DND 5e game that used tabletop sim, rules were stuff like no wall flowers and evil doesn't work out. Join in and make an Illusion wizard with a carnival misfit themed backstory, I learn when I join the game me and one other person who I will call dead. "this will make sense later trust me" that we are going into some kind of construct factory, we roleplay a little and happen on the rest of the party mid combat and so combat starts. Dead a barb attacks an armor stand on his turn, because his character has low int. I learn that constructs aren't effected by illusions "because they only follow their last objective so they would ignore them" so I do... not much. Floor falls under our feet and a standard boss fight happens with "blaster master" OG Kobold NPC kills the boss. after this we actively tried to get the kobold to kill the big bads because every party needs a mascot. Despite feeling a bit useless, I was still having fun at this point and nothing too note worthy happens.
at this point Robot who was most of the PCs still in the party "yes the DM couldn't think of a way to get rid of this guy's old Player characters I guess?" and we have a really great RP moment and is a sweet heart. despite the fact 5 of his clones were following him and his actual character was abrasive.
since some of the player characters were leaving the DM had to think of ways to get rid of the PCs without halting the story, what he thought up was that they mysteriously vanished with an arcane rune on the floor of their room, the entire party bit the "plot hook" and had based kobold use their magic to cast gate allowing us to travel where they went. *task failed successfully* From here on out this was all unintended somehow. Its a standard dungeon though I was bumed out that I couldn't do something non combat and of course this place was just constructs and elementals too but the DM would tell me how "useful I was" afterwards like how I used that one illusion spell that could deal damage and made it look like a water elemental scaring the fire elemental. except it just moved away from it into a room that had someone else in it and only took 6 damage from this spell once, useful.
We see our missing friends "who were all passed characters of robot yes this is confusing" one of which fighting in some kind of trance surrounded by armored figures who move mechanically with only the order to kill them. them being badly hurt and surrounded I used my final ace in the sleeve "if the reason why constructs don't get fooled is because they carry out their last order until the end, then I'll just use that against them" I use seeming to make every Construct in there look like the person they were ordered to kill. they ignore each other completely because they don't change targets until the target is dead so I fail to save them and the combat ends in two rounds because these things are made of glass. we somehow save everyone with a lucky pray roll and now stuck in wherever the hell this was. weighing our options we look through all the teleport scrolls looking for the safest place to teleport to via rune on the floor that Based kobold helped draw and picked, accidentally, the underdark.
First encounter are creatures with blindsight so Illusions don't work here ether but before I learned this I used major Illusion to summon a dragon to roar hoping to scare them away. also I'm not allowed to stand inside my Illusions even if its bigger then me because the rules say it would appear feint or something. doesn't work, DM claim it did because they were "running away" despite trying to kill us first so they could run away with their food too because of course.
The sound summons and actual fucking dragon because I guess the message just wasn't clear yet. Dead runs into the dragons mouth and dies. the rest of us try to pretend he was an offering to begin with. (Dead has died 1x time) dead comes back as a druid yay and we have a TWO HOUR LONG argument on how to cross a river "yes in the underdark" before finally moving the heck along and Robot gets the dawnbreaker from a goblin that was supposed to be some kind of April fools joke? but all he did was fight us and rhyme once, I think he was supposed to be annoying but he just died as soon as he came and we didn't even want to fight the guy. rip random goblin. after bumbling about in the underdark we somehow bumped into a lich mindflayer because... he happened to be going on a walk I guess and Robot uses his Christmas wish spell... what? This whole time he had some unspent wish spell from months ago and yet decided NOW was a good time to use that? We all get sent back to the bar and everyone is happy. At this point I noticed some quirks of our DM here, he liked to start arguments and I don't know how to explain his behavior. Some times he would say stuff like "that not how your character would think!" but thankfully most of that stuff was outside of game and wouldn't yank control away from me or something. Like I had to spend 30 minutes because he asked me if I ever thought about running a yakuza game "I'm a fan of the games and it was known" where after telling him no, he would harass me saying how I was acting "contradictory" and wouldn't leave me alone trying to point out flaws in my reasoning as to why I didn't want to run a game in that setting. It was exhausting to talk to him outside of game and it was having an effect on the game as I was worried his weird logic would worm its way into the game. It did, oh boy did it.
we decided it was time to build an airship because we REALLY couldn't make up our minds, and to do so we just had to capture a storm Genie in an engine. everyone does their thing and Genie has true sight so I do nothing and die because using magic missile on someone the same turn they get downed DOES kill them, huh. accident by the way. I don't accept the res and DM gives me an out of this miserable character.
This wasn't even the TRUE horror story, oh no, its the second character where it goes full stupid. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Part 2 Now I really over thought this next character, I wanted a blood borne type thing where a group of people want to do good but the final result is almost always becoming a monster. I would be a hexblade where my curse would be that I was slowly turning into the demon stored within my weapon as he tries to find closure for his family who had to be offed because of their involvement with a cult and wants to know if this slaughter was justified, if not then who to find to bring his family peace. I spent a long time trying to make this elaborate "and in hindsight not great" character work and when I showed it to the dm. "no your organization are just sorcerers who don't have any special weapons, also you're a warlock you need a pact" And his solution is that I had to kill a random person every two weeks and because I had basically watched all my work get trashed I agreed since I wouldn't have a character if I didn't. So now I'm sam the serial killer with no redeemable qualities and kills people for no reason. at lest I had a mystery to solve I guess.
Dead had attuned to a cursed item turning him into a goblin after which he couldn't let go of it, being the reasonable people we were be beat the crap out of him until he dropped it. hey as far as we knew we was going to run off and like kill someone... we could've have handled that better. some time later another old PC turn NPC "there's more!?" stole some stuff from us and dead somehow both chased after them and caused the entire guard to want to arrest him, I tried to reason with the guard pursuing him and I got arrested on the spot for being in the way. Some how guard gets the idea that we owned him as a slave despite telling him again and again we meant "owned" as employed as we were trying to deescalate the situation and so was going to arrest us too because slaves are illegal. I kill him and chop his body to pieces to dispose of the evidence, everyone was fine with this. Also casting spells is always shouting so you can't use spells in stealth. RIP arcane trickster and half my characters purpose as an infiltrator. dead runs away after being mistreated by us and dies off screen. (dead has died 2x times)
We had a wizard join around this time but they left after 2 sessions and you'll see why. Dead rolls a ranger just before we decide to escort a caravan hoping to start a new settlement which is a big thing apparently. so off we go and we get offered to take a "day of hell" for a free level up, we agree and get locked into countless combats for a few sessions, at lest this time I'm a hexblade. The first ambush I'm at the back of the caravan and because I rolled a 1 on perception with no bonus, I somehow fell in the big hole every cart in front of me had to go ovearound and get turned to stone instantly, yes, there was a basilisk in there. so I spent the rest of the session actually doing FA because my character was a statue. this was the first proper combat I got to be in with sam. The DM got upset that with the 6 other basilisks attacking them and the carts, they didn't Jump at the chance to find me which BY THE WAY the hole I fell in also collapse so it was impossible to even know where I was. wizard dips from the game.
I somehow survive that and the rest was a normal gauntlet where I actually got to do something for once and picked up fred along the way. Also a mech came through a portal in space to declare that my sins needed to be punished. it dies and is never brought up again. We got our level and a Past PC who was played by robot "at this point I'm expecting it" warned us about evil flying creatures that were attacking people, we thank him for the warning and set up camp where a flying horse creature lands in front of me while I'm on watch and CLIFHANGER session ends.
So next session I remember the monks words and strike first rolling a crit banishing smite and its still alive and not banished, it fights back "remember this" and after taking some major damage flies 200 feet over a black cube a player ironically casted to protect us "don't remember the spell" now this creature is far outside any of our abilities to harm it, REMEMBER THIS. It begins killing everyone inside it turning our caravan into ice and after struggling it manages to banish me and lays down calmly and begins to speak.... what? turns out dis horse is a messenger of god ahem yes who can talk yup yup and was unable to deescalate the situation and acted only in self defense and only with me ether dying or being banished would it have time to explain it was friendly. this whole time it could talk, not once did it try to talk, telepathically all languages ok ok all that was self defense. FUCKING WHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAT WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST SAY SOMETHING, WHY DID YOU LAND INFRONT OF ME SILENTALLY, WHY DID YOU NUKE COUNTLESS PEOPLE FROM A SAVE DISTANCE WHERE YOU HAD 3 TURNS OF BEHING UNHARMED TO EXPLAIN.
after more "Totally friendly" encounters A giant whos dogs were attacking everything that moved but was friendly so we should feel bad. A MINDFLAYER who we broke down the door to their lab by accident by the side of the road who because we attacked the brain creatures who already were attacking us, acted in self defense. Before this the DM told me this whole thing was made for me, as a way for the party to gain trust of me despite my baggage. He made me kill one of the surviving caravan hands because of my pact instead of fighting the mindflayer. very cool DM. And you frickin bet we made that horse res all those caravan people after the stunt that thing pulled. dead runs in cave in the back of the mindflayers lab alone and gets tortured by little cave people (dead has died 3x?) Dead rolls lawful stupid paladin and I mean it, his old character somehow survives and runs back as a new past pc npc "Why" At this point no one trust me and I'm now number one suspect for everything bad that happens but hey, the kobold gifted me a defender sword and a dildo. That's not a joke I now had a black dildo that Jizzed. Paladin finds a deck of many things in a bush, cool and we all draw and I get star a really good one but of course it didn't count because I had to draw from this deck while it was INSIDE the box that came with it ahhhhh silly me.
At this point a sudden magically snow storm hits us and we are forced to scramble for a way to keep warm, I have nothing for this situation so I don't really get to do anything, so everyone is freezing and I pass every save while people start dropping and while working on keeping us warm we found the source er somehow, think our cleric fred found something through a spell and one of our people was actually a devil from my background. DM decided the first draft was cannon without telling me so this came out of nowhere. I banish it and it willingly lets me and now the party is mega sus of me and distrust me more then ever, what the hell happened to "this was made to make your party trust you" and after being bluntly told by the one person who thought to ask "I don't care as long as it doesn't effect me" we pretty much dropped all intentions of investigating this further and once the job was done we headed back to town.
The only thing I got to do on this quest was hit things, made for me huh? Oh I almost forgot I learned I can consume magic items to make my sword powerful and was told I could use it on the lamp that gave everyone near it super cancer to absorb it power, it destroyed my defender and replaced it with a normal sword that hurt everyone near me with exhaustion, I later had to beg the paladin to let me eat the deck of many things because F*ck it might as well. "no bonuses to damage by the way"
Paladin dead at this point finds every chance they could get to be a dick, threaten to kill other players, chase me around the city, pretty much anything to do with me in or outside the game he would try to just ruin my day. I learned to shrug it off because at this point it was the running joke that I'm the "suspicious one" so it can't get worse.
Finally we get some down time, we explore our new ship kinda deal with some ocean threat, though we kinda just lost interest after the friendly blue dragon under the city, the fact this is a foot note is a problem but it could be worse and yes "that kind" of friendly. While in town I see the logo of my organization on a souvenir shop "...probably some cover op going on shouldn't draw attention to it" DM gets upset that I didn't want to go into my groups souvenir shop, I'm sorry what? this isn't some cover or joke this is real!? I don't even have to tell you how insane an organization that makes Weapons out of the bones of devils having this is absurd "how else would they earn money" this.... this was the only way the DM thought my people could make money, a zealot like organization that hunted demons with their own power in secret. which was apparently being corrupted by someone who served ASMO FUCKIN DEUS HIMSELF another tidbit that was actually given to Robot by the horse, Robot didn't care and nether did I since it came up once and never again.
Me and now rouge fred looked inside the store "we left dead the paladin behind" because the rouge wanted a new weapon, store keeper pretty much held no secret but because he didn't show any of the class giving weapons it was fine???? and legal????? I waited for rouge to leave and I decide to question them because at this point I've been left completely in the dark about my backstory, I had no idea what my backstory was anymore. as proof to who I was i decide to summon my weapon, now I will admit I forgot it looked like a sword made of cards now and NOT a bone sword, the store clerk immediately assumed I was going to rob him, despite trying to explain that it was one of our own weapons he wouldn't stop panicking and flashed a mirror at me that casted a spell to forget this stores existence and never ask anything about it.
to my surprise despite being vocal about how much I hated playing sam at this point everyone decided to do my back story, why not maybe I'll also learn why I exist too. And to wrap things up it went like this. Paladin forced me into showing where my peoples base was "which I suddenly knew too without ever being told" and me and him alone walked in and it went as well as you'd think it would, also keep in mind I only wanted to make a report.
Captain of.... these people was a meat headed moron who had no idea who I was or any of the people working for him, I told him about my peers because I had no choice and of course paladin dead got outed and he told the truth about being the paladin because he never lies! I leave him behind and after getting every idea I sent to the DM between sessions "like rigging a duel with the meat head to eliminate him" because "you need the entire party don't do things alone" after asking why couldn't I just go report in and actually learn something "because you need the entire party, you'll die" In my own base??????? ok whatever. So I gather everyone I could and charge in because anything else wouldn't work. everyone is missing, ok? and we go get the paladin "He's a traitor" he begins trying to turn the party against me after coming back to save him, it kinda works now every pc hates me. V e r y c o o l d m and friends. Its a normal dungeon but without any encounters and just a few traps one of which robot falls into and I save him, I get punched by both paladin dead and robot for this. A tear off doors to make a bridge and that's the last useful thing I do as everything else is being led by people who were built for dungeon exploring, I wasn't.
and so we finally meet, with the demon thing that has been turning my people evil I guess. "also dm tries to make me emotionally invested in this group by showing my flash backs of people who worked here and that I knew supposedly." And Sam is torn between losing his power and fighting his friends as the demon thing attacks my friends because.... because. after two turns of doing nothing and the devil giving me an ultimatum of fight or die I gave a speech about how I don't need this power and I'd rather take theirs for my own rather then follow someone's else path, the DM tells me that I can feel my sword's power which was being used by the devil and I could reach out and grab it so I do. "roll vs will save" I fail, I spend my entire turn failing to get my sword back. wait did he say vs? he expects me to roll a higher wis save then a CR 20 creature? I try again next round, I fail again. the sword breaks because the devil got really hurt, spend the rest of combat and dungeon doing nothing because I have no powers anymore. game falls apart as dead tries to force me to open a chest but gives up and gets power word killed by a random chest in the boss room. (dead dies 99999x) Everyone related to my backstory is already dead and I have no leads on my family as no one cares about me or knows who I even am here. watch everyone else go through my dungeon without me. TLDR: I get shafted, literally get a shaft that jizzes, and get shafted some more.
Now maybe not the most bombastic thing ever and I certainly skipped a lot as it was long as is, but I needed to vent. Not sure this is video worthy but hey someone prolly got a kick outta it. Its been 2 hours of writing this so If I made some spelling mistakes I'm sorry and please respect anyone you might think you know as this is more of a confession of some things I went through and leaving behind. Though DM had some serious issues, he started putting labels on me and held this strange wrapped personality of me that he used to patronize me at every turn. he had the gull to tell people I "didn't like bad things happening to them and only wanted to win" I like being able to play the game and treated like a human being, you wouldn't give me ether so I quit.
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yakuza 0 game pass cross save video

Yakuza 0 was played on PC with review code provided by the publisher. Yakuza 0 ... Is there’s cross-save? This is confusing. Xander. February 29, 2020 at 8:55 PM. I don’t think so. Xbox Game Pass for PC and Xbox Game Pass are two different subscriptions. Someone correct me if I’m wrong. The first one is in beta and is only $4.99 a month ... Yakuza 0 on Xbox game pass for PC won't load. Discus and support Yakuza 0 on Xbox game pass for PC won't load in XBoX on Windows to solve the problem; I've got Yakuza 0 on the Xbox Game Pass for PC. The game loads up fine (past the SEGA logo, intro movie and pressing space to continue) but then its... Xbox Game Pass January 2021 Games: Yakuza 3, 4 Xbox Recreation Go will add 9 new video games in the remainder of January, Microsoft has introduced, th Monday, February 8 2021 Breaking News Yakuza 0 is the third-person action game that was previously a PlayStation exclusive. All three titles are now available through Xbox Game Pass. Today, three highly anticipated games launched on ... Is Yakuza 0 cross-save between Xbox and PC? Title says is all. I've made it pretty far into Yakuza 0 on my Xbox and realized today it was on PC Game Pass as well. I'd like to play on my Surface Pro 4. ... It's like a book club, but for Xbox's Game Pass! Once a month 5 games will be put up for voting by YOU the community! Based on your votes the ... ↑ 1.0 1.1 File/folder structure within this directory reflects the path(s) listed for Windows and/or Steam game data (use Wine regedit to access Windows registry paths). Games with Steam Cloud support may store data in ~/.steam/steam/userdata/ <user-id> / 638970 / in addition to or instead of this directory. How is this the #1 xbox one game board with just one active topic? To hazard a guess, the majority of Xbox users are Game Pass subscribers, and Yakuza 0 is a very exciting new addition to Game Pass that many subscribers are playing and enjoying. Thats just guess work on my part, but it seems to make sense. I just spent like 50 hours doing side missions on yakuza 0. boosting my stats for the main missions. My plan was to beef up my character and continue the game in my home theater. I booted up my OneX only to find out that the save files dont cross over :(. this is not a rant. I understand its in beta and that the developer has to enable this option. We’re happy to announce that SEGA / Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio’s Yakuza series is headed to Xbox One and Yakuza 0, Yakuza Kiwami, and Yakuza Kiwami 2 (the first three titles in the series, chronologically) will be available on the Microsoft Store and with Xbox Game Pass for Console and Xbox Game Pass for PC (Beta) in early 2020!. This series began in Japan nearly 14 years ago, and it’s slowly ... Yakuza 0. The unbridled decadence of the 80s is back in Yakuza 0. Play as Kazuma Kiryu and discover how he finds himself in a world of trouble when a simple debt collection goes wrong. Then, step into the silver-toed shoes of Goro Majima and explore his “normal” life as the proprietor of a cabaret club.

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